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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Actually, there are quite a few people that want more than content that can be steamrolled by random groups acting stupidly. There's another game that does that. Why aren't you playing it?





Such a red-herring. You don't want it to make friends. You want it so that you can steamroll to your purples without ever even having to talk to anyone. Ever.


Go play a single-player game.


Keep believin the dream buddy lol. It's one thing to be able to negotiate the content, it's another never getting that opportunity. Your excuses are pathetic. Even reviewers have mentioned the LFG is garbage.

ANd your mass generalizing is also pathetic. Who do you think you are saying he/she doesn't want to make friends?

I for one played in a very good guild in wow, raided every week. Guilds and friends always over randoms. BUt when I got on late or we needed to fill a slot, the LFD tool was way better than deperately and unsuccessfully spamming forever.

LFD does not equal anti-social behavior.

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I love looking for groups, sometimes I sit in Fleet just whispering random people if they want to run a flashpoint (I whisper b/c I don't want to SPAM), I also like asking guildmates over and over if they want to drop whatever they are doing and come to the fleet so they can do what I have in mind... I myself hate it when I'm in the middle of finishing a quest but not getting guildmate asking me to go do a flashpoint instead, it sux not getting interupted that way.


In reality, its soo much fun finding the group, that sometimes, after I get the group together, I immediately dopped party and try and form another one instead. Since that is the real fun, meeting people and asking them to go do a flashpoint with me.




Sorry but this made me chuckle. Thank you for the laugh! I'm going through kidney stone pains right now. so to get me to smile. I thank you so much.

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That is a very bad statement, My wife does not really want to make friends or cares nothing about the community. She does not mind talking to people and if she makes a friend great, but she plays it to spend time with me, and for the story/loot.



This whole, you need to be social to enjoy mmos thing, or you are a ninja looter because you don't care about community. Is the biggest bunch of crap I've heard.



I don't mind a community, but if I have to trade it for not being bored, well I won't be crying thats for sure.


Well that's great that your wife doesn't want to make friends and doesn't care about the community. So wonderful that the two of you only care about your free epix. Well.. you can run the solo and 2 player content all you want. But if you want the bigger group stuff you're going to have to consort with the masses.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but the next major content patch DOESN'T have a dungeon finder in it.

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Sorry but this made me chuckle. Thank you for the laugh! I'm going through kidney stone pains right now. so to get me to smile. I thank you so much.


Sorry Teladis, I know how painful they can be... hope u feel better soon. Now, how bout running hardmode esseles with me?

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I actually was going to reply to your post before when you mentioned it and that stuff about Kitty. I know who he is even tho I don't PvP. I'm on the Republic side of things, and there are some people over here who don't like that guy too much =P


People on our server are starting to get to know each other fairly well, eh..?


But I guess some of these guys just can't believe that a community can matter in an MMO...


I love that we have shown how easy it is to create community when you just make a tiny effort to interact and be considerate. I'm heading home now (to play, woooo!). My Republic alt is named Jaelle -- I am mostly Empire at the moment, but feel free to friend me and I'll do likewise.


And to the pro-cross-server folks: I may not agree with you, but I enjoy a good vigorous debate. Have a good day, and may all your group wait times be short. ;)

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Sorry Teladis, I know how painful they can be... hope u feel better soon. Now, how bout running hardmode esseles with me?



lmao, I would but I quit the game. That and only thing I can do is really post and to pray that it's going to be smooth stones.

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It's because those people that can't get groups think that the only way to get a group is to spam general over and over.
oh ya, there's other ways.


One can /who and put their tag on, which is essentially useless for most players.


Or they can go down the list of desired classes and whisper people. Never mind that random whispering people is considered by most one of the rudest things to do to other players, just do it anyway. So now you've been swore at by a bunch of your fellow players and/or put on ignore. Now less of a pool to find a group with.


Join a guild. Yes, go find that magical guild out there with players all around your level, all playing the same amount as you, and all playing at the same time of day as you, so that they stay around your level.


They can make friends. They just have to make sure that they interview those friends and make sure they're playing the same amount as you are and will sign a contract stating they will not out level you or fall too far below you.

Edited by Umbral
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Well that's great that your wife doesn't want to make friends and doesn't care about the community. So wonderful that the two of you only care about your free epix. Well.. you can run the solo and 2 player content all you want. But if you want the bigger group stuff you're going to have to consort with the masses.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but the next major content patch DOESN'T have a dungeon finder in it.



I don't have to do anything, After waiting two hours to build a group, I just laughed and quit the game.



Thats fine the next content patch does not have it. When the numbers keep on dropping, they will wonder why. For a game to want to set the bars for future mmos. They sure are doing a bad job at it.

