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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Apologies in advance to those patiently waiting here.


I won't have a response for you today, but will tomorrow.


Not to call you out SR cause this isn't your issue, its the internal QA division's issue, but seriously, why do you even have to go find a response for this?


I reported this issue IN BETA when it occurred in the build that it occurred in and I've got the ticket number in my CS History to prove it.


I reported the issue just after release via another CS Ticket, with all the information as shown in the thread linked in my signature and got the standard "Thanks for reporting this we will send this on to one of our specialized teams...." responses which is the exact same response I got on the original bug report I submitted on this issue in beta.


If you don't have an answer to this carved into the wall next to you by now, then someone hasn't been doing their job in CS/QA/Debug, because they've had well over a MONTH since this bug became evident in the final beta build to "come up with an answer".


And we still don't have an answer.


And if your answer tomorrow is "We've decided to lock texture resolution to help make performance better for everyone!" I will log into this website and drop my subscription cause what texture resolution I personally use has nothing to do with overall performance for other peoples clients.


Seriously, I won't pay 15 bucks a month when there are Free to Play games with better graphics. To be frank TOR was the only reason I fell back into the MMO briar patch and if you all don't fix this problem and stop acting like you have no idea whats caused it and stop playing dumb with the community I am very quickly going to extricate myself from the briar patch once more and I could care less what happens to this game after that.

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Also to add, why is patch 1.1 on the PTR enabling anti-aliasing if the texture resolution issue doesn't have a readily available answer?


Cart before the horse much?

The two have nothing to do with each other. You should be playing with AA, one way or another - it makes the game look a thousand times better.

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Not to call you out SR cause this isn't your issue, its the internal QA division's issue, but seriously, why do you even have to go find a response for this?


I reported this issue IN BETA when it occurred in the build that it occurred in and I've got the ticket number in my CS History to prove it.


I reported the issue just after release via another CS Ticket, with all the information as shown in the thread linked in my signature and got the standard "Thanks for reporting this we will send this on to one of our specialized teams...." responses which is the exact same response I got on the original bug report I submitted on this issue in beta.


If you don't have an answer to this carved into the wall next to you by now, then someone hasn't been doing their job in CS/QA/Debug, because they've had well over a MONTH since this bug became evident in the final beta build to "come up with an answer".


And we still don't have an answer.


And if your answer tomorrow is "We've decided to lock texture resolution to help make performance better for everyone!" I will log into this website and drop my subscription cause what texture resolution I personally use has nothing to do with overall performance for other peoples clients.


Seriously, I won't pay 15 bucks a month when there are Free to Play games with better graphics. To be frank TOR was the only reason I fell back into the MMO briar patch and if you all don't fix this problem and stop acting like you have no idea whats caused it and stop playing dumb with the community I am very quickly going to extricate myself from the briar patch once more and I could care less what happens to this game after that.


Not to sound rude but you sound like your just looking for any reason to drop your sub so go ahead......


I have a feeling as well as you do that it's not gonna be the answer your hoping for if it was an easy fix the textures would already be in simple as that we all know it.....


And being catty and rude isn't really gonna help them get it in any quicker maybe you think so but sorry to tell you it wont.....

Edited by Kittypryde
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Not to call you out SR cause this isn't your issue, its the internal QA division's issue, but seriously, why do you even have to go find a response for this?


I reported this issue IN BETA when it occurred in the build that it occurred in and I've got the ticket number in my CS History to prove it.


I reported the issue just after release via another CS Ticket, with all the information as shown in the thread linked in my signature and got the standard "Thanks for reporting this we will send this on to one of our specialized teams...." responses which is the exact same response I got on the original bug report I submitted on this issue in beta.


If you don't have an answer to this carved into the wall next to you by now, then someone hasn't been doing their job in CS/QA/Debug, because they've had well over a MONTH since this bug became evident in the final beta build to "come up with an answer".


And we still don't have an answer.


And if your answer tomorrow is "We've decided to lock texture resolution to help make performance better for everyone!" I will log into this website and drop my subscription cause what texture resolution I personally use has nothing to do with overall performance for other peoples clients.


