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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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I come back to this thread now and then and get amazed by Bioware's response EVERY SINGLE TIME! They are blaming the PCs? ***? Why is WoW running so smooth? And don't tell me that WoW looks like ****, that was back then in 2004. Not a single person I know in RL complain about WoW when it comes to performance, but this game, they have a long list of annoying stuff.
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I come back to this thread now and then and get amazed by Bioware's response EVERY SINGLE TIME! They are blaming the PCs? ***? Why is WoW running so smooth? And don't tell me that WoW looks like ****, that was back then in 2004. Not a single person I know in RL complain about WoW when it comes to performance, but this game, they have a long list of annoying stuff.


Surely you jest.

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I think people are forgetting the REQUIRED settings to run this game. This game should be able to be ran on some 2000 pc but it can't. I play on a laptop, designed around gaming, with an i5 - 2540M, 460M GTX, 4gig ram and while I can play WoW on ultra, with shadows on, at around 50-60 FPS in highly populated areas (Orgrimmar @ Peak) and 100-120 FPS in 25 man raids in SWTOR I play on the lowest possible settings I barely hit 25-30 FPS in 8 or 16 man operations.


This game is just poorly optimised. I shouldn't need a £3000 computer to run this game, especially when it looks like garbage even on high settings.


Before it were the people here that were super ignorant about every FACT, but now, Bioware has joined their party too lol YEAHHH! Blame it on the PCss! You go Bioware!

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Alright guys. Been posting and reading this forum for like an hour now. I only have til the 25th to play, but I go back to school next week and will be too busy to play.


I'm leaving this last post to officially state that I am running on a lower end machine and running 15-20 FPS with no one around on Balmorra.


I'll post my system specs when I'm finished writing. The only thing questionable about my specs is the processor, which, despite being AMD is still 2.20 GHz.


I meet all of the other system specs.


I am a little disappointed that I cannot do flashpoints or PvP on my laptop (The Specs that I will be giving). Thus rendering my machine currently useless for endgame-Although I may pay $15 a month to play Pazaak against other players*Wink Wink Hint Hint*


I honesty believe that there is a memory issue with this game. I refrain from saying "problem" instead of "issue" because the game is still playable when solo questing (lvl 1-50). However, I hope that Bioware has plans to edit the engine and the game to optimize FPS. ALSO, one thing I must point out, is that I HAVE edited the Client_settings.ini file and turned off Shadows, MeshLOD, Texture Quality, and just about everything else. I am also using game booster and have all unnecessary services and processes disabled. Without these two fixes my FPS renders TOR Unplayable. This needs to be fixed.


The reason for this fix is because someone running Min specs, without any knowledge of how to edit the ini cannot trim the game down enough to even make the leveling game playable let alone end-game.


I will hopefully be back over the summer. However, this depends entirely on what Bioware does over the next 6 months in regards to this issue, as well as some gameplay enhancements (as far as more NON-OPs/Warzone content).


I hope I'll see you guys then. Please BioWare encourage me, I'll be watching the game's status in the coming months.

I go now to finish my leveling on my laggy cpu.

Later guys n' gals.



Laptop System Specs:


STOCK Toshiba Satellite L505D

Motherboard: Unknown

Processor: AMD Turion II Dual Core M500 2.20GHz

RAM: 4.00GB (3.75 Usable)

Display (Integrated): AMD 880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200


Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit



*PS: I know this may be irrelevant, but the machine runs WoW and several other MMOS (Including DCUniv Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online) fine.

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I come back to this thread now and then and get amazed by Bioware's response EVERY SINGLE TIME! They are blaming the PCs? ***? Why is WoW running so smooth? And don't tell me that WoW looks like ****, that was back then in 2004. Not a single person I know in RL complain about WoW when it comes to performance, but this game, they have a long list of annoying stuff.



When only 5% of your playerbase is having problems, that statistically points to user error, not any error with the software.


Furthermore, WoW's performance is good because:


A) it was made in 2004 without any significant graphics overhaul.

B) they've had 7 years to optimize it.

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When only 5% of your playerbase is having problems, that statistically points to user error, not any error with the software.


Furthermore, WoW's performance is good because:


A) it was made in 2004 without any significant graphics overhaul.

B) they've had 7 years to optimize it.


I can run EVERY single game on my pc without any crashes, problems or whatsoever, but SW: TOR puts me into that '%5'(I doubt it) playerbase with problems?


