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Genuine question - how on earth are you level 50?


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I had 7 days played when I hit 50. Lots of late nights and groggy mornings at work. One entire weekend of SWTOR. Didn't skip dialogs, eventaully started skipping heroic quests when I got to Tattooine because it was hard to find a group. Did enough PVP to skip Belsavis entirely except for my class quest.
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A lot of people hit 50 in 3 days due to the Warzone exploit. i.e The Warzone would finish early through lack of players, but the people in it got full XP rewards & credits.


Lots of Millionaires running around a week into eaerly access.

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Lets assume during your vacation you spent an average of 10 hrs a day on Swtor. with 8 days, that's about 80 hours.


A casual player who hasn't taken any vacation time may get an average of 2 hrs a day (if that), and few extra hours on weekends. Lets assume 2hrs a day, 5 days a week and 10hrs on weekend (both days). That's 20 hrs a week on the game.


With that consideration, it's not unreasonable that a casual person can take at least 4 weeks to get to 50.


These are just reasonable guesstimates as an example.


No sorry during the 2 vacations i spent ZERO hours at SWTOR i was drinking with you know... friends.

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1 word - addiction


because its that good


too much time on thier hands and not enough showering is my guess......


Option 1: They spacebared every convo, because they wanted to be first.


Option 2: They spacebared every convo, because they were in beta and have already done everything.


Option 3: They played 24/7 and turned into zombies.


I'm baffled by how many people want to hate on 50's in this game.


I'm in a guild full of 50's. I myself am 40, and haven't even played in the last 3 days, and when I do play it's only for about 1-2 hours at a time. I've done every bonus series for each planet, have painstakingly watched every choice I make because Kotor taught me to be paranoid about my choices (and I'm trying to be absorbed by the story) and have only done about 4 warzones. I've also made a boat load of money on the GTN (which I'm not sure was worth it, because of how painful it is to use), maxed 2 professions (with the 3rd well on its way), and even done the ole' lap Fleet for half-an-hour while talking on Vent.


Leveling isn't hard, it doesn't take that much time, and it requires no commitment.

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Oh be quiet. If you really rush you can hit level 50 in 3/4 days. If you take your time it will take you about 2 weeks. Christ almighty, grow up.


Leveling up in this game is incredibly easy. PvP gives you loads of exp, Space battles give you loads of exp, questing gives you loads of exp. There is just no avoiding it.

Edited by stephenjohnp
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Lets see i have a full time job, wife (no kids) I had 2 small vacations 4 days each, i did not spacebar dialogs (outside few and between cases when people waited for me to do heroics) I did every FP on the way to 50, i did every HM flashpoint at 50. I did all lvl 50 quests, i cleared the raid content on normal... How are YOU not 50 again?


your lieing, how do i know? because i have a part time job 2-4 hour days occasiona six 1-3 days a week. I play 6-8 hours almost every day save days where i have to get up early then probably more like 4-6 hours a day. I don't do much of space combat(mind you i like it) i spend my time crafting on the move, and play almost entirely with a friend i do NOT space bar skip anything at all, and have skipped every single flashpoint save BT, and have done almost all of the 4 man heroics up to aleraan. I sit at 7.5 days played roughly, with level 46 almost 47 now, and have only JUST reached cornellia end game stretch. Includes doing most of bonuses to, we stopped doing bonuses on Taris i think we started skipping bonuses there as we are way to into actual story now.


So having said that if your watching all cut scenes, reading quest dialogue, doing every quest imaginable, is NO way in gods green earth your level 50 by questing at least, maybe if you SPAMMED flashpoints and just did main quest line you might do it that way but i can assure you if your just questing your not 50 yet... way to much dialgue way to many quests to do... it is just impossible.


Edit: one way people may be doing this is having there lvl 50 friend kill everything for them along the way, and could speed leveling process up but if your doing it tradional soloist/duoist way your not going to be 50 yet. People that are 50 are space bar spamming and picking random choices which NOTHING wrong with if they wanna do that fine...but anyone is doing it right and proper way knows that you cant be at 50 yet with out spending 14+ hours a day playing getting almost no sleep ect ect or simply space bar spamming.

