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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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I think you'll find it does.


And if it doesn't play well together it wouldn't matter if it's all high end, low end, middle or mixed. But it works great for other, more graphically superior games, then the problem obviously lies with SWTOR


As a DBA I will say you are wrong. hardware can for sure cause problems when it doesn't play well with other hardware in the rig. I do agree that there is an issue with SWTOR but it is not as widespread as the vocal minority would have you believe.

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Exactly, look at the 2 posts directly below you, these people seem to believe anything thats not a slideshow is "running flawlessly".


Its amazing to think these people have the mental ability to turn on a PC.


I know, there are definitely too many people that have been asked "have you tried turning it off and on again?" in this thread.

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What some people in this thread need to realise is that some people spend thousands on their gaming computers yet are still having issues.


Have you read the box? Have you read the minimum requirements to run the game? If your computer meets them then the game should run fine (Even if it's on the lowest settings).


Let's just hope it gets sorted soon.

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"I don't have problems, therefore noone have problems and also, i hate you for claiming that this game is in any way, shape or form less than perfect."


Shut up. Just shut up.


Game runs fine for you? great. Why do you feel the need to come here and berate and belittle people with legitimate problems?


Bioware already confirmed that there's problems and that they're working on it.

Claiming there's no problem just shows that you're mindlessly whiteknighting and thus renders your opinion worthless.


There are issues for some people with high end machines.


Plenty of the people posting that they're experiencing issues are knowledgeable, serious people posting dxdiag's and other info. These issues cannot simply be ascribed to lack of proper drivers or whatever drivel some of the posters in here tries to foist it off on.


I'm running BF3 and Skyrim on max and yet i get 15 fps on fleet.


That ain't okay and claiming that everything is okay because it's only a minority is like claiming men forcing themselves upon women (couldn't use the four letter word that rhymes with "nape") isn't a problem because, after all, it only happens to a minority of women.


Just because a problem is experienced by a minority doesn't make it any less of a problem.


This whole thread started about an article of Bioware saying that most people don't have any issues. That's the reason people are saying that they don't have issues with their machines, me included. We are claiming again that MOST people do not have these problems.


And comparing inhuman behaviour against women with a MMO's problem with minority of a player base is wrong in so many levels that i won't even go in to that...

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no performance issues here.... Me and my buddy both play and we dont have the best rigs at all...

*intel duo core 6400

*nvidia 8800gtx ultimate

*4gbs ocz gold extreme pc2 6400

*windows 7 32 bit

*p5n32-e sli mobo

*47 inch toshiba tv


Me and my buddy have the same rigs except he has an 8800gt alpha dog and we both been comparing fps... In open world, space, spaceport, and ship 100-112 fps.... Imperial fleet, cities, flashpoints 70-80fps.... warzones 40-60 fps all on max settings

Edited by Ashivauto
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I get too much fps, and had to cap it so that SWTOR didn't run my rig overheated (heating issues only since the Jan 6th patch).


I handled the situation my end now, but don't think I should have to use outside apps to run a game this graphically unchallenging on a computer like mine, all because of one patch.

Edited by lollie
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As a DBA I will say you are wrong. hardware can for sure cause problems when it doesn't play well with other hardware in the rig. I do agree that there is an issue with SWTOR but it is not as widespread as the vocal minority would have you believe.


Who's to say your hardware would play well? Doesn't matter if it's high end or low. You don't know until you build your PC and turn it on, if you have done everything correctly and the parts are compatible then everything will most likely be fine for years if the hardware isn't faulty, it's not rocket science.


And you are missing the point, if there is a problem it is extremely unlikely that it surfaced at the same time as many, many others who started playing SWTOR...

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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


Even if every single person who has posted on the forums since the game went live was having these issues, that's about... 3% of the playerbase.




It's hard.


And btw: I'm not having any issues and never have.

Edited by Noctournys
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Wrong, it runs smooth no slideshow, UMAD brosef cause u built a POS that doesn't work right.

Now Aion Fort take downs that was a slide show.


i7 920 3.6ghz

8g RAM

2x 570 GTX


My cards alone are more expensive then your whole computer.


