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Dear Level 50's....


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LvL 40 is honestly the strongest you will ever be pre-lvl50 most likely unless you also PvE heavily(rare).


Lvl 44 now, my stats will go down a little everyday for the foreseeable future, and when I do hit 50 it'll be bracketed off by then, so that'll be an uphill climb.


But unhonestly, I don't care, bring on the lvl50 bracket. I'll get there eventually. I figure half of the 2 button spammin 50s will quite after they get stomped by actual lvl 50 competition anyway.


And the long queqe time will do as an incentive to roll Republic until we get an actual incentive implemented.

Edited by Varcan
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Dear non level 50's. The changes that Bioware are slipping into the game will make it MUCH harder on you when you hit 50 than it was on us when we were all in the same battlezone. You will still be pwn'ed by higher geared people who will kill you just as fast as you died when you were 20 vs a 50. Mark my words. This is not good. You will probably want to slit your own wrists by the time you make it to the 50 bracket. Edited by Wheldrake
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Kinda strange seeing all the 50s defending the current system, saying they can get killed etc. If you have a basic level of skill and decent gear at 50 you can easily dominate ppl 10 levels lower than you, so much so that is not even fun.


But then again, this is an MMO and generally pvp and mmo dont really go together. People that like real comp generally play FPS games or RTS. MMOs are inherently imbalanced just because gear creates an imbalance.


If a game was really a balanced pvp game it wouldnt use gear it would just give everyone equal gear and let skill determine the outcome.

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honestly im just tired of you people crying. "i can't kill the lvl 50" yes you can. It isnt hard. You think its any better for us at lvl 50? 15-20 losing streaks because of a group of premade. Once the change happens lvl 50s on our sever wont even be able to play lol. Your crying just leads to other peoples problems.



You dont see me making threads about premades do you?


You're so freaking wrong that I want to yell. A player who's for example in their teens and early twenties is not going to have enough damage output to kill a player who's got 300+ expertise before their dead.


Why won't level 50s be able to play? Why make such an incredibly dumb statement? What factual evidence do you have that says you will NOT be able to play? As people are still grinding to 50 your wait times may be 10mins to 15mins but so what? There are lots of things that you can do while waiting.

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I absolutely can't wait to level up alts via pvp with the new 10-49 bracket.

Well have fun with that then. If you're on a low pop server you may be forced to do this for quite a while when PvP is now dead for your 50 if you have one. And not everyone likes to play alts so what about those 50's who'd just like to play the class they chose? You think they can just suck it? Then why shouldn't I be allowed to say the same thing for low levels who are forced to play against 50's? :rolleyes:

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There are more low levels than 50s that's why. So suck it up or move on.

And it's going to stay that way when those who are 50 will realize they cannot play their class anymore to the extent they'd want to, so they'll make alts. And when their alt reaches max level: rince and repeat. On higher pop servers this will just mean that the gap between new 50's and older 50's becomes wider than before so once that guy eventually levels his alt (or main) to 50 he's up against very geared people and the same crying starts all over again and people will demand different lvl 50 brackets.


Having said that I have nothing against brackets, my issue is with the timeframe it's implemented. The game is barely out, this will just punish those who buyed the game earlier and/or have just leveled faster than others.

Edited by byteresistor
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This is my favourite response, people tend to forget that this is an MMO created to be around for a long time, yet time and time again after every new MMO that comes out it comes down to the same things:


many people playing find this urgent need to reach max level and then complain that they are bored or burnt out.


I laugh because I was once that kind of guy, then I realized after over 15 years of playing MMO's...many of them are still around to this day, had I just relaxed and enjoyed myself I may not have ever been "that guy".


Enjoy your time, many things in the game people are calling "stupid" (pvp bags) aren't meant to be an end all be all source of enjoyment but rather a side bonus to the actual fun (which I hope is competitive play in pvp or merely playing the game). This game is going to be around for a while, and you just hurt yourself in the long run trying to max out everything in such a short period of time.



These are my words of wisdom for the day.

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If you aren't getting enjoyment out of WZs because you're getting rolled by 50s, there's a very simple solution: stop entering queues for WZs and go level to 50. The XP from WZs is absolutely terrible anyways.




You 'are' making a joke right?


I'm very glad that Bioware is making every effort to make this game fun from 1-50. A different bracket for those who are comfortable spending 8+hours a day grinding gear is a good step towards making the game enjoyable for a much larger audience.


If they just wanted to cater to unemployed (or retired) players they would have a very small player base.

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Well have fun with that then. If you're on a low pop server you may be forced to do this for quite a while when PvP is now dead for your 50 if you have one. And not everyone likes to play alts so what about those 50's who'd just like to play the class they chose? You think they can just suck it? Then why shouldn't I be allowed to say the same thing for low levels who are forced to play against 50's? :rolleyes:


Those low level players are simply not queuing up for PVP, Einstein. How is this not understood?


