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Bioware - Why do you want losing warzone teams to be farmed?


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Sorry , but you are asking for more rewards within a smaller timeframe.

You can't honestly expect an 8 man full level 50 team rushing balls in against a level 20`~ ish team to be considered an achievement? I think warzones are perfectly FINE as they are, play longer, get more. Honestly 3 minute matches should reward 1/4th of what a 12 minute match provides, you can be glad you get more than that already. Also, the system is medal based so set your priorities. Objectives or medals pal. Do not expect to get more rewards in a clearly unbalanced game. You're not supposed to win in 3 minutes and you're not supposed to get more rewards for that either


Seriously, dude, I really don't know how you came up with an opinion like this and I strongly disagree. You should also learn something called patience. Rushing to endgame level, valor or gear wise, will just end up with you being an angry forum troll critisizing everything.


You should rethink this entirely... considering 50's only brackets are coming this month...

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2 5 minute games is more valor than 1 15 minute farm session so why bother with the farming...the Q is 1-2 minutes maybe 5 at most...


Only ******es farm...it's dumb.


Two 10 minute farm sessions is better than four 5 minute sessions. The best thing to do is farm for just long enough to get your 8-10 medals and then end it.

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What about when we throw the ball at your players instead of holding it?


It isn't a good idea to rely on CS reps to referee WZs. They simply cannot have all of the information needed to judge a situation.


The specific situation that brought up the ticket was the team holding and passing to each other while standing in the middle farming kills.


Until there is an announcement (doubt there will be) concerning what is allowed for Huttball and what isnt I will continue to flag matches that do this.


The objective is not kills, it is to score. Not attempting to complete that objective should IMO be considered abnormal play and should be delt with. (Wishful thinking there)

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The objective is to get valor and commendations. Maximizing valor comes through getting medals. Getting medals requires you to play more of a team deathmatch style. Passing the ball to your opponent and killing them repeatedly can get you 3k defender points. 3k defender = 2 medals, which gets you 100 valor. Doing 300k damage = 2 medals, which gets you 100 extra valor. Killing 25 players = 2 medals, which gets you 100 extra valor. Scoring gets you nothing. Anyone who thinks 6 capping in 3 minutes is accomplishing the objective doesn't know how to play huttball. You only need to get the "victory"... beyond that everyone should be playing to maximize their medals.


...just saying...


Actually, the technical objective of the Huttball Warzone map is to get 6 goals before your opponent gets six goals. That's why when you score/help score or prevent the enemy from scoring, you get OBJECTIVE points. Just because your personal objective is to farm commendations and valor as fast as possible doesn't mean the objective of the map is to do the same.


Seriously, why is this such a hard concept for you to grasp?

Edited by fest
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The specific situation that brought up the ticket was the team holding and passing to each other while standing in the middle farming kills.


Until there is an announcement (doubt there will be) concerning what is allowed for Huttball and what isnt I will continue to flag matches that do this.


The objective is not kills, it is to score. Not attempting to complete that objective should IMO be considered abnormal play and should be delt with. (Wishful thinking there)


They weren't doing it right anyway. You get more points if you farm in the pit by their goal line and throw the ball at them before killing them. Flagging the matches won't lead to any repercussions from Bioware anyway. They cannot enforce rules that don't exist.


Unfortunately, the scoreboard is just for telling you if you're going to get the win bonus. The real incentive is from medals... which is based on killing other players.


I agree that they should give some incentive to ending the match early to avoid farming. The farmers don't like doing it any more than people like to get farmed.

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The objective is to get valor and commendations. Maximizing valor comes through getting medals. Getting medals requires you to play more of a team deathmatch style. Passing the ball to your opponent and killing them repeatedly can get you 3k defender points. 3k defender = 2 medals, which gets you 100 valor. Doing 300k damage = 2 medals, which gets you 100 extra valor. Killing 25 players = 2 medals, which gets you 100 extra valor. Scoring gets you nothing. Anyone who thinks 6 capping in 3 minutes is accomplishing the objective doesn't know how to play huttball. You only need to get the "victory"... beyond that everyone should be playing to maximize their medals.