A)Don't give me that '7 years' BS. You don't compete with something in its 7 year old form, you compete with what's available right now.


B) Read A

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Insult to injury.


Incoming 5 billion users that disagree with you, but they are the "vocal minority" I guess.


I will say this quickly,


I run a quad core PC, GTX 570, 6GB ram. I run Skyrim on max flawlessly, same with Crysis 2, etc. etc. any benchmark game you want to mention I run on max perfectly. As for online games, I can run other MMO's perfectly smooth with zero hitch in performance such as WoW, Rift, DCUO, etc.


SWTOR PvP though is an entirely different story. The performance in open world is relatively good UNLESS I engage another player. Even though my ping is at 50-60ms when I get into PvP anywhere in this game the FPS drops. Alderaan warzone is a joke and the other two aren't really that much better. Sure, it is playable...but 10-15 FPS on my rig is far from where it needs to be.


I have ZERO issues elsewhere....only in SWTOR and more specifically engaging PvP with the opposing faction. Yet I have 50-60ms ping and my internet connection is 10mbps/download so it is certainly not a slow connection...as I said things are good in any other game that has the code properly implemented to work with my system.


I want to see some videos where people are running around Republic or Imperial fleet with a solid 60+ fps at all times. I want to see people engaged in full-on combat in Alderaan sitting at 60+ fps. I just don't think it exists but I'll believe it when I see it.

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I can run EVERY single game on my pc without any crashes, problems or whatsoever, but SW: TOR puts me into that '%5'(I doubt it) playerbase with problems?



Post your PC specs. Anecdotal BS is useless.



A)Don't give me that '7 years' BS. You don't compete with something in its 7 year old form, you compete with what's available right now.


B) Read A



This has nothing to do with anything. You either don't understand what we were talking about, or are purposefully being dishonest. There's no "competition" here. The reason a 7 year old game runs well on a MODERN computer is because it's 7 years old.


But I guess you think you can run Skyrim on max on a 7 year old comp. :rolleyes:

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I have a high end machine


graphic's 2- Sapphire radeon 6970's

cpu I-7 2600k tweaked to run 20% faster, no heat issues with after market cooler (48 to 54C)

16 gb corsair ram

256 gb SSD drive, 1 terabyte hard drive


I have tried running the game at top settings and runs fine except for artifacts from towers with green vertical lights, they extend across play area, orginally thought they were town force fields :) otherwise game runs fine, load times for quest videos load is slow and a delay between lines in conversation but i think that is deliberate

also have problems near,walls the plane of some walls or ground extend out beyond the intended area, (you have to stop and rotate to see this)

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I think it would help tremendously if people on both sides of this issue stopped with the ridiculous hyperbole. If you have to exaggerate grossly to make your point, you need to rethink how you approach the topic because you're not going to win the debate by just pulling numbers out of thin air, and your input just becomes more static, clogging the channel up.


Obviously some people are having performance issues. Many have stated so without hyperbole. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt, even though I have no performance issues with my machines. Occam's razor leads me to believe that some people are having issues related to optimization, and not their systems.

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Insult to injury.


Incoming 5 billion users that disagree with you, but they are the "vocal minority" I guess.


I will say this quickly,


I run a quad core PC, GTX 570, 6GB ram. I run Skyrim on max flawlessly, same with Crysis 2, etc. etc. any benchmark game you want to mention I run on max perfectly. As for online games, I can run other MMO's perfectly smooth with zero hitch in performance such as WoW, Rift, DCUO, etc.


SWTOR PvP though is an entirely different story. The performance in open world is relatively good UNLESS I engage another player. Even though my ping is at 50-60ms when I get into PvP anywhere in this game the FPS drops. Alderaan warzone is a joke and the other two aren't really that much better. Sure, it is playable...but 10-15 FPS on my rig is far from where it needs to be.


I have ZERO issues elsewhere....only in SWTOR and more specifically engaging PvP with the opposing faction. Yet I have 50-60ms ping and my internet connection is 10mbps/download so it is certainly not a slow connection...as I said things are good in any other game that has the code properly implemented to work with my system.


I want to see some videos where people are running around Republic or Imperial fleet with a solid 60+ fps at all times. I want to see people engaged in full-on combat in Alderaan sitting at 60+ fps. I just don't think it exists but I'll believe it when I see it.


