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How are people already lvl 50?


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I hit 50 on Friday, finished my class quest today.


Total hours played: 224.


Yes, I'm serious. Been averaging about 7 hours a day since 13th December. Any hour that I haven't been at work or sleeping has been spent playing this. Think I've earned my 50 levels!


But I was playing with a friend, and we helped each other with our class stories. Meant I got to enjoy the Sith Warrior quests as well as the Sith Inquisitor, but also meant a good portion of the time I was only getting kill EXP and not quest EXP. So overall I leveled a lot slower per hour spent, and having reached maximum level is purely due to being in the game pretty much all the time.

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This. Have some respect for your fellow players, because you never know who is behind the keyboard. Peoples ignorance and hate leads to insulting heroes such as this man. People need to learn some tolerance and respect.


Thanks dude, the only reason I threw those facts out there was because of what you just posted above. Not the hero part but the thing about ignorance and being close minded.



In the end it all boils down to maturity.

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Step 1: spam spacebar and hit random choices

Step 2: play 7-8 hours or more a day

Step 3: get to 50 inside of a few days

Step 4: realize your alone and QQ on forums!


Pretty much this. Rush through to the endgame only to realized that they were expected to take their time and enjoy it, and there's not much there to do.

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I had EGA and a week off after Christmas. I played entirely too much and hit 50 Saturday the 31st. I didn't skip cutscenes, did all the missions and class stories. I just played a LOT. Now I'm doing daily's and having a good time helping guild mates.


All depends on what you want to do.

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I also think that a lot of the very fast levellers are making pretty good use of the quick xp to be made on space combat missions and pvp.


The xp racks up quickly in a few minutes with these added in. :)


I didn't need to read past this post as this dude nailed it on the head. I JUST made level 50 last night. I work Saturday to Tuesday, 24 hours over the weekend days. I have time to play for roughly 4 hours each Saturday and Sunday, and 6 hours each on Monday and Tuesday. Then, since that's just how I roll, it's balls out Wednesday through Friday.


I'd have been 50 MUCH sooner if I hadn't skipped like, 90% of the quests on each planet. I literally only did my class quests, the planetary quests, and the bonus series. I'll probably backtrack now that I HAVE hit 50 and passively explore each planet more fully now that I have almost nothing to fear on any planet short of Voss, Corellia, or Ilum.


Edit: Oh and btw, for the quests I DID do, I didn't use the spacebar at all. The story and voice acting was just too frickin awesome. Especially The Foundry.



Holy ****-nuggets, them 300 years spent being mind-***** by the Emperor were NOT kind to Revan's face!


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I work 3rd shift, come home fall right into bed. I get up about 7 or 8 hours later, take a shower, play for maybe an hour then my gf gets home from work, I spend a few hours with her then go into work.


On my days off I get up, take a shower, go visit my parents or take care of errands, my gf gets home, I spend a few hours with her then once she goes to sleep I log on and play for 3 or 4 hours at a time.


I don't see how people find 7 or 8 hours to play everyday.




1. Not everyone has a GF. Remember this is a game and there are many children here. Going to school you easily have 8+ hours of spare time on your hands.

2. There are peeps out there who have a GF that also plays.

3. There are peeps out there who have their holiday dedicated to gaming.


That being said: playing 8h/d will burn you out pretty quickly.

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1. Not everyone has a GF. Remember this is a game and there are many children here. Going to school you easily have 8+ hours of spare time on your hands.

2. There are peeps out there who have a GF that also plays.

3. There are peeps out there who have their holiday dedicated to gaming.


That being said: playing 8h/d will burn you out pretty quickly.



I agree with the burnouts, it happens.. and when it does do yourself a favor and go do something else for a bit.

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1. Not everyone has a GF.

a. Remember this is a game and there are many children/student-type people here.

i. Going to school you easily have 8+ hours of spare time on your hands.

b. Also not having a life will produce the same number of spare hours.

2. There are peeps out there who have a GF that also plays.

3. There are peeps out there who have their holiday dedicated to gaming.


That being said: playing 8h/d will burn you out pretty quickly.


God, if that ain't the truth I don't know what is.


Also I fixed #1 for you.


Edit: Aww, damnit. I made it all nice and word document table-esque and it removed the formatting...................



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Some people have a much higher tolerance to boring stuff.


This made me chuckle :p


To the OP, remember its not a race! Just enjoy the game, play at a speed that's right for you and avoid Burn-Out. Just have fun. I'm only 23 and started playing Dec 28.

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I hit 50 on Friday, finished my class quest today.


Total hours played: 224.


Yes, I'm serious. Been averaging about 7 hours a day since 13th December. Any hour that I haven't been at work or sleeping has been spent playing this. Think I've earned my 50 levels!


But I was playing with a friend, and we helped each other with our class stories. Meant I got to enjoy the Sith Warrior quests as well as the Sith Inquisitor, but also meant a good portion of the time I was only getting kill EXP and not quest EXP. So overall I leveled a lot slower per hour spent, and having reached maximum level is purely due to being in the game pretty much all the time.


Finally, a level 50 who atleast is honest lol

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Finally, a level 50 who atleast is honest lol


I just hit level 50 this morning. I started playing late on the 2nd day of early access (meaning I got 6 days early access) and I have basically been playing this since then.


But not non-stop. I have a girlfriend, a job, and my friends host a weekly poker night, plus with the holidays, I was very busy with family.


I didn't space bar my way through, I did not use any exploits, I mostly leveled solo with the occasional pvp and flashpoint/heroic. I have always been here for one thing: Story. I did NOT complete every single planet, I finished most of the planet 'arcs' and a good portion of the quests on each planet as long as it coincided with my class story. Also, I run space missions at least once a day if possible.


