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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Because it's inconvenient and abhorent for you to socialize with other players in the game. We get it. You think that it's beneath you and that they aren't real people.


They're all just virtual pixels.


That's why you can't get groups unless Bioware forms one for you and drops you into one.


And YES... You ARE anti-social.



If I can't get into a group because I can't find one, how am I supposed to socialize with new people?

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Lol, you could make max level in less than a week on only the questline, by yourself. Your delusional if you dont think this game was on the casual side to begin with.


I mean a huge chunk of the playerbase is composed by casuals and moderate players.

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You keep going back to that, don't you..?


The only choices you see are spamming the chat channels or a tool to auto-group you.


But you already outted yourself. You already said that it would be a good thing to make everything beatable by a random group of uncoordinated people and you called it "accessibility".



***Never said this. Said it was a good business decision by Blizzard to make the content accessible and winable to the larger player base. Like it or hate it, its business.**


You outted yourself even more when you got all jealous that some people have better gear than you do.


** Stop making things up. Never even implied this notion. Dont lie to make your argument. I have never cared about gear and never will. As I have stated before; I care about the content. You have outed yourself, how you spend hours raiding then someone face rolls to purples. This is your true fear, nerfing content so anyone can obtain the same gear as you. ***



We've told you over and over how WE found groups, but you would rather spend your time on the forums crying about how you can't find anyone.


***Only one crying here is you, and wow is it some loud crying. BOO HOO LFG bad...boo hoo its going to nerf my content..boo hoo everyone will have my purples..I won't be special.BOO HOOO


You want a dumbed down lobby game where you can steamroll the purple pinata so that you can feel like you accomplished something.


**All I want is a pre 50 LFG tool. That's it, no more, no less. I want an effective, easy way to form a group from anywhere at anytime. I want to be able to access the pre 50 content without hassle. Never have I asked for a nerf to the content, and I will not ask for one. Don't speculate, add or downright falsify what I have been saying all along. My story has not changed. Yet you have slipped up admitting to spending hours raiding, then blaming an LFG tool for content nerf which leads to non elite people having the same gear as you. Somehow because you apparently have hours and hours to play you are solely entitled to that gear. its just gear who cares! The content and the experience is what matters. The fun you have in the group is what matters. The more people that can experience that the better. No one in this thread has advocated a dumbing down in content.



Simple English for you. we want an LFG tool, pre 50 content. No one wants to nerf anything. Keep your purples. I dont want them. No one does****







Inserted response above for ease of reading.

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If all the one that don't want a lfg tool then don't use it join a guild or get your real life friends to play as many of you have use as arguments for not having it let those who want it and want to use it do so. If you don't and want to sit spamming lfg for (....) then by all means do so just keep it out of general we don't want to see your constant spam.
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NO. It ISN'T how everyone is forming groups.


Everyone, no. Most people, yes. There are exceptions to every rule, and as of now your choices are limited to spamming Fleet general or finding 3 other people who'll actually use the /who tool.


The very fact that the general spammers are in here crying because they can't get groups should prove that to you. Meanwhile, other people are running the content just fine.


Some people get in just fine, yes. Either they were in a large guild from the start, or they got lucky. The first few days of early access, I got a group in less than a few minutes. Since then, however, haven't had the same luck. And it seems plenty of people are skipping flashpoints or avoiding group content and experiencing the same reasons.


That you would make the claim that nothing changes just means that you haven't bothered to read back any, because that has been refuted many times.


And if these people spent half the time making contacts in the game as they do here on the forums crying about not getting groups... They wouldn't have a problem.


Running content is how most of us make contacts in this game. That's more or less why cooperative content is there in the first place. What did you think it's purpose was, gear?

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If I can't get into a group because I can't find one, how am I supposed to socialize with new people?


You're supposed to go to the guild forum and grovel for acceptance into a pve leveling guild. Then you are supposed to be online whenever your guild is, in vent at all times, ready to listen to the Guild Leader's latest riveting whine about how sad he is that he hasn't had a cuddle in five years. In the background, you will hear his mother calling for him to come out of the basement to load the dishwasher.


