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Why won't 1.1 have dungeon finder?


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Title pretty much says it all. I will say HATS OFF to bioware for really taking the initiative and fixing a lot of things, you can see their playing hardball and not willing to see this game fail.

However, most of us are dying to get a dungeon finder that will allow us to access flashpoints with more ease.


I hate hate HATE to bring up the game which should not be spoken...but WoW dungeon finder is for the most part the type we have been asking for. Why not copy a little, then put on a little twist to make yours unique? We know a simple patch can bring it in, as WoW did it np with a quick patch.


So...why is it being pushed off till after 1.1? focusing on critical bugs before adding new content? No bugs are really "gamebreaking" imo...and you guys are releasing a new flashpoint...so new content is being introduced...


Common Bioware, you know you want to :cool:



EDIT: Patch Notes : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1276185#post1276185

Edited by Jkronoff
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Title pretty much says it all. I will say HATS OFF to bioware for really taking the initiative and fixing a lot of things, you can see their playing hardball and not willing to see this game fail.

However, most of us are dying to get a dungeon finder that will allow us to access flashpoints with more ease.


I hate hate HATE to bring up the game which should not be spoken...but WoW dungeon finder is for the most part the type we have been asking for. Why not copy a little, then put on a little twist to make yours unique? We know a simple patch can bring it in, as WoW did it np with a quick patch.


So...why is it being pushed off till after 1.1? focusing on critical bugs before adding new content? No bugs are really "gamebreaking" imo...and you guys are releasing a new flashpoint...so new content is being introduced...


Common Bioware, you know you want to :cool:



EDIT: Patch Notes : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1276185#post1276185


Because it's still not needed at this time. The community is so split on this feature and there are FAR more important things to focus on (Ability Delay, Warzone Framerates, Encounter tweaking, Other bug fixes) before a fluff feature like this that does nothing to contribute to the community and social aspect of the game. Plus it only further encourages laziness and instant gratification which plagues the current generation of gamers.

Edited by GraunKrynn
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Can't throw more money to make the Developer figure out how to do it quicker. They'll add it if there's enough demand and once they actually figure the coding out. WoW didn't have a dungeon finder for what, 5 years? It came at the end of the last expansion with Icecrown Citadel.
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It took Rift two major patches to get their single server dungeon finder, if memory serves.


Sounds about right yeah. It didn't exactly do much but to turn "We want a dungeonfinder" into "The queues are too long!"


As another poster mentioned, Bioware has already said they don't want to make a dungeonfinder. So I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were in your shoes, OP.

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I feel dungeon finder is way too spoon-fed. When it first came out for WoW, I thought it was really nice because I hated finding groups for the daily. What it did in the long term was basically kill any sense of community on a server. You're mostly grouped with random people that you will never see again. Then Blizzard did stupid crap like adding kick timers (so literally one jerk can ruin the experience of 4 other people).


That said, I think BioWare needs to have a better LFG system.

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Because Bioware has repeatedly said it's not a priority or even an interest. The developers would rather encourage methods of grouping that encourage socializing.


Which is a load of crap. Spamming general isn't socializing, it's advertising. Socializing is what happens when people actually play the game, not getting frustrated because spamming general is just that, spamming -- nothing personal or social about it.


People want to play the game, not talk about possibly playing the game...eventually...maybe..perhaps in another hour or spamming.

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I see now. Before I felt as though a majority of the community wanted the finder, and only a small hand full didn't.

I am proven wrong. I won't lie, I have been playing mmo's for a while now, but a bunch of your guys thoughts > one solo mans thoughts.


You guys obviously know what you're talking about. I draw back my statement.


Would you guys who are against a finder, then support an option to all teleport to the instance and back when all are ready? The finder is all about saving time having to look for a group, but what about the travel time (which you must admit, is a pain at times.)

Edited by Jkronoff
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Which is a load of crap. Spamming general isn't socializing, it's advertising. Socializing is what happens when people actually play the game, not getting frustrated because spamming general is just that, spamming -- nothing personal or social about it.


People want to play the game, not talk about possibly playing the game...eventually...maybe..perhaps in another hour or spamming.


Because spamming general chat to find a group is conducive to community.



Use the LFG tool already in the game. Encourage others to use it. Make a LFG channel (our server has 2 even).

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I think there is a middle ground here. Bioware could make a much more robust LFG tool that lets players select roles and what they want to do, but make it so it's not an automatic queue without any socializing whatsoever.


Basically, a DPS player interested in The False Emperor would select the DPS role, select The False Emperor, and perhaps put a comment stating his gear. Then the DPS could scroll through a list of other people looking for a group and have a chance of getting messaged by someone else looking through the tool.


It's simply a more robust version of the LFG tool already in the game, but I think it would tame a lot of the current forum rage.

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I see now. Before I felt as though a majority of the community wanted the finder, and only a small hand full didn't.

I am proven wrong. I won't lie, I have been playing mmo's for a while now, but a bunch of your guys thoughts > one solo mans thoughts.


You guys obviously know what you're talking about. I draw back my statement.


Would you guys who are against a finder, then support an option to all teleport to the instance and back when all are ready? The finder is all about saving time having to look for a group, but what about the travel time (which you must admit, is a pain at times.)


A couple people on a forum doesn't mean much, really. We really don't know what the masses want.


As for your teleport: That's what a fleet pass is for. I think BioWare needs to expand on this. Currently it is only available if you use an authenticator (free if you have a smart-phone). It costs 1000 credits and is on a separate 1 hour cooldown. I think they need to tweak it so that the cost scales with level and have it sold at a regular vendor. 1000 credits is a lot more to a level 20-30 than a level 50.

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I think there is a middle ground here. Bioware could make a much more robust LFG tool that lets players select roles and what they want to do, but make it so it's not an automatic queue without any socializing whatsoever.


Basically, a DPS player interested in The False Emperor would select the DPS role, select The False Emperor, and perhaps put a comment stating his gear. Then the DPS could scroll through a list of other people looking for a group and have a chance of getting messaged by someone else looking through the tool.


It's simply a more robust version of the LFG tool already in the game, but I think it would tame a lot of the current forum rage.


I think a tool like that would help a lot.


It'd be nice if it worked for heroic quests, also.

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Use the LFG tool already in the game. Encourage others to use it. Make a LFG channel (our server has 2 even).


NOBODY uses the LFG in game; It's garbage. It's pointless and hard to read (you can only read 3 words at most). The fact there is an LFG comment proves that Bioware realized there was a need for a mechanism to facilitate grouping, but they were too lazy to implement it correctly.

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Which is a load of crap. Spamming general isn't socializing, it's advertising. Socializing is what happens when people actually play the game, not getting frustrated because spamming general is just that, spamming -- nothing personal or social about it.


People want to play the game, not talk about possibly playing the game...eventually...maybe..perhaps in another hour or spamming.


Think it boils down to different ideas about what a mmorpg is, to me talking and traveling are part of the game.

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I don't see it happening anytime soon. The reason they did it in wow was cause they want to spread out the pop, from Dalaran witch was a laggy nightmare with all people there spamming for dailies. I think when we have more level cap players this will become a issue but right now things are working out alright..
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Use the LFG tool already in the game. Encourage others to use it. Make a LFG channel (our server has 2 even).


The current looking for group tool is CRAP, you can only see about 20 characters of the note, I need a lot more if I want to group for any one of 3 flashpoints.

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