On a busy day where I have limited time, maybe I'd play anywhere from 1-3 hours. On a day where my girlfriend would be at work and I'd have nothing to do for 6 hours by myself at the house, I'd play this most the time.


So, as of the 14th of December, I started my Jedi Knight, didn't re-roll, have had only a few issues that required me to stop playing. During the week, realistically I probably average a total of 4-5 days of 1-3 hour play sessions, and 2 days of 5 hour or more play sessions.


So I probably have sunk about anywhere from 15-35 hours of gameplay per week. Over a little more than 3 weeks.


Pretty much if I am not doing something social, or work related of some kind and am entirely alone with nothing to do, Swtor is my date.


I also have a level 19 Inquisitor (sorcerer) and a level 11 smuggler (gunslinger)


If I finished my class quest on a planet but had remaining quests, I'd finish up what I could on my way back to the space station, but I'd abandon any others because I'd rather have some other quests to do when I play through on other characters I have.


But, I did NOT spend a lot of time exploring places where I didn't have quests, sitting around waiting for groups or chatting with guild people or in general on the fleet, and I haven't even begun trying to get Datacrons yet.


I have maxed all my screw skills (slicing treasure hunting and diplomacy) and most of my companions affection is maxed with the exception of my last companion.


Getting to level 50 certainly took a while, I wouldnt be surprised if people who started as early as me are more than half way behind me.


But its all about how you play and how often. If you play for 6 hours but spend 3 of those hours doing random stuff in the game that doesn't garner experience (or at least a lot) then you may not level as fast.

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I've seen 1 level 50 on my server, Defenestrater. I think he's the only one so far. Hangs out in the space station a lot. Lonely at the top. I did see a 49 during Hutt Ball and maybe some other 40s. I'm 30 myself. Two and half weeks, shouldn't take to long to get to 50. I'm not rushing though. Got a couple of levels during space combat and the last one dinged during war zone.
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iv played for about 3-4 hours and was barely able to get from 20-22, at this rate i will probably be lvl 50 in a few months, how are there so many lvl 50s? am i doing something wrong for leveling to be so slow or what?


I just hit 49 but I do play a lot. :)


Just counted and we have 14 lvl 50s in my guild and this is a server they added the 20th. PvP of course.

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I just hit level 50 this morning. I started playing late on the 2nd day of early access (meaning I got 6 days early access) and I have basically been playing this since then.


But not non-stop. I have a girlfriend, a job, and my friends host a weekly poker night, plus with the holidays, I was very busy with family.


I didn't space bar my way through, I did not use any exploits, I mostly leveled solo with the occasional pvp and flashpoint/heroic. I have always been here for one thing: Story. I did NOT complete every single planet, I finished most of the planet 'arcs' and a good portion of the quests on each planet as long as it coincided with my class story. Also, I run space missions at least once a day if possible.


On a busy day where I have limited time, maybe I'd play anywhere from 1-3 hours. On a day where my girlfriend would be at work and I'd have nothing to do for 6 hours by myself at the house, I'd play this most the time.


So, as of the 14th of December, I started my Jedi Knight, didn't re-roll, have had only a few issues that required me to stop playing. During the week, realistically I probably average a total of 4-5 days of 1-3 hour play sessions, and 2 days of 5 hour or more play sessions.


So I probably have sunk about anywhere from 15-35 hours of gameplay per week. Over a little more than 3 weeks.


Pretty much if I am not doing something social, or work related of some kind and am entirely alone with nothing to do, Swtor is my date.


I also have a level 19 Inquisitor (sorcerer) and a level 11 smuggler (gunslinger)


If I finished my class quest on a planet but had remaining quests, I'd finish up what I could on my way back to the space station, but I'd abandon any others because I'd rather have some other quests to do when I play through on other characters I have.


But, I did NOT spend a lot of time exploring places where I didn't have quests, sitting around waiting for groups or chatting with guild people or in general on the fleet, and I haven't even begun trying to get Datacrons yet.


I have maxed all my screw skills (slicing treasure hunting and diplomacy) and most of my companions affection is maxed with the exception of my last companion.


Getting to level 50 certainly took a while, I wouldnt be surprised if people who started as early as me are more than half way behind me.


But its all about how you play and how often. If you play for 6 hours but spend 3 of those hours doing random stuff in the game that doesn't garner experience (or at least a lot) then you may not level as fast.


I was a day 1 Early Access player and i couldnt get into my server from day 3 of EA to 4 days after launch....your lucky.

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1. Not everyone has a GF. Remember this is a game and there are many children here. Going to school you easily have 8+ hours of spare time on your hands.

2. There are peeps out there who have a GF that also plays.

3. There are peeps out there who have their holiday dedicated to gaming.


That being said: playing 8h/d will burn you out pretty quickly.


Replace gf with wife, husband, children, friend. Whatever you would like. My point was it is hard to not neglect those you care about and while I realize some don't have anybody they care about or are close to...most people do.


And when I went to school we had homework and I had a bedtime until I was 14. I had chores at home. On the weekends I'd go out with friends. By 15 I had a part time job and haven't been unemployed for longer than 3 months since and I'm 25.


I get everybody has different priorities but I don't see how you could spend 7 or 8 hours a day everyday on the game without ignoring "life"...and that is just sad.

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how can you play for more than like 2-3 hours without getting bored of the same run here kill that..?


you can mix in pvp which is extremly rewarding and space missions, no one is forcing you to quest only, also flashpoints tends to be 50-60% of a lvl per try.


i skipped 3 planets (tattoine, belsavis and corelia) other than class quests and i grinded 0 yet i hit 50 ages ago.

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Probably a number of reasons, one of them being that they are better than you are at the game.



Because lvling is hard.....


That comment made me laugh too.

As if people that level faster then you are obviously better at the game and has nothing to do with them playing more.

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