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The Dirty Kick Appreciation Thread


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Whenever there is a imperial doing their bussiness, thinking they are all cool i just cool down their head and remind them of who the real man is.


Stealth. Dirty Kick! Dissappearing act! (Vanish ability) moral and selfesteem totally destroyed.

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but the root is necessary so that you can properly take aim and deliver a swift, clean, forceful kick. how else do you expect it to work on pretty much every mob rank? :p


True, the animation owns, but our spy friend's debilitate seems to preform on the same level without the drawback. :confused:

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True, the animation owns, but our spy friend's debilitate seems to preform on the same level without the drawback. :confused:


well if they didn't give them at least one ace, we smugglers would outshine them in every possible way. our coolness factor alone makes up for that small "disadvantage".

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I think it's been mentioned a few times actually :p


Ah, there they are! (Serves me right for having multiple tabs open, I'm scanning more than reading, lol)


I respecced to Sawbones last night, my smuggler was giggling AND Dirty Kicking. It was a blast.

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hello !


when i use my dirty kick on pvp , i cant use cheap shoot after , do you know why ?

they must fallen down to ground or why ? newer happend with me .... or i must use any talent on it for fallen down effect ?


Some abilities are disabled in pvp, Cheap Shot and Headshot‎ among them.

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So, today I went along with a Jedi Knight to help them with the end of their class quest chain.



I kicked the emperor right in the bojangles. Twice.



I'm pretty sure I will never surpass this. It's almost sad knowing nothing else I do in this game will ever live up to it.

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Dirty kick - cheap shot - backblast. Its a beautiful thing.


Oh and instead of making it so the animation no longer roots the character how about the agent equivalent roots the agent. That ought to even things up.


Also I gotta give a special shout out to shoot first - disappear - shoot first - dirty kick - backblast.


Cause thats how I roll.

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