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Are You Enjoying SWTOR?


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that's pretty cool if you have an established guild.


what do you do if you don't have a guild and are looking for one. the forums do not allow for that. just try to find a guild that's recruiting on your own server from the forums.. go ahead.. :p


Well I think server forums are badly needed for this reason. The game is great, but the lack of community tools is something Bioware is failing badly on. Both in game and out of game. I think most of the "I'm bored, not having any fun" posts would go away if these people found great guilds and interacted with other players more. The tools to help players do this are completely lacking.

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Love it! I let my 6 year olds play my assassin on Korriban and they have a blast killing things! They were even nice enough to join a guild...gotta have a talk with those guys!


Sure there are minor issues, nothing major, but they will be taken care of.

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I happen to love it.

The game is really fun and I am enjoying the story lines.

I really like the character customization, and I love the way my character looks.

My s/o and I are really loving playing together as well.

It's more fun to play together on SWTOR then on WoW due to it feels like we're playing together more.


I like that it takes more effort to level and finding gear is more exciting.


I DO feel like the social aspect of the community is lacking.

I don't feel like the guilds are the same as in WoW.

My guild on WoW and I spoke on Skype all the time and I don't feel connected on here like I did on WoW.

I also dislike the fact that I can't change my spec after I choose it... I made a sniper and really don't like the class now, so I wish I picked the other one. D:




I like SWTOR better then WoW.

I wish there was a way to change my spec, even if it was a paid spec change.

and the community was a little more social.

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I think the game is great and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Yes, there are some issues, no, for me, they are not game breaking.


I think, for as much hate as the game gets, most of the overwhelmingly negative postings come from two different kinds of people. Either A) they're people who haven't actually PLAYED the game, and are part of the same group that spent months and months pre-launch screaming that SW:TOR was already a failure, even before anyone had been allowed into beta at all. Or B) They're those MMO players out there who overreact to bugs and imbalances. We've all seen them. Sadly, a good portion of any games forum community is made up of those people.


In the end, I love the game. My girlfriend loves the game. My former WoW guildies who split and came over to TOR? They love the game. My RL friends from work who've gotten the game? They love it. That's enough for me.

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As a mature gamer and SW fan (36 yrs old), I have always enjoyed BW's KOTOR series. Knowing I was going to be hooked as of the beta weekends in Oct/Nov, upon sign up I subbed for 3 months following the included game time. The only thing that could distract me from this are:


A) My Girlfriend (she complains I play too much already and it hasn't even been a month! My main has only seen 4 days, and 11 hours of actual game time!)

B) Diablo 3 (I'm in beta right now... pretty awesome and I already have 5+ RL friends who are going to be playing this, as well as totally envious that I am in beta)

C) Work (How else do I pay for the mortgage?)

D) GW2 (Again due to RL friends)


Overall, I really love the game and the bugs aren't enough to upset me. I have a really good system, so I don't suffer much from lag, loading times or graphics related problems.


I really wish I could find a very active and social guild and have been searching google and scouring forums for any mention of such guilds. It's a shame that the Guild site on here was shut down, as it could have been a good space for ongoing recruitment where you can see stats and such. Server forums would also be very nice.


I have 3 characters that I started during early access, due to the need to switch servers thanks to those ridiculously long queues in the first week. It would be nice to offer a free server switch for characters over a certain level (maybe 10+?), so that you didn't sink the time into that character for nothing. The window for this would be offered by the end of the 30 days of original access or be granted to only those with early access privileges.


Server faction stats would also be good to know, especially on PvP servers. Nothing worse than levelling a character only to find it will just get ganked repeatedly or that you keep getting stuck in Huttball the majority of the time.


When I was playing in beta, there was a 60/40 split in chat that seemed to favour the game for its storyline immersion. My favourite so far is the BH story and I think this team should win an internal award at Bioware or something for their work!


The Black Talon Flashpoint was the best one of the early game Sith FPs, but the following ones just didn't have the same level of immersion or opportunities to develop social points, which is disappointing.


I do hope that the game gets regular content updates and keeps the game interesting going forward. I will keep going as long as the game remains fun and engaging.

