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Operative PvP video 10k crits. WOW


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On my Gunnery Trooper, using expertise pot, red zone buff, rakata power pot 15 sec, relic power buff, 500+ expertise, and almost all champ gear and a 580 damage cannon i hit for 3500 on a lvl 50 pvp geared non tank, ligth/medium armor user, every 1,5 seconds. and definatly not 10k followed imediatly by 7k Edited by SeloDaoC
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A) Those types of numbers shouldn't be possible, regardless of buffs, based on current health pools.


B) Regardless of buffs, Ops still output far too much damage within far too short a window of time, on top of the other advantages they currently enjoy. This also goes for the Republic counterpart.

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3.5k every 1.5 seconds from range is some pretty freaking serious firepower.


True. However the person being hit, if they're level 50, usually take less damage than that and can pop an expertise stim to counter the one you just used. Now you're dealing around 2k crits against 17k hp + shields. Gl killing them before you run out of ammo.


Killing lowbies is easy, takes 3 GCD and they're gone because they don't have the same defensive abilities as another 50.

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On my Gunnery Trooper, using expertise pot, red zone buff, rakata power pot 15 sec, relic power buff, 500+ expertise, and almost all champ gear and a 580 damage cannon i hit for 3500 on a lvl 50 pvp geared non tank, ligth/medium armor user, every 1,5 seconds. and definatly not 10k followed imediatly by 7k


And thats pretty sick. If you watch this video you will notice the 10k hit was on a lvl28 sage. Not really comparable to a lvl50 pvp geared player is it?

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True. However the person being hit, if they're level 50, usually take less damage than that and can pop an expertise stim to counter the one you just used. Now you're dealing around 2k crits against 17k hp + shields. Gl killing them before you run out of ammo.


Killing lowbies is easy, takes 3 GCD and they're gone because they don't have the same defensive abilities as another 50.


+ that most of them starts casting heals, shields and starts to cc you back. You wont burst enough. Theres no built in incapacitate skills in gunnery coms so you cant stop them from healing, fighting you back, stunning you or force leaping to you.

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And thats pretty sick. If you watch this video you will notice the 10k hit was on a lvl28 sage. Not really comparable to a lvl50 pvp geared player is it?


I wont be doing 17k to a 28 in 1,5 seconds, hes also doing 15k to a 40 in same time, with less buffs.


Doesnt seem to suffer from the "out of stealth" weakness either, killing alot of players out of stealth while taking alot of damage.

Edited by SeloDaoC
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I have 240 expertise with biochem stims, adrenals, and trinkets and I've never come ANYWHERE NEAR a 10k crit even with the Warzone buff. Not on anyone, lvl 10-50 with whatever gear.


I think my BEST EVER opening sequence has been 5k Hidden strike crit, 3.5k backstab crit, and 2-3K shiv and lacerate crits. Plus or minus a few hundred on each. That's stacking all my stim, adrenal and relic. That doesn't happen very often. So I did 9k while the person was stunned on my best sequence.


These numbers people are posting simply are not typical. My TYPICAL HIGH END crit on hidden strike is about 4.5k.


As for the trooper, 3.5k agsinst geared 50's is just nasty man. I've gotten gunned down by them myself. You could drop someone with 5k hp in 5 GCDs without ever getting near them. Most peole have no idea what is hitting them until it's too late, especially if you're fighting someone else.


I've definitely taken three or 3-4K shots in a row from range and never saw the person until it was too late. Many times actually.

Edited by big_aug
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theres an op on my server named coot thats getting pretty famous.

hes in mixed battlemaster/champ gear


i dont care what class you are or what level you are or what gear your wearing. he knocks you down and you die before you stand up.



50 vanguard in my rep guild in full champ gear and he dies before he can respond to being knocked down by this op


i was in a wz with him today on empire side. he went 65-0

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This isn't the case at all.


Firstly, only the DPS spec for any class will do anything close to a 6K Crit. My Kinetic-based Shadow doesn't do any crit remotely near 6K.


Secondly, you are wrong. Even the DPS specs of any class don't pull off 6K+ Crits, and even if a few of them do, it's a fairly rare event. What was demonstrated by the OP has been done, over and over again, repeatedly by other players of the same class. That type of 6K+ consistency is a problem and certainly not shared by any other classes in the game. The fact that massive crits can stack on top of each other just makes the matter worse.