There could be 100,000 people posting and it would still be five percent. 2 million times .05 is equal to 100,000. Do you see 100 thousand posts? even with 100,000 posts it would be a vocal minority. That being said the game needs further optimization and will receive just that.

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I have an old computer (Q6700 Quad core, GTX 275, 4GB RAM) and the game runs fine on my computer ... 1900 x 1200 low settings.


I have a highend comp and running the game on high is a joke shadows are jumpy green walls and beams every where I go and huge fps drop on taris.:mad:

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I think it would help tremendously if people on both sides of this issue stopped with the ridiculous hyperbole.


This. It would probably be useful for bioware if we could have a thread without all the unmeasureable comparisons (" game runs poorly, game is perfectly fine ), and without all the emotion, where people could just list systems specs, and useful metrics like fps in particular areas at different graphic settings.


Unfortunately the chances of this happening is probably miniscule.

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The statement he made was improvised, he said he didn't have exact numbers, and "performance issues" without elaboration or specifics doesn't mean much. In short, they wanted to ask a serious question but he didn't have a real answer prepared that really means anything. You can't blame the guy for that, it's a pretty specific question he probably just wasn't prepared for.


You can, however, get a feel for the way he views this sort of issue. The feeling that I get from his statement is that this is not a particularly pressing issue and that they're content to just keep doing what they're doing and not alter course.


They obviously have to make decisions to weight priorities and should of course do what they think is best. It does seem odd that an issue like this would rise to the top of forums and such on its own but wouldn't be taken more seriously... just a curious disparity.


Yes, I have a mid-low range computer with pretty big performance issues, including:

1. Load screens get stuck at ~1/4 for minutes at a time most of the time (but not always)

2. 10+ players starts causing major fps lag

3. The game does not close cleanly and the process has to be ended

4. Each time I start the game it runs slower until I restart the computer (almost certainly linked to above)

5. Conversations typically take 10-30 seconds of "..." before they load

6. Game runs noticeably better on characters where I never touch the graphics preferences

7. Each planet I load slows the game down until the game down until the game is restarted which in turn slows the game down until the computer is restarted, as stated above


Numbers 2 and 5 could potentially be blamed on having a low end system; the others, I don't think so--they look like screwed up code.

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The game doesnt use as much CPU / GPU as it should.


Sometime i'm done at 25% on both CPU and GPU usage. Thats not ok, and that's

all the game, and has nothing to do with my setup etc.

I run BF3 clean, CPU/GPU always over 95% usage, and that's how it should be.

Memory usage is normal in SWTOR, and all other games to. It seems to be GPU / CPU issue.


If my setup can handle a game like BF3,

(that needs a pretty good setup to run it at High, and get +60 fps at all time).

SWTOR should do it to, but it doesnt. Ops..


My setup is:


AMD Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition 3.4GHz @ 3,8GHz (stable for 48 hours)

MSI 790FX-GD70 ( AMD® 790FX+SB750 )

2x2gb OCZ DDR3 PC3-12800 Black Edition

AMD Radeon HD5870 (Overclocked) (stable for 48 hours)

Asus Xonar DX Soundcard


Windows 7 Proff 64-bit


***Might not be new or "high-end" as you call it, but it's not an bad setup.

Still up to date for new games.

And it's MORE then enough for what this game should need***


Imo, 25-30% usage of both CPU & GPU in SWTOR is far from enough.

It's poor optimized.

And don't say its my setup, cause its not. Probably same with everyone

else having this issue.


I think you have that backwards, a game that uses 95% of your CPU and GPU’s is poorly optimised and on the verge of putting the computer in a fail state.


A program that uses less computing cycles or makes better use of your cores and only using 35% of your CPU resources is extremely well optimized


What is your FPS, you’re getting in the game, I'm running the game on my G74 laptop and getting 50 to 60 FPS everywhere except in the Fleet zone where I drop to 25 to 30 FPS, but that’s to be expected and normal for MMO social zones.


Anything over 30 you should be happy with, most monitors running at 60Hz won’t display anything beyond 60FPS anyway.


It only take 15 FPS to simulate full motion, 30 FPS is already outdoing most TV’s and anything beyond 60FPS is just for benchmarking bragging rights.


You should try clocking down your system, you got it all jacked up man…if you throw off your cycle times you’re going to get micro-shutters and bad reporting of FPS.

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This. It would probably be useful for bioware if we could have a thread without all the unmeasureable comparisons (" game runs poorly, game is perfectly fine ), and without all the emotion, where people could just list systems specs, and useful metrics like fps in particular areas at different graphic settings.