Edited by Lokai
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I'm baffled by how many people want to hate on 50's in this game.


I'm in a guild full of 50's. I myself am 40, and haven't even played in the last 3 days, and when I do play it's only for about 1-2 hours at a time. I've done every bonus series for each planet, have painstakingly watched every choice I make because Kotor taught me to be paranoid about my choices (and I'm trying to be absorbed by the story) and have only done about 4 warzones. I've also made a boat load of money on the GTN (which I'm not sure was worth it, because of how painful it is to use), maxed 2 professions (with the 3rd well on its way), and even done the ole' lap Fleet for half-an-hour while talking on Vent.


Leveling isn't hard, it doesn't take that much time, and it requires no commitment.


I don't hate 50's. (Except in PvP :D) I was just pointing out that some people did that. That list was by no means full.

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. . . but if your doing it tradional soloist/duoist way your not going to be 50 yet. People that are 50 are space bar spamming and picking random choices which NOTHING wrong with if they wanna do that fine...but anyone is doing it right and proper way knows that you cant be at 50 yet with out spending 14+ hours a day playing getting almost no sleep ect ect or simply space bar spamming.




Let's see. I hit 50 3 days ago. I took 4 days off the game to spend time with my family for the holidays. I'm married and I have a kid. I cook dinner and make dessert almost every night and we like to watch movies/TV in the evenings. I maxed out 3 professions while I leveled. I did all the flashpoints at least once and my first time through listened to all the dialogue. I didn't do much PvP at all until 50 because the lack of brackets made me feel like my low level was just gimping the team. I do my space combat dailies every day. I listened to all of my class quest's dialogue but did spacebar through (I still read it all) the last 2 planets of quest dialogue (don't need to listen to some dude talk for 5+ minutes to figure out where to go to kill/collect X of Y, in my opinion). Oh, and I took a lot of time off my main to level 2 alts (Agent and Warrior) that are in their 20s (with 3 appropriately leveled professions each). Also, I don't play at all between 7 and 1530 due to work, Monday through Friday (that's when I troll the forums).

Edited by Nymaeria
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You guys really overestimate how long it takes you to get to 50, I have a job/education and I still made it to level 50 quickly.


I grouped the whole way with a guy who likes watching cinematics so I didn't spacebar any content :)

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So having said that if your watching all cut scenes, reading quest dialogue, doing every quest imaginable, is NO way in gods green earth your level 50 by questing at least, maybe if you SPAMMED flashpoints and just did main quest line you might do it that way but i can assure you if your just questing your not 50 yet... way to much dialgue way to many quests to do... it is just impossible.


Edit: one way people may be doing this is having there lvl 50 friend kill everything for them along the way, and could speed leveling process up but if your doing it tradional soloist/duoist way your not going to be 50 yet. People that are 50 are space bar spamming and picking random choices which NOTHING wrong with if they wanna do that fine...but anyone is doing it right and proper way knows that you cant be at 50 yet with out spending 14+ hours a day playing getting almost no sleep ect ect or simply space bar spamming.


That's unfair. I'm not sure if you got into early access, but I did on the first day, had some vacation around then and the holidays, played quite a bit (read as: constantly) during the vacation periods and moderate to none on the days since then. I never spacebared, did my class and world quests, did quite a chunk of PvP, and made level 50 as of last week.


I did it the "right and proper way" and made 50, so you're just plain wrong.

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Warzones and Starfox, I mean....Space Combat (and doing the daily quests associated with them at the same time) both give obscene amounts of exp in addition to the regular questing.


Additionally, unlike other MMOs, the leveling curve is linear. It was about as easy to get from 40-50 as it was from 30-40. Leveling is very fast in this game.

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Still now I'm amazed at how many level 50's there are. I just don't get it? I've been focusing so much on every aspect available to me and what the game has to offer; reading dialogue through quests, spaceship battles, flash points, crew skills etc etc.


I am enjoying my game, just interested on how people leveled up so quickly?



they have no life

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Several of as have played several beta builds and had the advantage of early release. With the beta experience and having played multiple classes and classes multiple times, we understand how to level quickly, where and how to complete quests, which quests to skip, and pvping as we quest and level. It's not hard really...
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When I was on break, I played for about 16 hours a day... yeah.


