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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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Five or six years ago this might have been a lot higher but it's just not that fun to play. The linear on rails feel for a lot of the planets makes the game unbearable to me.


Playing Skyrim at the moment and that game has a lot of bugs, horrible character animation, voice acting done by maybe two people for the whole game and pretty basic combat. But you know what, It's an amazing blast to play.


It's mini dungeons are just as linear, but they don't feel that way. World feels alive and I have fun exploring it. Every time I turn around I run into something that makes me go, "Oh, that's cool."


SWTOR, every time I turn around it's, "Oh, another f'ing hallway full of trash mobs?"

Edited by ObiQuixote
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Is that part of the Sith Warrior or Inquisitor story line?


You don't want to know what that story line is like. It belongs in a ghost busters MMO not Star Wars.


Plus after Hoth, the class story line has you spend 45 f'ing minutes running back and forth on the starter worlds for about 3 quest turn ins.

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I REALLY can't understand people who find this game LESS appealing to make alts in. On other MMOs if you make an alt you experience the entire same thing over and over again with absolutely no difference all the way from level 1 to max. With TOR, I have a unique class story to follow which at least gives some uniqueness to my alt, and in fact makes the character just feel like a 'character' in his/her own right rather than an 'alt'.


On WoW, if I go and level in Lakeshire on my main and level in Ashenvale on my alt, I am still doing the EXACT same thing: kill x amount of y enemy, collect x amount of y items; the only difference is whether I spend that time looking at brown dirt on the floor or big trees. Yes, with TOR you technically do the same thing, but you get story to break up the monotony, and you get unique quests, cutscenes and dialogue with the class story.


I never had a huge interest in making an alt on WoW just so I could do the same exact same content over again to get another character at max level: I ended up making one alt and that was it. With TOR I can see myself making multiple alts just to experience their unique stories.


Anyway, on topic: 8/10


I think what TOR set out to do it does great and succeeds at big time...all that remains now is to expand it out to bring other aspects of the game up to the same quality and once/if it does then the score will be even better.




I wanted to reply to this because I agree with the original person who said levelling alts is painful.


Yes, there are unique class quests but how much of your levelling up experience is your class quests? Pretty low percentage... You're still gonna have to grind through a whole bunch of the exact same side quests that have no variation other than whether you decide to kill some meaningless guy who has no effect on the rest of the game.


The game as a whole feels to me like a mishmash of kotor and WoW, and quite a bit of it doesn't really gel. It's like they couldn't decide whether to make Kotor 3 or a MMO. Like running around seeing a million people with the title "Grand Champion of the Great Hunt" when the Great Hunt was supposed to have 1 winner.

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Strong in story and leveling with end game added in attempts to have pvp gear and zone


Weak points are the dead feel of the world, no achievements, lack of rewards outside of raiding, and poor shape the UI was on launch after Rift produced the best out there.


Leaving out certain stuff on release in 2011 is unforgivable. Addressing those issues fast can redeem the company, but having to ask for macros, dual spec, or a /roll feature is a joke because this should be mmo common sense by now.


People realize how silly it is to sit here in 2011 and have someone debate with me about why swimming is not needed or day/night enviroment stuff is not needed in a mmo? 6.8 without a doubt.

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Classes that can tank are crowd control...


It is only CC if the healer can keep multiple tanks alive, i think a healer would struggle with trying to heal multiple tanks with 5 elite wailing on them.


Marauder can't tank. Powertech in DPS spec/gear can't tank. Jugg in DPS spec/gear can't tank. Sniper can't tank.


Operative and Assassin have a sap like CC, can't apply in combat.

Sorcerer has the only non-droid reliable CC that can be cast in combat.


It shouldn't be this hard. You should be able to take any tank, any healer and any two dps and do any heroic4s comfortably.


On that note, whoever was responsible for balancing Sergeant Slaughter, the champion npc in the Lights Out heroic4, should get the sack. That dude dishes out some ridiculous damage.

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Besides the voiceovers, there really is nothing new. Don't get me wrong, the voiceovers and the story are great but when you're done with them, the majority of the content is the same for everyone in your faction.

Edited by krookie
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Doesn't bring anything new to the MMO scene other than Voiceovers for every quest. While it's new, still doesn't change the fact the quests are still as grindy and annoying as in just about every other MMO out there.


Getting pretty tired of

>bonus 1: Kill x amount of dudes

>Bonus 2: Kill / destroy / interact with x amount of stronger dudes / containers / interactable objects

>bonus 3: Lure out the leader dude and get <generic quest item>

>bonus 4: drop off <generic quest item> in the drop box.

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I like to blindly put my faith into anything.

I don't ask, "why is this game good? Why do I like it."

When someone tells me to jump, I say, "how high."

I enjoy being fed hash, when others are fed beef.

When i ask for steak well done and get it back medium-rare, I don't complain.

When someone makes fun of my friend, I just laugh and don't raise a fuss.

I'm passive and would eat cow **** if given.



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I like to blindly put my faith into anything.

I don't ask, "why is this game good? Why do I like it."

When someone tells me to jump, I say, "how high."

I enjoy being fed hash, when others are fed beef.

When i ask for steak well done and get it back medium-rare, I don't complain.

When someone makes fun of my friend, I just laugh and don't raise a fuss.

I'm passive and would eat cow **** if given.







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Doesn't bring anything new to the MMO scene other than Voiceovers for every quest. While it's new, still doesn't change the fact the quests are still as grindy and annoying as in just about every other MMO out there.


Getting pretty tired of

>bonus 1: Kill x amount of dudes

>Bonus 2: Kill / destroy / interact with x amount of stronger dudes / containers / interactable objects

>bonus 3: Lure out the leader dude and get <generic quest item>

>bonus 4: drop off <generic quest item> in the drop box.


The bonus quests are pretty annoying. I don't mind the ones with stages much (well, kind of).. but the ones that are like kill 45 of x .. those are annoying as hell :mad:

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i like to blindly put my faith into anything.

I don't ask, "why is this game good? Why do i like it."

when someone tells me to jump, i say, "how high."

i enjoy being fed hash, when others are fed beef.

When i ask for steak well done and get it back medium-rare, i don't complain.

When someone makes fun of my friend, i just laugh and don't raise a fuss.

I'm passive and would eat cow **** if given.


This game is great! Best game forever and ever!



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