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Finished the game. (unsubbing till expansion)


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For the life of me I have wondered why people feel the need to announce to the world that they are leaving.


Please don't tell me it's because you want the devs to see your post. It is because you want to have a rant. You have a complaint, it has been made, the devs already know about it.


It isn't a problem for me, because I play roughly 5 hours or less a week. (wife and kids). It is a problem for you so you are quitting.


Good luck, I hope you find the MMO that fits your needs, and good bye. No hard feelings.

We all pay our subs so we are entitled to play and you are entitled to quit.


But be an adult about it, give your reason for quitting to Bioware, and then go.


Don't make a song and dance about it on the forums like you are any more important than any other player in this game, casual or otherwise.

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There is none. That's why the hardcore MMO players are on the brink of extinction.


You know whats sad, these days i can only play around 20 hours a week , so pretty much considered casual.


My toon is lvl 41. Im taking my time as i know il lbe dissapointed in end game.


Every flashpoint so far has been tank and spank, literally no challenge. Im getting worried.


What you fail to understand is that good players that have no choice but to be semi casual these days are not looking for this faceroll. I totally agree with every point the op has, and im not even at end game. Nothing has challenged me in this game so far.

Last night , i soloed a 4 man heroic ( i am a few lvls higher then it , but still...)..


Today we did colicoid and my god, its the first time i got angry in this game.

A new mechanic ( cannons ) and EVERYONE fails. its like everyone is just used to spamming w/e attack button but add something like the cannons and people have no idea. Fail after fail. Yes i got angry and asked *** they where doing, my side was always clear, i always had more then half health when everyone else was dead. These types of players is what this game is catering to.


As any mmo player of 10+ years will tell you, this game is too easy. i rolled a tank and it plays close to what my prot warrior did. Its very similiar.Therefore i knew exactly how to play it. No learning curve whatsoever.easy i tell ya.


MMO games are dying because of this new breed of people that want to play these games, yet have no idea how. Then they want it nerfed cause they are clueless, it gets nerfed, and casual ppl like me lleave.....


Tl;dr ...wall of text forcechokes baduals for 14593 hitpoints, baduals die....

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I have to say as the OP of this topic its mostly from the people defending the games difficulty level. I have even recieved insulting and derogatory private messages, KROSSDARK being one of them.


However I hope the thread remains open as this is an important discussion.


I thought that all the spacebar comments while the OP clearly stated he didn't spacebar was sad but sending private messages to further insult someone is by far the saddest thing I read.

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Unfortunately most developers think that easy = dollars. I would absolutely love to play a difficult, challenging, well designed MMO with attention to detail and the polish of a AAA title. One can dream.


For me, Guild Wars 2 is still on the radar as the best choice MMO. I like the no subscription based, just pay for expansions method.

Edited by SaltAU
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They completed content on easy mode and thats the end of the game? sorry but thats to help gear you up for the hard/nightmare modes, it's an intordution if you like to raids. when you have completed dungeons on hard/nightmare then you may have a point till then its nothing more then blowing hot air.
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I would place myself around the 70 or so mark. (above average) The game is set WAY to low for it to remain a viable prospect for the future.


Let me get this straight, you're saying the game isn't good enough for you (an above average player, LOL), and is too easy, and that as a result of this, the game will fail. I just really want to clarify this.


Are you actually saying the game will fail because its catering for the majority and not the minority? You're actually saying the game needs to narrow its focus to succeed?


You don't really understand economics, do you? Or customer retention. Or even basic commerce.


I want you to leave the game, because your IQ is dragging the average IQ of this game down.

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Unfortunately most developers think that easy = dollars. I would absolutely love to play a difficult, challenging, well designed MMO with attention to detail and the polish of a AAA title. One can dream.


Quoted for truth.



For me, Guild Wars 2 is still on the radar as the best choice MMO. I like the no subscription based, just pay for expansions method.


Yeah, the model sounds great.

Edited by Ommm
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Well, i am not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination, we have finished the game.


Downed Shards of Alderaan boss in EV. (and all of the important content)


Im sure we will run the hard and nightmare modes over the next few weeks, but do not expect this to be up for too long. Repeating content on harder modes was never something that kept us playing, we know elite modes as we server firsted the twilight dragons on our server in wow etc. We also go right back to UO and sleeper in EQ1.