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I'm pretty sure I'm older than you and I am more in touch with the times.


I'm pretty sure that you're not, and that I wouldn't care if you were. What difference is that supposed to make..?


That statement about playing a single player game makes me chuckle. I was playing Muds, before I started UO. I know how a MMO use to be and what it is now.


Legend of the Red Dragon, UO, AO... So what..? You're somewhere near my age if you actually played those games.


I know all about the community and the fun and drama it can bring. The game has changed since them days. A mmo is not just about playing with other people. When mmos was limited that was the draw into the game. Now, a mmo is a game itself, it should cater to all people of all types. Bioware wanted to set a bar for future mmos, well it's still stuck in the past.


The difference between the two of us is that you've come to LIKE the anti-social, homogenized aspect of some current MMOs and don't want to have to be bothered with other people.


But I like the aspect of this one, and I meet more people on my server all the time. Just met one while I was in this thread even.


But you can't even meet enough people to form a 4 man group..? And you only need 2 more since your wife would be with you..? I don't buy it. Sorry.


You just want the McDonald's MMO faceroll experience and you want to turn this game into that.



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I love that we have shown how easy it is to create community when you just make a tiny effort to interact and be considerate. I'm heading home now (to play, woooo!). My Republic alt is named Jaelle -- I am mostly Empire at the moment, but feel free to friend me and I'll do likewise.


And to the pro-cross-server folks: I may not agree with you, but I enjoy a good vigorous debate. Have a good day, and may all your group wait times be short. ;)


Right on! I will do just that very thing... =)


But I can't make an Empire toon because all 8 slots are full of Republic!



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I'm pretty sure that you're not, and that I wouldn't care if you were. What difference is that supposed to make..?




Legend of the Red Dragon, UO, AO... So what..? You're somewhere near my age if you actually played those games.




The difference between the two of us is that you've come to LIKE the anti-social, homogenized aspect of some current MMOs and don't want to have to be bothered with other people.


But I like the aspect of this one, and I meet more people on my server all the time. Just met one while I was in this thread even.


But you can't even meet enough people to form a 4 man group..? And you only need 2 more since your wife would be with you..? I don't buy it. Sorry.


You just want the McDonald's MMO faceroll experience and you want to turn this game into that.




I said the age thing because most of the older players like myself are very closed minded thinking about the past and missing them days. Myself, I do and don't...Some of the most retarded drama ever happen with rp communities back in the days. Now? I'm just opend minded.



I don't blame the tools, I blame the players. If a tool is giving to make life easier for people with limited time, or people who don't want to spend most of there time trying to build a group causes a community to die or downgrade. It's not the tool's fault but the community itself for being bad.

Don't blame guns, blame the people.


I'm not the type of guy who will make judgement on people because they are anti social or they play a mmo for other reasons besides my own. Bioware gives all the tools for you to start a community, but don't cater to the other players who want to enjoy other aspects of a mmo.


I don't call the community wanting people names or care bears or anything like that. However, the people who feel so strongly vs the lfg queue system, have been name calling players has started saying that it makes the game too easy this or that, or they are anti social.

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Well that's great that your wife doesn't want to make friends and doesn't care about the community. So wonderful that the two of you only care about your free epix. Well.. you can run the solo and 2 player content all you want. But if you want the bigger group stuff you're going to have to consort with the masses.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but the next major content patch DOESN'T have a dungeon finder in it.


Why do you care how they play the game. If you don't like lfg then don't use it! And what the hell is a "free epic"?I think you need to remember its a video game. Also, why do you care about other peoples gear? Is it so you can feel important that you have purples and they don't?

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No I'm just open minded.


I don't blame the tools, I blame the players. If a tool is giving to make life easier for people with limited time, or people who don't want to spend most of there time trying to build a group causes a community to die or downgrade. It's not the tool's fault but the community itself for being bad.



Don't blame guns, blame the people.


Equating the desire for a homogenized dumbed down MMO with no real MM in the O, to being "open minded" is kind of a stretch, don't you think...?


My community seems fine. Pretty good in fact. We have an ally guild and a couple of other guilds that we hang with. And we also have a competing guild. Getting to know some of the people from the smaller guilds that have odd names and great senses of humor.


I don't have a problem.


You've been poisoned by other recent MMO experiences and expect the worst. Even worse, you've started DESIRING the worst.


That's a shame.

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Equating the desire for a homogenized dumbed down MMO with no real MM in the O, to being "open minded" is kind of a stretch, don't you think...?


