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Bioware, you lost touch.


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"Here he comes. Here comes John Wayne. I'm not gonna cry about my early access. I'm gonna build me an airport, put my name on it. Why, OP? So you can fly away from your feelings? You can keep them bottled up, OP, but they will come out."


In all seriousness, Bioware are interested in people who want to play a subscription game for a long period, what does 2-3 days difference matter 6 months down the line.

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No offense to you Bioware, you have a good game and all but you lost touch already. You have no idea what an MMO is. 90% of what an MMO is you are killing just so you can have a few days of easy work.


1. The race to first. You killed this for everyone except a select few and to some people this is all the game is to them. They race to max level and then they quit.


2. What happens during early access when something breaks? You stop inviting people to fix it and then a few days later you gotta burst in tons of people and it breaks again or take the chance that a group of people that pre-ordered don't get to play early? If at any point something breaks and someone doesn't get to play early. They will walk and go play something else. You know this right? Not sure why you would risk years of work and millions and millions of dollars for a few days of hectic work. Some of us are coming from WoW to play this. Everyone is already clueless and thinks this is a WoW clone. We didn't get in the initial day so we are playing WoW and waiting. At some point they will stop waiting or think "its just a WoW clone anyway, might as well just play WoW". The initial opening days, the mad rush of people. This kind of thing makes an MMO for some people. But Bioware wants a few days of easy work instead of letting people play the game.


3. PVP headstart. You are giving a select group a massive PVP headstart. It will be so fun starting the game vs people at max level with PVP gear. Sure PVP gear gives only 10%-15% bonus but that's massive when people don't know how to play the game.


4. PVE Race. Same as the above. It's not much of a race when some people are crossing the finish lane just as others start.


4. PVP Warzone exploit. Never would have happened if you didn't under sell the early game access just so you could have a few days of easy work. Your servers will break regardless of pampering the servers in the first few days. So just let the people play and stop being a bunch of scruffy nerf herders. You are so worried about having a few days of less work and problems that you forgot what makes an MMO an MMO.


5. The lifeless world. All the game streams are making your game look like crap right now. "Where are all the players, is this game dead already?". With the population the way it is right now we rarely see other players running by. It makes it look like no one is playing and your game flopped already. Why? Just so you can have a few days of easy work? Let me clue you into something, "YOUR **** WILL BREAK NO MATTER WHAT!!!" you can invite everyone 1 x 1 every day and still "YOUR **** WILL BREAK". It's just how it goes.


If I were you, I would try to get everyone 5 days minimum. I think you are too worried about "lets have the best launch ever!!!". What does this get you? a successful launch to you is a failure to many. If any group gets less than 5 days they will feel robbed. You're launching an MMO we aren't. You need to cater to us. If this was pre-wow people would put up with stuff like this easily. In a post-wow world you get one try and people leave and right now you aren't making a good first impression.



-"Hey bro, did you get to play SWTOR this week? I heard it was the best launch ever."

-"Nah, I didn't get in."

-"You pre-ordered right"

-"Yeah, but they had some invite system and I didn't get to play early"

-"Wow **** that i'm not buying that ****, lets play some WoW BGs"

-"Yeah, it's just a WoW clone anyway, so might as well play WoW"



That is what a MMO is to the OCD Hardcore's which are about 3% of the population...please don't presume to speak for all of us...I think Bioware is incredibly in touch with the vast majority of the fan base.


Why is you opinion more valid than mine?

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You realize Bioware has been targetting this game at the sort of people who a) don't rush to cap and b) aren't the uber hardcore raiders and pvpers, right? Things like world firsts and server firsts are irrelevant when you realize that.


So in other words, it's a WoW clone but they aren't competing with WoW? Just sayin.

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I'm going to laught alot if the server doesn't break... xD

I think they're doing the're best as always, and if the PVE noobs are feeling cheated, than get off, and if the PVP noobs are afraid of gear than get the hell off. Noobs must play WoW thats what makes WoW what it is...

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I'll play! Why on earth would they care about people who won't sub long term? If they buy the box, play to 50 and then quit EA/Bioware doesn't realize any significant profit from them so why should they cater to them?

But...this hasn't happened. So...er...yeah.


Yeah, this seems to be a legitimate complaint. However, it will all be worked out in a few weeks when more folks hit 50 and are geared. So, it will be a hassle for a short term.


So again, if people are RACING to the endgame, those folks are likely not long term subscribers... your logic is deeply flawed.


Well again, this makes no sense. The exploit still would have happened because not everyone PvPs. It just would have happened less frequently and perhaps on fewer servers.


I dunno, I guess I would expect it to look a little sparse at first. I could counter by saying that if the game looked crowded and laggy, I wouldn't play until things calmed down and were less crowded. This is a matter of opinion...so...yeah.



Sure, this might happen with some folks. However, there are plenty of quite vocal people here who despise WoW with a passion (a whole other issue really) so this is kind of speculative thinking that might apply to some, but will certainly not apply to others.


How did I do? Do I get a cookie!? :D




"So again, if people are RACING to the endgame, those folks are likely not long term subscribers... your logic is deeply flawed."




This has got too take the cake for the dumbest statement ever created on these forums.

Edited by Gooseguy
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I'll play! Why on earth would they care about people who won't sub long term? If they buy the box, play to 50 and then quit EA/Bioware doesn't realize any significant profit from them so why should they cater to them?

But...this hasn't happened. So...er...yeah.


Yeah, this seems to be a legitimate complaint. However, it will all be worked out in a few weeks when more folks hit 50 and are geared. So, it will be a hassle for a short term.


So again, if people are RACING to the endgame, those folks are likely not long term subscribers... your logic is deeply flawed.


