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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Beautiful... Just... Beautiful


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I fully agree with Gabby Johnson. This game is a breath of fresh air with it's unique combat system, innovate gameplay and top o' the line graphics. Whoever is responsible for nailing every single claim of "next-gen MMO" deserves a promotion.





- General Manager Ray Muzyka



Homerun Ray is his new nickname.


Yeah......until you discover that they plumbed for sticking a gold elite/champion at the end of everything, JUST like every other mmo.

Edited by Jahl
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I fully agree with Gabby Johnson. This game is a breath of fresh air with it's unique combat system, innovate gameplay and top o' the line graphics. Whoever is responsible for nailing every single claim of "next-gen MMO" deserves a promotion.





- General Manager Ray Muzyka



Homerun Ray is his new nickname.


Unique Combat System = 30 year old Dand D rules under the hood

Innovative Gamepley = Erm kill x of y rinse reapeat AKA Meridan 59 from 1996

Top of the line Graphics = HERO Engine aka ZERO engine. if the graphics are top of the line go max your settings... Oh you cant cos they turned them off... purlease

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Okay that one is kind of funny, well if you didn't run around like that for a week straight waiting for server maintenance, and never getting a reply to your week long ticket.


Are acceptable amiright? Falling through the world every 5 minutes causing a crash-and resetting all of your in game settings are acceptable amiright? Not being able to zone into an instance because of bugs is acceptable, and then not even being able to hit "Accept" on a group invite is acceptable, again, amiright?


Too bad I just want to "whine", or what I like to call "play".



Welcome to the launch of a new MMO kiddo. Is this your first? Haha I remember mine... oh the memories.


On the reals though, yeah, you do whine. If you don't want to deal with bugs, join about 2-4 months after it is released. Remember Rift? Before launch, Trion worked their asses off to squash every bug ever that ever popped up ever. And guess what? There were still bugs. Shocker.


No MMO is existence launches flawlessly. NONE. NONE. NONE Nor will there ever be such a game.


The things you mentioned? Long tickets? Getting stuck? Falling through the world? Zoning problems? Stuff every game has buddy. Even WoW. ****, I remember not being able to even move my character after zoning into the 3.3 Halls of Reflection Dungeon. Had to relog to another toon while the ticket took 2 days to answer. And that was a freaking PATCH, not a whole new game.


tl;dr Shut up and enjoy the game. Bugs will be fixed over time. It's not like Bioware is just watching and laughing while you fall, they are trying to figure out how to fix it. So.. once again... stop whining.

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Okay that one is kind of funny, well if you didn't run around like that for a week straight waiting for server maintenance, and never getting a reply to your week long ticket.


Are acceptable amiright? Falling through the world every 5 minutes causing a crash-and resetting all of your in game settings are acceptable amiright? Not being able to zone into an instance because of bugs is acceptable, and then not even being able to hit "Accept" on a group invite is acceptable, again, amiright?


Too bad I just want to "whine", or what I like to call "play".


The game, and it's fans become much easier to understand when you realize it's just another Bioware dating simulator disguised as a action game.


You thought wowfanboys were scary? Wait till you run into the guy running around with a companion just waiting to "romance it. And they make fun of pandas...

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Welcome to the launch of a new MMO kiddo. Is this your first? Haha I remember mine... oh the memories.


On the reals though, yeah, you do whine. If you don't want to deal with bugs, join about 2-4 months after it is released. Remember Rift? Before launch, Trion worked their asses off to squash every bug ever that ever popped up ever. And guess what? There were still bugs. Shocker.

Of course with Rift they updated the game almost daily at the beginning to patch bugs. How many times have they updated the game here?


You'd report a bug, within a day or two it was fixed.


Now how is it that a company the size of Trion can manage to do something Bioware can't?


Sure, I'm sure after ignoring the beta testers for six months they will finally listen to the customer base and fix basic issues.



Edited by Morcova
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Of course with Rift they updated the game almost daily at the beginning to patch bugs. How many times have they updated the game here?



Sure, I'm sure after ignoring the beta testers for six months they will finally listen to the customer base and fix basic issues.




Meh Im having fun in spite of a few bugs, nothing game breaking and nothing near as bad as my experiences during the WoW launch.

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I too love it even with the glaring bugs and imbalances atm in some areas.


I just have to ask.. even tho at the end of the game I was rewarded with an awesome cinematic conclusion to my characters story that totally made it worth while.. Am I the only person that was sad when they hit 50 and their characters main storyline ended (well mine ended at 48 but that's because I kept it ahead)


Then I realized there's 7 more stories to go! /win

Edited by Aethyrprime
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Funny, it really is. A guy comes in, says he LOVES the game, and some of the first responses are (paraphrasing of course) "No, it sucks, I hate it, it's garbage BLAH BLAH". Kind of sad if you really think about it, trying to down other people like that.


But I'll say this, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I have 2 level 50s and a level 43 and I still plan to play at least 2 more of the classes (Shadow and Sorcerer). The game has a way to go before it can compete with WoW end game, but for a LAUNCH, it's doing fairly well.

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Funny, it really is. A guy comes in, says he LOVES the game, and some of the first responses are (paraphrasing of course) "No, it sucks, I hate it, it's garbage BLAH BLAH". Kind of sad if you really think about it, trying to down other people like that.


But I'll say this, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I have 2 level 50s and a level 43 and I still plan to play at least 2 more of the classes (Shadow and Sorcerer). The game has a way to go before it can compete with WoW end game, but for a LAUNCH, it's doing fairly well.


