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SW:TOR a average game!


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SWTOR is a Theme Park MMO.....Sorry but i wll say Wow was alot more fun during launch, even with the bugs. SWTOR's story theme is a gimmick and gets old quick. I played over Xmas like alot and i was 50 in 9 days. Sorry but the games overall content is shallow as a bird bath. Wow had MUCH more content even at release. F2P in 12 months. One EA makes there money back SW will be a ghost town.
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Why you comparing game from 2004 with game from 2011. A lot of things changed during 7 years and so many games failed during 7 years, because "standard basic" approach.

Exactly same as you would compare 7 years old car and new car. New has to be better, other wise it is no point improve car industry, if peoples keep buying 7 year old cars with it's limitations. What is the point putting loads of money in to research, to actually improve pevious models.

It is called to progress, who fails understand it, fails deliver.



Software != cars


It takes time to develop content/features.


Why do people think WoW is the 7 year old car? It's not some used car. It’s still a brand new 2012 car, Blizzard just had 7+ years to make it what it is. BW has had less time to develop its new car.


So the next logical question is, do new car manufacturers make new cars as good as the top car manufacturers? I don't really know a lot about cars but I've never heard of any new companies coming out with something better than established companies.


I would guess that car companies came about between the 1900's and 1960's, and any new company would have to take loses until after years and years of development to match up to the other companies (with exception of the first company).


If BW started working on SW:TOR at the same exact instant that Blizzard started working on WoW, then and only then, I would agree that comparing the two games is fair.

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English should be capitalized.




The comma goes inside the quotation marks.


It's "friend."


Don't insult someone else's grammar when your own grammar needs improvement.


Glad you caught this. Also, it has already been discovered a few pages back that such was done on purpose. Better late to the party than not, yes?

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WoW servers were crashing non-stop on release sometimes down for days at a time.


WoW did not have any BG system etc. at release


WoW did not have space combat, voice overs etc.


WoW did not have a companion system


WoW was full of bugs at release and some such as the infamous loot bug remained in the game until just the last couple of years. The list of game breaking bugs in that game at release is mind boggling.


I don't care to grind and love the current progression rate. I will actually play a character for each storyline unless they make it a grind.


You seem to think that in order to enjoy the ride it than it must be long and grindy. There is therapy for this disorder you should get it.


The only truth to your statement involved the starter areas. WoW had twice as many starter areas that were half as interesting and half as large.


SWTOR dominates the WoW release on so many fronts it is not even close.

Edited by Hellapain
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It's fun, and it's Star Wars. I loved KotOR, and the same is now true of SWTOR. If WoW is so great, why not play that game instead? Most of us knew what we were getting with this, and if you didn't, then that's probably your own fault.


To the people complaining about fast levelling, if you play for 15 hours a day, every day, then of course you will level quickly! Again, your fault, not the game.

Edited by DarkZenith
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Dear OP,


SW:TOR has one thing NO other MMO has, or has had, up untill now. Something that is genraly used in only single player games.


Voice Acting in every convo.


This is why it is better than Wow. I played wow for a bit. Nor becuse of any engagige storuy, but becuse of the most stupied thing in gamers today. ACHIVMENTS. After that, I quit. Playing a game for the sole reson to get them is stupied.


Now, SW:TOR on the other hand, is completly differnt. The story is, unlike Wow, and due to the awsome voice acting, UNDASTANDUBLE.


The Flashponts are MUCH MUCH MUCH Better than any of the ones I ever played in WoW.


The COMMUNITY is better than WoWs.


As for bugs, anyone rember the great Plage bug in wow? And rember how it got fixed? Well, thats what will happen here.


Finaly, with every class in this having there own story, if you don't play though each of the classess, your not playing all of the game. Infact, I would say this is a BIGGER game than what WoW is now, simply becuse it has 8 storys, not one.



