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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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It also doesn't become richer and more dynamic (whatever the heck that means) with more data. As you point out, it's the same game.


No, the data is for bragging rights. If it wasn't, people couldn't play and down bosses. Since they self evidently can...


Ok, cool. So put in the data so we can have bragging rights. Bragging rights is always part of gaming, isn't it?


If bragging rights are off limits then I fear the MMORPG genre has crossed the FarmVille event horizon.

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STILL waiting for you to tell me how it plays the game for you.


You keep saying it does, over and over, but never manage to say HOW it does.


Do you now what recount is?


If so you lack critical thinking ability.


If you don't understand how something that spoon feeds you data makes things easier you are beyond help. That's probably why you need recount!

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Data on it's own is fine. Perhaps attaching Meters to Training Simulations or dummies only will achieve it's goal.


The problem is when you make the data generally available to the mostly immature (and this is not an insult- it means the gamer demographic tends to be much younger, immature people). E-Peen contests, pressure, cookie cutter specs, recount links on every trash pull poison the community for many. It leads to a situation where playing is no longer done for fun, but forces people to play with a work outside of work mentality that's one of the reasons the WoW community is universally acknowledged as among the most toxic.


Put Meters on simulators / dummies. Otherwise expect the lovely community you see on these boards wielding numbers on a story based game and turn your game into a nightjob.


If you play with people that do that, then you should stop.


Those people are just as bad as people who don't want metrics because they're afraid of the results.


Immature players are going to be immature with or without metrics. Personally, I love the fact that recount gets used by the e-peen-spam-the-chat-with-their-leet-dps crowd, because it quickly exposes them to my ignore list.

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And for this goal which is YOUR subjective and private goal you except, that you destroy the game feeling of many other players who do not share YOUR private goal?


You just ignore them and spit them in the face.


It's not a private goal: it's in the game. "Go kill that boss," is pretty much what raids are, right?


It's not "go kill this boss, then we'll tell you you're the best!" That's your goal, and the one you're trying to force on the rest of us, solely because you want those bragging rights.

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Do you now what recount is?


If so you lack critical thinking ability.


If you don't understand how something that spoon feeds you data makes things easier you are beyond help. That's probably why you need recount!


Nice insult. I hope you manage to put out enough zingers to delay the inevitable.

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Do you now what recount is?


If so you lack critical thinking ability.


If you don't understand how something that spoon feeds you data makes things easier you are beyond help. That's probably why you need recount!


I know what recount is... apparently you don't


Still waiting on you to tell me how it plays the game for you.


And you're still failing.



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It's not a private goal: it's in the game. "Go kill that boss," is pretty much what raids are, right?


It's not "go kill this boss, then we'll tell you you're the best!" That's your goal, and the one you're trying to force on the rest of us, solely because you want those bragging rights.


It's not about some *********** bragging, it never has been and it never will be.


Get real, stop being so *********** clueless.

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but yes, let's make the whole game so easy a pug can do it. It worked so well for WoW...


I love the folks that tout WOW as being "easy". So TOR isn't easy? Most of the four man content can be two manned... Elite mobs are piece of cake to solo. The flashpoints have relatively simply mechanics. I could go on, but we aren't talking about how easy TOR is.


If WOW were easy, more than 5% of the guilds working on heroics would be able to complete the raid before the next content patch. Check wowprogress.com for the data. But I scratch my head when folks call WoW easy when 95% of the folks can't successfully beat the encounters until over geared.


Maybe stop using the make it easy like WOW. As it stands right now, WOW is a far, far more challenging MMO--both as a solo player and in a group.

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Do you now what recount is?


If so you lack critical thinking ability.


If you don't understand how something that spoon feeds you data makes things easier you are beyond help. That's probably why you need recount!


Since obviously we're having a problem, could you inform me what your DPS (TPS or HPS depending on class) is to two decimal places?


Since obviously we all suck and need recount to do this, could you outline your methodology for finding out this information.


Please ensure your methodology has less than, and I'll be forgiving, a 5% margin of error.


I'll wait.

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It's not about some *********** bragging, it never has been and it never will be.


Yes it is. It must be.


People defeat bosses at all difficulty levels without this tool. This tool simply isn't necessary to play the game. It must be for something else.


It's so Johnny-Ego can spam.

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You, and everyone else who wants this useless tool, has an odd conception of "teamwork."


You're the one with the odd conception. So we can't be a team unless we're completely non-competitive?


I like playing with healers, tanks, and DPSers who take a little pride in what they do. It enlivens the experience and increases the chance of success.


There's more to beating the boss than just barely surviving. You can learn to do it faster for farming, or pull it off if someone goes linkdead, etc.


Beating the boss is not a binary thing. There's a difference in doing it with your eyes closed and wiping a few times and barely making it.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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I know what recount is... apparently you don't


Still waiting on you to tell me how it plays the game for you.


And you're still failing.




It shows you what abilities you should be using. Yes, I get that you've convinced yourself that reading an easy to follow chart consists of learning to play but in reality had to have a program do it for you. You are now making decisions that you were previously unable to make because recount told you what to do.


Get it now? :)


See you never learned to play, you took a shortcut.

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Since obviously we're having a problem, could you inform me what your DPS (TPS or HPS depending on class) is to two decimal places?


This information is superfluous. You don't need it to play effectively.


You want it. You don't need it. Difference.

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Since obviously we're having a problem, could you inform me what your DPS (TPS or HPS depending on class) is to two decimal places?


Since obviously we all suck and need recount to do this, could you outline your methodology for finding out this information.


Please ensure your methodology has less than, and I'll be forgiving, a 5% margin of error.


I'll wait.


I have no need for a crutch of that magnitude. I prefer beating a game on my own instead of downloading programs to help me.

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Yes it is. It must be.


People defeat bosses at all difficulty levels without this tool. This tool simply isn't necessary to play the game. It must be for something else.


It's so Johnny-Ego can spam.


Glad you speak for every person out there just to get your point across.

Besides since when do the hard core raiders count as the 'average guilds'

Ah yeah to make your point.



In all honesty I've seen a lot of good arguments why recount is good for a game.

You on the other hand just clamp to straws and base everything on assumptions.

It's hard to take it serious.

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This information is superfluous. You don't need it to play effectively.


You want it. You don't need it. Difference.


And what is wrong with wanting it? Especially mostly solo players? How does it affect anyone else if you are using it to help guide your gear and talent selection, outside of groups, or bosses?


I've seen little arguments against those who want it for personal information, nothing more.

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This information is superfluous. You don't need it to play effectively.


You want it. You don't need it. Difference.


Ok, I want it. I want it enough to shove it down the throat of the anti-parser crowd if I have to. I'm not going to gladly watch a few curmudgeons try and turn this game into a "no numbers" zone.

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Right now the only way to measure your performance is with a stop watch and groups of similar mobs. Haven't had to play that way since the 90's....


Why does using recount=bragging rights? I like to use recount to monitor my own healing and damage. If you are significantly different from the group, that is great indication you are doing something wrong. Personally, I would like to know what play strategies give me the best results. Playing any other way is no different from randomly hitting keys. Without recount I can't tell if I do more DPS when I hit keys or when the cat walks across the keyboard.

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I have no need for a crutch of that magnitude. I prefer beating a game on my own instead of downloading programs to help me.


Right, you don't need a program.


So I want to know your DPS and how you come up with it without recount.


You were talking about "I know how much damage my abilities do."


So, please, what is your methodology for determining your DPS output?


You've continually insulted us by saying we don't need recount to find this stuff out.


So, please, enlighten us as to your DPS.

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