The game is awesome, amazing, but not enough content, i expect to see "reroll another class", "play republic" or "dont spacebar.." (I personally have never space barred any narrative until I have heard once) etc but thats not what we play mmo's for, for us its progressing a character, kitting him out, enjoying difficult and hard to beat content but not running the same content but in faster times or gimping how many people you take etc.


None of our guild looked at spoilers or played beta, we all wanted to experience the game fresh and new. We did not expect it to be this unbelievably easy.


Now I know the bioware drones and people that defend the game will be all over this post like crazy but just remember we are on the frontlines of what the game offers, and it is not alot.


You wont agree with this now but in a few weeks the more casual and the bulk of playerbase will be posting the same, the game is cake, tuned too the farmville level of player.


The high achievers and hardcore will all move on to other games while more content is released, will they come back? I dont know, what I do know is that the end game should of been harder, if only the last boss and nothing else.


As I said, you will not think this now as you are not where we are, it wont take the more part time player long to reach this point and when you do you will remember this and many other posts about how easy and retarded the gameplay is.


(I recently saw a post asking for the game to made even easier, this just blows my mind. It staggers belief that some people are struggling to complete class chains, flashpoints or find datacrons etc. This is the player that is killing this genre, devs are actually listening to you people!?)




I would like to introduce a scale of the average mmo player.


1 - 100


I would say this game is set to around the below average mmo player, maybe around 40 or so.


I would place myself around the 70 or so mark. (above average) The game is set WAY to low for it to remain a viable prospect for the future.


Right, but the real question is what will you go back to? Wow? EQ2? Aion? Rift? I mean really the other games are the same in the regard your post mentioned (too easy, tuned for below avg mmo players). Wow is a cakefest now that gives welfare epics. EQ2 since its F2P model is a joke, Rift, too easy as well, Aion, yea.. you get the point. I guess your MMORPG days are over until a new game is out i.e. GW2? Then once that is out, you will be back posting the same thing on Anet forums.


The game just came out so content is going to be limited, but I expect they will add new content on a regular basis in which you will be back posting how you beat that content.


Perhaps, for the sake of people such as yourself and myself, lets hope Bioware makes raids harder. Or, maybe, just maybe, not every MMORPG is staged to cater to hardcore masses like you and your guild? I guess if you detest PVP which you made no mention of then the game is over for you, for now. GL in your future MMORPG endeavors, wherever they may be.

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Unfortunately most developers think that easy = dollars. I would absolutely love to play a difficult, challenging, well designed MMO with attention to detail and the polish of a AAA title. One can dream.


For me, Guild Wars 2 is still on the radar as the best choice MMO. I like the no subscription based, just pay for expansions method.


What do you mean developers "think" easy = dollars??


FYI easy does = dollars


Nothing drives the average customer away faster than a game they cannot get on with or have to spend ages working something out.


Don't me wrong a challenge is a good thing to a lot of people but to the vast majority it is unwanted.


World of Warcraft thrives on it's easy to get gear approach, content becomes easier as newer content is released and even the newest content on heroic is done in a matter of a few weeks.


For MMOs to survive they have to appeal to the largest number of players.


GW2 may be good but without that monthly sub income that everyone raves about they will have far fewer resources to spend on developers to get that content the hardcore players crave so badly.

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Unless you did all this.


Leveled to 50 and played through all 8 storylines


Maxed out all companion affection maxed social and valor


Maxed out every Crew Skill


Completed all flashpoints and operations on all difficulties


Have the best gear possible for each class


Did all sidequets including space missions


Explored every area of every planet you can go to


Found every Lore Object and Datacron


Unlocked all achievments/titles



I read your post you may be done with the game but you certainly didn't finish it.


Really ? That's your real answer ?


Leveled to 50 and played through all 8 storylines


There is no 8 storylines. There is 2. Each class have few class quests and 99% of the content is repeatable. So if you don't want to do 4x the same over and over again each faction in real there is a reason to play 2x this game. Not more.


Also it's not single player game to play it over and over again. In real multiplayer games there is no real end. Check EVE Online as example or other sandbox MMO. Or themeparks that have enough features to entertain loot of different people.


And i don't want to repeat 99% of the content just for few class quests. Sorry. MMO is not about this.


Maxed out all companion affection maxed social and valor


And you do it because... ?? As far as I know there is 3-4 companion quests that are not even interesting. Loot of people will max 1 character at most. Or they will speed up buying loot of gifts and max it in ONE DAY. So rejected.


