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Strong "Silver" Enemies are Getting Rediculous.


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It's all in the perspective.


This game is very well balanced when it comes to difficulty. Thing is, we mostly get around Normal and what I call "normal silver" mobs. There are silver ones that are a bit tougher.


What changes is our strategy. We can use the same 4-5 skills for everything, but then we get pissed off when that strategy doesn't work on harder mobs, so we uselessly pop all CDs without thinking and end up dying.


EVERY time I've died to a "ridiculously hard" mob, the second, or third attempt, was MUCH more easier, after having thought out what to do with the encounter and how to proceed with caution.


Please, Bioware, don't listen to people who say it's too hard. This type of game needs a challenge where a 1-2 deaths should be normal before understanding how to deal with a harder mob.


It just makes killing it much more satisfactory.

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pff i hit level 50 on my powertech tanking spec and destroyed all silver and gold mobs without any difficulty at all (using healing companion)... I could go from mob group to mob group and even pull an extra strong mob that was patrolling and never have a problem. Didn't matter what 'type' of strong mob it was, they are all face rollovers as tank spec with a healing companion.


Even take out Champions with ease.



The only time I had a problem killing a mob was a gold elite on Voss, he was called Avatar of selma-kor, I believe, in the nightmare lands, part of the world arc quests. He did mainly lightning damage and would hit for like 3k hp in a hit.

Edited by iResist
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I honestly think the 40+ area needs to be rebalanced for solo play .


While the difficulty in the first month was set to stop hardcore gamers .

They forgot what is annoying for hardcore gamers , is almost impossible for the casual gamers.


Sure when people group and are adequate nothing is difficult .

But when the casual gamers hit the 40 undergeared , underequiped lack of skills.

Some of them might quit , and most of them already did .


There is a badly rebalance needed on republic Belsavis , Voss and Corellia .

Empire side Taris Voss and Corellia .

Not to mention the Illum solo part .


Also the republic side Hoth deeply needs to be looked at , especially the heroic 4 .

Since those mobs are slightly way overpowered for the average gamers group .

Remember Bioware did rebalance Mandelorain Raiders and Cademimu Foundry Maelstorm etc , based on the group fail and success rates .


They should also look into that for casual gamers .

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Im pretty sure you just need to L2P. I know it sounds blunt and harsh, but there is no way that 2 silver mobs are an issue. The only time it can become remotely dodgy is if they heal each other.


Most companions have some form of CC, learn to use it.


This kind of thing needs to stay in the game, it would becoming stupidly easy if silvers and gold got nerfed.


If anything, buff some of the golds and named champions around.

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pff i hit level 50 on my powertech tanking spec and destroyed all silver and gold mobs without any difficulty at all (using healing companion)... I could go from mob group to mob group and even pull an extra strong mob that was patrolling and never have a problem. Didn't matter what 'type' of strong mob it was, they are all face rollovers as tank spec with a healing companion.


Even take out Champions with ease.



The only time I had a problem killing a mob was a gold elite on Voss, he was called Avatar of selma-kor, I believe, in the nightmare lands, part of the world arc quests. He did mainly lightning damage and would hit for like 3k hp in a hit.


That's because you're playing a tank.


Leveling as a tank is easy as hell. You don't even need a healing companion(during normal encounters, and even elites), a dps companion will do just fine as well.


Leveling as a healer is also very easy. I leveled my Sorc all the way to 50 as a healer.

Edited by Grotpar
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Im pretty sure you just need to L2P. I know it sounds blunt and harsh, but there is no way that 2 silver mobs are an issue. The only time it can become remotely dodgy is if they heal each other.


Most companions have some form of CC, learn to use it.


This kind of thing needs to stay in the game, it would becoming stupidly easy if silvers and gold got nerfed.


If anything, buff some of the golds and named champions around.


I think you haven´t hit 50 yet ... Cause I bet you those champions are not so easy solo able , infact requires a lot of skills ..


Think the OP hit the famous Voss 2 technician fight in the bonus chain, the one that is very easy for people with incombat CC , very hard for those without in combat CC .


But then again are you able to solo the heroic 4 endboss champion on your daily ;)

Or just run in run out alone :p

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Look I am all for difficult games, but these mob types are just annoying, they do more damage than elites half the time. I spend majority of my time spam healing my companion because if he dies I am going to get 5 shotted by this stupid mob type.


