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Crying about Operatives? I laugh at you and say look closer at Jedi Knights


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Level, class, spec, and gear? If you're a level 50 with any gear at all, you really need to either reroll, or go play consoles.


You say my class is "100x overpowered" yet there is a large contingent of players that are not Operatives that say the class is dangerous, but doesn't need nerfs. Why is that? Explain that to me.


Incorrect again and without proof.


there is no player of other classes that are defending ops/scounds.


Even if one claims to have another class (they still have never proved it) and is defending them they are obviously just rerolling to an op/scound. Therefore very moot defense.


Operative telling a Shadow to reroll or play consoles. Priceless

For everything else there is mastercard

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I can't believe people! They don't have any proof and still trash talk. Sents are among the hardest to play classes in the game. Sent fare much worse in group pvp than other classes, due to the length of these fights. We pop our defensive skills, and before you know it, they're down and we no defense what so ever. On 1x1, yes sents have an edge, because these fights do not tend to last long. In addition, we do not hit as hard, as people let you believe. In order to achieve a good or even acceptable burst is a nightmare, in comparison to the other classes. So people should try playing a sent before talking like that. And yes, with consumables it is possible to hit much higher numbers, but every class can do that.
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Jedi Knights at 50, hitting me for no less than 2.5k every hit, some of them 4k. The fight is over before it even starts.

4 Globals for a kill, thats no way to have PvP.

At least Operatives are situational and heavily relying on crits, if you mitigate any part of that operative burst then youve got them beat. Jedi Knights, nothing you can do, they just spam spam spam 3k hits on you. Not enjoyable.



No other class has taken me out to the woodshed like Operative/Scoundrel. Not saying a properly specc'd Jedi knight won't hit hard, but between the two its obvious they are not in the same league. Sorry, The force is no match for the OP's knife.

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Jedi Knights at 50, hitting me for no less than 2.5k every hit, some of them 4k. The fight is over before it even starts.

4 Globals for a kill, thats no way to have PvP.

At least Operatives are situational and heavily relying on crits, if you mitigate any part of that operative burst then youve got them beat. Jedi Knights, nothing you can do, they just spam spam spam 3k hits on you. Not enjoyable.


Last night, I did exactly what the OP was describing. As a combat spec Sentinel, I used Precision Slash, then spammed Blade Rush for 2k crits with a 500 Ataru strike proc on each hit, and then threw a auto-crit 4.5k Blade Storm crit, and channeled Master Strike for 5k.


You know how?


Fully buffed


Popped a power trinket

Had Inspiration active

Popped the 15% expertise item

Had an expertise buff picked up on the ground from a warzone.


ANY CLASS CAN DO 2.5k HITS WITH THAT MANY BUFFS. And this is probably the most buffs I'd ever have on at once.


If you think Sentinels need nerfing because of this simple fact you're not just insane but have no comprehension of the mechanics of this game.

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Operative telling a Shadow to reroll or play consoles. Priceless

For everything else there is mastercard


Hahaha! You play a Shadow and are crying this hard?


Again, level, spec, gear?


Would you like me to refer you to a few people that can tell you how to play your class? I know some good Shadows/Assassins that never cry about Operatives. I would be glad to help.

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The only time an Operative can down a geared 50 like that, is when we pop relic + adrenal.


In which case, any solid damage class can do that. Need I link videos of Pyro Powertechs doing the same thing?


Except they don't need to re-stealth. The just run up or pull people to them and gib them.


People need to quit crying. The nerf threads have overshadowed everything else in the PvP forum. How sad.


Intelligent people in this cesspool do exist! Huzzah!

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If I'm a teenager, then it's time you tell your mommy that your pull-ups need to be changed.


They should have a medal for self insulting comments on this forum. You would be Rank 1 for all those medals. Be your first time to be rank 1 for anything judging by your class choice and attitude.

Edited by cloudxshadowbane
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Guardians/Jugg and Senti/Mara are awesome, people are too concerned with Operatives to notice that nearly everyone hits just as hard at 50 stacked with expertise/biochem.




It's really Biochem that's retardedly overpowered in PvP. Until this gets addressed, class balance is more or less irrelevant Someone with Biochem will always beat someone without it, regardless of their class.

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Alright, I need to dispel some of this nonsense, or at least mis-information . There are two roles (not including the PvP tree) in the Jugg/Guardian Advanced Class, just like there are for every Advanced Class.


There is the tank tree (Immortal), the DPS tree (Rage), and the PvP tree (Vengeance). People that are getting owned by Juggs are getting owned by Rage spec'd Juggs. Immortal Spec'd Juggs - ie true tanks, do damage but not enough to seriously melt face, and depend on their survivability and mitigation to wear an opponent down slowly or hold out until help arrives.


I want to dispel the idea that Immortal Juggernauts (and whatever it is on the Republic side for Guardians) are running around with 80% mitigation, hitting people for 5k. Only a Smash spec'd Jugg can do that with their AoE and that spec requires that they not be spec'd deep into the Immortal Tree.


Any visit to sithwarrior.com for the Warrior PvP thread divulges that people have been aware for some time that certain specs wreck face in PvP. Same applies for every other class and advanced class. Good players are simply making it apparent.

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id like to see a video of a warrior that can 3 shot people.