Hey, if the anti-lfg crowd can throw stereotypes around, I can too, right?


Some of us happen to think that the average MMO guild is creepy. Sorry, but we do.

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NO. It ISN'T how everyone is forming groups.


The very fact that the general spammers are in here crying because they can't get groups should prove that to you. Meanwhile, other people are running the content just fine.


That you would make the claim that nothing changes just means that you haven't bothered to read back any, because that has been refuted many times.


And if these people spent half the time making contacts in the game as they do here on the forums crying about not getting groups... They wouldn't have a problem.


You can't speak for my server. This is how people form groups on my server. LFG spamming happens all the time on my server. Every 30 seconds or so a new messages appears in chat and it keeps appearing becasue it take forever for people to respond. Your server might be different but its a reality on mine, and a lot of other people's by the looks of it.

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You've made quite the little strawman argument for yourself. Now the reality:


What strawman...? I didn't make his argument up for him. That's EXACTLY what he said.


People want a tool to make grouping with people easier so they can spend less time spamming general and more time actually playing content with others and talking to them.


Bull. People drop into those groups and faceroll to the purple pinata with people they'll never have to see again.


I mean, take the mere convenience of these forums. Does utilizing this tool make you anti-social? Are you lazy for using a message board? Why don't you go out on the streets and make conversation with random people you see?


Because the people in this thread are talking in a place and on a subject that matters to me. When I care about something, I get involved with other people who care about the same thing. Just like in the game, when I care about running content, I get myself involved with people who also want to run the content. And if I want to have a beer, I get myself involved with the guys down the street who also like to have a few.


Get it..?


If you want to be involved in something, find other people who want the same thing. It isn't hard.


Plus, haven't you said a few times before that you think LFD is a good idea?


Absolutely... But pre-50 same server content only. MAYBE the normal mode flashpoints.

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NO. It ISN'T how everyone is forming groups.


The very fact that the general spammers are in here crying because they can't get groups should prove that to you. Meanwhile, other people are running the content just fine.


That you would make the claim that nothing changes just means that you haven't bothered to read back any, because that has been refuted many times.


And if these people spent half the time making contacts in the game as they do here on the forums crying about not getting groups... They wouldn't have a problem.


Once again, how do I make these contacts and find groups in order to meet people if I'm not spamming general for a group? Do you want me to message every person individually, even if they haven't indicated they want a group since you know, no one uses the dumb /who lfg?

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I agree, NO lfg tool.


I leveled from 1-50 with little to no grouping and I want it to stay that way.


Grouping in a mmo is super outdated at this point.


The whole point of other players on a single server is so that the Auction house has someone to trade with. That's it though.


So get off your high horse and play the game the way the dev's want you to........alone.

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Bull. People drop into those groups and faceroll to the purple pinata with people they'll never have to see again.


You should take a reason and logic class. This entire response is just an assumed generalization. You have no evidence for a claim like this whatsoever yet you hold to it with such severe force its like you will believe it no matter what anybody tells you. This is by definition irrational.


Bioware I can assure you, I want a LFD so I can experience content, not get faceroll purple pinatas. As evidenced by the multiple posts of others in this thread, they feel the same.

Edited by Moricthian
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Inserted response above for ease of reading.


Yeah, but not so much ease of responding...


Accessible and winnable are two different things. You want the content to be able to be plodded through by any uncoordinated group of random people. I don't. That's boring as all hell.


I didn't make anything up. You keep coming back to the notion that I'm trying to keep you from getting your purples, and then you claim that I just want to be sure that I have better gear than you. But I've already said I would GIVE you my gear if you would just see that there is a better way than to turn this into a lobby game... and even help you get more.


Several times.


But it somehow sticks in your head that I don't want you to have that gear, which leads me to believe that gear is your primary concern. You think I'm trying to hold you back from it.


