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Strong "Silver" Enemies are Getting Rediculous.


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You need to use all your abilities


I did a class quest I couldn't possibly solo on my IA (end of act 1), and brought in a random to help me. And he hated the mob too (thing hit like a truck - totally unsoloable). Some mobs are just OP and out of balance.

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You need to use all your abilities, this is not wow where you can AOE down packs of 10 mobs. I like it tbh, yes its not easy but tbh its atleast fun to actually use all abilities, to mitigate the damage etc.


Sorry but this game is really beyond easy. I have yet to run into into any non Champion, non FP/Heroic content that cannot be soloed. Even the heroic stuff can be soloed if you are a couple of levels above it. There isn't any excuse for complaining about difficulty, esp since you can always group if its too hard.

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Sorry but this game is really beyond easy. I have yet to run into into any non Champion, non FP/Heroic content that cannot be soloed. Even the heroic stuff can be soloed if you are a couple of levels above it. There isn't any excuse for complaining about difficulty, esp since you can always group if its too hard.


I've found that the hardest mobs are easily kited since the AI is so bad at times.

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Only strongs I've had issues with are the ones that have 8 DOT internal damage attacks that stack.


Yeah it's the DoTs that stack that are really causing issues. Also some of the bosses aren't quite properly balanced yet.

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I ran across an area quest, I think it's on Voss (45ish), where at the final stage of the quest you go over to this cubby hole near a dirt wall, click on the item to summon a couple of strong NPCs, and one of them has that damned minigun thing from Terminator 2. I'm full tank geared with all upgrades and such, and he dropped me in 5 seconds while I was attending to the other strong NPC. I was finally able to down it by blowing all CD's the instant they spawned, and focusing the minigun mob(he has the quest item drop). I died after he died, without touching the 2nd strong mob. A bit crazy, I'd say.


Not to mention that the mobs spawn in an Evading way, and then teleport 20 yards behind you and start blowing you up.


I just ran in those guys as well with my lvl 48 Jedi Sentinel ; they are so ridiculously overpowered... I usually have no trouble dealing with two strong mobs at once but those two are just impossible.


I tried fighting them with my healer first and then one of my defensive companions (as far as T7 and Scourge are concerned, the word "tank" doesn't apply) and ended up dead within 10 seconds on every attempt.

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On my Jedi Guardian they became easier after lvl 40. Most difficult was around lvl 25-30. Looking back it had something to do with my credits/skill problem.


Furthermore, above lvl 40 you can invest in the guarding tree, and obtain 2 extra small stuns and increase your dps. Now I am not afraid of those anymore XD

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Silvers aren't exactly strong. I'm sorry but I haven't had any issues with them. Are you a healer class perhaps? Maybe I can see some issues there as healers aren't the best solo'ers. This game is pretty easy comparatively speaking.


some of them are just ridiculously stronger than others. I could easily take down several Champs on Voss or Corellia or solo even some high level heroic 4 quests (with fighting objectives), but some pairs of silvers can drop your companion in a few seconds, if dont pay attention properly. Its like the last Voss queste pre-bonus series (the Avatar or whatever, Long Forgotten Evil?), which is several times as hard as regular elite, these are overpowered silvers, but probably by mistake, than by design.

Edited by Telendria
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I did a class quest I couldn't possibly solo on my IA (end of act 1), and brought in a random to help me. And he hated the mob too (thing hit like a truck - totally unsoloable). Some mobs are just OP and out of balance.


He was entirely soloable, even while he was bugged.

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Some strongs/elite are just ridiculous. There is a specific robotic strong that has a channeled missile attack that hits me for 1k a second for 3 seconds. As a merc with no interrupt, these robots are a pain in the *** to kill.


Sorry but what do you mean no interrupt? You can electrocute, you can use the jet blow back, you can jet punch it (should be specced if dps), you can hit heroic and electrocute it a second time.


Some classes get no CC whatsoever and that hurts - jedi knight comes to mind, add in armour pen stacking debuffs and it gets really ugly. A merc however has a lot of options and the ability to take any mob, droid or humanoid, out for 60s. Most of the leveling process is ridiculously easy so personally I enjoyed the odd challenge fight - the avatar on Voss was the hardest I came across.


I noticed a few times that class fights with a strong usually mean 2 to 4 normals or even weaks turn up as well and they have very high damage output. If you concentrate on the strong you're going to get burned.


A little tactics and thought makes the game much more interesting that a simple toe-to-toe slugfest for 50 levels.



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Oddly enough Ive found that it appears different mobs seem to be different.


There are some elites that hit as hard as weak mobs, and some strong mobs that hit as hard as elites.


and not all strong mobs hit like trucks. Id go as far to say most of them are little more threat then their weak counter parts. Although there are a handful of them in specific locations that have pointed out to me that i was getting a bit careless.

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No silver Strong enemies hit like a gosh darn truck past level 40. I'd prefer to fight 2 elites than 2 strong's. :p


This, there are some npc's that are out of balance in contrast to their grade.

One would think that Gold is better than Silver, but there are places where this is completely opposite.

Can't count on one hand how many times I downed some wussy golden NPC where I had to fight much harder silver NPC's all the way to get there.

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There are too darn many of them. When I think of feeling heroic like a jedi, I think of carving a path through swathes of enemies. When it seems like every 3rd enemy is a silver, it loses a lot of that feel.


This was my feeling too. Came to this conclusion on Corellia. Silver MOBS every cluster...felt like a friggin slog and NOT heroic at all. I'd groan with tedium at what I was expected to labor through. Such a p.i.t.a. that I've abandon all side quests and intend to only pursue the main class quest.


Thing is, it's not that they're terribly deadly. I never felt like I was going to loose, but I'd have to meditate after each fight. If BW somehow thinks THIS is a challenge or somehow heroic, they need to rethink their design.

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My companions gear is fine, these mob types are just stupidly powerful


Disagree. My warrior had no problems handling two or more strong mobs. My Inquisitor does, if Khem Val dies, but I'm not that good with my Inquis, and he's probably a bit undergeared.


Of course, if you play a Sorc/Sage, that's the trade off you get for playing a class that hits like a truck.

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