I read all the dialogue (I would occasionally just read it instead of listening during side quests) and made it to 50 in a little under a week.


All of my friends that aren't at 50 yet have only been playing one-three hours a day. Most of them are in their 40s.

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Option 1: They spacebared every convo, because they wanted to be first.


Option 2: They spacebared every convo, because they were in beta and have already done everything.


Option 3: They played 24/7 and turned into zombies.


Sadly, but despite your weak attempt at humor while putting others down, this is not the case. Leveling is too fast, it levels like you're leveling up a 40-hour single-player game, not an MMO. Five days of serious play on a week's vacation and, surprise, fifty-hours later you're level 50. And that's watching cinematics. You skip them and you can be easily be level 50 in under twenty-five hours.


And I'm not even trying to level fast. I craft. I spend time gathering mats. And waiting for my crew to get back so I can adventure again... And yet I'm leveling way too fast. It amazes me and justt how fast I'm leveling. And this comes from the perspective of a person who has played a lot of MMOs in the past 14-years.


In the time it takes to get to Level 50 here, you'd be maybe pushing level 30 in LOTRO, the last long-term MMO I played. You might be level 12 in DDO. It took about six weeks to make Level 40 in Fallen Earth, and that was grinding as hard you could grind every day. You'd be, maybe, a 30 in EQ2, but only if you didn't craft. If you craft, level 20, maybe 25 if you were grinding hard and your eyeballs felt like boiled eggs by the end of the day...


In fact, I started playing Everquest 2 again a month before SWTOR was released. I have 4 characters, the highest is level 20, the other three in their teens. In a month's play. And those first ten levels, in EQ2, don't take a lot of time...


I have EIGHT characters here, with close to the same amount of play time only in three weeks not a month. High of 31, low of 17. All but two have finished Tatooine and are on to Alderaan.


This makes no sense to me. I'm sitting there thinking, I'm going to be done with this game in six weeks... What kind of MMO runs out of things to do in six weeks?


So, you can blame the player. But it's too fast. The leveling is just too-bleeping-fast. And pretending it isn't... You're kidding yourself.

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If you spend 3 hours a day questing since Launch.... no downtime crafting.... you should be 50 by now.


Majority of Launch Day Players are now 50 or close to 50.



I know some people are already working on their third level 50.


Some people are weird they afk from level 10 to 50 in Warzones all day.

Edited by spicycookie
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your lieing, how do i know? because i have a part time job 2-4 hour days occasiona six 1-3 days a week. I play 6-8 hours almost every day save days where i have to get up early then probably more like 4-6 hours a day. I don't do much of space combat(mind you i like it) i spend my time crafting on the move, and play almost entirely with a friend i do NOT space bar skip anything at all, and have skipped every single flashpoint save BT, and have done almost all of the 4 man heroics up to aleraan. I sit at 7.5 days played roughly, with level 46 almost 47 now, and have only JUST reached cornellia end game stretch. Includes doing most of bonuses to, we stopped doing bonuses on Taris i think we started skipping bonuses there as we are way to into actual story now.


So having said that if your watching all cut scenes, reading quest dialogue, doing every quest imaginable, is NO way in gods green earth your level 50 by questing at least, maybe if you SPAMMED flashpoints and just did main quest line you might do it that way but i can assure you if your just questing your not 50 yet... way to much dialgue way to many quests to do... it is just impossible.


Edit: one way people may be doing this is having there lvl 50 friend kill everything for them along the way, and could speed leveling process up but if your doing it tradional soloist/duoist way your not going to be 50 yet. People that are 50 are space bar spamming and picking random choices which NOTHING wrong with if they wanna do that fine...but anyone is doing it right and proper way knows that you cant be at 50 yet with out spending 14+ hours a day playing getting almost no sleep ect ect or simply space bar spamming.


I dont know what to tell you but it is true.... And no i didnt do every quest in the book imaginable. I just did all 50s quest chains L2 read.

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Still now I'm amazed at how many level 50's there are. I just don't get it? I've been focusing so much on every aspect available to me and what the game has to offer; reading dialogue through quests, spaceship battles, flash points, crew skills etc etc.


I am enjoying my game, just interested on how people leveled up so quickly?