...just saying...


I think the point of the thread is that's a very stupid system. When you have objectives you should be rewarded for completing them, not for farming the opposition.

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More to my point.


If I give you the ball because I'm a sadistic farming bastard. Am I still doing something reportable which I could receive punishment for? I'm giving you a chance to get the ball and score with it.


I don't see how a CS rep could divine my intentions from a screen shot and have the proof needed to punish me. Doing so, would lead to a lot of false positives and lots of backlash. It is safer for them to let people report it, pat them on the head, and then ignore it.

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You're not as good as you think at PvP if you have to purposely draw out a Huttball game to farm medals/kills. If you simply run the ball up the middle (no passing) you'll get your kills while scoring 6 goals unless the enemy doesn't come out to meet you at all (in that case you got no one to farm to begin with). I see teams who think they're awesome but are afraid to actually run the ball in the middle, so they have to resort to stuff like charging defenders or fancy passing, and then wonder why their whole team has only 5 kills while scoring 6 goals, since they never met the opposition head on. Of course, such a team can easily crush the opposition if you're able to win 6-0, but their cowardice is what hurt them. When I'm on the superior team I always rush in the middle because that way it maximizes the number of deaths on both sides, which is good for everyone. I only pass if I feel the opposing team is good enough that we might lose.
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More to my point.


If I give you the ball because I'm a sadistic farming bastard. Am I still doing something reportable which I could receive punishment for? I'm giving you a chance to get the ball and score with it.


I don't see how a CS rep could divine my intentions from a screen shot and have the proof needed to punish me. Doing so, would lead to a lot of false positives and lots of backlash. It is safer for them to let people report it, pat them on the head, and then ignore it.


Actually I always throw the ball to the other side when it's a 1 on 1 because the guy with the ball is at a huge disadvantage in a 1 on 1, assuming we're standing near the mid field.

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Two 10 minute farm sessions is better than four 5 minute sessions. The best thing to do is farm for just long enough to get your 8-10 medals and then end it.



C'mon man, you are splitting hairs now. it's a waste of time and talent. If your good enough to curbstomp people...why do you even want to keep playing people that are terrible? Just beat em and move on. Do you really need to humiliate somebody for that marginal increase in valor/per hour?


Wouldn't it be more fun to just finish that game and Re-Q and actually play some people that have a chance and that can give you a 15 minute game where you actually get some valor?


There's no way anyone can convince me that it makes more sense to pound on people than it does to just move on and start a new game.

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You're not as good as you think at PvP if you have to purposely draw out a Huttball game to farm medals/kills.


It always comes to this doesn't it? Someone making baseless insults without any actual knowledge of the people they are commenting on. :)


If you are good at Huttball (PVP?) then you know that if you score 6 goals as fast as possible (some here go so far as to say that this is the CORRECT and ONLY way to play huttball) then you should end the round with 1 or 2 medals, very little damage, very little damage taken, and very few heals.

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C'mon man, you are splitting hairs now. it's a waste of time and talent. If your good enough to curbstomp people...why do you even want to keep playing people that are terrible? Just beat em and move on. Do you really need to humiliate somebody for that marginal increase in valor/per hour?


Wouldn't it be more fun to just finish that game and Re-Q and actually play some people that have a chance and that can give you a 15 minute game where you actually get some valor?


There's no way anyone can convince me that it makes more sense to pound on people than it does to just move on and start a new game.


I HATE farming people. :(


It does however, make more sense to farm people. I'm just trying to explain why it is being done and how this is an EASY fix by Bioware.

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Painfull losses should be quick and painfull.


The mechanics are in the game, but the rewards are not.


I agree that the incentive should be on winning rather than fighting.