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This is going to sound rather tragic, but I was always happiest in WoW when I had areas to explore, quests to do and storylines to follow. SWTOR is as if someone took the part of WoW I really liked, and made a better game of it. With added Star Wars. I can't not enjoy this. Edited by smartalectwo
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I am enjoying the game.


They need to work on a movable, scale-able UI, high res textures, and some other bugs (like the one that means I have to CTRL+U multiple times per session).


I also would enjoy it more if there were server forums. Much easier to talk to the regulars, arrange sales of truly rare items, and make requests of crafters for purple items.

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I'm not enjoying the game as much as I would like to to warrant paying a monthly subscription fee. I really want to, but I just can't.


It's mainly because the game mechanics make socializing and roleplay incredibly hard (some would say they even discourage it). If they finally added an option to toggle on chat bubbles, I could finally have a lot of fun and warrant paying a monthly subscription fee.

But as it is now, it feels like a single player/co-op game not unlike others on the market that don't require a monthly subscription fee.


And the huge amount of bugs (especially the ones that us beta testers had reported for many, many months and are still present or had been fixed in previous "good" beta builds that for some reason weren't chosen for the final build and some much older, more broken builds were chosen for the live build instead) don't help either.

Edited by Glzmo
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The game would be great if it wasn't..........so boring. They really need to bring some wow factor to it by ditching these linear quests and mediocre storyline. Bring in some new writers and mix it up a little....think outside the box. A to B to C and kill 5 mobs in between each is not cool anymore, it's downright dull.
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Other than the bugs (which are expected with any game launch), a terrible and useless crafting system, lack of community forums, or the fact that this is the basic theme park game we have seen agan and again... I am kind of enjoying myself.


Not the worst game I have played, but definitely needs some work.

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I'm not enjoying the game as much as I would like to to warrant paying a monthly subscription fee. I really want to, but I just can't.


It's mainly because the game mechanics make socializing and roleplay incredibly hard (some would say they even discourage it). If they finally added an option to toggle on chat bubbles, I could finally have a lot of fun and warrant paying a monthly subscription fee.

But as it is now, it feels like a single player/co-op game not unlike others on the market that don't require a monthly subscription fee.


And the huge amount of bugs (especially the ones that us beta testers had reported for many, many months and are still present or had been fixed in previous "good" beta builds that for some reason weren't chosen for the final build and some much older, more broken builds were chosen for the live build instead) don't help either.


A totally legit complaint. Chat bubbles would be nice, and I can see where that and the lack of a couple other RP-Oriented features would turn off gamers like you.


As for the bugs, they'll get squashed soon. This game has had an impressivley smooth launch for a title of this magnitude :mon_smile:


The game would be great if it wasn't..........so boring. They really need to bring some wow factor to it by ditching these linear quests and mediocre storyline. Bring in some new writers and mix it up a little....think outside the box. A to B to C and kill 5 mobs in between each is not cool anymore, it's downright dull.


Are we playing the same game? :confused:


Other than the bugs (which are expected with any game launch), a terrible and useless crafting system, lack of community forums, or the fact that this is the basic theme park game we have seen agan and again... I am kind of enjoying myself.


Not the worst game I have played, but definitely needs some work.


"Not the worst game"? OUCH. I can think of QUITE a few games that are infinitely worse than this one (Silkroad Online comes to mind.). That being said, It IS a themepark MMO, and while I can't justify calling it a "basic game seen again and again", if you're more into the sandbox stuff, I can see your point.

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The game would be great if it wasn't..........so boring. They really need to bring some wow factor to it by ditching these linear quests and mediocre storyline. Bring in some new writers and mix it up a little....think outside the box. A to B to C and kill 5 mobs in between each is not cool anymore, it's downright dull.


This is spot on! Finally someone who knows what he's talking about, I agree 200%.

Wise words Sir.

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I LOVE the game.


I hate the fact that:

  • there are no server forums.
  • instanced worlds are taken to an extreme.
  • the ui is locked down.
  • GUIs are needing many improvements (GTN, /who, Guild, etc...).
  • community is on it's own.


I still love the game itself. I just don't know if it will be enough, given enough time passing by without improvements.


