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Can someone explain to me when Devs decided commendation gear should be Best in slot


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All of these by the way, LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME, there is no visual difference between rakata, tionese and columni gear beyond color.


You're asking for too much here! BioWare only had a 300 million dollar budget...

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Ye ole gear grind. While personally think it's an asinine way to play the game, Bioware does need to makes fixes here for the folks that do like it. It's an important aspect of the end game and they will start to lose customers if it's not corrected quickly. Lots of people are at the end game already.
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Fortunately for me, I am playing this game to see every class's story line all the way through. I play BW games because their stories are usually pretty great. Once I am done with that I will cancel my sub til they release more story content. OP: why would you continue to play this game if the reason you play it isn't implemented in the game? There is no raid gear that you want and you seem to be playing only for unique shinies that BW seem like they don't want in the game. Seems to me like you should be playing another game.
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Lets go back to the original Everquest Planes of Power days. Where you could raid for a week straight and get nothing.


It's funny to me what raiding must be like now. I think people should be glad they can get gear easily. Plus new gear will come out. If you are in that situation you simply go through content faster than most players. Accept that about yourself and learn patience.

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Better the crafted gear at level 50.

All raid gear is purchased through commendations.

Better then quested gear at all levels while grinding to 50.

Dont even get me started on the welfare epics for pvp, that whole system is a complete joke.





I agree, there are many systems in this game that are broken. and so far i feel a lot of things are nothing but money sinks and time sinks that are completely useless. 210k for 10% more movement speed.. really??

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Loot is my reason i play these games, loot is the reason i sleep 3 hours a day to balance working and gaming at a hardcore pace so i can raid, loot is my carrot on the stick.


There are so many things wrong with this. Suffice to say that this sort of behavior is unhealthy and not viable for most people. The game should appeal to as many people as possible, not to the small "hardcore" portion willing to sleep only three hours a day.

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All I'm getting from this is: You want to sit in the fleet and have everyone gaze in amazement at how you have the best gear available and idolize you and your pixels.



There are no random drops, there are no special epics, you cant find malgus leggings, or Soa the infernal ones helmet or anything like that. The whole loot aspect of raids is removed, the whole reward system of raids is removed.


By the way, Soa doesn't have a helmet. Just FYI.

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Lets go back to the original Everquest Planes of Power days. Where you could raid for a week straight and get nothing.


It's funny to me what raiding must be like now. I think people should be glad they can get gear easily. Plus new gear will come out. If you are in that situation you simply go through content faster than most players. Accept that about yourself and learn patience.

Raster, monk quest.. 85+ hours. 48+ hours for golden efreeti boots.. I know about long camp times and ninja's.


While I don't want to go back to these days, I do not want gear handed to me for showing up either. I want a challenge.

Edited by Nemrodh
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So what you're saying is that you should get the same gear as someone who has devoted more time than you.


more time eh? So what you are saying is that if someone plays 80 hours in one week and get set A, then someone who plays for 80 hours in 80 days should also get Set A, because you know, it is the same amount of time.

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more time eh? So what you are saying is that if someone plays 80 hours in one week and get set A, then someone who plays for 80 hours in 80 days should also get Set A, because you know, it is the same amount of time.


If it's devoted to the same activity, I don't see how this could be a bad thing. There's these little things called "real lives". Some people have them.

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Loot is my reason i play these games, loot is the reason i sleep 3 hours a day to balance working and gaming at a hardcore pace so i can raid, loot is my carrot on the stick.


I find gaining new drops fun.

I find gaining new loot entertaining.

I find mastering a raid, and getting something to show for it both fun and entertaining.


This is why i played everquest, this is why i played wow, this is why i even stuck around in aion for so long.


I almost have everything, what will i look forward to next week, let alone next month?


i come from games where i spent 6 months getting a full set of armor, so me geting full tier 3 in the span of a week is absolutely unheard of.


You cannot tell me otherwise.



So what you are saying is you play to get loot, amirite?



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Needs to be more effort involved. We're not all 10 yr olds. Some of us can actually 'work' for things ingame.


Long term goals are nice in MMO's imo. No need to give stuff away for little to no effort. Some long term goals in SWG lasted me 2-3 years. At this rate in TOR i'll have done everything ingame within a year (epics on me and my companions, every class levelled to 50 etc).


This isn't SWG but pandering solely to the casual gamer isn't smart thinking either imo. Too many systems are dumbed down.


Love the game as a whole but tbh a 5 yr old could play this game successfully and become fully kitted out within a record amount of time compared to other MMO's.