At this stage in the game, any Crit over 6K+ in PvP is stupid and poor game design.




You are wrong. As I stated in my response above, this is certainly not something that every class can do. Please show me the screenshots or vids of other classes hitting for a 10K crit. Please show me screenshots or vids of other classes critting for 9K. I can easily produce evidence of this specific class doing 9K+ crits on other occasions. The fact that they can then follow the initial 9K or 10K with another 6K+ crit is even more asinine.


Sorry, but a nerf is needed. These over the top Crits are what is stupid and have no place in the current game aside from ezmode facerolling.


You dispute my statements? Then show me the evidence to support your argument. Show me other classes critting for 9K. And no, I don't want to hear the anecdotal bs about how your cousin's sister friend's brother hit for 9K the other day in a WZ under a blue moon at high tide while rubbing his rabbit's foot. Screenshot, Vid or it didn't happen.


I am sick of arguing this with people. You folks are inadequate. Every class CAN do this damage with buffs, stims, everything that is stacked there. Using their best damage dealer they CAN do this. Test it, get the best gear and the best buffs and test it. You WILL get the same results. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE is that Scrappers and their counterparts do it as an OPENER, other DPS spec'd classes require build up OR DO THIS DAMAGE AS A REPEATING TICK.


There are videos out there of every class doing ridiculous damage. Youtube is your friend. Do some research.

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I am sick of arguing this with people. You folks are inadequate. Every class CAN do this damage with buffs, stims, everything that is stacked there. Using their best damage dealer they CAN do this. Test it, get the best gear and the best buffs and test it. You WILL get the same results. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE is that Scrappers and their counterparts do it as an OPENER, other DPS spec'd classes require build up OR DO THIS DAMAGE AS A REPEATING TICK.


There are videos out there of every class doing ridiculous damage. Youtube is your friend. Do some research.


Wrong. My commando with full buffs, half battlemaster gear and half champion gear, sitting over 11% expertise, using warzone powerup rakata stim, adrenal, and rakata power relic can hit my demolition round for 7k. This is AFTER I hit my target with 3 Gravrounds to get the 25% more powerful demolition round. 10k is impossible. 9k is impossible. and 8k is impossible. I can't imagine the 4 remaining champion pieces I have after upgrading them to battlemaster would make a 7k crit (when all stars align) turn into a 10k crit. The champion upgrade to battlemaster is a lot smaller then centurion to champion.


Also, my 7k crit (when all stars align) has to be setup. I can't do it from stealth. i have to channel 3 1.5 second case attacks that anyone of them can be interrupted. The enemy has many oppertunities to get out of line of sight or interrupt and engage me to stop me setting up my big hit.


I personally can kill OP's as long as I have my Tenacity (pvp trinket) up because of the autofacing gravround (and charged bolts when they interrupt gravround). But if I don't have full health, pvp trinket, and rakata medpack off cooldown, I'm dead. There is nothing I can do if I don't have those 2 abilities and full health available to me when an OP does his stealth knockdown.


I recommend everyone roll an OP/scoundral (scrapper) as an alt to protest this ridiculous burst damage.


Yes gunnery commando's are a strong class, But we are weak to 2 things. We cannot kill GOOD healers (no interrupt), and we are stationary for everyone to see and kill and be interrupted. Our 'interrupts' (our 2 knockbacks which have to be melee and 10 meter range) start filling up resolve bar. So interrupting 2 times and then stunning for the kill (which they will trinket) now makes them immune to everything and they can just spam heal our damage.

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Wrong. My commando with full buffs, half battlemaster gear and half champion gear, sitting over 11% expertise, using warzone powerup rakata stim, adrenal, and rakata power relic can hit my demolition round for 7k. This is AFTER I hit my target with 3 Gravrounds to get the 25% more powerful demolition round. 10k is impossible. 9k is impossible. and 8k is impossible. I can't imagine the 4 remaining champion pieces I have after upgrading them to battlemaster would make a 7k crit (when all stars align) turn into a 10k crit. The champion upgrade to battlemaster is a lot smaller then centurion to champion.