He will agree once he hits 50, perhaps sooner, it becomesobvious then how bad it is.

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He will agree once he hits 50, perhaps sooner, it becomesobvious then how bad it is.


Or like a smart person, he'll roll an alt instead of sitting at lvl 50 in full raid gear feeling bored till later in the month when the "already announced new playfields and content" are added.


PS: You have downed every raid boss right?

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He will agree once he hits 50, perhaps sooner, it becomesobvious then how bad it is.


Why do you keep posting if its so terabad? You contradict yourself each time you post because it must be worth while to sit hours on end posting on the forums, How about you go post the things you hate about it and give the developers something to work with instead of being an idiotic troll who cant seem to list why he hates the game other than 50 is bad... Get off yourself


I have listed numerous reasons as to why i love the game, and i could list alot more.. If you hate it so bad go make your own hate post and stay out of mine lol



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He will agree once he hits 50, perhaps sooner, it becomesobvious then how bad it is.


Honestly, you're part of the "I'm entitled to the best of everything in whatever I do!" generation. I play MMOs with NO endgame (except PvP, see 12sky2). It's not horrible end game content, it may not be the quality or quantity you're used to, but as I said, entitled.


If you hate this game so, then best luck to you in your future. But if you're leaving, why would you be posting? You're not going to change anyone's opinion, the only thing you're doing is upsetting and annoying people. Your posts are far from constructive, they're flat out hate posts, there's nothing constructive and they're all just screaming over and over how bad the game is.


I just ask that you reflect on your actions, because you're helping nothing by acting this way.

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Honestly, you're part of the "I'm entitled to the best of everything in whatever I do!" generation. I play MMOs with NO endgame (except PvP, see 12sky2). It's not horrible end game content, it may not be the quality or quantity you're used to, but as I said, entitled.


If you hate this game so, then best luck to you in your future. But if you're leaving, why would you be posting? You're not going to change anyone's opinion, the only thing you're doing is upsetting and annoying people. Your posts are far from constructive, they're flat out hate posts, there's nothing constructive and they're all just screaming over and over how bad the game is.


I just ask that you reflect on your actions, because you're helping nothing by acting this way.


yes i am entitled, I paid for it. Its not like I got the game for free and im playing it free per month. You sure better believe i feel entitled to a good experience that is bug free and ever expanding.


Do you know how free markets work?

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yes i am entitled, I paid for it. Its not like I got the game for free and im playing it free per month. You sure better believe i feel entitled to a good experience that is bug free and ever expanding.


Do you know how free markets work?


Obviously you have no clue as to how launches work. You may have paid for the game and for a months subscription HOWEVER you couldn't possibly think that tor would be glitch free and there would be no bugs.. here comes the saying "Think realistically before buying"


Eventually it will be bug free but as of now its not.. You have a choice to make either you play or you wait until its where you want it to be..


I like the post made (Do you think the devs are just laughing at you while you fall through the map?)


its not a one step process...


Rome wasnt built in a day so please don't think that the game will be perfect in a day.. because it wont


You are entitled to an opinion but trolls are not entitled to saying how this game sucks because of the glitches they face...

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I have a level 50 and loved the whole ride. There is still alot I would like to do (ops, pvp), but I wanted to try the opposite faction. Have a lvl 30 on Republic side and loving that as well. It is very hard to put this game down once you start, very addictive.
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I have a level 50 and loved the whole ride. There is still alot I would like to do (ops, pvp), but I wanted to try the opposite faction. Have a lvl 30 on Republic side and loving that as well. It is very hard to put this game down once you start, very addictive.


I agree. The stories are very engaging and I always want to see what happens next.


And before the flamers are all "Get past 30 and the story get old" I have a 43 BH and a 31 Sorc, both are still very enjoyable.

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Come back after level 30 and see if you feel the same way after 20 levels of kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Kill. Talk. Run to another area to talk some more


Level 36 and still enjoying it - in fact more so now that i'm up to four companions. Theres a spacebar too if convos annoy you.

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I just wanted to say... Bravo *Claps* Bravo! Amazing ... From the theatrics to the create character screen to the quests...


I gotta say I am a world of warcraft player.. and I have never said wow.. or whoa or holy crap he got his *** beat! more times in one night than i did last night


I was scared at spending 109 dollars for time and the game but I must admit its the best investment i have made in a very long time.


I probably won't quit playing wow just because i invested so much into it.. but i can go ahead and tell you my time will be on this game 99%.


Thanks SWTOR creators for making the movie I loved as a child come to life!


I agree. Great game. Well worth the cost. Cant wait for the bad apples free time to run out.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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  • 2 weeks later...
Level 36 and still enjoying it - in fact more so now that i'm up to four companions. Theres a spacebar too if convos annoy you.


Different strokes for different folks.


I've gone through all the quests on my 50 gunslinger and I mostly skip through everything except my class quest. Especially the aliens...


Echoopa, wannaba pechu! Choon ching mala oohra.



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I concur, OP.


I wasn't expecting much from the game, based on the pessimism I had heard from a lot of people. I bought it anyway, and I'm blown away.


The combat, the story, key moments, cutscenes, flash points, PvP, etc. are all awesome. The game may not be perfect, but what it has is done so well I overlook the flaws and bugs, and only realize them when the forums come into play.


WoW may have 5 years of my life, but SWTOR will take more. Now, GW2 just has to come out, and I can ride out the apocalypse.

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