I'm not the one coming to the forums crying because I can't get a group instead of actually spending that time to... well I dunno... GET A GROUP. I love the game the way it is. I'm not crying over anything. You guys are.


I agree with you on the pre-50 tool, but that isn't what these other people want. They want the same faceroll experience they got trained on in WoW. Most of them literally know of no other way.

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I agree, NO lfg tool.


I leveled from 1-50 with little to no grouping and I want it to stay that way.


Grouping in a mmo is super outdated at this point.


The whole point of other players on a single server is so that the Auction house has someone to trade with. That's it though.


So get off your high horse and play the game the way the dev's want you to........alone.


Are you for real?

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You're supposed to go to the guild forum and grovel for acceptance into a pve leveling guild. Then you are supposed to be online whenever your guild is, in vent at all times, ready to listen to the Guild Leader's latest riveting whine about how sad he is that he hasn't had a cuddle in five years. In the background, you will hear his mother calling for him to come out of the basement to load the dishwasher.


Hey, if the anti-lfg crowd can throw stereotypes around, I can too, right?


Some of us happen to think that the average MMO guild is creepy. Sorry, but we do.


What the hell kind of guilds have YOU been in... ?!?!






If that's what you think a guild is or what it should be, then you're the one with the problem, not them.

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WoW community was dead BEFORE lfg tool- lfg tool had nothing to do with it- your view is skewered!


lfg is NEEDED in this game due to heavy instancing of EVERYTHING


Sorry but you are wrong there buddy. I played from beta/release on, LFG tool put the nail in the coffin for World of Warcraft.

Edited by SWGVet
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What strawman...? I didn't make his argument up for him. That's EXACTLY what he said.


And he doesn't represent everyone, though you'll probably continue to argue that he is in fact what every person that likes LFD should be. Thus, strawman.



Bull. People drop into those groups and faceroll to the purple pinata with people they'll never have to see again.


When it's cross-server, yes. When it's same-server, there still remains quite a lot of accountability for your actions. And faceroll has nothing to do with LFD. This game has no LFD, and a whole lot of the content outside of nightmare modes is faceroll.



Because the people in this thread are talking in a place and on a subject that matters to me. When I care about something, I get involved with other people who care about the same thing. Just like in the game, when I care about running content, I get myself involved with people who also want to run the content. And if I want to have a beer, I get myself involved with the guys down the street who also like to have a few.


Get it..?


Please go a bit more into 'get yourself involved with people'. Specifically, how do you initiate talking to them in the first place, especially since you continue to say that spamming general isn't the only way to talk to people, but have been hazy on how you initiate getting to know people otherwise.


I just don't see how a same-server lfd ruins socialization. If anything, it means it's quicker to form groups, which means I'm seeing more people, which means I have more people to add to my friends list and talk to.


If you want to be involved in something, find other people who want the same thing. It isn't hard.


Many people have proven it can indeed be hard. I'm interested in doing Athiss, I ask around in general, and no one else at that time wants to run it. Trouble is, showing any further interest on that subject constitutes as spamming general, which you continue to insist isn't neccessary.


Absolutely... But pre-50 same server content only. MAYBE the normal mode flashpoints.

So.... why the heck are you arguing so much with people who agree with you on that? I have no problem with lfg not being an option for harder content. Why do you continually insist that people who like lfg are anti-social, horrible people when you are one of those people that would like an lfg tool?

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. They want the same faceroll experience they got trained on in WoW. Most of them literally know of no other way.


This is the most, I don't even know the word, hypocritical maybe?, thing you've said yet (and you've got some doosies).


I've provided you with numerous, NUMEROUS, examples of other games with LFG functions, most of which (excluding Rift who nerfed their entry level content to let players experience it, but I know you won't understand that) have NOT dumbed down their initial gameplay upon it's release.


Yet you point to everyone else being stuck in this WoW mindset of a loot pineata, when its you that's completely stuck on the WoW LFG tool as being the one and only implementation.