Also, my 7k crit (when all stars align) has to be setup. I can't do it from stealth. i have to channel 3 1.5 second case attacks that anyone of them can be interrupted. The enemy has many oppertunities to get out of line of sight or interrupt and engage me to stop me setting up my big hit.


I personally can kill OP's as long as I have my Tenacity (pvp trinket) up because of the autofacing gravround (and charged bolts when they interrupt gravround). But if I don't have full health, pvp trinket, and rakata medpack off cooldown, I'm dead. There is nothing I can do if I don't have those 2 abilities and full health available to me when an OP does his stealth knockdown.


I recommend everyone roll an OP/scoundral (scrapper) as an alt to protest this ridiculous burst damage.


Yes gunnery commando's are a strong class, But we are weak to 2 things. We cannot kill GOOD healers (no interrupt), and we are stationary for everyone to see and kill and be interrupted. Our 'interrupts' (our 2 knockbacks which have to be melee and 10 meter range) start filling up resolve bar. So interrupting 2 times and then stunning for the kill (which they will trinket) now makes them immune to everything and they can just spam heal our damage.



Thank you for proving my point. If they were so OP, then you should never beat them, right? When do Scrappers and their Operative counterparts win? When they have all their cooldowns available. When do you win? Shocker, when you have all your cooldowns available. Sounds like balance to me.


Bottom line is that Scrappers are 1 trick ponies, without that trick, guess what, they're nothing.


You're 7k crit ability also can be repeated. Scrappers get 1 big ability and it has to be used from stealth and completely fills up the opponents resolve bar.

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Hi guys, I play a _____...


But this video shows stuff that I have not done with my class yet.. So please nerf _____.. Because its obvious that they should all play exactly like ______..


Class vs class QQ never gets old.. I know the game is run by Inquis and Consulars but as an Agent I will do my part in this rampant idiocy and nominate Sorcs/Sages for a nerf..


Please consider my tears as an advance payment in this matter..

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Wrong. My commando with full buffs, half battlemaster gear and half champion gear, sitting over 11% expertise, using warzone powerup rakata stim, adrenal, and rakata power relic can hit my demolition round for 7k. This is AFTER I hit my target with 3 Gravrounds to get the 25% more powerful demolition round. 10k is impossible. 9k is impossible. and 8k is impossible. I can't imagine the 4 remaining champion pieces I have after upgrading them to battlemaster would make a 7k crit (when all stars align) turn into a 10k crit. The champion upgrade to battlemaster is a lot smaller then centurion to champion.


Also, my 7k crit (when all stars align) has to be setup. I can't do it from stealth. i have to channel 3 1.5 second case attacks that anyone of them can be interrupted. The enemy has many oppertunities to get out of line of sight or interrupt and engage me to stop me setting up my big hit.


I personally can kill OP's as long as I have my Tenacity (pvp trinket) up because of the autofacing gravround (and charged bolts when they interrupt gravround). But if I don't have full health, pvp trinket, and rakata medpack off cooldown, I'm dead. There is nothing I can do if I don't have those 2 abilities and full health available to me when an OP does his stealth knockdown.


I recommend everyone roll an OP/scoundral (scrapper) as an alt to protest this ridiculous burst damage.


Yes gunnery commando's are a strong class, But we are weak to 2 things. We cannot kill GOOD healers (no interrupt), and we are stationary for everyone to see and kill and be interrupted. Our 'interrupts' (our 2 knockbacks which have to be melee and 10 meter range) start filling up resolve bar. So interrupting 2 times and then stunning for the kill (which they will trinket) now makes them immune to everything and they can just spam heal our damage.

For how long exactly can you blast away from range before you need to reload? Also, you're aware that this is a team game right?

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Doing regular 8-10 k crits. Amazing... Yeah lets all re roll as Operatives and we can have 8 vs 8 WZ only ops forever and ever,,,,


And the funny thing is, there are still those few who live on these forums who dont want their OP Operative nerft so they cry out that it's not OP blabla.And BioWare developers give us no hope they will actually fix this huge problem.The way they ignore the PvP forum and all feedback.But you can find then in general etc talking to people about armor looks etc.


Way to go BioWare in losing those subs :)

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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