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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

takes place 3000 years BEFORE Star Wars?


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the whole point is ST is NO more plausible than SW.. if anything it is worse


ST is not based on a rationalizations of what we already know... they just mash big science words in (almost always using them incorrectly) and make things up on the fly


Fun fact, Star Trek scripts would actually be written with certain plot devices left to be filled in later.


Worf: "The klingons are attacking!"

Picard: "Options!?"

Geordi: "Well, sir, if we {insert techno babble here that defeats Klingons}"

Picard: "Mr. LaForge, make it so!"

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Earth's technology has changed drastically in the last 50 years lol


so what?


You're compairing a plateued tech to tech that is still advancing.

Besides, by the time we get to the movies a lot of technological progress have been lost due to stagnation/peace. From tpm to rotj technology advance quite a lot in the military fields, Death Stars, galaxy guns, sun crushers...

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the whole point is ST is NO more plausible than SW.. if anything it is worse


ST is not based on a rationalizations of what we already know... they just mash big science words in (almost always using them incorrectly) and make things up on the fly


Actually the whole point is that you're overthinking things WAY too much....and I disagree, Star Trek is far more plausible than Star Wars but the SW lore/story/universe is absolutely genius and I'll take it over ST any day of the week.

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To top it all off... They can build a DEATH STAR (that's a spaceship AS BIG AS A PLANET)... I'm thinking they are probably near the top of the mountain or looking down on everyone else from the summit.


Tsk tsk. Small moon.

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Fun fact, Star Trek scripts would actually be written with certain plot devices left to be filled in later.


Worf: "The klingons are attacking!"

Picard: "Options!?"

Geordi: "Well, sir, if we {insert techno babble here that defeats Klingons}"

Picard: "Mr. LaForge, make it so!"


that actually sounds right... don't get me wrong I watched most of the series and they were entertaining.. just sometimes it seemed like the writers of one episode had never seen the rest of the series or even the episode right before the one they were writing

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Actually the whole point is that you're overthinking things WAY too much....and I disagree, Star Trek is far more plausible than Star Wars but the SW lore/story/universe is absolutely genius and I'll take it over ST any day of the week.


^^ this, i think ppl are forgetting the "fiction" part of SI-FI

Edited by grandmthethird
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That is until George Lucas f'ed it up by bringing Midi-Chlorians into the movies. He is the single best thing and the same time, the single worst thing, to have happened to the Star Wars universe.


I swear that in secret, he actually despise the fact that he created this Star Wars beast. Sort of like how William Shatner hates Trekkies. Anyways, this is why Lucas is employing a scorched earth tactic on everything Star Wars related. Not even the original trilogy was spared.


That is true and I believe the reason for that is when you mention Lucas everybody says Star Wars and never mention American Graffiti or THX1138 in any conversation about him. THX is so loved by George that he named a sound system after the movie and include references into everything he or ILM has had there hands on. Kinda like A111 in Pixar and Brad Bird's movies. Then again Lucas did bring us something so bad that Roger Corman even hung his head in shame over........Howard the Duck.


The fact of the matter is that EU and OT are all like the old 20-40's serials that used to played in front the features, like Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers and even John Carter so in the scheme of things everyone can argue technology but the truth of the matter this game and the movies was just a way for George remake Akira Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress and put it in a serial format.

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I also believe that SW tech plateaued and basically just improvements to proven technology. Also TOR could not be drastically different for fans point of view so some recognizable SW (Luke Era) to enjoy. In SW lore how long has the light saber existed? Then TOR introduces Rakata tech that is in many way more advanced than SW tech as well as constant references to ancient tech that in many ways is more advanced! Kind of a cliche' but its in the lore.


SW tech is amazing considering that you can see the laser bolts moving when in our universe laser are too fast to be seen. Then there's traveling light speed in 3 seconds. Again in our universe this would cause any living being in the craft traveling that fast in that short of time to be puddles on the back wall of the **** pit. lol Then back to light sabers and SW tech ability to limit the length of a powerful laser let alone the battery tech to sustain power of that magnitude! Mind boggling!

Edited by AlphaBraddox
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not a fan i quess...


its another universe... and many things have different styles where it looks a lot older than in the movies. especially when playing kotor.


game is perfect. deal with it.


Its not perfect, and KOTOR had a better look and feel than SWTOR. SWTOR is at best a convincing mash of up KOTOR, the Prequels, and the Clone Wars cartoon...with only a sprinkle of the classic in it. This game doesnt really have its own visual identity in the era its supposed to..its just a sick hybrid.

