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Testing actual DPS


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Damage meters.. meh...


Damage logs? OK!


I'm not big on tools/mods for measuring DPS, but it sure would be nice to finally see what all those numbers popping up over the mobs head are associated with.


Or some numbers so I can see roughly how much benefit I am receiving from new gear** This is the most important as it will help me decide how to spend my commendations as I level up.

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That's the whole reason I brought up Rift. Obviously that tool never even played it.


Rift is a game that was supposed to allow for the ultimate in player creativity with specs and rotations. But it was COMPLETELY ruined by DPS meters.


And before you immediately assume I am a bad...Ask any veteran Rift Rogue about the Sozu spec. I created it, and perfected it to a point where nearly every Rogue on every server had either heard of it, or used it on a regular basis. Why? Because it was proven to be the best spec with DPS meters. So nobody ever ventured off into their own spec creating fantasy world...They all just copy and pasted my spec simply because it did 5.232342 more dps.


When I stopped playing Rift they were still using damage logs. Did they actually add an in game dps meter?

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That's the whole reason I brought up Rift. Obviously that tool never even played it.


Rift is a game that was supposed to allow for the ultimate in player creativity with specs and rotations. But it was COMPLETELY ruined by DPS meters.


And before you immediately assume I am a bad...Ask any veteran Rift Rogue about the Sozu spec. I created it, and perfected it to a point where nearly every Rogue on every server had either heard of it, or used it on a regular basis. Why? Because it was proven to be the best spec with DPS meters. So nobody ever ventured off into their own spec creating fantasy world...They all just copy and pasted my spec simply because it did 5.232342 more dps.


lol. This game already has best spec, rotation, and etc. People will figure them out with or without DPS meters. There are already elitists, bads, casuals, and hardcores in the game too.


Your denial is so hilarious.

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I've never seen more derp in one post before... ever. You really expect raid leaders to learn every single classes abilities/animations, the proper rotations/priorities for those classes, and then watch the other 7/15 players in the raid while performing their own duties and see who is not performing? Get real.


As to the OP: I think the best way to gauge your dps is time yourself or your raiders during the council fight and see how quickly people can kill their mobs.



You've obviously never led raids lol.


How in the heck do raid leaders lead raids in games like FFXI where endgame is 100 x harder than anything you've probably ever played, WITHOUT dps meters? You know how they tell who is not pulling their weight? By yes...knowing every class in the game. Knowing the mechanics of every class. Observing mid fight and seeing who is going wrong. Yes!!! Raid leaders in other games actually have knowledge of other classes! They dont rely on a meter telling them everything.


Truth be told...Bad raid leaders rely on DPS meters to tell who is good/bad.

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I've never seen more derp in one post before... ever. You really expect raid leaders to learn every single classes abilities/animations, the proper rotations/priorities for those classes, and then watch the other 7/15 players in the raid while performing their own duties and see who is not performing? Get real.
Yes, I do expect a raid leader to be an expert in all PvE-relevant aspects of the game -and- to put effort into managing their players while maintaining their own performance. If they can't or won't, they aren't skilled enough for that position and need to be replaced by someone who can and will.


"With great power comes great responsibility."

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No damage meters except for Operations and test dummies please.


That way min-maxers can satisfy themselves that they're getting their builds right, number crunchers can be happy, and people for whom endgame is more like a competitive sport can satisfy themselves on performance.


The rest of the game doesn't need them, and they would be a bad inlfuence on a game that's better off playing to its strenghts (storyline, immersion).

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lol. This game already has best spec, rotation, and etc. People will figure them out with or without DPS meters. There are already elitists, bads, casuals, and hardcores in the game too.


Your denial is so hilarious.


I'd believe you if it was even remotely possible to calculate what's best and what isnt.


Sorry bud, but it's just not possible to come to a conclusion as to what is the "best" spec and "best" rotation with the current state of SWTOR. And that's a good thing.


Anyone that says they know what the best is just assuming. Nothing more. Without combat logs it's actual quite impossible. So please, troll harder.

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There's something wrong with boss encounters when dps decides if you win or not. Following the mechanics of the fight, using abilities to mitigate your own damage to keep strain off the healers, and using CC SHOULD be more important. It's sad that WoW got it SO WRONG THAT PEOPLE CAN'T THINK ANY DIFFERENTLY.
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If a raid leader cant tell who is not pulling their weight without a DPS meter then they have no right to be leading raids.



It is easy to see who stands in fire and who knows the fight, however with EVERY encounter in HM and NM having a dps enrage, knowing actual numbers is key.


Please do not tell me you can look at how someone plays their class and know their dps because that is complete and utter BS.

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Wow, people have a lot of free time apparently and its geared toward finding a way of jumping up and down boasting about DPS numbers. This is an RPG and the best way to ruin any RPG is to reduce it to numbers. If you need a DPS meter for you to enjoy and RPG, then you have completely missed the point. Its about having fun and you don't need a DPS meter to see when someone is struggling with playing their character.


Someone needs to do (ad nauseaum) another Hitler video showing Hitler going off about DPS numbers.


High DPS numbers doesn't mean you are a good player, it just means you have high numbers, your personality and ability to get along with your team mates and have fun is what makes a good player. Most folks are good enough by the time they reach high end to handle most any encounter. If the developers have designed encounters that require explicit damage rates and spit second timing then they have missed the point as well.