I was in a viodstar the other day where I walked up and capped all three doors, the bridge, the wall, and grabbed the data core. Then I was the only person guarding one side when it was our time to defend. I ended the match with almost no rewards while 15 people all fought away from the doors for most of the game.


I start to feel like a sucker when I spend my time trying to guard/assault the objectives while the ones getting the medals MVP are the ones camping the spawn point.

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I HATE farming people. :(


It does however, make more sense to farm people. I'm just trying to explain why it is being done and how this is an EASY fix by Bioware.


No it does not. I get 1000 valor in a 5 minute 6-0 win. It's not as impressive looking as 1500 in a 15 minute brawlfest but it's more valor over time. If your team managed to only kill 5 guys in a 3 minute 6-0 you need rethink your strategy and stop being so cowardly when you hold such an insurmountable advantage. Running the ball increases the number of deaths on both sides which is what you should do when the outcome is no longer in doubt. The farming guys are basically lose-lose because the other side is not stupid. They will notice there are 6 guys forming a blockade at their end zone and instant kill anyone who pops their head out. So instead you get people just staring at each other for 10 minutes which ensures both sides lose. If your goal is to maximize kills/medals, it's far better to just run the ball continously through the middle to ensure you will get stopped, because that means you got people to kill.

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No it does not. I get 1000 valor in a 5 minute 6-0 win. It's not as impressive looking as 1500 in a 15 minute brawlfest but it's more valor over time. If your team managed to only kill 5 guys in a 3 minute 6-0 you need rethink your strategy and stop being so cowardly when you hold such an insurmountable advantage. Running the ball increases the number of deaths on both sides which is what you should do when the outcome is no longer in doubt. The farming guys are basically lose-lose because the other side is not stupid. They will notice there are 6 guys forming a blockade at their end zone and instant kill anyone who pops their head out. So instead you get people just staring at each other for 10 minutes which ensures both sides lose. If your goal is to maximize kills/medals, it's far better to just run the ball continously through the middle to ensure you will get stopped, because that means you got people to kill.


It isn't worth the effort to break it down any more to post screen shots. Your post is incorrect with respect to the fact that if you cap Huttball as fast as possible for a win, you will get fewer rewards than if you were to farm to the point of getting 8-10 medals then score the game winner.

Edited by Modecrypt
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Actually, the technical objective of the Huttball Warzone map is to get 6 goals before your opponent gets six goals. That's why when you score/help score or prevent the enemy from scoring, you get OBJECTIVE points. Just because your personal objective is to farm commendations and valor as fast as possible doesn't mean the objective of the map is to do the same.


Seriously, why is this such a hard concept for you to grasp?


The real objective of any MMO scenario is determined by the rewards it provides.


Let me give you an example.


Let's say you got a job selling widgets. They put up a scoreboard at the widget shop saying just how many widgets you sold, up to a maximum of 6. Then they write "THIS IS THE OBJECTIVE!" in big red letters. You get paid $400 if you beat the other guy to 6 or have more at the end of the day. You get $200 if he beats you.


Now, for fun, the management offers you $100 bonus for every day you come to work if you punch the other guy 10 times. Then they offer you another $100 bonus for throwing a baseball at his head 10 times. Then they offer you another $100 bonus for urinating in his cheerios. They also offer $100 bonus for insulting his mother, as well as an extra $100 if you include the words "hamster" and "elderberries" within the insult. You get another bonus $100 if you introduce him to someone who will never buy a widget and you tell him they will... thoroughly wasting his time.


In those circumstances, would you seriously go to work for 2 hours in the morning, sell 6 widgets and go home? Hells no, you are at least going to urinate in his cheerios and insult his mother real quick. While you are at it, why not throw a baseball at his head and punch him a few times? The objective has nothing to do with that silly board hanging in the back office... it is all about the bonuses.


TLDR: reward systems define how the masses will play. They become the "Real" objective of any scenario.

Edited by xMrBill
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