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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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Pretty much the sort of response I expected. Guess it's easier to rant about the problem than provide evidence.



Evidence has been provided. Thousands of posts, many of them going into excruciating detail, are readily available in the FPS thread and the crashing thread. The former has been recreated multiple ties due to hitting the post limit. But of course you don't know anything about that, because you're not interested in a serious response. You're here to troll.


Maybe it's just because I don't automatically assume that lack of response means denial.


"Lack of response"? What are you talking about? Did you even read this thread before you posted in it? The whole thread is about the response they've already given and it's utterly vacuous nature.

Edited by rylixav
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Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. My grandfather smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for 50 years and never had so much as a bad cough. So I'm positive that all this stuff about smoking cigarettes causing lung cancer and emphysema is just made up, since it never happened to him.


(I know there's a 99% chance this will go right over your head, but I couldn't help myself.)


Sorry cupcake but unlike 99% of the complainers here I actually posted my specs and settings and have an inkling of a clue about the topic. I am also a smoker and don't believe in the cancer hype. But then again I also know we've had the cure for cancer since well... before we even knew there was a such thing as cancer. Interesting that most people keep supporting these "Cancer foundations" which claim there is no cure and prescribe you on chemo-therapy "a sure fire way to die".. yet the cure, is illegal and fought by these same "Save the xyz" foundations, to keep it that way. After all whales have more rights than you. So does that cat outside your front window that keeps making that god aweful sound when it's in heat.. You may want to strangle it.. but well.. you can't..


(I know there's a 99% chance this will go above your head and below your knees at the same time but I couldn't help myself :rolleyes: )

Edited by Aethyrprime
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Now you're just making fun of your self mate. My card runs at 60°C, and that's not overheating. HD5870 can take about 90°C before you should be afraid :)

And i know what i'm doing. As i said, i tested it for over 48 hours in a row. No problems at all with artifacts, heat problem etc. Have never gone over 65°C.


And linking all those links, i know all that stuff already. I'm well read about this, have done

it for a long time now, never ever failed.

(Yeah, my first cpu clocked. But only cause i got a new one at home, and upgarde ofc)

Temps on everything is just fine. CPU at my roomtemp, 20-23°C.

And GPU at 60°C peak when playing with 98% GPU usage (BF3).


If you bothered to look at any of these links there mostly to forums with people complaining about low FPS issues with that card from WoW to Diablo 3






You might want to give ATI tech suport a call ... it dosn't seem to be an issue isolated to SWTOR


I just trying to help you out Mate.

Edited by LogunOne
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Hi Raggnarok,


As is the case with any PC game of this scale, we will always have players who experience performance issues. It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more).


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues. With that being said, we’ve been keeping a very close eye on forum posts from the players experiencing these issues and we are actively working to address these concerns.


We thank you for your concerns, and please be aware that we are indeed constantly working to improve the game for everyone.


Have you considered the possibility that most people don't open tickets or post on forums when they have a problem?

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Game runs fine for me, except on the fleet, where I have a constant fps of 10-20. While elsewhere it's 40-60. Then again my computer is not high end.


I tend to occasionally have issues in the fleet too. That's not necessarily a hardware issue though. I wonder if the game utilizes some kind of peer2peer networking? Or is it strictly player2server?


Anywho, whenever I run into any issue, it seems to be in high traffic areas. All in all, my game is smooth and I run everything at high (though apparently medium and high are the exact same).

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Evidence has been provided. Thousands of posts, many of them going into excruciating detail, are readily available in the FPS thread and the crashing thread. The former has been recreated multiple ties due to hitting the post limit. But of course you don't know anything about that, because you're not interested in a serious response. You're here to troll.




"Lack of response"? What are you talking about? Did you even read this thread before you posted in it? The whole thread is about the response they've already given and it's utterly vacuous nature.


Have you ever downloaded new drivers and seen specific improvements in the driver patch notes for your games? Perhaps some of these issues have to be fixed/updated by nVidia/AMD. A new game is....... A NEW GAME. ;)

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The former has been recreated multiple ties due to hitting the post limit. But of course you don't know anything about that, because you're not interested in a serious response. You're here to troll.


Nope, not here to troll at all actually, went back through those links briefly, I pity the poor CS rep who's going through those threads to try and get the useful info out. Which was pretty much the point I was trying to make.



"Lack of response"? What are you talking about? Did you even read this thread before you posted in it? The whole thread is about the response they've already given and it's utterly vacuous nature.


The eurogamer article? They don't claim there is no problem. James Ohlen states that performance problems are only affecting about 5% of users. And that they are usually players with low end machines.