Well again, this makes no sense. The exploit still would have happened because not everyone PvPs. It just would have happened less frequently and perhaps on fewer servers.


I dunno, I guess I would expect it to look a little sparse at first. I could counter by saying that if the game looked crowded and laggy, I wouldn't play until things calmed down and were less crowded. This is a matter of opinion...so...yeah.



Sure, this might happen with some folks. However, there are plenty of quite vocal people here who despise WoW with a passion (a whole other issue really) so this is kind of speculative thinking that might apply to some, but will certainly not apply to others.


How did I do? Do I get a cookie!? :D


"So again, if people are RACING to the endgame, those folks are likely not long term subscribers... your logic is deeply flawed."




This has got too take the cake for the dumbest statement on the SWTOR forums.

Edited by Gooseguy
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People can troll/mock OP all they want but I ABSOLUTELY agree...and no..not really bothered about not getting in to game or even having my CE till' the 29th or so...after nearly a year of beta the break is nice. Point remains mmo's live or die based on perception like it or not...fair or not...the PERCEPTION is this has been horribly botched by ea/bioware THUS FAR...for specific examples see the many threads...some of which are very valid with over 500 posts already...


What a joke. As soon as everyone gets in, less than 1% of the players will be crying over the staggered start.

Edited by Drewser
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For every troll that posts a thread like this there are thousands of ppl that actualy read what bioware wrote about early access from day one and accepts the way they chose to handle this. If ppl are gona whine about this and quit the game, sure do it thats the part of the gaming comunity i dont want to play with anyways.


"They promised i would get 5 days early access" Seen that line in alot of threads, UP TO 5 days can actualy mean you dont get any early access at all.


"My name will be taken" Another reason ive seen, well if ur name gets taken it clearly aint as original as you thaught.


"Cry, whine, buhu, Ppl are higher lvl then me and i loose in pvp" Unless you were in the beta and/or plan to play 24/7 until you hit 50 that would have happend anyways. Those who had alot of beta gametims have done the quests and know what to do, and can even skip quest dialogues wich reduce their lvling time alot.


That they decided to add 2 days to the early access so more ppl would get a longer period of early access no one cares about, BW/EA are still *****s acording to ppl cause they didnt get in on day one.


I orderd late november and im not in, and i dont expect to get in anytime soon. If i get in before the 18th ill be realy happy, if not ill be equaly happy and excited the day i get to play even if i have to wait until the 20th. Try leaving your computers for a few hours and do something else, this game will steal enough time of your lives soon enough, see your "late access" as a gift of life since u get to live it some more before you just like me become drones for yet another video game.

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the OP deserves a quote from my ol' pal sovereign from mass effect for the massive amount of things he does not understand.

There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own you cannot even imagine it. I am beyond your comprehension. I am Sovereign.

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The race to 50 is irrelevant. You are the one who as lost touch. You have been trained by other hamster-wheel games that it is the end that you want, not the journey. You have forgotten,or never knew, what roleplaying means. You focus on the mechanistic parts of the game and ignore story, immersion and roleplay.
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For every troll that posts a thread like this there are thousands of ppl that actualy read what bioware wrote about early access from day one and accepts the way they chose to handle this. If ppl are gona whine about this and quit the game, sure do it thats the part of the gaming comunity i dont want to play with anyways.


"They promised i would get 5 days early access" Seen that line in alot of threads, UP TO 5 days can actualy mean you dont get any early access at all.


"My name will be taken" Another reason ive seen, well if ur name gets taken it clearly aint as original as you thaught.


"Cry, whine, buhu, Ppl are higher lvl then me and i loose in pvp" Unless you were in the beta and/or plan to play 24/7 until you hit 50 that would have happend anyways. Those who had alot of beta gametims have done the quests and know what to do, and can even skip quest dialogues wich reduce their lvling time alot.


That they decided to add 2 days to the early access so more ppl would get a longer period of early access no one cares about, BW/EA are still *****s acording to ppl cause they didnt get in on day one.


I orderd late november and im not in, and i dont expect to get in anytime soon. If i get in before the 18th ill be realy happy, if not ill be equaly happy and excited the day i get to play even if i have to wait until the 20th. Try leaving your computers for a few hours and do something else, this game will steal enough time of your lives soon enough, see your "late access" as a gift of life since u get to live it some more before you just like me become drones for yet another video game.


As I stated before I could care less about getting in early, because I play every MMO. My problem is with a staggered launch like this. It tells me from day one that EA / Bioware doesn't believe in the platform they built. They are so worried about having a successful launch that they will make sure it happens at the expense of the community and the players.

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I'm not sure which is more pathetic...the incoherent rage threads or the long winded whiny emo ones.


The incoherent rage threads you can at least attribute to kids or mentally challenged adults. The long winded emo whining ones are usually people with at least average intelligence that sat back and thought out their manifesto, and after spending however long they spent thinking it up/typing it, STILL thought it was a good idea to hit "submit reply".

Edited by ChicksDigHarleys
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You assume too much.. Way too often do some OP like you state their opinion as if it's fact with that blame the devs/company attitude, pr, marketing whatever it is.. and u think you got it all figured out and how if u were in charge etc etc.. and what people want and.. and.. and... personally all i got to say is ..



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People have cried for innovation and when Bioware makes a few things different than other MMOs, people cry its broken and Bioware doesn't know MMOs. TOR has some aspects that are similar to WoW but it also has a lot that is different. If you don't like differences or what they mean to the game, stay with WoW.
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The race to 50 is irrelevant. You are the one who as lost touch. You have been trained by other hamster-wheel games that it is the end that you want, not the journey. You have forgotten,or never knew, what roleplaying means. You focus on the mechanistic parts of the game and ignore story, immersion and roleplay.


I don't race to 50. Reading, it's fundamental.

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