I had a month off between semesters with absolutely no responsibilities beyond spending time with family and relaxing. I also started playing on 12/13, the first day available to preorders. I spacebarred nothing---I participated in every dialogue cutscene, I explored every planet, I hunted for datacrons, PVPed and leveled crafting to max. I probably averaged about six hours of play per day the entire break. It was great.

Edited by RolyartNala
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I skipped very few dialogs. I skipped tatooine entirely except for class quest since everything was either green or grey by the time I got there. I did *I think* all of the other planetary quest. I did some PVP, all the flashpoints up to and beyond 50. I haven't done all the daily quests on Ilum, but have done several hard flashpoints.


I did zero space combat missions.


I had a few days off for Christmas, a 3 day weekend for new years. No kids, but last I checked I was still married. I'm not sure how long that's going to last given how much I've played, but we'll see!


I did have a few 15 hour days in on the game. I had a lot of fun. Also, I spent zero time "LFG" since I had guildies I could play with who were also leveling. Some planets I ran completely through with a guildie (Tarsis, Hoth).


I'm on my lvl 24 assassin now, or 10 operative, or 10 juggernaut, my 50 is a merc.


The class stories are awesome so I'm playing through all of them now and skipping the rest. It's likely going to be class/pvp/space/flashpoints for the rest of the alts.

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If you spend 3 hours a day questing since Launch.... no downtime crafting.... you should be 50 by now.


Majority of Launch Day Players are now 50 or close to 50.



I know some people are already working on their third level 50.


Some people are weird they afk from level 10 to 50 in Warzones all day.



If someone is working on their third level 50 you should have an intervention for their health, that's not a troll i'm serious.

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Sadly, but despite your weak attempt at humor while putting others down, this is not the case. Leveling is too fast, it levels like you're leveling up a 40-hour single-player game, not an MMO. Five days of serious play on a week's vacation and, surprise, fifty-hours later you're level 50. And that's watching cinematics. You skip them and you can be easily be level 50 in under twenty-five hours.


And I'm not even trying to level fast. I craft. I spend time gathering mats. And waiting for my crew to get back so I can adventure again... And yet I'm leveling way too fast. It amazes me and justt how fast I'm leveling. And this comes from the perspective of a person who has played a lot of MMOs in the past 14-years.


In the time it takes to get to Level 50 here, you'd be maybe pushing level 30 in LOTRO, the last long-term MMO I played. You might be level 12 in DDO. It took about six weeks to make Level 40 in Fallen Earth, and that was grinding as hard you could grind every day. You'd be, maybe, a 30 in EQ2, but only if you didn't craft. If you craft, level 20, maybe 25 if you were grinding hard and your eyeballs felt like boiled eggs by the end of the day...


In fact, I started playing Everquest 2 again a month before SWTOR was released. I have 4 characters, the highest is level 20, the other three in their teens. In a month's play. And those first ten levels, in EQ2, don't take a lot of time...


I have EIGHT characters here, with close to the same amount of play time only in three weeks not a month. High of 31, low of 17. All but two have finished Tatooine and are on to Alderaan.


This makes no sense to me. I'm sitting there thinking, I'm going to be done with this game in six weeks... What kind of MMO runs out of things to do in six weeks?


So, you can blame the player. But it's too fast. The leveling is just too-bleeping-fast. And pretending it isn't... You're kidding yourself.


First of all I was just pointing out that some people did do that and that they were level 50 like 3 days from launch.


Second of all. You said yourself that in Fallen Earth you were 40 in 6 weeks, and then you're wondering what game ends after 6 weeks.


Also i have never said anything about the leveling being fast or slow. Maybe it is, maybe it's not. I don't care, because I'm enjoying the game. And yes if 50s enjoy rushing trough content, that's their own choice and everyone can play however they wish.

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Still now I'm amazed at how many level 50's there are. I just don't get it? I've been focusing so much on every aspect available to me and what the game has to offer; reading dialogue through quests, spaceship battles, flash points, crew skills etc etc.


I am enjoying my game, just interested on how people leveled up so quickly?


I had the first week of January off of work...I played about 10 hours a day and had a blast, level 50 came pretty much naturally.

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