If he's going off support tickets then that probably means that more people with low end computers have submitted tickets than people with high end computers. He'd certainly have access to the numbers, and really has no reason to lie.


I do like that word "vacuous". And I'll agree that there isn't really much to the article. But I've seen enough instances of Devs being taken out of context in multiple games that I'm never surprised that they don't give a substantive answer.

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You should stop with the lies. The graphics look great on my system. Better than most MMOs.


The engine is not dated, Its just poorly design crap. It was made for "heros journey" a game that has still yet to make it out of ten years of development. But in general the engine is terrible large scale games. Ask anyone who has ever worked with herocloud, there are a number of forums for it if you wish to read up on it.


The only strong aspect to the engine is the ability stream a certain level content to clients without the need of rebooting servers. However newer versions of gamebyro already preform this task so its not much of a strong point.


Only real reason this engine was chosen was the licensing/royalty costs are far less then a gamebyro open source license. Despite all its major drawbacks.

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How does saying the problem only exists for a tiny minority of people who have low-end machines (which is a lie, by the way) serve as "confirming a problem?" It's not confirming the problem, it's marginalizing the problem.


Except claiming that Bioware is lying while not reading the article completely just makes you look stupid.


I'll help you out.


"However, we know that it's important that there is a smaller group of people usually with lower end machines that are having problems in some areas."


I hope you spotted it.

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not gonna read the full thread but i run much MUCH higher demanding games on my quad core setup and my $400 video card than this game with no issue.


in SWTOR as soon as youre close to more than 5 people in 1 area, forget about it. In pvp i had to click, im not kidding you, my force run 10 times (count 1-1000 per each click) until it activated. Same for root breaking abilities, buffing abilities and more.


When i have to put stuff up for sale on the GTN, it takes 3 seconds for the item to drag from my inventory to the freaking panel.


Im on a 25mb/s connection with a $2500 custom built rig from last year. Bioware is like a dumb girlfriend so im gonna put it mildly. Its not me, its you.

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The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues.


It's shocking that Bioware bases the severity of an issue off of the number of complaints (tickets or forum posts). Do you not realize that not all of your 1.5+ million subscribers are inclined to post on a forum or open a ticket, even when they have an issue? We're not your beta testers anymore, so not everyone feels obligated to "report" on their experience. Some people (like me) have performance issues but are aware that the game is new and are patiently giving Bioware the benefit of the doubt, expecting it to improve through game updates and maybe video driver updates. Some people are casual gamers who don't care about or even notice when there are performance problems. And we all have lives of our own, jobs and family to take care of, so reporting issues we have with a video game may not be on the top of our priority lists.


You should be doing your own internal testing, not waiting for us to complain. Why do I now feel obligated to tell you if I see an issue, lest you shut your eyes and pretend the problem isn't really there? Do I have to report every bug I see, or else Bioware will just assume everything is fine because 1.5 million people haven't complained about it? It's not our job to tell you all of the issues, and this is not a beta test!


Since I now feel like a beta tester again, I guess I have to give my "report" to get Bioware to pull its head out the sand (or wherever they have it stuck)....


Framerate in TOR is inconsistent on my system (core i7 3.2ghz, GTX 570, 6 GB RAM). It continues to be worse indoors than in open land areas, despite that issue supposedly having been fixed in 1.0.2. Performance on the fleet is horrendous. I expect to see some performance drop on the fleet due to the number of players around, but not this bad. FPS gets down to like the teens or even single-digits. The worst part of this is that all of these issues happen while the game still has only medium-quality textures on characters and no AA. I can only expect it will get worse if and when these problems are fixed.


TL;DR: DO YOUR JOB, Bioware. Don't wait for us to tell you. We're busy.

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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


I have no problems whatsoever.

None of my friends have any problems whatsoever.

The term 'user error' comes to mind.

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I don't play BF3, so I wouldn't know. From my experience, graphics drivers are updated by AMD and nVidia for specific games all the time. In your next graphic driver update, look to see if SWTOR is mentioned anywhere. There seems to be 2-3 specific updates in the first 6 months for most of the games I play.


Secondly, I really think that your 4 gb of RAM (#1) and your processor (#2) are bottlenecking your graphics card. Your slow processor has to work twice as hard if there's not enough RAM to store/run the information it processes.


I'm not saying there is no problems with SWTOR. But I do think that many people are simply ignorant. I do not mean to imply that you are ignorant -- I'm generalizing.


