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Hit the spacebar!!


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OP this issue is pretty much the same as every other "random PUG people suck" issue. Expect to hear lots more of the hit the spacebar nonsense or just run with friends.


Yes, I guess so. I tend to level slower than the rest of my guilds in any MMO game, so experience a lot of typical random PUG behaviour. I just had this idiotic hope that the story-based approach to this game might (slightly) modify behaviour. Guess it's time to put my hard hat back on - though as I said above the tenor of the conversation in this post has been great.

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when you finish reading a book, do you start it all over again? and again? and again? and again?


I usually wait a while to re-visit a book, and usually never more than 2 or 3 times if i really liked it.


So the problem is that.. well.. essentially the impatient people are just stupid.


Perhaps if they would what a while to re-visit a flashpoint, they wouldn't be so impatient with all the dialog that some people may not have seen before.

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I think eventually we're going to see region posts like, "LFM Esseles, no cutscenes." Not being sarcastic but a lot of people are impatient after they've grinded an instance out a few times.


I personally like watching Esseles, especially when someone chooses the dark side option in the one scene. :cool:

Kiddin right? I do that right now, and I DO kick people who don't space bar the cut scene, if you want to watch it, go make your own group, don't slow me and the 2 other people down. Best part is, if they don't like it, they're not forced to join my group.

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If it was your first run through the flash point then I think it is unreasonable for anyone to insist that you space bar through the conversations. If someone insisted that I did or made a big fuss about me not doing so then I would simply drop the group and look for one that is more agreeable, its not like there is a shortage of people doing quests at the moment.


I personally don't put up with things such as this and simply prefer to look for another group even if it means I can't do the content right away.

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Kiddin right? I do that right now, and I DO kick people who don't space bar the cut scene, if you want to watch it, go make your own group, don't slow me and the 2 other people down. Best part is, if they don't like it, they're not forced to join my group.


You weren't forced to buy a story based MMO. Just saying. :rolleyes:

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They just need to remove all voice acting from the game. Waste of time and resources that could have been used to make a MMO.


Well, disagree on that. The voice is one of the points of differentiation for this game - but you are entitled to your thoughts - lots of great debate in other threads on the points you raise (hint hint).

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when you finish reading a book, do you start it all over again? and again? and again? and again?


I usually wait a while to re-visit a book, and usually never more than 2 or 3 times if i really liked it.


This is why the dialogue heavy instances will get so painful, but with most social points coming from them, there is a drive to grind it out.

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Kiddin right? I do that right now, and I DO kick people who don't space bar the cut scene, if you want to watch it, go make your own group, don't slow me and the 2 other people down. Best part is, if they don't like it, they're not forced to join my group.


As suggested earlier, I am ok with this if we discuss it up front. I told them right at the start that I was new etc etc and was ignored.

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As suggested earlier, I am ok with this if we discuss it up front. I told them right at the start that I was new etc etc and was ignored.


Well in that case it's different, and shouldn't have happened. But if you see my "LF2 DPS xxxx, SPACE BAR ALL CUT SCENES" message and you come along and don't space bar, then I have a issue, but if it was just "LF1 DPS Esseles" and nothing about space bar, then it was wrong, those things need to be cleared up before you set foot in the instance.

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Best part is, if they don't like it, they're not forced to join my



And you do let people know that up front right? I mean they're well aware that you expect them to skip over all the dialog and rest... Before you start the FP.

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Don't think they wanted to boot me as I was the highest level player there and the difference in some of the mini-boss battles :D




I was referring to the poster that wanted to let the timer run out, if its me and others in the grp havent watched it yet, it dosent bother me as i liked to watch it the first time, but I can see this being a very annoying issue for people running instances over and over, it will get annoying fast

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OP, one simple sentence will shut up these types of people:


"When YOU start paying my subscription fee, then you may dictate how I spend my in-game time".


Shuts 'em up every time :)


That reminds me of what I used to say back in WoW when we ran 25 man raids and 1 person would always die to fire or something, they'd retort with "I pay 15 a month just like you so don't tell me how to play!!!1!!!111!!" ..... I'd retort with "Well, we pay 360 a month as a group and we don't want someone always dying to idiot mechanics"... That street goes both way friend, you might pay your 15 a month, but if the rest of the group is in agreement against you, they pay far more.

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Unfortunately I believe that we have welcomed a large number of the Xbox/PS3 croud who just want to spank on through and not actually enjoy the game.


Yep yep. Probably the same people who rant that this isnt really an MMO either.

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