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Everything posted by Veltpunch

  1. I speak too as a member of Singularity. We spent one whole night just trying to beat the friggin bugged pylons and another 4 hours the next day trying to kill SOA NM mode. Every single time we would either encounter invisible lightning balls, platforms gone, falling through and reappearing, and Aggro resets. SOA is a joke. Anyone else complaining that this is how it works, dont even bother posting here untill you've had a shot at him.
  2. I play a Scoundrel with atm ca 400 expertise. My highest crit so far has been 5,1K with my opener and trinket. Rest of my crits go between 1.8K - 4K. Against decent, equally geared people i do about 3.3K as highest. Against tank classes i do max 2K. I do believe our burst should be slightly bit nerfed but people are forgetting one thing. It's not the nerf most of us are complaining about but the severity of the nerfs. Basically, if i dont get my target down to atleast 50%, i have to use dissapearing act (vanish) so i can use my opener again to pump out dome extra damage. If i dont succeed, i'll most likely get rooted and CC breaker has such long cooldown, i end up most times after my opener being complete useless unless im fighting another melee class. Again, what most of us are complaining about is that they are taking away too much without thinking of our damage after our burst. Our only source if damage is our opener. We can only dish out damage for three seconds they are faceplanted fron our opener, we have no sustainable dps. To become useful in teamfights which occurs like 90% of the fights in WZ and Illum, we have to go out of combat to restealth which is very hard to accomplish due to the nature of all AOE spells present during teamfights. My point is, if they are taking away alot from of our burst (which is our main source of damage) and even some of our already bad sustainable dps (flachette round nerf). After our opener, our damage relies on the backblast cd, blaster whip cooldown which also grants upperhand and sucker punch. (which relies on upperhand). As of now, we have no gap closers and we rely too much on our opener, that nerfing it too much would kill our role in pvp. We do damage on squishy targets and thats what we do, operatives and scoundrels. Be it quick, agile tactics of an operative to kill a target with precision and speed, or dirty methods by scoundrels. It's our role and should remain so. My opinion
  3. Excellent news! Whats up with the hate? First people demand an answer, actions to be taken and now that they finally getting detailed answers , you guys keep giving negative criticism. Also keep in mind that BW did give a pretty early answer but not detailed, take a hint why? They did not expect this, giving a detailed answer requires work and gather data, it takes time. They have to bring up all possible solutions then pick the most likely one that makes sense, which is a process that takes time. Please haters, just unsub.
  4. Best. companion. Ever. This guy can juggle his lightsaber in only his underwear. Guss forever.
  5. Thanks for the replies guys! Like em very much! Seems i may have to use it rarely then.
  6. Hello my dear scoundrel friends. I just dinged 36 and got Shoot First, and it is rocking my world atm. However, i noticed that i don't hace to use it as often anymore. It deals lesser damage than other abilities and cost a pwetty hefty amount of energy. Is it still worth using it or can i put it somewhere else, e.g. Sidebars. Thanks
  7. Whenever there is a imperial doing their bussiness, thinking they are all cool i just cool down their head and remind them of who the real man is. Stealth. Dirty Kick! Dissappearing act! (Vanish ability) moral and selfesteem totally destroyed.
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