My community seems fine. Pretty good in fact. We have an ally guild and a couple of other guilds that we hang with. And we also have a competing guild. Getting to know some of the people from the smaller guilds that have odd names and great senses of humor.


I don't have a problem.


You've been poisoned by other recent MMO experiences and expect the worst. Even worse, you've started DESIRING the worst.


That's a shame.


Homogenized? Giving players a tool to make life easier is a bad thing? I don't understand, how adding a tool that makes the game more enjoyable for many, letting others get to play content making the game easier?


I'm trying to follow your logic. A mmo is about having a mass amount of players online, what the players do is up to them. How a player plays is up to them. The freedom of choice, and how they deal with people is what a mmo is.



I've never said your way of playing is wrong or bad, but I don't understand your logic behind having a tool that makes groups for you. Meeting new people faster, getting groups faster is playing with other players. Even cross server you still get to meet new people and make friends.



I really want to understand this breaking community points, but I just don't see it. The only thing I can see is that people who are super social/go through all this community stuff, wants to get loot that avg players could not get. They want to see content that others don't.


That is the only thing I can really think of would bother people. That is pretty sad if it's true.

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Why do you care how they play the game. If you don't like lfg then don't use it! And what the hell is a "free epic"?I think you need to remember its a video game. Also, why do you care about other peoples gear? Is it so you can feel important that you have purples and they don't?


Okay man I totally don't blame you for not scanning through the entire thread... But several people have already answered this question.


Short answer... Random dungeon finder changes the game for everyone who runs group content, whether they want to get stuck using it, or not. Okay, longer answer... Right now some of the content actually takes some cooperation and you might actually have to depend on other players to be able to complete it. You're not going to do well if you drop into a random group and try to faceroll the whole thing. A dungeon finder would change that because the content would need to be completable by those random groups that cooperate poorly. The content gets nerfed to faceroll mode because people can't be bothered to form their own groups and work through it... They just want to rush to the end and hit a loot pinata for a purple and never see the people they grouped with again.


Sorry... I don't want that. I like it the way it is.


Other games do that, and that's why I'm not playing them...

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This game desperately needs a LFG or LFD tool. Spamming general chat does not build a community. You know what builds a community? The ability to run FP's in a group builds communities. If you like your group you can add them as friends with one click. As it is now I have to sit in the station and spam the general chat channel and not quest, not explore and not socialize. I socialize in groups, on planets questing and in FP's.



This game needs a LFG or LFD what ever you want to call it. A player can queue up, continue questing, exploring or whatever they wish without being trapped on a station spamming chat. On a good day it takes 45 minutes to an hour to find a group. That's an hour that I can not quest, explore or really interact with anyone else. How is spamming a chat channel social? How does it build a community? How does it help when you can not find a group after two hours of spamming a chat channel? A LFG tool provides the ability to queue for FP's while giving the player freedom to enjoy the rest of the game.

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Okay man I totally don't blame you for not scanning through the entire thread... But several people have already answered this question.


Short answer... Random dungeon finder changes the game for everyone who runs group content, whether they want to get stuck using it, or not. Okay, longer answer... Right now some of the content actually takes some cooperation and you might actually have to depend on other players to be able to complete it. You're not going to do well if you drop into a random group and try to faceroll the whole thing. A dungeon finder would change that because the content would need to be completable by those random groups that cooperate poorly. The content gets nerfed to faceroll mode because people can't be bothered to form their own groups and work through it... They just want to rush to the end and hit a loot pinata for a purple and never see the people they grouped with again.


Sorry... I don't want that. I like it the way it is.


Other games do that, and that's why I'm not playing them...




Who says it needs to change? Also, from what my guild mates told me. The hard core content besides the bugs, is pretty easy and straight forward not require that much skill. It could easily be done with a LFG system.


Your points are not well made because you think a Dungeon finder system will ch

ange it. You don't know if it will or not. So half of what you are saying is not even true.


I also don't understand why you would quit a game for a Dungeon finding system, Like I said, it has to be a self entitlement of the loot you get, is the only answer I can think of. If everyone can do the content and get the gear you have. You don't feel like you earned anything. That in itself is dumb because even with the system right now, it does not feel like you earn it. You just have a premade group that runs it. Thats not really earning anything.

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Homogenized? Giving players a tool to make life easier is a bad thing? I don't understand, how adding a tool that makes the game more enjoyable for many, letting others get to play content making the game easier?


I'm trying to follow your logic. A mmo is about having a mass amount of players online, what the players do is up to them. How a player plays is up to them. The freedom of choice, and how they deal with people is what a mmo is.



I've never said your way of playing is wrong or bad, but I don't understand your logic behind having a tool that makes groups for you. Meeting new people faster, getting groups faster is playing with other players. Even cross server you still get to meet new people and make friends.



