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About the generalization thing I didn't mean it about the bodies, I meant the throwing a tantrum part :)


As for the type 1, I meant that some comments on the forums just say it's outright unattractive. Of course there's nothing wrong with them thinking type x is better than type y, but going out and saying "lolol type 1 is an anorexic barbie doll"... well you get the point. I just have a hard time believing that they believe that type 1 is unattractive, not that some other type is more attractive than type 1.


I honest to god don't find type 1 attractive. It looks emaciated to me. It looks unhealthy.

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Type 4 is overweight. It has nothing to do with whether she's attractive or not. Personally, I love that my Jedi Guardian has a huge booty ;)


By whose standards is that type 4 body overweight? Honestly, looking at her she is probably more muscle than actual fat. This is what boggles me. A lot of women I know who work out diligently at the gym and are very active have bodies like this. They've had children. They are healthy. Yeah, their behind may be a bit wider and hips curvier...but to call someone like that overweight is just...no. xD


IMO overweight is the type 4 male character in the game. But in no way is the type 4 female fat. *shrug* Just my opinion.

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LMAO at the extreme amount of misinformation out there.


No, I assure you I am NOT trolling. Type 4 figure is most definitely NOT fat. She is athletic and shapely with actual curves xD. She has a FLAT STOMACH. The fact that you see her as FAT is proof that the media and popular culture have thoroughly done their job in indoctrinating you that unless you look like a super model with her ribs showing you are fat. Body type 1 and 2 is also normal as well, but to say that body type 4 is FAT is a bit extreme.


Meh, I can only speak from what I see day to day. Maybe it's different in America, but 95% of the people I see are easily body types 1-2, making them the average.

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By whose standards is that type 4 body overweight? Honestly, looking at her she is probably more muscle than actual fat. This is what boggles me. A lot of women I know who work out diligently at the gym and are very active have bodies like this. They've had children. They are healthy. Yeah, their behind may be a bit wider and hips curvier...but to call someone like that overweight is just...no. xD


IMO overweight is the type 4 male character in the game. But in no way is the type 4 female fat. *shrug* Just my opinion.


No. No.. that is NOT muscle by any stretch. Jesus god NO. I have sex with female muscle regularly.. this post offends me.

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I have an idea... if you are a lady gamer, fit body dimensions 1-2 because you work out and are active (I don't care about your bust size) feel free to friend me and I'll be more than happy to chat with you (in game or outside of it) and explain to you why it is that you are absolutely perfect just the way you are and there is no reason why you should feel inferior to the bustiness of these characters.


That particular area is vastly over-rated to what other fine qualities and physical marvels (don't let your mind go too far in the gutter here folks, I'm talking purely aesthetic/what can be seen with clothes on) a lady has going for her... including the willing to game part (and still be active/fit).




Re-sizing an adult model to a child is an innocent oversight and when you spend hours upon hours looking through graphics and code, its easy to get dull and let something slip through. Hence why there are bugs. Anyone whose programmed past a few hundred lines of code, or done any sort of in-depth development (be it engineering, physics, mathematics, hell even a literary paper) understands mistakes happen and are missed no many how many proofreads, compiles, second-hand views, etc. occur.

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I know, I know, girls don't play video games. And if we do, we should shut up and keep our opinions to ourselves. Well, tough cookies.


The body shape for women characters in the gaming world is getting a bit ridiculous. Most of the female NPCs in this game would surely fall over and hurt themselves if they were real people. Yeah, yeah, let's hear all you guys tell me I am being too "sensitive". I don't see any male NPCs with enormous bulges in their Jedi pants.


Putting these protuberances on a little girl character is just going too far though. Why would Renata Agareth be portrayed as curvy and buxom? Try to remember that there are real world women playing this game,and every other game on the market. Stop making us look ridiculous, please. Thanks.


I have been noticing bulges very very often, I have made mention of it, they might not be HUGE but they are obvious and annoying to me. Also everyone's tight butts. Honestly that bugs me more , in cut scenes a good portion of the time I am looking at someones butt. There is no reason that angle has to be used.


And I am female. And I really have not noticed the *****.

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I have been noticing bulges very very often, I have made mention of it, they might not be HUGE but they are obvious and annoying to me. Also everyone's tight butts. Honestly that bugs me more , in cut scenes a good portion of the time I am looking at someones butt. There is no reason that angle has to be used.


And I am female. And I really have not noticed the *****.


Hmm, there are so many things that starred out word could be....

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I know, I know, girls don't play video games. And if we do, we should shut up and keep our opinions to ourselves. Well, tough cookies.


The body shape for women characters in the gaming world is getting a bit ridiculous. Most of the female NPCs in this game would surely fall over and hurt themselves if they were real people. Yeah, yeah, let's hear all you guys tell me I am being too "sensitive". I don't see any male NPCs with enormous bulges in their Jedi pants.


Putting these protuberances on a little girl character is just going too far though. Why would Renata Agareth be portrayed as curvy and buxom? Try to remember that there are real world women playing this game,and every other game on the market. Stop making us look ridiculous, please. Thanks.


Oh plz.....


Yes we all know most women don't have large chests. Just take a look at the over weight American population... oh wait.... even the American male sports a large chest now.


Never mind. :)

Edited by Daeborn
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Well it helps them handle the gratuitous physical abuse many get at the hands of players, I bet some abusers had fun scripting those encounters.