Maxed out every Crew Skill


Why ? I only need one. And I can buy everything else. Again - it's not single player game. Running around finding stuff is boooooring. Like clicking on crew scill panel all day long for nothing. Just to get gear that is weaker than one you already have. Pointless and booooring. Once you level up ONE crew skill you experience them all. Repeatable pointless clicking in panel once every few minutes. Sorry but that not my thing. And loot of people don't enjoy this kind of crafting.


I should repeat game just to make mes instead of mods or amors ? Sorry - rejected.


Completed all flashpoints and operations on all difficulties


Done. I farm them 3-4 times for gear while leveling up. Nothing fancy. And there is what... 17 of them ? One every day and then repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat...


It's like what... 17 of them or less ? And you get annoyed after you must repeat same story and listen to same conversation OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Rejected.


Have the best gear possible for each class


+2 to str will make me happier ? Sorry but not everyone are masochists. We play so we can enjoy game. Looking for something that add a little to my stats has no point. I have best gear I could find and I don't intend to spend few days just to find something little better for the sake of slight better stats. I founded gear that look good i placed mods to make it best possible and that's it.

And because lack of high lvl armors EVERYONE look like me... so rejected.


Did all sidequets including space missions


Done. Quests are shared for each class so it's not like you must do something special go get them. ALSO 99% of the quests are KILL 40 MOBS of fetch something so it's not like end of world if you miss one. Especialy when it will give you 5xp because it's below your lvl. And there is no rich story behind so you loose nothing.


And there is only few space missions. And it's not like I enjoy repeat OVER AND OVER AGAIN same space mission that is so linear than it's exacly the same to the last second...


Explored every area of every planet you can go to


And for what ? Bioware didn't place anything interesting to find so there is no point looking under every rock. I did find datacrones and some nodes and there is nothing else to find really. But yea i do explore area so I can say it's done.


Unlocked all achievments/titles


Pointless. Repeat game just to get another title that have no real use ? No thanks.


And that's it. There is nothing else to do in this game. Sad but true. While they could add some social features, stuff that you could do. Real crafting skills and missions fir activities on the map etc. Normal crafting didn't just take time. When I was cutting timber in Bounty Bay Online (before it went F2P and got destroyed) I actually chat with people nearby. And I could REALLY get something nice from crafting. In this game you advance faster than your crafting skills so normal player will always have better stuff because you craft while you playing and you always find better stuff while you playing than you can get from crafting. Only medpacks are different.

And stupid chat bubbles allow you to speak to person NEXT TO YOU. So there was actual conversations.


When you chat with person next to you on whisper he can miss that and if you use global chat others are annoyed.

Edited by DariuszPol
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Once all important content has been completed you are then asking your player base to repeat it again and again using timers or better gear.


At this point the replayability of the game has diminishing returns.


IF the last boss was significantly harder then im sure it would retain more players for longer.

For reals? No seriously bro, for reals?


Based on the credentials you yourself have provided, I'd have imagined you would have come to the realization already that this is exactly what MMO's are. Content is finite, player time isn't. So what you do is stretch out the same content to make it last longer. Older MMO's did this by stretching out the levelling (hell levels, already mentioned here), thus requiring you to simply grind more. That wasn't very fun, nor interesting. Modern MMO's do so with an increased focus on objective-based PvP and at least injecting some variation into their PvE raid content (difficulty modes, achievements, etc). Ideally, this is enough to tide you over until the next injection of content.


Please, delight me with any feasible way to solve the problem of the development time that goes into content and people spending 12 hours a day no-lifing through it? A guild has already cleared Nightmare mode VE, so what? Those are people that probably spent entire days for two weeks running it until they were able to, in a state where the Nightmare mode itself is still fairly buggy. Had they made it impossible, those people (and by extension you), would be in here complaining about it being buggy/impossible. Make something feasible, however remotely, and someone WILL do it quickly. It's entirely possible that Nightmare mode EV is currently undertuned. But maybe, just maybe, they can fix that once more than 50 people have done it. Maybe, just maybe, it is entirely understandable to fumble a bit on the tuning of your hardest mode of your freshly released game, with zero previous experience to draw from. So seriously, tell us how exactly the issue can be solved.


And C'thun? C'thun was patched in January 2006, in a game that released in November 2004. That's over a year. This game has been out for three weeks. Sure, when WoW launched, they had the impossible end boss. Only, he was actually impossible. Was that kind of artificial block more to your liking? Would you enjoy trying an encounter a few times, only to realize it is mathematically and mechanically impossible for you to beat it, no matter how well you play? When Ragnaros was nerfed, he was dead within days.


