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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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People who have rigs that should definitely be able to run this game can't, in some cases. That's just the vagueries of hardware and software that plague the PC game scene. It's nothing new. It has always been and may always be.


The solution, as always, is waiting for the fix. Often times it's as simple as a driver update. Get some beta drivers. Wait for new beta drivers.

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Your PC is only 'so so'. Unfortunately you're not going to get great FPS performance. I'm in the same boat. It is what it is.


Honestly, you will probably want to consider upgrading that card at the very minimum. From personal experience (going from the 250 to the 450), it's well worth the upgrade. Temps dropped drastically (go figure), FPS went from 40-60 average to 60+ average, hitting 80-100 more than once with everything on 'high' (shadows off). Didn't change anything but the card, and the improvement was fantastic. Even the 450 is somewhat old, but it's a worthy improvement.


I was planning to upgrade the graphics card. But seeing as there is no difference in FPS between low and high I wonder if that actually is the problem. You'd think if you take some graphics off the FPS would go up if it was the card.

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Right. I've yet to see ANY video footage of the game running at max settings getting > 60 FPS in the Imperial Fleet, but I'm sure you're the one guy who can swing it.
I'm sure people like you will never accept the problem may be on their side, but I'm running with:

Phenom II 940

4GB DDR2 800 ram

Radeon HD6870 1gb


And I have no performance issues anywhere in the game, with 4x antialiasing forced in the application profile of the Catalyst 12.1 preview drivers.


Believe it or not, I don't really care, since I'm having good performance, and I don't know you so why should I care? I was only trying to help.


I'm even gonna be nice and give you a hint, even if you almost called my a liar which is something I don't like much...

Try put your game into "Fullscreen (windowed)" mode if you have perf. problems in "Fullscreen" mode.

Edited by Korrigan
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In these days a $500 machine after 3 years is junk, what exactly do you have in that rig?


And I find it hard to believe you have no slowdowns in warzones... considering I have heavy drops there and it's the one place where I get the least FPS of all.


Oh man, been a while since I built it.


2.8ghz dual core AMD

Windows 7 (okay maybe it was 2 years ago, yeah the year before I moved. 2 years.)

4gb ram

radeon 4850 sapphire 1gb


It doesn't do shadows well at all, but skyrim runs maxed still.

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Hmm seems like the majority of people even in this thread are having no issues. Guess the problem isnt as bad as some make it out to be.


I am about 200% sure you would feel differently if you were one of the few on a new machine well over recommended specs that can't run the game smoothly.


It's easy to say a few people don't matter until you are one of the few.



I am sure if your new shiny new computer ran everything except ONE game you would just say 'oh well! must be my crappy new high end computer guess I'll get a new new one!'.



I mean what do you expect people to even do? Go buy a new computer with the same specs just in case it works this time?


Or maybe just buy a crappy old computer because apparently there are people running this game fine on 3-4 year old machines and laptops...

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If every post in this thread was a confirmation of somebody having issues, the statement 'Most people are not having issues' would still be true.




Because in a mmo, when you have literally HUNDREDS of thousands of players....thats right, your a minority.


Ive not got anybody in my 8-9 player guild who has problems. I personally have one of the current highest range gaming computers available and see no fps problems whatsoever.


That said, read the article before you post.

Edited by Kitsunami
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i'd believe mr.ohlen if everyone i know playing hasn't mentioned framerate drops... all over the place particiularly indoors is definatly an issue somewhere and not shadows as mine are off... something else going on here.
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Guess i'm the 5% low end.


AMD Phenom II 945 @ 3.7Ghz


MSI GTX 460 768MB (OC'd 850/1700/2000)

Windows 7 x64


Skyrim and BF3 capped at 60 fps @ high settings.

About 10-20 fps on Imperial Fleet and Warzones in SW:TOR.



Edited by Kelcior
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If every post in this thread was a confirmation of somebody having issues, the statement 'Most people are not having issues' would still be true.




Because in a mmo, when you have literally HUNDREDS of thousands of players....thats right, your a minority.


Ive not got anybody in my 8-9 player guild who has problems. I personally have one of the current highest range gaming computers available and see no fps problems whatsoever.


That said, read the article before you post.


Same here, 30 strong My guild and no one has any issues.

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To me, it’s obvious that the game is not optimized to run correctly on high end machines. I know that if you turn off swtor access to some of your cores (let it have access to two cores) that it will improve game performance. If there were no optimization issues, turning cores off would not improve performance.
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To me, it’s obvious that the game is not optimized to run correctly on high end machines. I know that if you turn off swtor access to some of your cores (let it have access to two cores) that it will improve game performance. If there were no optimization issues, turning cores off would not improve performance.


I built my new PC in November with tec that only came out in October, No issues at all for me.

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I'm almost positive all my framerate issues are related to excessive demands on the CPU. Perhaps the game really needs to be pushing the CPU that hard, but I do believe the two swtor processes using about 70% of the processor's resources while the game is running is a bit high.


Some places I'm doing just fine too. Tatoinne, Hoth, I'll be getting a smooth 25 frames per second with all the settings except shadows at max. But then other areas, I'll be getting 8 frames a second, and changing the settings does nothing.

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Guess i'm the 5% low end.


AMD Phenom II 945 @ 3.7Ghz


MSI GTX 460 768MB (OC'd 850/1700/2000)

Windows 7 x64


Skyrim and BF3 capped at 60 fps @ high settings.

About 10-20 fps on Imperial Fleet and Warzones in SW:TOR.




There is something going on in warzones specifically it seems not matter how good your PC. There is a thread with 50K+ views about it in the PVP forum.


I am guessing most of the people claiming great performance everywhere do not PVP.


Next time you are in a warzone ask how everyone's FPS is.

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I'm almost positive all my framerate issues are related to excessive demands on the CPU. Perhaps the game really needs to be pushing the CPU that hard, but I do believe the two swtor processes using about 70% of the processor's resources while the game is running is a bit high.


Some places I'm doing just fine too. Tatoinne, Hoth, I'll be getting a smooth 25 frames per second with all the settings except shadows at max. But then other areas, I'll be getting 8 frames a second, and changing the settings does nothing.


Sounds like your PC is bottle necking or your Processor is having problems.

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To me, it’s obvious that the game is not optimized to run correctly on high end machines. I know that if you turn off swtor access to some of your cores (let it have access to two cores) that it will improve game performance. If there were no optimization issues, turning cores off would not improve performance.


lol you are right, just checked it out myself

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