Ok am in a warzone queue so gotta split :p

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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What does real life have to do with this thread? I never understand it when people bring in the "No life" argument.


Time committed to this game has nothing to do with the current state of endgame. The OP listed several things that need fixing:


1. All the tiered gear looks the same

2. Crafted tier gear schematics aren't dropping before the whole set finishes; too much gear drops off each boss

3. PVP, PVE, and crafting incentives are not aligned with the effort, time, and credits required to obtain them.


All the "casuals" and the "majority" -- BE HAPPY that this person is here, sleeping only 3 hours a night, and voicing these concerns. He did it first so you won't get there and find it messed up like he did. There is a reason developers watch the bleeding-edge raiding guilds and their strategies in downing their bosses. These are the guys that push the envelope!


If not for OP and his ilk, when the vast majority gets to 50, the game will die a quick death. And at least on my server, that time is coming soon -- 1-2 months at the most. Aldaraan is the top of the bell curve right now already.

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Most of the hardcore audience plays for loot. It's their way of having fun. What's wrong with that?


nothing, as long as content isn't catered to them that it leaves out the majority of the player base because the majority can't play the schedule that the hardcores can.

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What does real life have to do with this thread? I never understand it when people bring in the "No life" argument.


Time committed to this game has nothing to do with the current state of endgame. The OP listed several things that need fixing:


1. All the tiered gear looks the same

2. Crafted tier gear schematics aren't dropping before the whole set finishes; too much gear drops off each boss

3. PVP, PVE, and crafting incentives are not aligned with the effort, time, and credits required to obtain them.


All the "casuals" and the "majority" -- BE HAPPY that this person is here, sleeping only 3 hours a night, and voicing these concerns. He did it first so you won't get there and find it messed up like he did. There is a reason developers watch the bleeding-edge raiding guilds and their strategies in downing their bosses. These are the guys that push the envelope!


If not for OP and his ilk, when the vast majority gets to 50, the game will die a quick death. And at least on my server, that time is coming soon -- 1-2 months at the most. Aldaraan is the top of the bell curve right now already.


I don't see anything wrong with to much loot dropping from a boss. Once you have killed the raid boss, it is easy after that, no challenge. All it becomes is a easy grind to get everyone else geared up. I say drop everything at once, let everyone get the gear they need, and move on to the next. Stupid to grind out the same boss over and over and over again with no challenge.

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Like this game is described as "Story driven MMO" It means the game mechanics are centered around story and therefore equipm,ent from story tends to be good.


If game is designed around story it tends to lack in quality of raids and instances and tools plus loot that is involved with them.


They may even plan to implement more storylines in manner that keeps them the main priority in the game and also as end game mechanics.


They intended this to be breaker of typical MMO line so be prepared to see things not used to be seen in MMO world this far :)

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I don't see anything wrong with to much loot dropping from a boss. Once you have killed the raid boss, it is easy after that, no challenge. All it becomes is a easy grind to get everyone else geared up. I say drop everything at once, let everyone get the gear they need, and move on to the next. Stupid to grind out the same boss over and over and over again with no challenge.


Come on man. Boss drops loot for everyone? One raid and done?

There are timesinks, week-long raid lockouts, random loot tables, specifically so that content isn't consumed too quickly. Even with those mechanics artificially slowing down content consumption, it is still a close race between the dev house and the players.


Can you imagine how many man-hours goes into the creation of an operation? Design of the environment, and modeling the bosses and scripting their behaviors, then testing it and adjusting the numbers for functionality and difficulty?


And then you want everyone just to experience it only once? Or do you seriously believe that most of the paying population will go in there multiple times for giggles after all the loot is already obtained?

Edited by kravechocolate
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I agree with OP.


The gear is utterly crap visually, well in my opinion at least.

However, what I do HOPE is that the current crap is merely a placeholder.

I look at alot of repeated armors throughout levels, hell even WOW

at lower levels had a few less then common pieces in terms of looks.

Back then at least, now I'm not sure.


Now I like to look cool, I like to look fun and good, that is the reason I raided

in WOW, because some of the tier gears look awesome.


Everyone has their own reasons to raid and despite it all everyone will WANT to

look good with their endgame gear, not trash and I really am tempted to not

raid here due to it. Also that the gear cannot be modded by much..

If we CAN'T LOOK GOOD BIOWARE, at least let us take out the mods to

put into our other armors that look at least not like our other friend over



/end rant.

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