Finaly, this is the first month its been out really, and I think jugeing a MMO in its first few months is a BAD idea. Come back in March, and then we will see how it is.

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WoW servers were crashing non-stop on release sometimes down for days at a time.


WoW did not have any BG system etc. at release


WoW did not have space combat, voice overs etc.


WoW did not have a companion system


WoW was full of bugs at release and some such as the infamous loot bug remained in the game until just the last couple of years. The list of game breaking bugs in that game at release is mind boggling.


I don't care to grind and love the current progression rate. I will actually play a character for each storyline unless they make it a grind.


You seem to think that in order to enjoy the ride it than it must be long and grindy. There is therapy for this disorder you should get it.


The only truth to your statement involved the starter areas. WoW had twice as many starter areas that were half as interesting and half as large.


SWTOR dominates the WoW release on so many fronts it is not even close.


Wow didn't need a BG system....We had Tarren Mill and Crossroads....Remember wow had World PVP? Than the BG's ruined that. Sorry but the WZ's in SWTOR sucks balls.


Companions are terrible, yeah you need them or you won't be able to quest. Other than helping you kill they serve 0 purpose.


Sorry, but they gimmicky story lines and voice overs aren't that good. Waste of space.

Edited by Dovahkien
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What i'd like to know is, what is the current "non-average, ground breaking game" out right now...or coming out? People like to throw GW2 out there, but frankly, i've been playing games too long to believe any such hype.


I will answer this Dominus...Not actually ground breaking but what MMOs should be.

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Wow didn't need a BG system....We had Tarren Mill and Crossroads....Remember wow had World PVP? Than the BG's ruined that. Sorry but the WZ's in SWTOR sucks balls.


Companions are terrible, yeah you need them or you won't be able to quest. Other than helping you kill they serve 0 purpose.


Sorry, but they gimmicky story lines and voice overs aren't that good. Waste of space.


the only waste of space is players like you in my server queue... lol Dovahkien..

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Dear OP,


SW:TOR has one thing NO other MMO has, or has had, up untill now. Something that is genraly used in only single player games.


Voice Acting in every convo.


This is why it is better than Wow. I played wow for a bit. Nor becuse of any engagige storuy, but becuse of the most stupied thing in gamers today. ACHIVMENTS. After that, I quit. Playing a game for the sole reson to get them is stupied.


Now, SW:TOR on the other hand, is completly differnt. The story is, unlike Wow, and due to the awsome voice acting, UNDASTANDUBLE.


The Flashponts are MUCH MUCH MUCH Better than any of the ones I ever played in WoW.


The COMMUNITY is better than WoWs.


As for bugs, anyone rember the great Plage bug in wow? And rember how it got fixed? Well, thats what will happen here.


Finaly, with every class in this having there own story, if you don't play though each of the classess, your not playing all of the game. Infact, I would say this is a BIGGER game than what WoW is now, simply becuse it has 8 storys, not one.



Finaly, this is the first month its been out really, and I think jugeing a MMO in its first few months is a BAD idea. Come back in March, and then we will see how it is.


Who wants this one?

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One of my favorite bugs with the companion is if they don't have a line of sight to the monster they're just going to stand still and do *nothing* until the fight is over. At that point you really get a feel to how weak you are on your own.
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i /agree this game is just ALL hype im lvl 35 and dont have the urge to log in.. just terrible design with the shards/instances whatever you wanna call them it feels like im in a world all by myself..


the pvp is a joke and seems it was slapped together at the last minute just so they could say "we got pvp".

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English should be capitalized.




The comma goes inside the quotation marks.


It's "friend."


Don't insult someone else's grammar when your own grammar needs improvement.


You would be correct about "friend." if I was correcting the sentence. However, I was merely correcting the word. Nice try?

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i checked for two things.


Wall of text

WOW references.


i see everything is in order here. moving on.



It also contained the standard amount of misspelled words right? It wouldn't be a complete and useless rant without them.

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