Yea, hypocritical was the word.


Taroen Tally = 1 (I've decided to keep track of the completely false, totally conjecture, blatently made-up, or hypocritical statements you make during this thread. I'd go back through, but, well, we all know how lazy I am since I want a LFG tool).

Edited by Halbe
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You can't speak for my server. This is how people form groups on my server. LFG spamming happens all the time on my server. Every 30 seconds or so a new messages appears in chat and it keeps appearing becasue it take forever for people to respond. Your server might be different but its a reality on mine, and a lot of other people's by the looks of it.


Just because you see spamming doesn't mean that it's how people form groups. Obviously they aren't having the greatest success with that method. Meanwhile, others are actually running the content. They did it without spamming over and over.


Gee, I wonder how..?

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Once again, how do I make these contacts and find groups in order to meet people if I'm not spamming general for a group? Do you want me to message every person individually, even if they haven't indicated they want a group since you know, no one uses the dumb /who lfg?


I'd also like to see this question answered.

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After reading some of the comments and points of view here in this thread I'll share my opinion with you as well.


I think LFG Tool is needed for Star Wars The Old Republic because it's a very useful way to get hooked up with other players and a way to save a lot of time on searching for people. There is already a simplistic system in the game: open WHO window and type in search LFG, but it's not an end solution or at least it doesn't feel like one.


It's very nice that many of you do not experience this problem when searching for a group, but why to be so negative about a tool which will save a lot of time for people who do? Take into account imbalanced numbers of Imps and Reps (it is evidently easier to find group on many servers as an Imp).


I vote for LFG Tool and I think for those who don't like it, they don't really need to use it. There are always IRL friends and Guilds.

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Just because you see spamming doesn't mean that it's how people form groups. Obviously they aren't having the greatest success with that method. Meanwhile, others are actually running the content. They did it without spamming over and over.


Gee, I wonder how..?


Its quite convient to make this claim when the evidence in order to make it is impossible to find.


Seriously take a logic class.


You are saying we need to play with others and meet people to assemble groups. The problem is we need to assemble groups in order to meet and play with others.


This commits the logical fallacy of begging the question.


Your magic system for forming groups isn't working for a lot of people. At this point, I'm going to assume you are going to ignore whatever anyone tells you as you make the same claims repeatedly without actually examining arguments.


for example you claim LFG tool will cause uncoordinated groups. I claim you can coordinate and still use an LFG by talking strategy once the group is formed. What say you to this?


Screw it. I don't even know why I bother. *turns to Bioware*



Bioware, the current system isn't working. Please implement an LFG tool.

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Are you for real?


No, just trolling idiots who want the game to be less convenient than it already is.


This game is by far the biggest pita to do almost anything in than any other mmo i've ever played.


The CD on the emergency fleet pass is almost trollish.

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What the hell kind of guilds have YOU been in... ?!?!






If that's what you think a guild is or what it should be, then you're the one with the problem, not them.



My problem is with guilds trying to position themselves as the gate keepers of group content.


Let's face it, the game has sold to most of the people it's going to sell to. Others will trickle in over time and players will always come and go, but the core is already here. And everyone who wanted to join a guild has joined one by now. The rest of us either don't want to join a guild or have joined a pvp guild that doesn't do much pve or perhaps joined a small guild that can't regularly fill groups.


Essentially a lot of people in this thread are saying to those of us who don't want to join a specific type of guild that we are bad people, wrong, and trying to ruin the game, plus that we're antisocial.



I figured if people are going to make horrible assumptions about non-guild players, a few were due right back at the guild players. Fair is fair and all that.


Me, I'm probably going to join a pvp guild, if not soon, then whenever we get some rated premade pvp options. But sometimes I get bored of solo leveling and I just want an easy way to group up. Really, that doesn't make me an MMO-wrecking, WoW loving criminal.

Edited by maradigamer
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