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Sorcerers are a Meh class.


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i really don't know..... every other class seems to deal 10x the damage and are 10x harder to kill, my sorcerer spells seem highly mitergated by armor, they are slow to cast and have low damage.


we are meant to be mobile but all i see is this. every other dps class has ranged snares or mid range dps with many CC, tank classes can jump on our face from what seems 40miles away and deal large dps while pera snaring us, we get away they jump back on us, we dont win rdps fights as a mobile spec...


Sorcerer damage seem too slow and low, other dps classes can whip out 4k+ at the low end and their high end is 8k with prebuffs, all we do is slow channels slow interupable damage.


I dont feel like a master of force, i feel weak and pathetic, i feel like i have to work 100x harder to perform the same as other classes

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my main is a sniper, and i have a level 40 BH merc too, i'm just pointing out how meh they feel compared to other rdps


I played a Sniper in beta and was bored to tears, great damage but you were basically a statue. Very little excitement.


Merc was fun to play, but I can see what everyone says when they call it a "turret like" class. I do plan on leveling a Powertech though, as it seems like a good mix with plenty of movement.


I'm an extremely active Sorcerer, constantly moving in combat, switching targets. Totally consumed and involved in the playstyle, if it's not for you what can you do?

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i really don't know..... every other class seems to deal 10x the damage and are 10x harder to kill, my sorcerer spells seem highly mitergated by armor, they are slow to cast and have low damage.


we are meant to be mobile but all i see is this. every other dps class has ranged snares or mid range dps with many CC, tank classes can jump on our face from what seems 40miles away and deal large dps while pera snaring us, we get away they jump back on us, we dont win rdps fights as a mobile spec...


Sorcerer damage seem too slow and low, other dps classes can whip out 4k+ at the low end and their high end is 8k with prebuffs, all we do is slow channels slow interupable damage.


I dont feel like a master of force, i feel weak and pathetic, i feel like i have to work 100x harder to perform the same as other classes


Go re-roll operative healer. You'll be super powerful. I promise.

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There is a rule of thumb that's worked in every pvp game I've ever played. The more skills you have that require you to stand still, the worse your class will be at PvP.


Self rooting classes are always problematic in PvP.


Marks Snipers, Madness Sorcs, Arsenal Mercs, and (on the other side) Deception 'sins break your rule of thumb.


Edit: See, unlike other games, ranged classes in SWTOR don't rely entirely on kiting to survive. Interrupts are much weaker in SWTOR than other games, ranged classes often have solid defensive options, and the vast majority of them have easy access to knockbacks that include snares or roots to keep melee at range.

Edited by Daellia
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OP are you high? Seriously, you want to talk low damage, go preach to the vengeance juggs. My sorc puts out amazing dps compared to my SW in PvE.


if a jugg is pvping as vengeance then theyre dumb



rage spec'd juggs can smash for 7k





sorc's hav some of the lowest hitting abilitys in the game

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my main is a sniper, and i have a level 40 BH merc too, i'm just pointing out how meh they feel compared to other rdps



funnily enough one of my guildmates has rerolled from sniper to sorc and he's loving it. he was constantly moaning about the snipers crap dmg, crap cc and generally being crap.


he now wont shut up about how awesome the sorc is (which of course i know.. i play one.. ;))


horses for courses i guess. maybe you dont know how to play it properly, maybe its just not for you, i dont know.

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If you are a BH I suppose you are shocked...no, sorcs dont get a version of tracer missile so they can hit 1111111111111111 all day long . FL spam wont cut it


sorcs are supposed to unload a crap ton of damaging dots on people, then use an area or a quick FL to kill the last sliver of someone's hp if needed. Then LOS/get out fast.



if you try to play turret dps everybody will own your face, melees and rangeds alike.



You have more than decent damage with superb mobility. its noone's fault but yours if you are letting it go wasted.

Edited by blackcerberus
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sorcs are supposed to unload a crap ton of damaging dots on people, then use an area or a quick FL to kill the last sliver of someone's hp if needed. Then LOS/get out fast.




I thought sorcs are supposed to hide by the pole near the endzone, and then Extricate the ball carrier when he gets close.

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This guy has to be trollin.


Sorc has the highest CC, great survivablity, and near top if not top dmg of all classes.


Good one OP,


It is. The sad part is, all the people that actually believe and agree with him rofl.



Sorcerers are anything but weak in PVP, they do massive amounts of damage.

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Well atm im only lvl19 but even speced healing i never had a dps problem, pve wise the rotations is bloody awsome. I havent tried pvp tho.


And the most awsome thing about us is that we can heal ourself fairly good. Only problem i have had so far is the lack of force points. 500-600 is not much on long fights with whatever

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