The issue is i'm not content with **** sub 25-30 fps like you are accustomed to.

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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


Ok... I have a C2D E6600 (clocked to 3ghz) 4 gigs of low latency rams and a geforce 460GTX and no, I have no performance issues what so ever, and I didnt tweek any ini file or whatever. I play with everything maxed out, including shadows and trees and whatever...


So I'm with bw on this.

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They have all the numbers. They know what you're running the game like. So please just be quiet.


It's ridiculous to say that there isn't an issue. This is one of a laundry list of issues. It's a new game that's essentially being vetted out now. Just like the green laser light show, the buggy vendors, the crafting bugs, etc...


It's going to take a good year (if they're really on it) before they really address all of these. I think we always forget that WoW or other successful MMOs didn't come out of the gate with 0 issues. We just remember what our last experiences are with it, from our last run with it (probably after multiple years of patches).


But that said, to come out and say shut up and eat it or Bioware already knows... that's counterproductive. This is our avenue to voice these issues, and if it's known maybe we can get them to move it up on their priority list.

Edited by Deadpool-x
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I have a high end machine, i7 2600k, GTX 590, and 8GB RAM - I am experinecing glitchy performance, etc .. Something is not right here .. Battelfield 3, all other games play amaxing, no glitchiness .. something is wrong with the performance of swtor, which is suprising since its an old engine ..


I play on less of a computer, all stock settings and a 6 month old video driver, with ZERO issues and 50-70 fps and no lag.


Leads me to believe you've been tinkering with your drivers, clock settings, etc.


Some ATI users are having issues, and it's probably driver stability more then anything.

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Oh for goodness sake look on the web let alone these forums, there are huge numbers of people screaming out about performance problems.


Hang on... sorry there are no performance issues... there is no input lag... they did not remove high res textures from the game and relabel medium to high.... OH AND THESE ARE NOT THE DROIDS YOUR LOOKING FOR....!!!!


your being managed like mushrooms.... kept in the dark and fed shi.........


These forums represent a tiny percentage of the player base and there are not a HUGE amount of people complaining about performance.


Aside from that your post was pretty accurate.

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i7 920 3.6ghz

8g RAM

2x 570 GTX


My cards alone are more expensive then your whole computer.


The issue is i'm not content with **** sub 25-30 fps like you are accustomed to.


With a rig like that... I'm pretty sure the problem lies between keyboard and chair... seriously. No one with a rig like that should have ANY performance issues...

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i7 920 3.6ghz

8g RAM

2x 570 GTX


My cards alone are more expensive then your whole computer.


The issue is i'm not content with **** sub 25-30 fps like you are accustomed to.


I'm getting well over that., i7 sandicore, 8bg of ram

Interesting that a number of people i've seen with comparable computers to mine with the one difference being dual video cards. Maybe there's an issue there?

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to all the "high end" PC complainers. bioware already told you where they stand, what they think.


DO what you will with that info because honestly this game could run smooth even if you optimized a 486 DX2 66 MHZ properly.


WOW and pandas are that way <--------------

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It is all perception on our part - only bioware has the actual numbers and tickets to be able to judge.


If you are surrounded by people with issues then to you,MOST do.


People like myself, who spend the evening with 40 or so guildies on and none are having issues - then MOST are not having any issues.


The important thing to think about is keeping that in mind when attacking others. Just because you ARE having issues - does not mean those without are fanboys, lying, delusional, or whatever usually goes around. Likewise, just because you are NOT having an issue does not mean those who say they do are trolls, lying, whining or what not.

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I'm getting well over that., i7 sandicore, 8bg of ram

Interesting that a number of people i've seen with comparable computers to mine with the one difference being dual video cards. Maybe there's an issue there?


It's not like that all the time, World questing is anything from 100-150, Warzones tend to go down to 40-45 for whatever reason, Fleet can go down to 25-30. Graphics set to High or Low, it runs at the same FPS.


For comparison, I run BF3 on Ultra @ 1920x1080 with an all time low being 71 frames while recording with Fraps.

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