I really want to understand this breaking community points, but I just don't see it. The only thing I can see is that people who are super social/go through all this community stuff, wants to get loot that avg players could not get. They want to see content that others don't.


That is the only thing I can really think of would bother people. That is pretty sad if it's true.


Honestly, I don't care whether you socialize, or not. It isn't my job to break you out of your shell. But I personally like that aspect of this game, and it is refreshing to see it return to the genre.


You want to run group content without caring about the group. Other players to you might as well not exist and you and your wife can run with your companions out. I'm sorry, but for a LFG tool to work properly, then these random groups are going to be in for a lot of wipes unless they nerf the hell out of the content. If they dumb down the game, it's going to suck.


I don't want to see all of the content become boring and faceroll just because you don't like other people. If you can't be bothered to deal with other people, you should play a single-player game.


That's all.

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Honestly, I don't care whether you socialize, or not. It isn't my job to break you out of your shell. But I personally like that aspect of this game, and it is refreshing to see it return to the genre.


You want to run group content without caring about the group. Other players to you might as well not exist and you and your wife can run with your companions out. I'm sorry, but for a LFG tool to work properly, then these random groups are going to be in for a lot of wipes unless they nerf the hell out of the content. If they dumb down the game, it's going to suck.


I don't want to see all of the content become boring and faceroll just because you don't like other people. If you can't be bothered to deal with other people, you should play a single-player game.


That's all.



The content already in the game is face roll. It's super easy when it works. The LFG tool would let more people do it. Thats it.




Why don't you understand this? You said this content is hard, but its not. The game itself is not even that hard. Its a lot easier than wow is, when it comes to pretty much everything. They really can't do that much to make it easier for people.

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Back in my day there were a lot more leaders than followers...

Many people wouldn't survive a day in FFXI...


Just start whispering to people yah gonna get alot of rejections, but hey it's better than sitting and spamming waiting...


Initiative > laziness.

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Honestly, I don't care whether you socialize, or not. It isn't my job to break you out of your shell. But I personally like that aspect of this game, and it is refreshing to see it return to the genre.


You want to run group content without caring about the group. Other players to you might as well not exist and you and your wife can run with your companions out. I'm sorry, but for a LFG tool to work properly, then these random groups are going to be in for a lot of wipes unless they nerf the hell out of the content. If they dumb down the game, it's going to suck.


I don't want to see all of the content become boring and faceroll just because you don't like other people. If you can't be bothered to deal with other people, you should play a single-player game.


That's all.



Everyone of your posts is a screaming opinion presented as fact.


What games dumbed down contect compared to which ones have a LFG tool? Seriously? Are you just saying WoW? How about Rift? EQ2? Do they have dumbed down content because of LFG? DO you even know, or are you just drawing your conclusion from ONE game's implementation of it?


How do you support this? Where is that WoW armory? With it being so dumbed down, I better be impressed by it.


Has content in WoW been nerfed? Of course. After some time has passed, and they make it so the really casual players get to see the content. It's called "Good Business".


Where is all your data to back up your claims?

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Am tierd of hearing that lfg tool will ruin the community, in that regard i say what community. This game is no better then wow on social basicaly if you want social interaction you have to join a guild and same goes for wow lfg tool or not. I do not consider people sitting in the fleet lfg for hours or sitting there waiting for pvp ques to pop as a good community. so please do your self a favor guys and stop saying it will ruin something that isnt even part of this game other then being in a guild.
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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.


Well, maybe it has nothing to do with LFG tool, WoW community was really immature and that's why I don't want SWTOR to be like WoW, I'm afraid of SWTOR becoming full of teenagers and kids acting like you say :-/

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Honestly, I don't care whether you socialize, or not. It isn't my job to break you out of your shell. But I personally like that aspect of this game, and it is refreshing to see it return to the genre.


You want to run group content without caring about the group. Other players to you might as well not exist and you and your wife can run with your companions out. I'm sorry, but for a LFG tool to work properly, then these random groups are going to be in for a lot of wipes unless they nerf the hell out of the content. If they dumb down the game, it's going to suck.


I don't want to see all of the content become boring and faceroll just because you don't like other people. If you can't be bothered to deal with other people, you should play a single-player game.


That's all.


What? Your post makes no sense. How does spamming chat promote community over a LFG tool. Both ways lead you to a group. Its in the group that you build the community, not spamming general chat. A LFG tool gets a player in groups at a faster rate. Why would a LFG tool-group have more wipes than a chat channel spam created group? In both cases you still have a pug, and you still have to communicate.

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