"Gee gosh guys, if you add in a change that encourages everyone NOT CURRENTLY PLAYING pvp (due to current pvp imbalances), we'll lose the holdouts suffering the repeated rofl-stomp sessions"


If anything pvp will INCREASE once players know they can get into a warzone and have some competitive pvp fun. They need to take it a step further and allow and option for solo players to queue in a VS SOLO ONLY queue.

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This is my favourite response, people tend to forget that this is an MMO created to be around for a long time, yet time and time again after every new MMO that comes out it comes down to the same things:


many people playing find this urgent need to reach max level and then complain that they are bored or burnt out.


I laugh because I was once that kind of guy, then I realized after over 15 years of playing MMO's...many of them are still around to this day, had I just relaxed and enjoyed myself I may not have ever been "that guy".


Enjoy your time, many things in the game people are calling "stupid" (pvp bags) aren't meant to be an end all be all source of enjoyment but rather a side bonus to the actual fun (which I hope is competitive play in pvp or merely playing the game). This game is going to be around for a while, and you just hurt yourself in the long run trying to max out everything in such a short period of time.



These are my words of wisdom for the day.


You sir, indeed are a jedi master :p.


But on a serious note, well said, well said!

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We really don't care if you "may" need to wait a few more minutes for a warzone or not. The enjoyment of warzones for those of us under 50 is so bad many of us don't even que any longer and are waiting, not so patiently any longer; for the 50 bracket.


I queue my alts up for warzone as soon as they are level 10 (while still in total noob gear and half of the slots empty) and I have a blast in PVP.


I do have a 50 main and yes it can feel unfair at times getting owned, but such is PVP :)


I am able to contribute to the objectives, healing, or dps just fine even with the handicap of level/gear.


Anyway just trying to give a different perspective since you say "we", but I am not sure who that is.

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50 bracket = 0 ques all day long on some server unless ur empire then its emp vs emp hutball there is only like 3 ques going on at a time on my server and most are all low levels a few 50s we are never guna see a que why not just quit or reroll so u can actualy pvp at all
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As a level 50 I can safely say I don't want you in my warzone anyways since all non-50s do is feed the other team.


Not really.


In void my low level smuggler plants/defuses quite often.


If a lowbie knows how to use the tools that they do have access to at that level they can still be a productive member of the team.

Edited by Kelticfury
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I think all the people complaining about bracketed PVP should be careful what they wish for.


If you're Republic, congratulations, the PVP game is over for you.


If you're Empire, enjoy endless Huttball.


Basically, there never seem to be enough people queueing up on either side since every time I queue (on a high pop usually full server) I see the same people over and over and over. Either the same Empire pre-made of the same sub-30 Republic folks.


So when this patch happens, PvP is basically done. And all those who exploited Ilum and have remain top geared and unchallenged at this point, rank 60s, etc.. will have 'won' pvp for the remainder of the game's life, while other people attempt to claw their way up against impossible odds, 3 hour queues, and impossible to complete dailies / weeklies.


Bioware made a mess of this, so much so that I vote they just remove PvP from the game. It is a more sane option than the current implementation.


Like this was was going to end or die in early Feb...

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My sniper is fairly geared so I made a sorc healing alt. At lvl 14 I am usually top heals and running objectives like a boss. If someone gibs me I just respawn and get back in the fray.


I think the issue is bad players thinking the only reason they are losing is because of gear. Its the fact you are outskilled nubbins!

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My sniper is fairly geared so I made a sorc healing alt. At lvl 14 I am usually top heals and running objectives like a boss. If someone gibs me I just respawn and get back in the fray.


I think the issue is bad players thinking the only reason they are losing is because of gear. Its the fact you are outskilled nubbins!


Agree 100%

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I don't have problem with lvl 50 players in warzones. I have problem with lvl 50 premades that are exp decked ... if you know you are heads and shoulders above 95% of what you can meet in warzone ... don't group up. Just makes you look like a bully or weak minded person.
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My sniper is fairly geared so I made a sorc healing alt. At lvl 14 I am usually top heals and running objectives like a boss. If someone gibs me I just respawn and get back in the fray.


I think the issue is bad players thinking the only reason they are losing is because of gear. Its the fact you are outskilled nubbins!


Yeah ... I have lvl 14 sage alt. Last wz against premade I was at the top with damage done and number of players killed ... I killed 2 ppl in 15 minutes. Not only do they group up for god knows what reason, they take 2 healers with them just to be extra safe.

Edited by Repefe
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As a level 50 I can safely say I don't want you in my warzone anyways since all non-50s do is feed the other team.


This is how I feel. It stinks when you get put into a group and you're the only 50. Then sometimes people want to blame me because I'm 50 and I'm not carrying the team.


I can't wait for the only 50 bracket to get here. I'll take waiting for queues over getting on teams that I know will have almost no shot before we even leave the gate.

Edited by Amp_
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