Exactly, my long term enjoyment will depend on finding a great guild and making some friends in this vast world. It is an excellent game but I'm mostly playing it as a single player game with an MMO element to it. I can't believe that a company like BioWare has not implemented server forums---such a great feature in most other MMOs. I'm not a hardcore player, nor a raider. I do enjoy making social connections that that keeps me interested in an MMO for years thus increasing revenue in whatever game I may be playing at the time.


To answer the original question though, yes, I am enjoying the game quite a bit. Whether it sustains my interest beyond my 3 month sub is really dependent on what BioWare does in the future.

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The game would be great if it wasn't..........so boring. They really need to bring some wow factor to it by ditching these linear quests and mediocre storyline. Bring in some new writers and mix it up a little....think outside the box. A to B to C and kill 5 mobs in between each is not cool anymore, it's downright dull.


So much this.


I am admittedly an SP RPG player, but just because this game is an MMO doesn't mean the Devs have to slack off with the sidequests. They are the most repetetive and tedious side quests i've ever had the pleasure of playing (Again i've never played an MMO before, but still).


The quest givers make it seems so dire, and you think you're in for something awesome. And then they say:


"Quick! You must disable these four shiield generators on each corner of the map so our fleet can attack and capture the Sith Lord!"


Can't i be the guy doing the capturing!? So dull.

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I'm just trying to get to the end at this point, for the same reason I got to max level in Champions Online when the quests ran out with a level and a quarter to go before max level, the Same Reason I got to Max Level on STO, the same reason I got to 60 in vanilla wow soloing as a Disc priest: I will make the game feel my hate.


I was really impressed with the game when I first started playing it. It felt polished, it felt familiar but different enough to keep me interested and it felt engaging.


As the game progressed past level 20, I started feeling a little less happy about things. I was making "story choices" but they were having no effect on the world around me, and minimal effect on the quest lines themselves. But I figured "Eh, just the mid level bumps, they'll smooth out once I get up higher."


I'm on a pace to finish up the class storyline by tomorrow night, and I suspect that in a couple days, I'll cancel my subscription. Simply put, this game was supposed to be story driven, like a KOTOR game but MMO style, where my choices had consequences, and the story was personalized to my character. What I've been getting is a game that's driven by a story, while I'm strapped into the back seat as a spectator. The ship combat isn't the only thing on rails: my choices don't matter to how the game progresses, because they can't. To be fair, the character quest has to progress in one direction because this is a preprogrammed bit of code, and not the holodeck. But having the only impact of my actions be a movement on good/evil slider and unlocking a single track of companion conversations really kills the story, because I can feel that I never had an impact on what was happening.

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the slap in the face is really when you get to lv 50. your story end and let be honest atm end game is inexistant. in 1 week we have cleared all the hardmode and raid in the game as well as aquire our tier 2 pve set.


now after a week and a half at 50 we are stuck at doing nothing but running in circle in our ship.


and if you think that u have seen bug in the game wait till you reach the hard mode and raid it just plain terrible atm

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This pretty much explains how I feel about the game at this point.




LOVED the vid! What a well thought-out, mature reaction to the game! It's nice to see people share their opinions tastefully, without sexism, slurs or xbot trash-talk!


In all seriousness, if that's your honest opinion, please stop playing this game you apparently hate so much and go back to playing whatever generic military FPS suits you. I hope to god GW2's community isn't full of this nonsense.


So much this.


I am admittedly an SP RPG player, but just because this game is an MMO doesn't mean the Devs have to slack off with the sidequests. They are the most repetetive and tedious side quests i've ever had the pleasure of playing (Again i've never played an MMO before, but still).


The quest givers make it seems so dire, and you think you're in for something awesome. And then they say:


"Quick! You must disable these four shiield generators on each corner of the map so our fleet can attack and capture the Sith Lord!"


Can't i be the guy doing the capturing!? So dull.


Not sure what class campaign you're playing, but my experience as a Trooper has been pretty fun. I've rescued senators tied to bomb-ridden chairs, taken down a force-sensitive gang boss, defeated a psychotic medic who turns people into monsters, and exposed the secrets of a former Hutt crime boss.


Admittedly though, the sidequests at the level 20+ range seem to be a bit tedious. There should be more endgame content by the time I hit 50, but if the rest of the game starts plodding along, I may not stay around longer than an extra month.



Edited by TrueBlueAstrax
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