Maybe I just suck, maybe my class is just underpowered. Honestly I don't care either way, I don't know about you guys but I don't want to spend two hours destroying four rebel supply boxes for some weak reward.


Difficult should stay in flashpoints and operations and even class quests, but the stupidly boring normal quests should not take a thought out strategic plan to accomplish.


This probably has to do with your gear, and also the fact that your not interupting their abilities.


Pro tip : Interupt their abilities , it will do wonders. I told my friend who's new to mmo's about interupting abilities for strong mobs a few days ago, he has no complaints now and it isnt an issue for him anymore.


Also i dont agree that they do more damage then elites , some elites have ridiculous abilities (i like it) that say you stand in their aoe for 2 seconds your at half health, almost all elites have more health and stronger abilities and the same rule applies, interupt interupt interupt.

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This probably has to do with your gear, and also the fact that your not interupting their abilities.


Pro tip : Interupt their abilities , it will do wonders. I told my friend who's new to mmo's about interupting abilities for strong mobs a few days ago, he has no complaints now and it isnt an issue for him anymore.


Also i dont agree that they do more damage then elites , some elites have ridiculous abilities (i like it) that say you stand in their aoe for 2 seconds your at half health, almost all elites have more health and stronger abilities and the same rule applies, interupt interupt interupt.


Interrupting in this game is very dodgy, though.

I've noticed that many times my interrupting(as an Inquisitor) is slightly delayed.


And I am running around with less than 50ms pretty much constantly. I imagine it's even worse for people who aren't enjoying such good pings.

Edited by Grotpar
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I think you haven´t hit 50 yet ... Cause I bet you those champions are not so easy solo able , infact requires a lot of skills ..


Think the OP hit the famous Voss 2 technician fight in the bonus chain, the one that is very easy for people with incombat CC , very hard for those without in combat CC .


But then again are you able to solo the heroic 4 endboss champion on your daily ;)

Or just run in run out alone :p


I have 2 50's, one BM and full rakata (and multiple lvl 20 - 30's) ....


i admit, the first time around it was harder, but it wasnt HARD.


In fact, i found levelling my marauder a lot easier than the sentinel (notice here i dont really have any CC other than AWE and force choke, hence the statement around companions CC). There are so many champions named mobs around that are completely soloable during the entire levelling process - and yes they are easier than 2 silvers - its just a stupid HP increase.


And no, why would i solo my heroic 4 daily - they are working as intended (groups of 3 golds and 2 silvers) ...

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I have 2 50's, one BM and full rakata (and multiple lvl 20 - 30's) ....


i admit, the first time around it was harder, but it wasnt HARD.


In fact, i found levelling my marauder a lot easier than the sentinel (notice here i dont really have any CC other than AWE and force choke, hence the statement around companions CC). There are so many champions named mobs around that are completely soloable during the entire levelling process - and yes they are easier than 2 silvers - its just a stupid HP increase.


And no, why would i solo my heroic 4 daily - they are working as intended (groups of 3 golds and 2 silvers) ...


Well if you can´t solo your heroic 4 , how would you say champions need a buff :p

Or did you do the champions on corellia ?


Well if you love HARD then you should try to solo H4 especially in rataka gear and rataka gear companion , since the 2 strong shouldn´t be a problem , and you companion has CC right ;)


Or you not as HARD as you say you are are.

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Well if you can´t solo your heroic 4 , how would you say champions need a buff :p

Or did you do the champions on corellia ?


Well if you love HARD then you should try to solo H4 especially in rataka gear and rataka gear companion , since the 2 strong shouldn´t be a problem , and you companion has CC right ;)


Or you not as HARD as you say you are are.


He is specifically talking about levelling content, im not sure where your weird fascination with the heroic4 daily's came from? My "rataka" gear doesnt mean a thing against 5 packs, obviously ....


Finally, the OP was refering to 2 x silver mobs at once. My first post simply stated that this is NOT hard and does not require a nerf. Imagine this game if you mindlessly blitzed through everything .... oh wait, you already do!

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No silver Strong enemies hit like a gosh darn truck past level 40. I'd prefer to fight 2 elites than 2 strong's. :p




Thats just not correct, elites hit much harder than silvers....after 40. There is no doubt that ALL mobs get harder after 40, the game definetly steps up in difficutly at that point.