Seriously, I won't pay 15 bucks a month when there are Free to Play games with better graphics. To be frank TOR was the only reason I fell back into the MMO briar patch and if you all don't fix this problem and stop acting like you have no idea whats caused it and stop playing dumb with the community I am very quickly going to extricate myself from the briar patch once more and I could care less what happens to this game after that.


as said by developers and SR in the past not every problem is a simple fix. Its safe to assume that there is an issue with the high res textures and how they display in game. Bioware has acknowledged the problem and is working on a solution. Seriously the "ill drop my sub" threats arent helping anyone...

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Not to sound rude but you sound like your just looking for any reason to drop your sub so go ahead......


I have a feeling as well as you do that it's not gonna be the answer your hoping for if it was an easy fix the textures would already be in simple as that we all know it.....


And being catty and rude isn't really gonna help them get it in any quicker maybe you think so but sorry to tell you it wont.....


You can dislike his tone or presentation all you want, but it's a pretty valid point.


This game was shipped, the servers went to "live" status, and we all started paying money for a game with a completely missing/broken set of graphics options. That's incredibly poor, greedy conduct on the part of EAware.

Edited by Unruhe
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It may be a Nvidia thing, not forced AA, as I haven't had AA forced on till today and had the shadows flicker in the trees in different spots (Belsavis, Voss, and Taris come to mind) since early access.


I did not have forced AA on as I suspected. (But the other poster was an ATI w/forced AA btw)


However, I did isolate two graphics options that cause "tree flicker".


The following in-game graphics settings worked for me to stop "tree flicker":


Starting from the defaults for a "High" 'Graphics Quality Preset'


Turn off 'Conversation Depth of Field'




Set 'Shadow Quality' to "Low" (You can leave 'Conversation Depth of Field' on if you do this instead)


Note that I use the following settings (they may or may not have any bearing on the duplication of this issue)

Fullscreen w/ VSync


60 refresh


I can duplicate "tree flicker" with Fullscreen (Windowed) also.

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Apologies in advance to those patiently waiting here.


I won't have a response for you today, but will tomorrow.


Appreciate this, a little bit of communication even if it is only to say it will come later is a good thing.

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You can dislike his tone or presentation all you want, but it's a pretty valid point.


This game was shipped, the servers went to "live" status, and we all started paying money for a game with a completely missing/broken set of graphics options. That's incredibly poor, greedy conduct on the part of EAware.


really? Im not sure i can agree with that. The game was promised to fans by the end of 2011, and the fans were as i remember it not too pleased with having to wait until december. The game had to ship eventually... There is nothing greedy about trying to keep promises made to your fans.


The game had to come out eventually, and no MMO is ever truly finished, or bug free for that matter. This is a fairly trivial matter, the texture resolutions have absolutely no effect on gameplay... there are much bigger fish to fry.

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And if your answer tomorrow is "We've decided to lock texture resolution to help make performance better for everyone!" I will log into this website and drop my subscription cause what texture resolution I personally use has nothing to do with overall performance for other peoples clients.


Ya I'll agree with this if there's not a real answer to the problem I won't renew a sub. The textures are just bad. The enviroments often look good but the horrible contrast with characters just throws it off. I just did a major overhaul for Battlefield 3 and spent some decent cash. I understand ppl need to play on thier Dells too but that's what low and medium are for.

Edited by United_Strafes
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Apologies in advance to those patiently waiting here.


I won't have a response for you today, but will tomorrow.


Thank you for responding! This is all we are asking for when it comes to communication. Just a "we have seen this thread" response. Look how happy you have made people.

Edited by Toweleeeie
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I did not have forced AA on as I suspected. (But the other poster was an ATI w/forced AA btw)


However, I did isolate two graphics options that cause "tree flicker".


The following in-game graphics settings worked for me to stop "tree flicker":


Starting from the defaults for a "High" 'Graphics Quality Preset'


Turn off 'Conversation Depth of Field'




Set 'Shadow Quality' to "Low" (You can leave 'Conversation Depth of Field' on if you do this instead)


Note that I use the following settings (they may or may not have any bearing on the duplication of this issue)

Fullscreen w/ VSync


60 refresh


I can duplicate "tree flicker" with Fullscreen (Windowed) also.


Thanks for this. This was driving me crazy.

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really? Im not sure i can agree with that. The game was promised to fans by the end of 2011, and the fans were as i remember it not too pleased with having to wait until december. The game had to ship eventually... There is nothing greedy about trying to keep promises made to your fans.


