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Are You Enjoying SWTOR?


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I am..level 6 on my trooper right now. I am forcing myself through the first world so I can get to the Fleet, specialize in healing and then run FPs nonstop (I find them kind of fun).


It's just these quests before...arg.

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LOVED the vid! What a well thought-out, mature reaction to the game! It's nice to see people share their opinions tastefully, without sexism, slurs or xbot trash-talk!


In all seriousness, if that's your honest opinion, please stop playing this game you apparently hate so much and go back to playing whatever generic military FPS suits you. I hope to god GW2's community isn't full of this nonsense.




Not sure what class campaign you're playing, but my experience as a Trooper has been pretty fun. I've rescued senators tied to bomb-ridden chairs, taken down a force-sensitive gang boss, defeated a psychotic medic who turns people into monsters, and exposed the secrets of a former Hutt crime boss.


Admittedly though, the sidequests at the level 20+ range seem to be a bit tedious. There should be more endgame content by the time I hit 50, but if the rest of the game starts plodding along, I may not stay around longer than an extra month.




I said Side-quests, not the class storyline. the problem is the Side-quests are absolutely essential to progress the main storyline, lest you be left behind in the leveling department. Because i had the audacity to skip a few fetch quests i now have to grind a few levels just to have a chance against an end-boss. But grinding is what MMO's are all about, so i guess it's my fault for expecting something different.

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I am enjoying the game.


Still a few deal breakers that BW needs to get worked out, or I may quit, but for now I am having fun.


PS, fix Abiltiy delay, Addons, and Macros and I am sold, as long as there is challenging content to overcome, I will be there.

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I have never had such a tedius leveling experience in any of the 10 or so MMOs I have played. So if I ever want to maybe play the same class over for a different advanced class or heck even play a smuggler after my trooper I have to spacebar through 75% of the quests because I know the dialog or just can't stand to hear it at all anymore.


I won't even go into the tedium that FPs or anything else that has dialog in this game brings.

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I loved the game. I got to level 50. I'm pretty much done now. I won't be subscribing. That's the flaw of a story-driven game. Once the story runs out that's it...


I would level a new character to experience their storylines if it didn't involve doing all the same sidequests or grinding pvp.

Edited by Shillen
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I am only sort of enjoying it. I don't see myself playing long term. I am not waiting on any other MMOs, I will probably just be MMO-less for awhile when I quit this.




I can play it for a couple hours but them my eyes start to glaze over. Server is dead, Warzones pop only Huttball, and levelling a Jedi alt is like playing "Hello Kitty." Levelling an Empire alt means going through all those side quests over again. I'm sticking it out one more month on the hopes something changes and that the game will get more lively as more people hit end-game, but I doubt it will. From what I've seen, 90% of the people playing this game have no interest at all in playing with actual other people.

Edited by Mannic
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I loved it leveling 1-50 but after theres nothing to to do I log in once a day just to do the daily Ilum PvP quest.

which no one actually pvps at, because god forbid anyone attack / kill the republic player who is turning the nodes. they may stop, at which point, it becomes impossible for the imperial players to complete the daily.


The first day I showed up, i had no idea what the objective was. I was just traveling to the waypoints on the map, saw a red player, and a bunch of green players on the other side. I send my companion after the repub player, and proceed to apply death from above.


I think i got an earful for the next 10 minutes by everyone in general.


luck for me:

1. the player rezzed and continued to swap control.

2. there's no server forums for people to write about the f'n n00b that almost ruined everyone's day.





I can play it for a couple hours but them my eyes start to glaze over. Server is dead, Warzones pop only Huttball, and levelling a Jedi alt is like playing "Hello Kitty." Levelling an Empire alt means going through all those side quests over again. I'm sticking it out one more month on the hopes something changes and that the game will get more lively as more people hit end-game, but I doubt it will. From what I've seen, 90% of the people playing this game have no interest at all in playing with actual other people.


would you feel different about the game if there was a greater sense of community? cross faction general chat? server forum?

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Having a blast. I have played a dozen or so MMOs and got one max level character in maybe half of them before it got old and I quit. In this game, I am playing 6 characters and I don't intend to stop until I have finished all 6 story lines. The game is far more engaging than any other MMO I have played.


I worry about end game but at the rate I am playing I got a couple of months before this is an issue.

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I'm lovin' it.


The game *does* need some tweaks to it, no doubt, but all MMO's are a work in progress.


The fact that while I am leveling, I don't even realize that I am leveling is amazing. I am just playing and loving what I am doing and suddenly "poof" I have leveled--not used to that and it's awesome.


The thing that I really love about this game is it's trajectory. It is going in the right direction. There are issues, but they are known and being addressed.


This is a far cry from WoW, which I played for 8 years. Yes, it is polished and relatively bug free (and dear Lord, how I miss the Auction House), but it is going in the wrong direction and has been for months if not years. There are issues there that have gone undealt with for *YEARS* over there.


So in short, I am loving my time here in TOR. I have cancelled my 3 WoW accounts and purchased 3 SWTOR accounts.

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I'm still enjoying it but I'm starting to feel a bit of the malaise I feel after playing other games a lot longer. I'm an explorer type, I like seeing and doing new things, but since pretty much everything here is a carbon copy of all the other stuff, it's starting to get old.


A little variety would be very nice. Yes, the externals are different to some degree but seeing all the identical internals (which you spend most of the time with) are really boring.

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I'm not enjoying it. Low FPS, clunky combat and a broken cover system don't make for a smooth, enjoyable gaming experience. Because of prohibitive respec costs I can't explore quests as DPS and flashpoints as healer; I don't enjoy healing my companion in solo-play. I have cancelled my subscription.
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I think this game absolutely ROCKS!


Sure, I would change a few things...


I'd like my bounty hunter's jetpack to work, and I think he should be able to use a rifle or carbine, like the bounty hunters in Ep5...


And I'd like to see my jedi sentinel in something other than a hooded bathrobe...


But I'm only chatting in the forum because I'm at work and can't be playing the game right now :]


I was a huge SWG fan, until SOE destroyed the game with their infamous 'NGE'.


I switched to WoW after that and I still enjoy that game emmensly, but SWTOR is doing a fantatic job at fulfilling my SW craving and it's giving me plenty of other reasons to take a long break from WoW, like...


The voice-acted quests make this the first MMO where I actually feel involved in the story (instead of just hitting Accept and only reading if I can't figure out where to go/kill/collect)


The combat is familiar, but the animations are epic


The engine is solid (so far, I've seen less bugs and less lag than than I did in the same amount of time that I played WoW, and WoW is the most solid MMO I've played... and we won't even mention SWG)


The space combat is brilliantly executed - sure, an actual space combat sim would be cool, but when they did that in SWG, I wasted so much time flying to the objectives and then trying to figure out if I had to scan it, dock with it, or shoot it, and the combat was just a matter of out-turning and out-aiming your targets - this rail shooter gets right to the fun part of space combat and I think it's a blast.


I could go on, but I can actually go play now, so...



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