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The reason SW tech seems backwards is because it is. Back when the Rakatan ruled the entire galaxy with their "Infinite Empire" everyone was basically mindless beasts. Over time their enslaved worlds evolved but they ruled for thousands of years. They pioneered the vast majority of the technology in the galaxy including FTL. Once their empire fell, which happened by the entire race being simultaneously cut off from the force and unable to use their own tech, people began using their technology who could make it do things. Ever since then the galaxy in SW has been playing catch-up basically. Edited by Jonlinar
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I feel you. You would think that if tech hit a plateau people would still at least evolve/change/rotate through styles if nothing else. Iguess 3k years later we have come full circle back to the same style.


However...in the end this is a product planned for the "masses".

People don't like change, they like sameness.


If it looked too different, and too far removed from what they expected to see when they think"Star Wars", they would be unhappy.


It's not about the one or the few(those that notice what you notice), it's about the many.

it's just math really. the more you add to the pool the closer you approach to seeing the "average."


When they plan the game, they plan it for the average, so what you see is what it's all about i'm afraid.


To see something different you will have to look to something new. Not a redo/reimagine/remake/alt universe of something old.

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................what then? For 3000 years nobody could come up with better/different technology? I'm to expect the ships basically all look the same 3000 years before star wars? C2N2 is C3PO's great great great great great great great great uncle? Looks like they could be brothers.


Just sayin'


Have you been imprisoned in Dreypa's Oubliette for 34 years? saying that you probably only know that as a server if you have... Carry on.

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Pretty sure a parsec is a measure of length, not time. So there goes that argument :)


Which just backs up the argument even more...


So instead of doing the kessel run in (for sake of argument) 18 miles, "The Falcon" could do it in just under 12 miles.... he wasn't going FASTER he took a SHORTER route. And to clairfy Light Year is also measure of distance: how far light travels in the course of 1 Julian year in a vacuum.


So we both start a 20 mile run from the same spot. There is an electrified fence at the 10 mile marker, but the end of the race is 1 mile on the other side. You decide to go around the fence, thus making your total run 20 miles. I decide to jump over the fence cause I know I can clear it with plenty of room to spare. So my run just went from 20 miles, to 11 miles. So while it might SEEM I've run faster than you, in fact, I just took a shorter route.

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Before electricity and combustion, Humanity had over 3000 years of swords, spears and bows.


Progress happens in cycles, right now we are content with inventing "better cars" "Better computers" "better factories" and it may just as well be 3010-4010 before humanity achieves next plateau

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Before electricity and combustion, Humanity had over 3000 years of swords, spears and bows.


Progress happens in cycles, right now we are content with inventing "better cars" "Better computers" "better factories" and it may just as well be 3010-4010 before humanity achieves next plateau


yes..once we get hover cars we are going to be happy, I reckon thats why we havent got them yet, the government knows we will all slack off and zoom about in our cars doing no real work

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Pretty sure a parsec is a measure of length, not time. So there goes that argument :)


And a light year is a measure of lenght too...


He specifically said why the ship appeared to go faster when it was actually just using a shorter route... thus less distance. Distance = length.


Less parsecs = shorter distance = appears faster.

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star trek is a better example of "pure science fiction" ? AHHAHAHHA


does "pure science fiction" = pure deus ex machina where technology contradicts itself on a constant basis to make the story work ?


we can never go faster than warp 10!!! well except for those times when for the plot we need to get somewhere faster than warp 10 in which case we spew out nonsensical techno-babble and do it anyway then later ignore what we just did and go back to saying we can't do it...


or or the best "Lets travel into the past, constantly talk about how we can't change anything because of the dire results, then change major events and they will have no impact whatsoever when we travel back forward in time"


if Star trek followed any reasonable way of advancement everything in it's universe would come stock with a "change polarity"switch.. since in ST that is basically an "I WIN" button for 99 percent of situations


lol good stuff..i laughed out loud because i know what youre talking about..im not gonna comment on the actual topic..no sense in it but i'm a 36 yo star wars and star trek fan and i'm not about to attach reality to either one ..haha no way..i wonder why the future future star trek people with the temporal prime directive never stopped Kirk and the gang from getting those hump back whales.. ah anyway it was prob a good thing to break the rules that time .. "Captain ! there be whales here !"

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