The game had to come out eventually, and no MMO is ever truly finished, or bug free for that matter. This is a fairly trivial matter, the texture resolutions have absolutely no effect on gameplay... there are much bigger fish to fry.


The game was released with an entire set of graphics options bugged or missing. I can repeat it some more, if you like. That hardly falls under a minor lack of polish or odd bug that you could reasonably expect from a release MMO. The entire visual presentation of a game is scarcely a "fairly trivial" matter, especially when all official media for the game is effectively false advertisement.


That's like ordering a nice new 60-inch 1080p HDTV, and when the UPS guy drops off your box you find a 32" SD CRT and a note that says "Yeah, we couldn't give you the thing you looked at on our website, here's a terrible holdover until we dig up the item you actually paid for and get it sent out to you at some ill-defined future time."


If the gameplay is that great, if the current live package is still fully worth the price of admission, then there should be no reason to have the "media" section on this very website using graphics that customers absolutely cannot have right now. It should be showing the medium pea-soup that everyone actually has to play with.

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That's like ordering a nice new 60-inch 1080p HDTV, and when the UPS guy drops off your box you find a 32" SD CRT and a note that says "Yeah, we couldn't give you the thing you looked at on our website, here's a terrible holdover until we dig up the item you actually paid for and get it sent out to you at some ill-defined future time."


No, actually, it's not like that at all.

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really? Im not sure i can agree with that. The game was promised to fans by the end of 2011, and the fans were as i remember it not too pleased with having to wait until december. The game had to ship eventually... There is nothing greedy about trying to keep promises made to your fans.


The game had to come out eventually, and no MMO is ever truly finished, or bug free for that matter. This is a fairly trivial matter, the texture resolutions have absolutely no effect on gameplay... there are much bigger fish to fry.


I believe that graphics have a tremendous effect on gameplay, and so do the vast majority of gamers out there.


Check out which consoles are most widely played. Which games are most widely purchased, and which games are most widely played.


You're not going to find your answer in Super Mario Bros. You're not going to find your answer in Castlevania. You won't find your answer in Sonic the Hedgehog. You're going to find that the most played games tend to be high graphic games; new games and next generation games.


Now before anything's said in dispute, generally speaking, good graphics don't automatically deem good gameplay. Graphics are a fundamental part of a game, as is the gameplay. They go together to create a symbiotic relationship that helps mold a good game, into a great game.


You can have a game with a fantastic set of game mechanics that's a lot of fun albeit its graphics engine (Minecraft?), or an aesthetically appealing game that's pleasing albeit its core mechanics (Dungeon Siege 3?), but a truly amazing game is going to have both (Batman: Arkham City?).


Now that aside, I think one of the biggest issues we have here isn't that we can't turn the graphics up. The true issue here is principle. This is a product that a corporation displayed as made of gold, then sold us something tin, covered in gold paint (relative to the graphics issue of course). To top it off, they never had the courtesy to tell us that they were sorry they couldn't get us gold, but they would in time. They just didn't say a word and handed us something tin while they took our money for their "gold."


We as not only consumers and customers, but very possibly Bioware fans and loyalists, trust in Bioware to provide to us what they've been showing us for the past several years. If they told us we might not get these graphics from the get go, displaying in truth that these might not exist, or at the very least, detailing that it might be a little while before they can repair the graphics issue, that would have been a huge start.


What happened though is that a known issue was covered up, and by my best estimation, pushed back and dated in the far future as not a severe issue. The idea that the developers patched the medium texture setting to high and removed medium is a sure-fire test of this idea, if not explicit proof.


I can see reasons why they would want to--at least temporarily--keep this under the table, don't get me wrong; perhaps they saw the issue and had been working on it, but didn't want new players to come into the game confused about their machine in relationship to the game. Maybe the outlook of the additional customer service contacts wouldn't have helped speed the fix, but only bog down resources, time, and money.


I understand, but I don't really sympathize with the direction of choices made here. I feel that Bioware hasn't been honest with me, with my brother, and with two close friends who all play this game together with me, as well as every other customer who waited patiently for this game's release.


I don't need a fix today, or tomorrow, or even the day after. What I needed has passed though. What I needed, and what I believe we all hope for as paying customers...


Is the truth.

Edited by Morgander
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