Here's some unsolicited advice for you: find out exactly what it is you enjoy about playing MMO's, because I seriously doubt you even know what that is. And if you can't find it, or simply wish to quit this game, please do so without inflicting these fallacies on us.


It well and truly saddens me to read stuff like this. There's nothing to do endgame? Fifteen hardmode flashpoints, three warzones, an open world PvP zone, dailies and two raids with three difficulty settings; not to mention quests to complete beyond hitting the cap. Name an MMO that had comparable LAUNCH content, and I will call you a liar.

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This actually brings up a good point. What if you do not care about the story? What if you actually thought swtor was an MMO? (what a crazy idea I know). You could reach 50 in 7 days. There is nowhere near enough end game content.


Wow this is..a problem..


Not the game for you then! Pretty simple when that is the tag line for this game, and has been since its inception! Talk about not reading the labels before you buy...

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What do you mean developers "think" easy = dollars??


FYI easy does = dollars


Nothing drives the average customer away faster than a game they cannot get on with or have to spend ages working something out.


Don't me wrong a challenge is a good thing to a lot of people but to the vast majority it is unwanted.


World of Warcraft thrives on it's easy to get gear approach, content becomes easier as newer content is released and even the newest content on heroic is done in a matter of a few weeks.


For MMOs to survive they have to appeal to the largest number of players.


GW2 may be good but without that monthly sub income that everyone raves about they will have far fewer resources to spend on developers to get that content the hardcore players crave so badly.


Why is WOW losing subs as of late?

The gamers that stuck around HOPING to get some of the old wow back ( by old wow , i mean bc ) are leaving in droves as they realise their cause is lost, wow belongs to the kids now.


The good gamers are leaving that game in droves and coming here, and much like myself, as much as i like star wars, probably wont stay that long if all we do is faceroll through content....


Easy = boring, when people start realising this, then gaming will get better again. As of now, apart from a few select titles ( looking at you dark souls, what an awesome game ) gaming has become a joke.

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Seriously? We will...


We are going in hardmode tonight, I will point out though we did EV normal mode in one night, no spoilers, no guides, no players that have done it before.


This is my point, we are now going to be asked to repeat the content (which we will) for $14.95 a month.


How long do you think it will take us? Not long I am thinking and everytime we do it it has diminishing returns of enjoyability.


This post is slightly ahead of the curve, you will see more, trust me.


OK, look forward to hearing more when you've completed everything on nightmare difficulty...

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Now you are being an a.ss. Really, the OP did not call your kind fail. What is this hate? If you cannot cope with it do not come into forums with this trash. You sound more jealous than anything else. Do you do the same to your IRL fails? Come on.


Maybe so, but we do not need this trash of post over and over again, we GET IT: some hate the game some love it... jeez, do we really need 50 of these every day? It doesn't add anything constructive, these are the same topics discussed over and over again.


I come over this board to see constructive arguments like the high res texture topic or the late responsiveness of combat, not going through pages of these to dig something good, only because some random person thought his personal opinion was more important than the others who have already discussed this in more detailed and constructive posts.


Oh and by putting "I am not an elitist" as first word of his post, doesn't make him non-elitist, just like when people goes "I love this game, but" then they think they just spew angry nonsense, thinking that people will agree with him only because he tries to be "one of them".

Edited by Black_Rabbit
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Really ? That's your real answer ?


Leveled to 50 and played through all 8 storylines


There is no 8 storylines. There is 2. Each class have few class quests and 99% of the content is repeatable. So if you don't want to do 4x the same over and over again each faction in real there is a reason to play 2x this game. Not more.


Also it's not single player game to play it over and over again. In real multiplayer games there is no real end. Check EVE Online as example or other sandbox MMO. Or themeparks that have enough features to entertain loot of different people.


And i don't want to repeat 99% of the content just for few class quests. Sorry. MMO is not about this.


Maxed out all companion affection maxed social and valor


And you do it because... ?? As far as I know there is 3-4 companion quests that are not even interesting. Loot of people will max 1 character at most. Or they will speed up buying loot of gifts and max it in ONE DAY. So rejected.


