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The Leveling Grind Is Dead! All Hail SWTOR!!!


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All well and true for the FIRST character of a faction.. Second time around it's all exactly the same. The only thing that changes is that "Lord" becomes "Sir" etc. The only thing I don't spacebar now is the class quests since I've done the side quests, bonuses and other stuff already.
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Since when did questing become a grind? I guess WoW is an endless grind too? Little kiddies need to go try playing an Eastern MMO where you can't level from quests, dungeons, or PvP and 90% of your leveling comes from killing the same mob over and over.
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Give me an idea of what a non-grind level experience would consist of. I hear people saying that "it's kill x for y rewards" but never give a better alternative.


There are people who get paid for designing video games. Those are the people who should come up with new ideas.


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5/5 Flesh Raiders killed.






BONUS QUEST! 0/45 Flesh Raiders killed


Welcome to your grind-free experience.


This ^^^


Half of the time they don't even bother changing up the type of mob needed to complete the next phase of the bonus mission. Think about that; it's the SAME mob you just killed, only now you need more of them and the ones you already killed don't count.


Sure, in some areas the bonus quest progression actually makes sense. They have you killing mobs to find <item X> so that you can access <clicky Y> in the next phase and then face <elite Z> in the final phase. Can still be a grind, depending on the map locations of each of these parts, but it is at least a much better disguise.


The kill X of Y, now kill X*10 or Y is about as straight-up grind as you can get.

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This ^^^


Half of the time they don't even bother changing up the type of mob needed to complete the next phase of the bonus mission. Think about that; it's the SAME mob you just killed, only now you need more of them and the ones you already killed don't count.


Sure, in some areas the bonus quest progression actually makes sense. They have you killing mobs to find <item X> so that you can access <clicky Y> in the next phase and then face <elite Z> in the final phase. Can still be a grind, depending on the map locations of each of these parts, but it is at least a much better disguise.


The kill X of Y, now kill X*10 or Y is about as straight-up grind as you can get.


Are people not understanding that they're BONUS for a reason? You don't need to do them, what are you not understanding?

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5/5 Flesh Raiders killed.






BONUS QUEST! 0/45 Flesh Raiders killed


Welcome to your grind-free experience.


It's all about perspective. They took the grind away by adding a new dimension to quests. Instead of a motionless NPC who pops up a page of text, it's acted. (I'm not saying I'm illiterate, but come on, who can deny the difference of voiceover and a little bit of dialogue vs. that... it's not the same)


And the bonus quest... again, perspective. MMO's (until someone TOTALLY revolutionizes them) are always gonna be kill X amount of whatever, gather Y amount of whatever else. It's how you mask it with excellent cinematics and story that make or break it ;)

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How is the grind dead? they have just hidden it with a voice acted story, you still need to kill x number of y, or travel to one person to speak to them then travel back to another to speak to them, or hack 3 terminals guarded by mobs at each point which is then a bonus mission of killing x number of that mob.

Grind is still there just harder to see


So what if it is hidden..


That still makes this game more perfect..


Instead you actually gonna have a fun time while levelling, that you barely notice the kill x of that and the kill y of those.. Because you know that the person who assigned you this task, really depends on you to do it..


And not like taking 7 quests, go out and complete them, and go back and take another stack of quests.. While you keep looking at you're EXP bar and just say, oh man so long till i level..


Playing this game I personally feel its more like, well whats gonna happen after i complete this quest, and suddenly you just see that Republic/Empire logo above you head and say, oh i got a level, i didn't even notice that..

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Since when did questing become a grind? I guess WoW is an endless grind too? Little kiddies need to go try playing an Eastern MMO where you can't level from quests, dungeons, or PvP and 90% of your leveling comes from killing the same mob over and over.


This. Anyone that has played EQ for any respectable amount of time will find the "grind" in Swtor, refreshing and fluid...as opposed to sitting down on your horse in a corner with 5 other toons, blasting mob after mob after mob after mob after mob to shreds.


Though both styles are enjoyable for, considering its an MMO...not sure what people whining about "grind" were expecting.

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Since when did questing become a grind? I guess WoW is an endless grind too? Little kiddies need to go try playing an Eastern MMO where you can't level from quests, dungeons, or PvP and 90% of your leveling comes from killing the same mob over and over.


Lineage 2 anyone?...

