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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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5/10 and it would be lower if it wasn't for the level experience being so fun.


@ level 50. there isn't much to do if you can't get into any decent guilds for end game. I found my self standing around trying to spam chat for LFG lvl50 FP's / HM's etc but found it to hard to get a group.


Peoples epeen is all ready starting to show in this game, if you're not in full epics no one wants to take you into HM's.


The UI is horrid, and still way to many bugs in the game.


This game could of been a lot better if they kept in beta for a few more months and fixed bugs and put in place a good LFG system ( not like a WoW one, since that stuffs up the whole server community )


This MMO has until the 22nd of this month to grab me, if it doesn't no more MMO's for me until Guild Wars 2 is released.

Edited by Britzer
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The score doesn't do justice to the quality of the questing but that is a small part of an MMO. There are too many bugs in general, some mechanics are still horribly untuned, some design concepts are a decade old like some dps classes having reliable cc and others not.


There are a lot of things I like about the game and if it was released in 2003 it would have got a very high score but many aspects are badly inferior to other games out at present. It is a dangerous game to risk the goodwill to release the game at this level.


If things do not improve dramatically in the next month or two I may suspend the sub until the game is in a better state. I really enjoy the story though and will probably level each of the classes, but that should only take another month or two.


Classes that can tank are crowd control...

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Right now: 6/10


The moment they give the option to disable the stupid cutscenes completely: 8,5/10


I mean, I love the game when I actually get to play but I hate sitting/spacebarring through those aweful cutscenes some people call a "story". LMAO, even a 5 yr old kid could come up with better stories.

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Right now: 6/10


The moment they give the option to disable the stupid cutscenes completely: 8,5/10


I mean, I love the game when I actually get to play but I hate sitting/spacebarring through those aweful cutscenes some people call a "story". LMAO, even a 5 yr old kid could come up with better stories.


Why even bother playing if you're gonna to space bar through all the content? Story is a very big part of this game.

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Why even bother playing if you're gonna to space bar through all the content? Story is a very big part of this game.


I bother playing because, like I said, I love the actual gameplay. But the story is written by a bunch of amateurs.


"Hello mister Sith"


"what's up fool?"


"we need some rats killed"


"sounds like a job for me, better get my credits ready!!"


....run 10 minutes, kill 5 rats, run back 10 minutes....


"thanks for killing the rats, the Empire loves you"


"yea, yea, gimme credits already"


The End!!


What a great story!!! I was totally into it!

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I bother playing because, like I said, I love the actual gameplay. But the story is written by a bunch of amateurs.


"Hello mister Sith"


"what's up fool?"


"we need some rats killed"


"sounds like a job for me, better get my credits ready!!"


....run 10 minutes, kill 5 rats, run back 10 minutes....


"thanks for killing the rats, the Empire loves you"


"yea, yea, gimme credits already"


The End!!


What a great story!!! I was totally into it!


Guess I should of clarified that I was talking about class quests.

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I bother playing because, like I said, I love the actual gameplay. But the story is written by a bunch of amateurs.


"Hello mister Sith"


"what's up fool?"


"we need some rats killed"


"sounds like a job for me, better get my credits ready!!"


....run 10 minutes, kill 5 rats, run back 10 minutes....


"thanks for killing the rats, the Empire loves you"


"yea, yea, gimme credits already"


The End!!


What a great story!!! I was totally into it!


Is that part of the Sith Warrior or Inquisitor story line?

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That's being a little generous. I have basically had to reroll from my 50 guard because of the problems with attack delay. Seems to affect melee characters more than ranged.


They need to fix it....soon.


Other than that...I like the flashpoints...I love the crafting system....I love the companions...and the pvp is fun enough. More map types and the option to choose what maps you want to queue for would be nice additions.

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That's being a little generous. I have basically had to reroll from my 50 guard because of the problems with attack delay. Seems to affect melee characters more than ranged.


They need to fix it....soon.


Other than that...I like the flashpoints...I love the crafting system....I love the companions...and the pvp is fun enough. More map types and the option to choose what maps you want to queue for would be nice additions.


Agree, they need to let us choose specific warzones.

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