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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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i pre-ordered 1 dec and imo if they say 5 days early game acces then its 5 *********** days and not 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 but 5 so if they dont get me in tomorrow im going too e-mail them for a refund of my 5 euro's anyone sharing my thoughts here ?


not sure if youre being sarcastic or not but it said you MAY get up to 5 days early access. i ordered on the 1st as well and i was definitely not expecting 5 days.

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I preordered earlier, during the summer, but from gamestop. I kept having issues with the preorder codes not working, so then I tried best buy and had the same issues. Finally I decided to do the digital version and got a working preorder code from that.


So December 1st for me. :jawa_tongue:


I've already accepted the fact that I probably won't get very much early access time.

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not sure if youre being sarcastic or not but it said you MAY get up to 5 days early access. i ordered on the 1st as well and i was definitely not expecting 5 days.


I am in agreement with this guy. I was hoping for the 17th, but expecting the 18th or 19th. If I get in tomorrow, SUPER! If not, oh well. I'll play later.

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December 4th here, bit disheartened to know we might not get the full 5-days, but early access is early access. The only concern I have is just how much staggering early access will have on the ability to obtain the 'rarer' crafting patterns.


I think I remember reading somewhere that Bioware planned on making some crafting patterns be limited in number on each server to maintain how 'rare' the item would be to find. Overall a few days probably won't really sum up too much since we've also be assured that we can expect not to spend one weekend crafting to become a master crafter the way the system is set up.


Cheers to all the silver-tongued merchant-mongers out here that seek to make a name for themselves as a seller of esteemed goods, may we all cut out our own little niche in the Galaxy!

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At the rate they're going, December will probably be in on Friday.


ya thats what i figure at most our wait time will be. Hoping tomorrow. Octobers getting attention in the fourth wave today. So im holding out hope getting access tomorrow.


Pity for me that tomorrow is the second last day of school for me this year so i wont know until i come back form it. By then though they'll probably get through all the waves for that day.

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not sure if youre being sarcastic or not but it said you MAY get up to 5 days early access. i ordered on the 1st as well and i was definitely not expecting 5 days.


nope no sarcasm here , but tell me why do we pay 5 euro then , i never payed 5 euro for a maybe m8 and the pre-order button surely didnt state that it stated

Pre-order now and get 5 days early game acces

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4th wave is just sent out few minutes ago, and the latest ive seen on wave 3 was October 3rd. So they have cleared out entire September preorders in wave 3 and some of the early Octobers.


I ordered my early acces 12/1/11 and redeemed the code right after confirmation.


Tbh folks, with this speed on letting ppl in, we wil all get in tomorrow or early this friday.

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Woo december 9th! Go me!! Here is hoping for tomorrow. But really id be happy with just before sunday since that is really the only free day i have. But tomorrow would be good for some poking around! Go Go tomorrow!



I'm the 9th also, can't wait too play again, I was DEVASTATED when the beta ended, this game is alot of fun.:p

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