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It's all about perspective. They took the grind away by adding a new dimension to quests. Instead of a motionless NPC who pops up a page of text, it's acted. (I'm not saying I'm illiterate, but come on, who can deny the difference of voiceover and a little bit of dialogue vs. that... it's not the same)



To me that doesn't lessen the "grind". Read a quest to kill 10 mobs or listen to a guy telling me to kill 10 mobs is the same, it's killing 10 mobs. It's just a different style of delivery.


That being said people are trying to create "grind" where there is none. The "grind" was what people did in EQ/FFXI and that early gen of MMOs. Kill mobs to level and then kill more mobs after that.


Questing removed the "grind" aka level grind. It has not existed in a western MMO for a long time.


Rep grinding well that is pretty central to any MMO :p

Edited by Pyrolight
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Are people not understanding that they're BONUS for a reason? You don't need to do them, what are you not understanding?


Are you not understanding the lazy design of having you kill 15 of a mob, then 45 more of the SAME MOB? That is the very definition of grind. It's simply disguised better by voice overs or animated pop-up training droids.


BTW, if you are going to go on about not needing to do the "bonus" missions, you may want to stop and think about what that argument means. All quests outside of your class story are optional. That's right, all of them.


*Just to be clear, I'm not even complaining about the grind (though I do think the above example is simply super lazy design that is disappointing), it's a part of MMOs, and it's not like it's a Korean MMO grind. I just don't think it's right to claim that BW got rid of the grind when they clearly did not.

Edited by Vodalus
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I skipped Balmorra, most of Tatooine, most of Nar Shadda, and just finished a little bit of Alderaan and I'm max level for Alderaan. The only thing I did on Balmorra was the class quests, the Tatooine and Nar-Shadda included the quests on the way to the class quests. With a few PVP arenas, Flashpoints, and spaceship battles I've over leveled every zone.


There is no need to do anything you don't want to in this game, there is plenty of class quest and alternate fun things to do that don't require you doing the side quests if you don't want to. That's what is meant by 'no grind'.

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Truth is people here play a game with the fact in mind that they have to kill "x" creatures.


I play with the "That person needs help, and the only thing I can do is to kill as many of those creatures as possible"


It is all in your mind, but it works... in SWTOR I do not feel the grind, I feel only the story (level 40 so far, did all side quests +bonus and all flashpoints available).


If you can feel the grind, then I feel sorry for your mind which is stuck.


A game with no "x" kills like Mass Effect for example, still brings you through a "dungeon" with a series of enemies until you reach the end of that "dungeon", you still need to kill 50+ more mobs to do so, but because you do not have a counter you think it is different?

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How is the grind dead? they have just hidden it with a voice acted story, you still need to kill x number of y, or travel to one person to speak to them then travel back to another to speak to them, or hack 3 terminals guarded by mobs at each point which is then a bonus mission of killing x number of that mob.

Grind is still there just harder to see


grind is a term which means killing mobs constantly for very little xp over and over with no stimulation to the human brain


the grind is gone in this game, me matey!


oh and "grinding" did not come from wow .. it dates way before wow was even a wet dream

Edited by bboudreaux
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So now you get a 2 minute voice acted 'mission' to step out the door and collect 3 ojjimewhatsists to return to a character 60 seconds later, you will never see again, and really could not care less about them. Don't get me wrong I think voice adds a lot to the main mission but some of the side missions you just wonder why?


And one has to ask, this 'levelling grind' you speak of...it's still there you know, sure its more fun but .......whatever not worth trying to explain.

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Thank Gawd! Someone has finally designed an MMO with Gamers in mind. With the Voice Acted missions -- yes, even the side quest are voice acted, the grinding for levels is officially dead!


Thank you SWTOR for killing this beast by making leveling fun, engaging, and very immersive. I actually look forward to leveling. Its no longer just a race to the highest level to begin the "real" game. In SWTOR the "real" game starts at level 1 with your very first mission and your very first dialogue decision!




Couldn't agree more! This is the first MMO ever that i actually love leveling! And I can't wait to start my other character and do it all over again.

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These people trumpeting the end of the level grind because of voice acting and cut scenes are probably the same people trumpeting this new and interactive combat because they decided to remove auto attacks.


Yes and the the same people that will be disenchanted ...just a few months later.

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Why is it that every positive post on these forums has to sound like Bioware paid them to say it?


Also - the grind is just disguised in hopes that people like you will think it is not there.


Kill 45 of these for the bonus quest is still pretty grindy. Especially when Part 1 is 45, Part 2 is 45 and then part 3 is a boss. Thats 91 mobs you've just been coerced into grinding. Enjoy your "no grind MMO".

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