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Any BH's from SWG?


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Actually i havent seen anyone from NoM yet! i have no idea what server i play on all i know is its gunna be a pvp server!! and im west coast too!! CALIII!!!


oh dang... well I hope you don't end up alone on your server!! Have you done the Beta, was pretty cool, not sandbox but I guess I will survive lol... again nice to see a familiar face *Name* lol.. keep in touch sir Iserath

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MBH from Bria pre-cu...... back in the days where it took 18k invest XP to get from invest 3 to invest 4, you'd get 120 xp per mission and it took you 20-30 minutes to complete each mission (assuming the mark wasn't bugged).


Ahhhh those were the days. It was all worth it to be able to kill a player jedi.

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JackDanials' from chilastra. Prolly roll BH for most of my time in this game aswell...unless they give a special similar to dire traps to a different profession.


Been playing a few first person shooters since SWG and I still find myself wanting to dire people. Going to miss that class.

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Any of you seen the YouTube video "fetts vet"?

Awesome vid from a galaxy far away an always remembered.

Can't link it for some reason on my phone :(


Yea, that was done by Balgosa Windspire, he did a series of videos under the heading "Windspire Entertainment." He was on the Scylla Server in a guild called the Galactic Trade Federation, in a place called Helios. The video was done to the music of Mc Chris, "Fette's Vette"


Rumor has it he is involved with the current Star Wars, The Old Republic.



It was believed by some scholars he had an unwholesome obsession for hawtpants. I can neither confirm, nor deny this. - Elgin Rathskeller, Helios

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Chilastra signing in! My old BH guild "Syvoss Sect" was the most memorable online gaming experience ever. any of you old bhs from chilly still around?






fun times. I would freak in bioware ever decided to put in player bounties for swtor.

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MBH from Bria pre-cu...... back in the days where it took 18k invest XP to get from invest 3 to invest 4, you'd get 120 xp per mission and it took you 20-30 minutes to complete each mission (assuming the mark wasn't bugged).


Ahhhh those were the days. It was all worth it to be able to kill a player jedi.


That's what I'm talkin' about!


My forum signature used to read: "I am a racist bounty hunter: I only kill marks that aren't white" (bugged marks were neutral to you instead of attackable, and thus white dots on your radar). A mod politely asked me to change it after awhile though :cool:


Started SWG late in third stage of beta (I think they were pretty much letting everyone in). Did some Doctor stuff for awhile.


Rerolled on Shadowfire the day it opened, went MBH and never looked back. Name was Aleon, was in an Imp player association focused on PvP called <Elite>.


Remember how LLC wouldn't work because of the busted heavy weapons cert? lol. I felt worse for the Commandos though. Although an Imp buddy of mine lost his AT-ST to a flamethrower DoT the day HW got patched -- so I bet that made one Rebel really happy :)


My big claim to fame (or was it? idk) was solo hacking the terminal in one or two of those NPC faction bases. You know how there were a handful of them on the various planets? Anyway. It was only possible due to the AT-ST tanking. When you sliced the terminal, you were able to choose a chunk of whatever kind of XP you wanted, so it was like hitting the mother lode in the grind to MBH. I posted about it on the SWG BH forums, with screenshots, etc., but the thread just turned into a flamewar over how imba the AT-ST was. I hope an Imp or two got in on the action though... Lord knows MBH was enough of a grind back then.


I quit within a year (not sure when, but I recall having a 12-month sub and not renewing). No clue how things were after the CU and whatnot. Heck, I forget if player bounties were even in... I mean, they might've been, but not many people had unlocked Jedi yet. And most were quietly grinding since they didn't have saber flurry or any good moves yet.

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pre-cu Master BH from Valcyn (one of the server firsts to hit novice BH). Later respec'd to Master Carbineer with full carbine tree of BH. Made an otherwise weaker weapon very deadly and unexpected. Plus was more fitting for my Trooper once I joined Alpha Company ;)
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I made a master Sword/rifleman on one server, then went to another server (forgot which one) and made a Master BH/Pistoleer. I dont think I ever capped a Jedi player, but i remember hunting them down. it was a blast.. BH name was Notek Halo.
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Sadly I didn't get to experience Pre NGE SWG, but I played a lot of it(mostly space though) after. Had a commando up to 80, a BH up 50ish, had like 6 master pilots, 2 of each, and loved using the B-Wing once I figured out how to use it. Space was the best part of that game.(and I loved how much "Star" they put into Star Wars in that game) Looks like it'll be more fun being on the ground in SWTOR, though.


That said, I'm looking forward to being a BH merc on this game, and I really like the ground stuff this time around.


Just hope they decide to revamp space at a later date(It is STAR Wars, afterall) even though I doubt it.

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