To say that its just silvers is just plain wrong.

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It really depends which kind of strongs you go up against. Like me for example, I prefer to fight melee class strongs as opposed to ranged in ANY class.


Why? Because I can kite with my ranged characters and just use my Ranged DPS companions to steadily destroy them while I run around like an idiot getting their attention. Especially with my BH, if a melee strong/elite is trying to kill me, I bounce around like a complete idiot and shoot rapid shots until I can stun and spam Tracer Missile and rail shot them to death.


All in all, they're not very hard to kill at all. Strongs typically have a lot more armor than normal while elites just use a lot of abilities. I don't even need CC to kill packs of melee strongs, though DPS ones kill me even though I'm on my Ranged DPS characters.

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hmm i never had a issues with silvers unless there 3 of them in a tight group and a gold leading them, then i have issues. a silver and 2-3 normas i eat them for a snack lol.


to date the only guy i could nto beat wiht out helpf ro some reason was a "boss" gold guy in voss for the corrupted quest line. had get anthoer players help, i could of skipped it since nto story line needed, but i got a rule, no leaving a planet for the next till i defeat eveything lol.

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I honestly think the 40+ area needs to be rebalanced for solo play .


While the difficulty in the first month was set to stop hardcore gamers .

They forgot what is annoying for hardcore gamers , is almost impossible for the casual gamers.


Sure when people group and are adequate nothing is difficult .

But when the casual gamers hit the 40 undergeared , underequiped lack of skills.

Some of them might quit , and most of them already did .


There is a badly rebalance needed on republic Belsavis , Voss and Corellia .

Empire side Taris Voss and Corellia .

Not to mention the Illum solo part .


Also the republic side Hoth deeply needs to be looked at , especially the heroic 4 .

Since those mobs are slightly way overpowered for the average gamers group .

Remember Bioware did rebalance Mandelorain Raiders and Cademimu Foundry Maelstorm etc , based on the group fail and success rates .


They should also look into that for casual gamers .

I dont agree, if a player hits 40 undergeared they have many options for obtaining gear that i would consider fairly casual. Run 31-39 flashpoints for gear, farm commendations from the planet before hand (hoth maybe) or PVP. PVP is a great way to obtain good PVE gear while leveling, it doesnt have the expertise stat on it, BW implemented it as a way to obtain leveling gear instead of doing Flashpoints.

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Your companion is undergeared, or you are using the wrong companion, that is all there is too it.


People have made it to 50 already, you arent special, they arent Unique, you are doing something wrong.


People have hit 50. However people like me sometimes had to call in help in certain areas of "solo content" because things were stacked against me. I had no stuns or CCs, and 3 silver mobs staring at me. Maybe if I was capable of doing those two things... yeah. I might not have had the issues. But as stands I sometimes could not solo. Despite gearing myself and my companions to the poorhouse (but with nice duds) I had issues.


The issue here is that sometimes I cheered when I saw an elite because they didn't hit nearly as hard and I could slowly cut them down with a healer companion, rather than get blasted into the dirty by silvers. Now this could be troublesome. Because the sniper/gunslinger is really DPS heavy. Squishy, but DPS heavy. So tuning down things could make them just railroad content.


And to the quoted person above. I remember leveling in those areas. I feel bad for those still there. Calling people bad because they're having trouble or just assuming something is wrong with them is a mistake. We're not all the type who loves games set to Nightmare mode. Some people want the story, not the bruises. Please be respectful?



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I didn't read the whole thread so if someone has already mentioned it I apologize. I tend to have a much easier time with two golds then with two silvers and I think it has to do with rate of fire then pure damage. Gold have heavy hitting abilities, but probably too many in their sequence so they have to rev them up and you can interrupt pretty easily and HoTs can keep up, whereas silvers rate of fire just keeps pouring it on at a pace that can be difficult to interrupt or land heals fast enough when there are two of them.
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Some Strong/Elites are just re-effing-donkulous.


Example: My Knight had just turned 49. I was being forced to kill a 48 Elite (gold) enemy to progress my class story. I had PURPLE 22 (lvl 49) hilts and Blue 20-21 armor mods for me and my companion.


He would 3-shot my companion and end up kicking me in the face.


I literally nearly rage-unsub'd.