Unfortunately the chances of this happening is probably miniscule.


Sorry to say this but I don't see this as happening anytime soon, We are people who have emotions not droids and We along with others are customers who have the right to voice our displeasure or any other opinion we have.


Have a nice day!

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When only 5% of your playerbase is having problems, that statistically points to user error, not any error with the software.


Furthermore, WoW's performance is good because:


A) it was made in 2004 without any significant graphics overhaul.

B) they've had 7 years to optimize it.


That is incorrect.

Which will be apparent to everyone when BW fixes these performance issues eventually thru patches.


5% is huge.

Way too many people for it to be random PC issues.


Think about that for a moment..

If it was just a user PC issue..then all PC games would have 5% of the the people who meet the requirements unable to play them.

Which would be absurd.


Fact is most PC games are well optimized for the large variety of PC hardware out there.

This game is not.


As you say yourself..WoW has been optimized over the years. This game has not.

That's not the users fault.


Months from now I have faith the game will run smoothly for everyone with the hardware for it.

And it will be because BW optimized their engine.

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Post your PC specs. Anecdotal BS is useless.






This has nothing to do with anything. You either don't understand what we were talking about, or are purposefully being dishonest. There's no "competition" here. The reason a 7 year old game runs well on a MODERN computer is because it's 7 years old.


But I guess you think you can run Skyrim on max on a 7 year old comp. :rolleyes:


You apparently don't know ANYTHING about business. Keep on with your gibberish because it's quite entertaining.


And my PC specs you ask? Prepared to be blown away with my recent upgrades.


Asus Maximus IV Extreme

Intel Core i7 2600k @4.8GHZ

Dual Geforce 580s


2x120GB SSDs



I know they don't meet the min requirements for SW: TOR but I make do what I have

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Sorry to say this but I don't see this as happening anytime soon, We are people who have emotions not droids and We along with others are customers who have the right to voice our displeasure or any other opinion we have.


Have a nice day!



Customers don't have the right to blame the carpenter when they gave the wrong measurements.


With only 5% having problems, that indicates user error. I'm sure if you contact them, they'll try to help you correct whatever you have wrong in your configuration. With such a small minority having issues, it's very diagnose. Especially when there are people who have the same comp setups but one runs the game fine, and the other claims to have problems. In that case, it is definitely due to user error.

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I think you have that backwards, a game that uses 95% of your CPU and GPU’s is poorly optimised and on the verge of putting the computer in a fail state.


A program that uses less computing cycles or makes better use of your cores and only using 35% of your CPU resources is extremely well optimized


What is your FPS, you’re getting in the game, I'm running the game on my G74 laptop and getting 50 to 60 FPS everywhere except in the Fleet zone where I drop to 25 to 30 FPS, but that’s to be expected and normal for MMO social zones.


Anything over 30 you should be happy with, most monitors running at 60Hz won’t display anything beyond 60FPS anyway.


It only take 15 FPS to simulate full motion, 30 FPS is already outdoing most TV’s and anything beyond 60FPS is just for benchmarking bragging rights.


You should try clocking down your system, you got it all jacked up man…if you throw off your cycle times you’re going to get micro-shutters and bad reporting of FPS.


You gotta be kiddin me right? -.- You want your GPU / CPU to work. Not being in idle when playing. If i'm using 25-30% GPU / CPU and getting what? Like 20-30 fps. And then when the game starts to use +90% GPU / CPU, it all goes up to +60 fps (locked at 60).

And no, my clocks are fine. I have already tried. And it's the same.

The clocks are fine and stable, checks them for 48h+.


And playing MMO like this, WoW, Aion etc. at 30 fps. That's not ok. You feel a big different

if you have 30 or 60 fps. 60 is the one you want to aim for. Same as your refresh rate.

I have played WoW since the Beta, in a hardcore guild. And anyting under 50 is not fun in either PvP or PvE content. Anything over 60 tho is pointless, might just cause some screen tearing. Even Blizzard them self has gone out and said that it should be 60, or it cant be fun playing. That's what they are aiming for on the system req.

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Think about that for a moment..

If it was just a user PC issue..then all PC games would have 5% of the the people who meet the requirements unable to play them.

Which would be absurd.



Actually, that is pretty close to reality. In fact, it's usually more than 5% of the playerbase that has issues running a new game.

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