I have the beta drivers right now and have rerolled many drivers to try and fix this. And i will say it again, BF3/Skyrim are a hell of alot more graphically taxing than this game. There is no way that i can run those games on good settings and i cant run tor on lowest.


4GB of RAM is plenty and my CPU isnt bottlenecking the GPU to the point where i cant play.

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The issue isn't that the game runs like trash on mid-end computers. It's that it runs like trash even though it looks like half the game was created in MS paint. I'd expect this kind of performance in Crysis: The MMO -- not in a game where the textures are so low res that I can count the pixels on half of the objects in the game.


tl;dr: Game is very poorly optimized.

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yeahe the most time, 95%, i have 60fps ++

but for example today we made a World Boss with 18 People. Only 18 People and my fps went down to 20.

And the "most" people aren´t having done things like this...


It´s not the biggest issue but big raids are not really funny :)

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Hi there,


I've been following forums recently because of these FPS issues i got and after all those different opinions about this matter i read, i just want to ask that;


I have a Samsung R580, which has;


-Intel i5 M430 2.27 GHz


-4GB Ram


-Nvidia GeForce GT330M


I play at lowest graphics possible.


I get 30-40 fps when i PvE. Which i'm fairly happy with but when i PvP things get ugly. I get 10-20 fps. Sometimes it drops to 0-10 fps.


My point is, do you think BioWare will provide a patch that could improve my performance to a playable state, or there is no way i could enjoy this game with this system ?


Clearly my system is not great but i've never been this unhappy with my system before. I could play most of the newest games. Like MW3, Skyrim and so on.



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Alright guys. Been posting and reading this forum for like an hour now. I only have til the 25th to play, but I go back to school next week and will be too busy to play.


I'm leaving this last post to officially state that I am running on a lower end machine and running 15-20 FPS with no one around on Balmorra.


I'll post my system specs when I'm finished writing. The only thing questionable about my specs is the processor, which, despite being AMD is still 2.20 GHz.


I meet all of the other system specs.


I am a little disappointed that I cannot do flashpoints or PvP on my laptop (The Specs that I will be giving). Thus rendering my machine currently useless for endgame-Although I may pay $15 a month to play Pazaak against other players*Wink Wink Hint Hint*


I honesty believe that there is a memory issue with this game. I refrain from saying "problem" instead of "issue" because the game is still playable when solo questing (lvl 1-50). However, I hope that Bioware has plans to edit the engine and the game to optimize FPS. ALSO, one thing I must point out, is that I HAVE edited the Client_settings.ini file and turned off Shadows, MeshLOD, Texture Quality, and just about everything else. I am also using game booster and have all unnecessary services and processes disabled. Without these two fixes my FPS renders TOR Unplayable. This needs to be fixed.


The reason for this fix is because someone running Min specs, without any knowledge of how to edit the ini cannot trim the game down enough to even make the leveling game playable let alone end-game.


I will hopefully be back over the summer. However, this depends entirely on what Bioware does over the next 6 months in regards to this issue, as well as some gameplay enhancements (as far as more NON-OPs/Warzone content).


I hope I'll see you guys then. Please BioWare encourage me, I'll be watching the game's status in the coming months.

I go now to finish my leveling on my laggy cpu.

Later guys n' gals.



Laptop System Specs:


STOCK Toshiba Satellite L505D

Motherboard: Unknown

Processor: AMD Turion II Dual Core M500 2.20GHz

RAM: 4.00GB (3.75 Usable)

Display (Integrated): AMD 880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200


Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit



*PS: I know this may be irrelevant, but the machine runs WoW and several other MMOS (Including DCUniv Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online) fine.


1. your using an older laptop with INTEGRATED GRAPHICS...................


and expecting a decent framerate??????



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I am curious -- why are people who are claiming to have high-end machines -- and I will give them the benefit of the doubt -- they are receiving poor performances that align with my performances from a computer that I wouldn't even consider to be minimum specs.


I run an ancient


1.6 Ghz Dual-Core


220 GT NVIDIA (Yeah..eat it baby)


Yet somehow I am able to push the numbers to a playable (not where I want it to be) FPS rate of around 25-30 FPS in most areas. With exception to areas where there are known issues.


Sounds like a large number of "high-end" claiming folks either don't know what their system is capable or flat out bolstering their specs to make the issue seem more important.

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I hover around 90 FPS, up over 110 in the hangar or on my ship.


It's wasted. Most of us can't even see past 60, even in the rare cases when we have a monitor that runs at 120.


The only time it drops is when I first load into the fleet. That's a localized issue, a bug they said they'd work on.


Looking at how many people play the game and how many people are complaining, 5% sounds accurate.

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