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F.A.O BioWare - Character Appearance Change Incoming?


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I'm pretty pleased with all of my characters, but this is something that should be in game. There's no reason for it not to be there.


1. It makes everyone happy. There's literally no downside to adding this.

2. It creates a new credit sink, which is vital to the economy of MMOs.


Sometimes just being able to switch up your hair is all it takes to keep you interested in that character, and by extension, the game itself.

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I'm pretty pleased with all of my characters, but this is something that should be in game. There's no reason for it not to be there.


1. It makes everyone happy. There's literally no downside to adding this.

2. It creates a new credit sink, which is vital to the economy of MMOs.


Sometimes just being able to switch up your hair is all it takes to keep you interested in that character, and by extension, the game itself.


I think the omission (or delay) of the feature is so they have something they can charge us real dollars for if/when the game loses the subscription model and goes F2P.


Honestly, that's the only reason I can think of as to why this isn't in the game already.

Edited by Dezzi
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A subject that has been discussed allot in game is whether the folks at Bioware will soon be allowing us to make alteration to aspects of our characters. Should that be a FULL re-shuffle of the appearance via a possible paid service, or even the implementation of a ..... Dare I mention the game of Ill fortune ...... WoW like barber shop.


I cant say I have too many issues with this and there is only one alt that I would change up, but since it was the subject of conversation in general chat today, It has sparked my curiosity, and got me thinking if this is something intended for a future patch?


I fully support this, and just an F.Y.I., there are other MMO's besides wow lol, like City of Heroes & Champions Online, that have "tailors" who you can go to anytime to change the appearance of your character for a fee ;)

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A subject that has been discussed allot in game is whether the folks at Bioware will soon be allowing us to make alteration to aspects of our characters. Should that be a FULL re-shuffle of the appearance via a possible paid service, or even the implementation of a ..... Dare I mention the game of Ill fortune ...... WoW like barber shop.


I cant say I have too many issues with this and there is only one alt that I would change up, but since it was the subject of conversation in general chat today, It has sparked my curiosity, and got me thinking if this is something intended for a future patch?


I'd be happy with a barbershop.

Sometimes, you just pick a haircut without considering all the consequences. Sometimes, you even pick a scar you don't want.


It might be nice to swap up my haircut, but I don't know if I agree with a full blown appearance do-over.

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I think the omission (or delay) of the feature is so they have something they can charge us real dollars for if/when the game loses the subscription model and goes F2P.


Honestly, that's the only reason I can think of as to why this isn't in the game already.


No offense, but that's pretty ignorant.


The only reason it isn't in the game already is because they didn't have the resources to put it in pre-launch. Most MMO's don't have this feature at launch (even though they should). They have no plan to ever go F2P, they've said this over and over.

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I did not realize how pale and not-as I imagined to play my pale character turned out to be. I'd also like to make him look older now, since he is almost a Jedi Master!


BioWare, lots of people are looking forward to this feature. We would be so happy to have it. :)

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Appearance change should have been in from launch and it should be FREE. We pay a substantial monthly subscription to play, I don't see why changing character appearance should cost extra because it needs no GM involvement whatsoever. Appearance change can be 100% automated via in-game features such as a barber shop and plastic surgeon. I have no problem with this costing in-game credits, but it should not cost RL money.


For those that whine on about it being "immersion breaking" and how people should play the hand they dealt themselves, I really don't see what business they have to dicate how other people play the game. If someone isn't happy with their character they should be able to change it. Period.


Besides, how exactly is it "immersion breaking"? People can change appearance IRL, even gender. Do you not think in a futuristic world it wouldn't be possible to have all manner of options for changing your appearance and identity, both legal and illegal?

Edited by Cernow
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an interview with James Ohlen, posted at Massively, stated:



Last one: redesigning your character (maybe via a barber shop)?


That's not going to be soon or very soon; that will be later on. That's more of a feature for players who have been playing the game for a long time and have their level 50s. It's not high-priority. If a lot of players start demanding it, then we will put it in.

More character body options and in game character customization requests have been in the top 3 most requested features during the beta.


Don't be fooled guys. They perfectly knows most players want it. They are just buying time.

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Someone said that WoW didn't add this into WotLK, which is correct, but in the grand scheme of things this is something that takes very few zots for a high pay off.


Hell, we have lore precedent (Luke getting his face mauled up in ESB).


In addition, this would distract me from some of the larger, more endemic issues for a least two weeks.


The fact that Bioware doesn't realize this is amazing. I am getting a DA2 feeling all over again, the devs are tell us what we want and don't want.

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I disagree with this.


What is wrong with you people? It is an MMO, particularly one built around story and character. Having people change their character every second day completely kills the immersion of it being a world.


Can you not just make a character that you like when you go to the character creation screen?


If it is a heavy paid thing with a monthly timer or something I can see it being ok in my books, but otherwise ***. Learn to live with mistakes and stop being such babies.


Immersion in a world where repub murders repub, every other jedi is a sith pure blood, and they all weild rainbow pop sabres? Yeah...appearance customization is clearly this game's greatest threat to immersion.....

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Someone said that WoW didn't add this into WotLK, which is correct, but in the grand scheme of things this is something that takes very few zots for a high pay off.


Hell, we have lore precedent (Luke getting his face mauled up in ESB).


In addition, this would distract me from some of the larger, more endemic issues for a least two weeks.


The fact that Bioware doesn't realize this is amazing. I am getting a DA2 feeling all over again, the devs are tell us what we want and don't want.


They do seem more out of touch don't they...

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I disagree with this.


What is wrong with you people? It is an MMO, particularly one built around story and character. Having people change their character every second day completely kills the immersion of it being a world.


Can you not just make a character that you like when you go to the character creation screen?


If it is a heavy paid thing with a monthly timer or something I can see it being ok in my books, but otherwise ***. Learn to live with mistakes and stop being such babies.

Do you know you can get a daily haircut in RL?

Or change make-up 10 times a day if you wish so.

You can also totally redo your eyebrow.


Now for the more serious stuff:

You can have your noise or lips or even ears not to speak about your, ahem... chest features redone.

You can also tan your skin or even have your sex changed.


Immersion, really?

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I made a Sentinel a while back and she looked great during character creation. However ingame she now shows up with a puffed upper lip and horse-teeth whenever I'm in conversation. :(


So personally I'd love to see a barber/plastic surgeon soon. Heck, they could even have it similar to the character creation screen and have the section where you input your name act as a Credits counter. The more extensive the makeover (number of sliders changed), the more Credits it will cost you to finalize the new look.

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