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SLICING: what works & what doesn't! (Data Table)


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T7: +2 Slicing critical, rank 1 affection (1874).

Kira: Rank 3 affection (4989).

C2-N2: Rank 1 affection (0).


Plug the Leak: 1222w, 340 purple discovery, C2-N2

Finding Our Way: 2789g, Kira

The Azure Databanks: 1432w, T7

Take the Money and Run: 721w, C2-N2

Vanishing Acts: 279g, T7

The Hidden Merchants: 185w, Kira

Secrets of the Past: 128w, T7

Secrets of the Past: 79w, Kira

An Open Contract: 148w, C2-N2

Vanishing Acts: 704b, purple 115 discovery, blue 115 discovery

Finders Keepers: 293w, Kira

Droid Madness: 673w, T7

Fraternity of Thieves: 631g, blue augment, C2-N2

Droid Madness: 567w, C2-N2

Prince of Fools: 625g, blue 175 discovery, Kira

Arranged Accidents: 686g, T7

The Hidden Merchants: 148w, C2-N2

High Finance: 285w, C2-N2

Arranged Accidents: 2952b, blue 175 discovery, blue 150 schematic, T7

An Open Contract: 179w, C2-N2

Secrets of the Past: 78w, T7

Arranged Accidents: 575g, T7

Spy Droid: 1048w, C2-N2

Droid Madness: 1200g, blue 175 discovery, T7

Arranged Accidents: 846g, T7

Twist Their Arm: 709g, blue augment, C2-N2

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And here is v1.4!


My Slicing Table v1.4



Thanks Putok and Armod!!

It took me a while to enter all your data, but I did it.

The sample size has now grown to 1,193 entries!



> "The Automated Saboteur | Arranged Accidents" has finally been dethrowned! :D


> I've added another column to the SORT tab to show the Bonus % of each mission, just as an indicator, since some people like to sell the Discoveries and Schematics for extra coin. Please note that The Top 5 counter is still for "cash" Net Profit only. It does not take into consideration money from Bonus items.



Some stats from v1.4:


25.90% of all missions resulted in Loss.

74.1% of all missions resulted in Profit.


Blue Boxes = 7.54% chance

Discoveries & Schematics = 17.60% chance



Top 5 missions are:


1. "The Fly on the Wall | Finding our Way" C5

2. "The Automated Saboteur | Arranged Accidents" C3

3. Taking Back Control C5

4. Missing Probes C4

5. Pirate Partygoers C2



The info is ofc to date only.





Edited by Treplos
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This is awesome! I cant believe you made an excel spread sheet lol so cool. Thanks so much for your efforts I'm going to look into this tonight.


Ever think about a Treasure Hunting version? I'd be very interested in that as well.

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When you say "top 5 missions are:", you mean for credits/minute?


While I can obviously only speak for myself, credits/minute isn't where I make my money Slicing.


If you mean mission discovers, there's a column for them over to the right. T5 rich, delivery failure, be careful what your read, automated saboteur look to be the best there.

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When you say "top 5 missions are:", you mean for credits/minute?


While I can obviously only speak for myself, credits/minute isn't where I make my money Slicing.



Yeah as I've explained before, it is only credit/minute or credit/hour (profit), but I've also included the % chance of getting Bonus items from each mission.


Bonus items like discoveries are hard to account for in terms of profitability, since prices are not the same across different times and servers. So I leave that to people's discretion.

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When you say "top 5 missions are:", you mean for credits/minute?


While I can obviously only speak for myself, credits/minute isn't where I make my money Slicing.


no one is foolish enough to think Slicing is the only or best way to make money, but it's great for when you are doing PvP all day.

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I think slicing is the best or maybe even the only way to make money.


It depends on the person. If you are good at reading the market and taking a mission skill to supply needed resources to other players, then take a mission skill.


If you just want to click two buttons and make money, then take slicing gathering skill. I hear there is some kind of gathering component to slicing as well, but I don't think anyone has figured that out yet if I'm reading the forums correctly.

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no one is foolish enough to think Slicing is the only or best way to make money, but it's great for when you are doing PvP all day.


He's not implying Slicing isn't how he makes money, he's implying that max credits/hour is not how he makes most of his money.


I.E. he sells missions/augs from the "crits".

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I wrote that because right above me someone wrote "no one is foolish enough to think Slicing is the only or best way to make money".


I think the best way to make money is just play the game, and keep all of your companions busy harvesting materials. For 300 credits I can send out a companion on a bioanlysis mission and he comes back with 2-10 materials that sell for 800-1500 credits each.


By focusing on playing the game you get more companions, and even the vendor trash is worth a lot at higher levels.


Then combine that with not wasting money on an unprofitable crafting profession.

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I did a small spread sheet myself for slicing ( post nerf ), and my results highly correlates with yours. Automated saboteur, and Fly on the wall was making me the most money, on a pretty consistent basis. Be careful what you read was also doing pretty well too. But I didn't test all the lock box missions, and tended to focus on the ones that I already knew had a high success rate.