Since I never had THAT bad of a problem after that, I can only assume that enemy's individual difficulty was completely jacked up. I'm sure the same thing happens with other Strong/Elites in the world.


Funny, I leveled a sentinel and could solo an elite and 2 strongs. Sure, I had to manage my cooldowns and use a medpack, but it's doable for sure.


Quite a L2P issue here, which is exactly what leveling should teach you. My guess is if you're not a bad player, your gear was just outdated.

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sorry, I don't buy that. 4 strongs without healer companion will wipe the floor with you, especially on Corellia and without a healer. Unless, of course, you blew the 20min CD and then run around some obstacles to LoS mobs and taunded the loose ones Kira overaggroed, because there is just no way you could survive direct assault from 4 strongs, even with perfect usage of CDs, and kill them all fast enough


It was easy actually. (didn't use the 20 min cd)


Put up guard on Kira, send her in. (all 4 strong mobs were clustered like a regular pack)


Charge and use awe (6 sec aoe cc) continue to focus the main target down. Use pommel and opportune strike (the pve only abilities) on the main target. Awe broke and the main target died at around the same time.


Use freezing force and then force stasis a mob, force push the other away, and focus down the second target and pop saber ward. Finish the rest of the mobs off while using cooldowns and medpack.


Really wasn't that hard. Now that I think of it I could have just freezing force kited them all around while Kira killed them all.



Now I can see this being hard if you are bad or a different class. I know on my gunslinger packs of strong mobs were rough but not unbeatable.

Edited by Slovic
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I've had the same problem with my companions being weaker then hell.


to test it i went to the GTN and bought every piece i could to make sure they are geared (mostly blue items with a few greens) then i went to quesh and found a strong that was actually 3 levels lower then me (me 40 them 37), started the battle by putting the strong to sleep for 60 sec and cleared the mobs around to where only the strong was left.


then healed my companion up (Spar the Zabrak BH) and made sure all of their powers were turned on then set them to fight the strong and just sat back and watch and sure enough the strong beat my fully geared companion.


Also note that i have all the datacrons up to quesh so my presence is higher then normal which is suppose to increase companions Stats.


all in all i think the companions in general need a slight boost in Defense or Damage to make then be able to at least take on a strong.

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I'm not calling for nerfs or anything, but I will say that I have noticed a trend.


Strongs normally have low HP, but deal a lot of damage.


Elites will have massive HP pools, but much less damage.


Between those two choiced, the Strong is much more dangerous to some of the more squishy classes.


My problem is that I am being forced to level a certain way. The game throws a couple Strongs at me and I find myself forced to use a healing companion. But the thing is, I don't WANT to use my healing companion. I want to use the companion I've been using and I like using.


So why does the game feel the need to not let me?

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I have posted about this subject before and got Flamed. In general, level 1-20, fun and easy.


20-30 gets a bit harder(and annoying with travel times) but still doable given enough time.


30+, still "doable" but a pita.


40+, screw it.


This is the first game I have played in nearly 10 years that I still dont have a level 50 after 2 months of playing.


Whether you agree or dont, I am just offering my opinion, not looking to argue the point beyond this.

Edited by Kunra
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Strongs normally have low HP, but deal a lot of damage.


Elites will have massive HP pools, but much less damage.


Yup, and for classes like a vengeance specced Jugg, with zero CC, the 2-3 same-level silver fights are an absolute nightmare on Voss/Corellia. It was too much damage for Quinn to heal me through, and I didn't do enough damage myself to power through it.


There's a huge inequality in this game when it comes to balance during leveling. Like, ever watch a heal-specced sorcerer casually solo an at-level champion? Try the same thing as a jugg and prepare to get face planted.


TOR is garbage. That's all that really needs to be said.

Edited by AJediKnight
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I personally found the best thing for my main (Knight) was to keep my astromech droid geared to the teeth, that way it can draw more damage for longer and allow me to finish fights... Kira I found is just way too soft.


Likely the healer should have been the second companion instead of the third for the knight. It's the stage where the knight needed it most. When I got Doc I just un-summoned him because my droid was well geared.


Lots of class quests are just stupid when it comes to silvers and golds... I found the knight quite annoying early (late 20's early 30's) due to not having a healer or any self healing ability.


But it's gotten better for me lately.


I've just kept the droid geared well and it's helps having cybertech on that toon.

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