I do have to agree with the obvious girl models, pedophile dreams they are, they are wholly wrong in this game. Its creepy

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I think this is a silly thread.


...But please, when trying to present threads like these don't do it like you're throwing a tantrum. Guys already like to generalize too much (some of them are rightfully so, but others are really unfounded).


Women can be outspoken too without it being perceived as a tantrum. As a female gamer, I can look past the eye candy stuff and the comments in chat....but when I see a little girl with a curvy body and large breasts, I feel it's time to say something about it.

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To me the issue with these character models (male and female) doesn't have anything to do with gender stereo types. The issue for me is that because there is so much similarity in body types, especially females, it takes away from the hero fantasy aspect of the game.


Like it has been mentioned in this thread people will play their idealized avatar. This makes sense to me. The heroes and heroins in media are almost always portrayed as a physical ideal of their gender.


The problem is if every one in the star wars universe fits this criteria then it takes away from the fantasy. If everyone, npc in particular, conform to this ideal then what makes the 'heroes' stand out? Everyone just ends up looking like everyone else. It just takes away from the immersion. Instead of a universe full of diverse beings of all shapes, where the beautiful people are the minority and heroes stand out you get a world of clones.

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Women can be outspoken too without it being perceived as a tantrum. As a female gamer, I can look past the eye candy stuff and the comments in chat....but when I see a little girl with a curvy body and large breasts, I feel it's time to say something about it.


I agree with you except for the part where you're not reporting people for what they say in chat. MMO communities would be a lot better if people didn't let others just get away with anything.

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By whose standards is that type 4 body overweight? Honestly, looking at her she is probably more muscle than actual fat. This is what boggles me. A lot of women I know who work out diligently at the gym and are very active have bodies like this. They've had children. They are healthy. Yeah, their behind may be a bit wider and hips curvier...but to call someone like that overweight is just...no. xD


IMO overweight is the type 4 male character in the game. But in no way is the type 4 female fat. *shrug* Just my opinion.


She is overweight by the standards of the BMI chart used by actual doctors. You can cry foul all you want, but the type 4 female body is overweight.


You can claim that the "average woman" is that size, but all that says is that the average woman is overweight. And as I said, this has nothing to do with whether she's attractive or not.

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Women can be outspoken too without it being perceived as a tantrum. As a female gamer, I can look past the eye candy stuff and the comments in chat....but when I see a little girl with a curvy body and large breasts, I feel it's time to say something about it.


You omitted the part of the quote where I wholly agreed with the children criticism :)


And why do you feel you have to look past the eye candy stuff... Don't take games too seriously. Yes of course you can have serious fun but we get a lot of eye candy with the males as well. In fact I believe the level of eye candy for men and women in the game are equal.


What sort of comments in chat are you talking about btw? Now you're moving onto a much different topic though by mentioning that.

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I agree with you except for the part where you're not reporting people for what they say in chat. MMO communities would be a lot better if people didn't let others just get away with anything.


I hear what you're saying...I suppose it's conditioning from being in the gaming community so long. I ignore a lot of what's going on in the chat window.

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Women can be outspoken too without it being perceived as a tantrum. As a female gamer, I can look past the eye candy stuff and the comments in chat....but when I see a little girl with a curvy body and large breasts, I feel it's time to say something about it.


No offense, but are you insulted because you don't look like them?

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You omitted the part of the quote where I wholly agreed with the children criticism :)


And why do you feel you have to look past the eye candy stuff... Don't take games too seriously. Yes of course you can have serious fun but we get a lot of eye candy with the males as well. In fact I believe the level of eye candy for men and women in the game are equal.


What sort of comments in chat are you talking about btw? Now you're moving onto a much different topic though by mentioning that.


No, I'm not ignoring the parts in which you agreed...just saying I anticipated many of the types of comments I've seen here ("sex sells" "get over it" "feminazi" blah blah blah) and have a tendency to speak my mind in an outright way. Doesn't make it a tantrum.


I don't take games too seriously...which is why I can ignore the eye candy stuff. At least this game doesn't have the type of costuming a lot of other games have which make female heroes look like prostitutes :p


That being said, I enjoy gaming and have done it for years, on several different MMOs. I was hoping Star Wars would be represented with some taste and class and not bow down to what others here have described as "modern society" in which women can be heroes, as long as they are well-endowed and wear as little clothing as possible. For the most part, I think they have been successful at that. In some ways, not so successful.


As for comments, I think we've all seen some of the less than classy comments made by some in the gaming community. Some on this thread have mentioned them...which is why I did as well.

Edited by CatOh
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No, I'm not ignoring the parts in which you agreed...just saying I anticipated many of the types of comments I've seen here ("sex sells" "get over it" "feminazi" blah blah blah) and have a tendency to speak my mind in an outright way. Doesn't make it a tantrum.


I don't take games too seriously...which is why I can ignore the eye candy stuff. At least this game doesn't have the type of costuming a lot of other games have which make female heroes look like prostitutes :p


That being said, I enjoy gaming and have done it for years, on several different MMOs. I was hoping Star Wars would be represented with some taste and class and not bow down to what others here have described as "modern society" in which women can be heroes, as long as they are well-endowed and wear as little clothing as possible. For the most part, I think they have been successful at that. In some ways, not so successful.


As for comments, I think we've all seen some of the less than classy comments made by some in the gaming community. Some on this thread have mentioned them...which is why I did as well.


Women on games are heroes because they are physically and mentally strong. Beauty is just a side dish.

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