Calm down dps freaks, its a game, its meant to be played for fun. If youa re that serious about a game then you need to find something else to do with your time, like maybe getting therapy for your virtual type A personality.

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[it is easy to see who stands in fire and who knows the fight, however with EVERY encounter in HM and NM having a dps enrage, knowing actual numbers is key.


Please do not tell me you can look at how someone plays their class and know their dps because that is complete and utter BS. ]




Well, if that means you are quitting as well, then thanks for your opinion on the matter, those of us in this game for the long haul will be standing on the dock waving good bye to you and your ilk and look forward to a bit less lag in the game.


Ciao, hope the next big game that comes along caters to your numeric tastes. Perhaps an MMO about spreadsheets. Man, that sounds like a blast.

Edited by DaltChrono
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lol...people who make baseless generalizations then try to justify them by referring to a steaming turd of a game like Rift.




dps meters are mandatory for raiders, we even used them in original eq (u know, the first raiding mmo) so to say they ruined eq is just wrong, nothing ruined eq tbh, it still has subscribers...


all we need is a combatlog to tell our dps, we are not asking for mods/addons (tho some are) we are simply asking for a log so we can do our own parsing.


fortunately i don't pve anymore so i don't care, pvp still has scoreboards (lol?).

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If you're autistic, you could probably add up all the numbers when you see em pop on the screen. If you're not Rain Man, you're probably out of luck until Bioware remembers that it's a MMO and puts in features that have been in gaming for over a decade.


Fixed it for you.


You mean, Dps meters ruin the game for bad players, or players who want to be carried, right?


Exactly. Anyone who thinks DPS meters ruin games are simply scared of being proven to be terrible. If you're bad and run with other bads, it's not like anyone is going to care about the DPS meter anyways.


Absolutely no down side to DPS meters, kids.

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You've obviously never led raids lol.


How in the heck do raid leaders lead raids in games like FFXI where endgame is 100 x harder than anything you've probably ever played, WITHOUT dps meters? You know how they tell who is not pulling their weight? By yes...knowing every class in the game. Knowing the mechanics of every class. Observing mid fight and seeing who is going wrong. Yes!!! Raid leaders in other games actually have knowledge of other classes! They dont rely on a meter telling them everything.


Truth be told...Bad raid leaders rely on DPS meters to tell who is good/bad.


FF XI end game hard? What? Tank and spank encounters are never hard. And you must be a god among men to be able to see 8 things at once. You stick to the ff xi method and I'll use the modern tool to guage raid performance.

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Ok, I think we have a pretty extreme diversion here of those that want DPS meters and those that don't. The real problem is, both sides are right.


If you are playing a pure DPS class, then some capability to parse your own DPS to determine if your new spec/gear/rotation is helping is a very critical aspect. It can also help to identify when devs have made mistakes with their code and a talent isn't living up to what it is supposed to do.


On the other hand, those against DPS meters can see a clear writing on the wall. I have yet to see a class where more than 75% of it's abilities were pure DPS abilities. Let's take a DPS specced Sorc for example.


Said DPS Sorc gets a stun that works on all but boss mobs with the immunity buff. It does damage, but not really much. Now that Sorc could use that stun currently without some bad player watching DPS meters like they are the end all be all and be fine. In a world with DPS meters the Sorc that uses the stun will be perceived as a worse player than the one who doesn't since the one that doesn't use the stun will appear higher on the DPS meters.


That is not the reality though. The reality is that the Sorc that is smartly using Stun is of far greater benefit to their team then the one that doesn't use that stun.


Those secondary benefits are where DPS meters fail. My DPS specced Commando uses Grav Round till there are 5 stacks on the enemy. I could parse out with a personally higher DPS by using other abilities especially in a shorter fight, however by reducing the targets armor I am helping the entire team.


All classes seem to have abilities like that. Do you think a Marauder is going to waste a GCD on a damage reduction ability in a world of DPS meters? Not likely, since the bad raid leaders who rely on such things would consider them a worse player.


That is the real division. That is why there is so much passion against damage meters. This game has some really cool skills with some interesting side effects that help in all sorts of situations, but if all the raid cares about is how much DPS you can put out, then those abilities fall by the wayside.

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This is a story driven game. In such, there is no place for dps meters and the like. There are plenty of games which are entirely based on numbers. This game should not be one of them.


Perhaps, in the interest of accomodating "different" play styles, all the non-story driven, level 50 in 3 weeks, numbers only crew could be transfered to a server or servers where their furious race to win a MMORPG can be satisfied. There would be no story cinematics, all stats could be traced, parsed and displayed in big bold characters on the screen, or even across the entire instance or server.


Perhaps a black list of everyone that isn't 50 with max gear, the approved spec build, and a tireless dedication to raiding, so those loser folks would have to leave the server to go to a server of similar minded people but who aren't quite as "good" as the ones that sent them away from their last server. Maybe have a Winning server and a Losing Server.


Maybe you could move up in a series of servers based on your DPS parse, which will follow you around in your SWTOR career. Maybe would even be apart of your CV.

Perhaps then will the needs of the DPS meterphiles will be met.

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