Maxed out every Crew Skill


Why ? I only need one. And I can buy everything else. Again - it's not single player game. Running around finding stuff is boooooring. Like clicking on crew scill panel all day long for nothing. Just to get gear that is weaker than one you already have. Pointless and booooring. Once you level up ONE crew skill you experience them all. Repeatable pointless clicking in panel once every few minutes. Sorry but that not my thing. And loot of people don't enjoy this kind of crafting.


I should repeat game just to make mes instead of mods or amors ? Sorry - rejected.


Completed all flashpoints and operations on all difficulties


Done. I farm them 3-4 times for gear while leveling up. Nothing fancy. And there is what... 17 of them ? One every day and then repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat...


It's like what... 17 of them or less ? And you get annoyed after you must repeat same story and listen to same conversation OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Rejected.


Have the best gear possible for each class


+2 to str will make me happier ? Sorry but not everyone are masochists. We play so we can enjoy game. Looking for something that add a little to my stats has no point. I have best gear I could find and I don't intend to spend few days just to find something little better for the sake of slight better stats. I founded gear that look good i placed mods to make it best possible and that's it.

And because lack of high lvl armors EVERYONE look like me... so rejected.


Did all sidequets including space missions


Done. Quests are shared for each class so it's not like you must do something special go get them. ALSO 99% of the quests are KILL 40 MOBS of fetch something so it's not like end of world if you miss one. Especialy when it will give you 5xp because it's below your lvl. And there is no rich story behind so you loose nothing.


And there is only few space missions. And it's not like I enjoy repeat OVER AND OVER AGAIN same space mission that is so linear than it's exacly the same to the last second...


Explored every area of every planet you can go to


And for what ? Bioware didn't place anything interesting to find so there is no point looking under every rock. I did find datacrones and some nodes and there is nothing else to find really. But yea i do explore area so I can say it's done.


Unlocked all achievments/titles


Pointless. Repeat game just to get another title that have no real use ? No thanks.


And that's it. There is nothing else to do in this game. Sad but true. While they could add some social features, stuff that you could do. Real crafting skills and missions fir activities on the map etc. Normal crafting didn't just take time. When I was cutting timber in Bounty Bay Online (before it went F2P and got destroyed) I actually chat with people nearby. And I could REALLY get something nice from crafting. In this game you advance faster than your crafting skills so normal player will always have better stuff because you craft while you playing and you always find better stuff while you playing than you can get from crafting. Only medpacks are different.

And stupid chat bubbles allow you to speak to person NEXT TO YOU. So there was actual conversations.


When you chat with person next to you on whisper he can miss that and if you use global chat others are annoyed.


His point is that technically the content is there. Yes a lot of it is repeated, maybe even superfluous - but there are things to do, and different people will enjoy different things. You may not enjoy going after all the achievements and datacrons, but some people do.


IMO, this game caters to people that 1) Like to play casual hours and take their time (difficulty does not have too much to do with this though it is a factor) and 2) Like to try out and dabble in many different activities rather than focus on one thing (i.e. raiding).


It's not OPs (and indeed most hardcore MMOers) cup of tea maybe, but there are *puts on Cpt Lassard's voice* many, many others who enjoy it. Myself included.

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Why is WOW losing subs as of late?

The gamers that stuck around HOPING to get some of the old wow back ( by old wow , i mean bc ) are leaving in droves as they realise their cause is lost, wow belongs to the kids now.


The good gamers are leaving that game in droves and coming here, and much like myself, as much as i like star wars, probably wont stay that long if all we do is faceroll through content....


Easy = boring, when people start realising this, then gaming will get better again. As of now, apart from a few select titles ( looking at you dark souls, what an awesome game ) gaming has become a joke.


I hate you correct you, but Cataclysm ramped up the difficulty so much that they started to bleed casuals. Thats why WoW has been losing subs ever since Cataclysm was released. The reality is that for every hardcore raiding guild in wow theres 1500 people who are more casual than khakis playing that game. They don't want to have to be frustrated by content and they don't want a second job.


Mists of Pandaria will be significantly more causal with a massive chunk of difficulty removed, and WoW subs will recover because of it.

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(I recently saw a post asking for the game to made even easier, this just blows my mind. It staggers belief that some people are struggling to complete class chains, flashpoints or find datacrons etc. This is the player that is killing this genre, devs are actually listening to you people!?)

After coming here and making a post about (1) how awesome you are, and (2) how bad the rest of the community is (70%...indeed), it's easy to say that I'm glad to see you go.

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