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Any BH's from SWG?


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Actually i havent seen anyone from NoM yet! i have no idea what server i play on all i know is its gunna be a pvp server!! and im west coast too!! CALIII!!!


Old guild m8 from Bria trying to find what server everyone is joining on

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Here to,i was a pre-cu bounty hunter.

I started my character on naritus,after the decided to shut down the minor servers i moved to Chimaera.


Name: Folgore Phobos

Class: Bounty Hunter

Gear: Mandalorian armour ( i spent tons of hours in the death watch bunker:))

Picture in game: http://www.mmorpgitalia.it/site/attachment.php?attachmentid=10533&d=1141564593

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BH from Bria reporting in! Transfered to Flurry a few weeks b4 the announcment.


sigh I have a couple BH's in Tor. A Powertech, and a Merc. gawd the only thing I want to do is run Player Bounties! pew pew. :)


Dreams are free. Maybe BW will one day bring these into the game.

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MBH from Kauri, and afterwords starsider. Pre-CU MBH. Originally MBH/M-Carbs/4xxx (i think) Combat medic. Gravitated towards rifles as the CU then NGE happened.


BH for life!


(I remember you shibs i was very briefly in your guild you were a good senator)


(If Bipolo is around ima flip.)

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Rifleman with some nasty friggin' poisons I made from Rancor Bile. SWG had not only the best pvp of its era, but best tradeskill platform EVER.


Having to go to distant galaxies to farm components and including their stats in the creation of a new item was above its time... which has still not caught up with it. As much as I like the companion system, I hate their tradeskill system.

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MBH from Kauri, and afterwords starsider. Pre-CU MBH. Originally MBH/M-Carbs/4xxx (i think) Combat medic. Gravitated towards rifles as the CU then NGE happened.


BH for life!


(I remember you shibs i was very briefly in your guild you were a good senator)


(If Bipolo is around ima flip.)



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Rifleman with some nasty friggin' poisons I made from Rancor Bile. SWG had not only the best pvp of its era, but best tradeskill platform EVER.


Having to go to distant galaxies to farm components and including their stats in the creation of a new item was above its time... which has still not caught up with it. As much as I like the companion system, I hate their tradeskill system.


SWG was on to something and instead of staying faithful to the direction they were going, they decided to WoWzersize the game. I always said if they took the best from SWG and WoW and made a SW game, it would rock... Hopefully SWTOR will implement some things from both... I miss having ocean front property on Dantooine lol

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Sly was MBH on Tempest for quite some time (in swg went triple threat > m smuggler/mpistols/medic > MBH /w marksman carbines> defense stacked commando)


Had some of the best weapons for the job:

-a speedy (1.7s) carbine with +118 accuracy for applying state-effects

- a speedcapped uber-LLC to finish the job (2s 820 max damage +76 acc)


Figuring out how to go off the beaten path was my fav thing to do (eg. as a smuggler I ran around in 28% stun resist mabari armor with low encumbrance in case I was attacked unbuffed.....in the same armor I killed a buffed player attacking me while unbuffed as M commando).


I miss the (pre-cu) game more than any other computer game tbh... the current crop of mmo's is so extremely dumbed down compared to swg...

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I'm from Sunrunner for the most part. Started on Wonderhome originaly right before the NGE was released, so I got to play Pre-CU a bit. After the Complete Online Adventure came out, Sunrunner was where I spent the next 4-5 years on. Started off as a Bounty Hunter, and never respecced. Had my fair share of bounties collected, but due to the way the Player Bounty System worked, I never PVPed.


I played SWG for 6 years, and met some very nice people along the road as well. Perhaps SWTOR will make a better PBS that doesn't involve PVP mostly, cause I love the PVP here. In any case, good to see fellow SWG hunters in SWTOR. Hope to see you guys ingame, and good hunting out there!

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Ciao Shibs, and Wepps (holy crap btw!) and all my fellow SWG BH's (especially the Chimaerans)!


I was Bahdasz/Wookieetroll/GODONE on the SWG forums and Bah'dasz and Watcho as BH's on the Chim.


Contrary to my expectations, loving TOR and especially the BH community here. Nice to see so many old-school SWG addicts around.





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Bh on Scylla gained mbh twice but main hunting spec was Master pistoleer Bh 3400 fencer 0440 or something like that. Dodge stacked eyeshot/torsoshottign with a 35percent damage sliced de 10 made with +450 krayt tissue and a back up mind fire fwg5.


Second Bh character ( post unlock)


MBH M Carbineer, Ranger


Most Fun Ever Had = MasterTKM, MasterSmuggler, Master Pistoleer.

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Master Bounty Hunter on Eclipse since the very beginning, when we couldn't even use droids to hunt player marks.


I miss those days too, I remember doing pretty much nothing but player bounties for months during Pre-CU and I've so many great memories from then.. how I miss those days, best gaming experience I've ever had.


I wish they would add player bounties down the line, perhaps on "infamous" world PvPers or something like that, I know it's sadly unlikely and they have other priorities, but it really can't hurt to try.

They could always grant them to the Rebel Trooper as well, to keep it fair.. and just call them something else like special ops or w/e :p


Ocili MBH/MP from Eclipse here, RRR Guild (Pre-Cu/CU/NGE). Actually Andros, I am pretty sure you trained me as MBH lol!


Good ol' days for sure.

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Holy Necro Batman, this brought back a lot of memories of Hunting Jednecks on Dantooine!


For those of you that don't know what a "Jedneck" is it's a Jedi in SWG that would grind XP in the far corners of Dantooine with a house deed on their tool bar so they could set it up quickly and run inside if a BH came looking for them. So they had Mobile Homes so to speak. They'd also expand their HUD map to take up over half their screen so they'd see anyone coming a mile away.

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