My spread sheet was made on excel, and in all honesty, quite confusing, and I didn't properly record some of the colors of lock boxes early on in the spread sheet, nor did I properly record bonus Items and such early on either. So half my results would be useless, and would distort your results.

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What a shame. That info could have been helpful if it was complete.


Maybe you can start recording your new results properly from now on? I will be glad to input them into my sheet :)

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Honestly the game economy is non-existent at this point. I've been trying to sell items and nobody has been buying them (even at cut-rate prices, selling for a loss)


This game is crippled and it hasn't even been out for a month.


That's a pretty amazing statement. I have made over 500k credits in the past week on my level 18 GTN mule with absolutely minimal effort.


If that's "non-existent", I can't wait until it starts to exist! :rolleyes:

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I've given up on this developer and I'm outraged at their lack of communication, sincerity and outright disrespect. Is it too much to ask for these things as a paying customer who has a vested interested in continuing to play this game??


They buffed the Rich (maybe Bountiful not sure) missions for 1 lousy day in 1.1.0, then the next day in 1.1.0a, they nerfed Slicing to even worse than what it was pre 1.1.


I mean are they toying with us? And what the heck is with all these ninja-changes?

No communication, no guts to even put all these things in the Patch notes.


Are we dummies? I can only see it one way: they really have no respect for their paying customers.


If this was any other business, they should be packing and closing down already.



Slicing is a gathering skill. As a gathering skill, it works pretty well.

It's not really a gathering skill; it's not like other skills in the game.


If it was, you would be paying a cost of, say, x5 Ciridium to get back x3 Ciridium, or x2 Mandalorian Iron to get back x1 Mandalorian Iron (as a comparison).


I would like to see how many people would still do the above if that was the case.



Also, I've been Slicing Node hunting in Illum. There aren't enough Nodes around to make worth the effort. And if you still want to do it, it takes time, time you can invest elsewhere doing other things and actually make more money.


The only viable thing in Slicing is Discoveries from mission, but at about 12% chance of getting them (17% with Schematics), it barely offsets the losses from running the missions.


I think Devs simply do not care, a fact that can be clearly seen in the atrocious customer support, in addition to all these stunts they keep pulling. :mad:

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All I take from your table is what I already suspected, slicing is broken.


As a slicer myself, I find it hard to see the profession as broken. I make bank out in the field, and my missions make most of their money back and sometimes get bonuses. Tell me what the heck is broken about that?

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As a slicer myself, I find it hard to see the profession as broken. I make bank out in the field, and my missions make most of their money back and sometimes get bonuses. Tell me what the heck is broken about that?


You've been EXTREMELY lucky so far then. I've lost 1k on missions. Most mine right now are returning at small losses.

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As a slicer myself, I find it hard to see the profession as broken. I make bank out in the field, and my missions make most of their money back and sometimes get bonuses. Tell me what the heck is broken about that?


if you only do missions and dont actively go to every node you see in game slicing can easy become a sink


the other problem is slicing was not always like it currently is, if it was, we would no exactly what bioware intended it to be but because they keep flip flopping its stats people are angry/confused but most of all just want communication from bioware


personally i would just put it back to pre 1.1 update, at that level it was decent, not game breakingly overpowered like launch but much better then it is now, im pretty sure right now is the worst its ever been


atm i use slicing for nodes and nothing else because everything else has to much potential to lose money

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Slicing is a gathering skill. As a gathering skill, it works pretty well.


Actually, according to the crew skills when you pick them up, Slicing is a CRAFT. You cannot take any other craft if you take slicing. Therefore, it should never fail, like other crafts, and should yield a product, meaning a positive result.

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Actually, according to the crew skills when you pick them up, Slicing is a CRAFT. You cannot take any other craft if you take slicing. Therefore, it should never fail, like other crafts, and should yield a product, meaning a positive result.


That's not correct. Slicing is a gathering skill, and has been in the same location as the other gathering skills since general launch. You can take other gathering skills in addition to slicing.



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Actually, according to the crew skills when you pick them up, Slicing is a CRAFT. You cannot take any other craft if you take slicing. Therefore, it should never fail, like other crafts, and should yield a product, meaning a positive result.


I have synthweaving and slicing on one character. Slicing is a gathering mission.

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You've been EXTREMELY lucky so far then. I've lost 1k on missions. Most mine right now are returning at small losses.


Your post doesn't make much sense. I already stated I get MOST of my money back (implying that I take a small loss) on missions. The benefit of missions is two-fold. One, they're used as an additional way to level the skill. Two, they can result in discovery missions (and perhaps other stuff I don't know about yet). The discoveries in most cases will more than make up for those small losses.


On top of that, you can find slicing nodes all over the world, netting you big bank. There's nothing lucky about that. It's just playing the game.


I still don't understand the complaint. Were you guys under the impression that slicing was just going to be free money for clicking a button? /boggle

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(1) Twist Their Arm (2) 766 credits (3) Green Box (4) 1 Blue Augment


I don't know if your still looking for data but i figured adding info to the discoveries may be useful


Edit: I ran this with the robot so 0 affection and my slicing level is 179 after completing the mission. not sure if this is relevant info or not >.>

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