Since the rage mechanic obviously is taken into consideration too.


The reason warriors have the survivability is because they have NO range. If you start yelling saber throw, then i'm going to want it buffed to be spam-able, and that it can do 7k Damage. Just like Snipers :)


But seriously. I am a warrior and I don't hit as hard as you claim. I don't know ANY warrior that can constantly hit like you claim.


I play the class because its the one that shines the most when they play well. Not by doing lolbignumbers but because they use their utilities to their advantage and play with observation and a mental approach on countering abilities. Flushing people out. Singling them off etc.


Were not 1 man army killing machines.


But if your under geared and under level cap, then you really cant rage at losing.

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OP failed at being funny, I don't remember the last time I saw a JK in a WZ, it's almost always JC's and scounderals, infact I faced an entire premade team of sage and shadows last night it was pointless to even get the ball in huttball since you'd get 4 or 5 shadows pop out from stealth at once.



Think thats bad? Try four operatives. just reset and do a class quest. They'd even plant themselves and farm the respawn point. Ridiculous.

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@ op ur a laughable joke of a troll




O btw find me a vid of jedi knight that can do this





furthemore why you are so broken can be seen on this thread , cause passive defences like dodge - shields dont wortk on pvp , neither armor mitligate as much as should.




now qq more will you

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While I believe that Marauders/Sentinels have some of the best, unique group dps tools for pvp, extremely strong sustained damage, the shortest cooldown available on an interrupt in the game(to my knowledge), and premium mobility options for the available map designs, the major problem that people will start to see when standing up against the geared members of this advanced class is their superior active defense when compared to other melee dps.


Their recently redesigned skillsets ensure that they will almost never be taking full damage from any class during a fight, unless that class gets very, very creative with their CC.


Because they produce such strong sustained damage, and offer unique dps tools like the game's only healing debuff, the plethora of great group buffs, as well as being one of the hardest classes to kill due to the plethora of short CD defensive tools tailored to ensure that they are very hard to counter or bypass, and you have what in my prediction will end up being the most complained about class in rated pvp, if that ever comes.


The reason? This class does not do very well without support. It provides raw damage and while it might fare better against classes in a zerg setting than one of the stealth dps, it does not have the same escapability, and the damage is slower to build up, though not much, than these stealth classes. It also does not have the luxury of picking targets, and high priority sentinels and marauders will be focused by multiple ranged dps due to the limitations of being in melee. In groups, the damage reduction comes through in a big way to ensure that you can tank multiple opponents with support while never really losing your dps.


This doesn't mean that operatives don't need to be tuned either, but Sentinels and Marauders are on my watch list. As far as guardians and jugg's go, it's all the aoe ability and some interesting talent synergy there, which if it becomes overpowered will be easily changed. It feels gimicky and looks boring to me.


Do you even play the class? Short CD defensives? We have rebuke thats a 1 minute cooldown that reduces damage taken by 20%, i guess 1 minute is a short cd but in reality thats pretty standard in terms of defensive CD time for most classes in this game, then the other ability which you are probably really refering to because its the noticeable one that really makes us hard to kill is saber ward which is on a 3 minute cd.... 3 minutes is short to you? I don't know what planet you're from but we don't have "short duration defensives"... Don't even try to bring guarded by the force into the conversaiton because that sacrifices half of our life and is still a 1 minute 30 second cooldown without talents.


People don't understand this class so they don't understand how to kill it. As a sentinel I can beat marauders very easily because I know how to play their class, I know what they're thinking, and I know what to do to counter it. From the outside looking in it looks like we have a lot of really strong defensives and escapability abilities, but we're really very vulnerable if you play this class and understand it you would know that and probably wouldn't have much trouble beating it. We're also quite easy to kite, a well specced sorc could kite us all day practically untouched.


I'm not saying this is a bad class... It's very strong, but not overpowered. People often complain about things when they don't really understand the mechanics of the class and therefore it appears to them as just an unstoppable class with imba abilities. We can obliterate anything with healer support, but without it we're quite vulnerable and squishy. Keep in mind that this class needs to be at the center of fights, it doesn't have a permanent stealth to initiate with, and its squishy. With all that in mind you have to realize that we're often in situations where we're in the middle of 5 enemies getting focused down hard, without healer support we have no chance. our abilities help us escape situations like that, particularly our in combat stealth, but again if you play and understand this class you know that the stealth is off in 4 seconds and can quite easily predict where I'm headed and where I will pop out, or you can just dot me and win...


If I stealth in combat and am low on health where do you think im going? Hint: to the health powerup... Easy kill...

Edited by McDaniels
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I can hit for 4k+ as a guardian - with force sweep.


The problem is I cannot knock you down and keep you immobilized while you take that damage. You always remain able to fight back - aside from a push I have on a 50 second - 1 min CD, and statis on a 1 min CD that I have to channel (meaning I can't do anything else).


The problem with operatives is not their damage, nor is that what most people complain about. It's that they are the only class that can consistantly kill you inside of their own CC chains. That is the part that needs to go, as dying while you cannot control your character or fight back is not representative of player skill and is pretty annoying.


Either reduce their ability to damage a stunned target, or reduce their ability to stun. Either one would go a long way to removing the issue.

Edited by Drakks
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