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Who else would've liked to join Malgus' New Empire?


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We don't know his ultimate fate. Recall the Empire Strikes Back. Luke plunges down to what should've been his death....but we robbed. Some how he lives. Could be the same for Malgus.


They ended up doing basically a "Luke freefall" for Maul too, apparently. So yeah, Malgus could return and we could join him. That would be cool.

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They ended up doing basically a "Luke freefall" for Maul too, apparently. So yeah, Malgus could return and we could join him. That would be cool.


Yep just like Luke and Maul, Malgus went through a series of vents. The real question here is why the hell didn't Palpatine do this?

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Yep just like Luke and Maul, Malgus went through a series of vents. The real question here is why the hell didn't Palpatine do this?


Pally had his own backup clone plan. Besides, he got thrown into the REACTOR CORE that didn't have vents. His plot armor was thin, and his kung-fu was weak.

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Isn't a future patch going to involve the Empire changing their policy with aliens and Regus turns against us because he doesn't like that?


I hope this happens. Would be great. This would also be a nice opportunity to bring Malgus back.


Abraham Malgus Lincoln FTW.


Hehe, indeed.

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Love this thread and agree Malgus is awsome but I have a comment that replies to the we want sattele dead camp and the we hate the current emperor and his policies camp.


If bioware is ANYTHING they are predictable in their stories I can almost guarantee you at some point Sattele will go one and one with emperor and win but to win will fall to the dark side to become one of the coolest sith ever...


Mark my words its going to happen...

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Love this thread and agree Malgus is awsome but I have a comment that replies to the we want sattele dead camp and the we hate the current emperor and his policies camp.


If bioware is ANYTHING they are predictable in their stories I can almost guarantee you at some point Sattele will go one and one with emperor and win but to win will fall to the dark side to become one of the coolest sith ever...


Mark my words its going to happen...


If Satele does fall to the Dark Side and becomes a Sith, maybe she'll be romance material? Finally??? She IS a Jedi M**f already.... :D

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  • 6 months later...
Kind of reviving an old thread here, but I would love to join Malgus on my Imperial Agent. Hopefully when Malgus returns in a future update we're given an option to join or oppose him and this will affect the storyline in a different way for every player. Maybe a possibility for another capital planet and space station for the minions of Malgus?
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I could honestly see a "New Empire" expansion coming in a few years. New faction, maybe a new class (New Imperial Trooper?) . And a "New Empire Spacedock" would be interesting, too.


I simply refuse to believe that a great character like Malgus would be killed off so easily.

Edited by GhostDrone
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I agree wholeheartedly.


The entire time I was going through the battle of illum and false emperor, I was asking myself why, exactly, I was fighting malgus.

Minor spoilers for light side sith warrior chapter 1 ending:



Seriously, malgus's new empire is kind of exactly what a light side sith warrior and jaesa wilsaam are going for! I would totally join malgus in a heartbeat!



I can guarantee that jaesa and vette would go with me, and broonmark probablt would too. quinn and peirce might leave, but I dislike their personalities anyway, and would be perfectly ok with getting replacements from the other NPCs who joined malgus.

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I have an alien Sniper for whom it would make perfect sense to join Malgus' New Empire. He was the only Sith in the game (only Imperial too aside from Keeper) who didn't treat my agent as a piece of trash. I tried to make my character forward-thinking, progressive and open to new ideas; who doesn't discard valuable individuals because they happen to originate from a different planet. In short, aiming to create a strong, well-disciplined, orderly society, where people advance by their actions and not through intricacies, ploys and power plays. Malgus offered exactly what I wanted to create but sure let's kill him for being a genius ahead of his time.


I'm sure we'll love sticking to our apathetic, indifferent Emperor and the ideals he created. If you want to know how much he cares about his own Empire look at the JK storyline.


And besides:



You save the Empire at every turn. You bravely face down grave dangers every day. You advance the Empire's plans on innumerable planets and singlehandedly conquer(!) some (Taris, Corellia, Hoth). You inflict more losses on the Republic Army than the whole Imperial Army. You uncover and neutralize numerous plots, either of which could have resulted in the destruction of the whole Empire.



You should be awarded the highest imaginable commendation and celebrated as a war hero. And what do you get in return for your examplary service? "Filthy alien scum...."

And Intelligence is dismantled.



We know for certain that at some point the Republic will defeat the Empire and will become the sole power in the galaxy. Due in no small part to the fact that we killed all of our forward-thinking leaders i think....

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Malgus has forced change on the empire.


with the losses from his betrayal mean the empire can no longer have the stance on anti alien or they will loose for sure.


in the end all my empire characters said that we must take his lesson of alien tolerance to heart or face defeat so win or loose Malgus has changed the empire, maybe for the better.

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Reflecting on what I read of Malgus in Deceived as well as the role he plays in TOR, it is actually nonsensical to not join Malgus' new empire. During my Juggernaut's rise to awesome, ******ery Malgus was there at several different intervals (as the Flashpoint dispatcher) helping to progress the "real" Empire in the stead of an absentee Emperor that everyone praises yet has never seen. The influence that Malgus would have over every one of our heroes (assuming in a perfect world that the hero in question completed all the Flashpoints/Imperial assignments) would be rather impressive. He's the Darth that my character had the most interaction with not counting my master. He helped her to gain great prestige through her ascent to power as well. Xinthra owes him a great debt for the opportunities and support that he afforded her.


After all that, I assume that Malgus would actually reach out to Xinthra to help him create his new empire as well. He could use a powerful Sith to help protect and expand the New Empire as well. It makes no sense that we can't join it.


I'd join his empire at the drop of a Jedi's head on the floor after a nice Shatter.

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I would, but I get the feeling this is coming anyway. The Sith Inqusitor (well at least mine is) is displayed as a 'breath of fresh air' with new ideals, getting rid of old traditions and customs and paving a way for a new empire built on military might rather than dependent on sith mysticism.


Personally, if I were Emperor, I would get rid of all those 'prattling sith' as Khem calls them. Either by sending them through a new trial or simply executing them. I'd also execute those poor excuses for sith lords like that Darth whathisname on Tatooine. (luckily he got himself killed, but I'm sure there are plenty more).


All sith would fight in the military apart from a select few who would be tasked with advancing sith science and studying ancient knowledege (to help the Empire, not themselves).


And the trials on Korriban would be made even harder, all the weaker ones wouldn't just be killed though. They would be trained as Sith Troopers, like those ones in The Red Reaper flashpoint. Like an elite military, nothing would be wasted, and slaves, aliens etc. would all be allowed to train at the academy and accepted into the Empire as a whole if they could be useful.


Finally I'd sort out the backstabbing in the Dark Council, like Darth Marr I think the council needs to be strong and unified against the common enemy of the Republic, none of these powerplays all the time etc. To remedy this I'd install a few puppets in the council or something, or execute any councillors who cause trouble.


It will be an Empire that will stand for ten thousand years! :D

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Isn't a future patch going to involve the Empire changing their policy with aliens and Regus turns against us because he doesn't like that?

Yes there is, well at least I know Regus turns against the Empire. I never though it could be for this reason. I hope so. And concerning Malgus I think he's coming back. He's far too important to remain dead, being like the most important Empire character I can think off (correct me If i'm wrong - but I'm not talking in concerns of power here) I'm hoping he'll come back and form a coup against the current Emperor who is stark raving mad. Seeing as the Emperor seems the likely candidate for the final, penultimate, shared boss.


And guys theres no need to wrap stuff in spoliers, this is a spolier thread.

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it is almost impossible that malgus will stay dead, considering we defeat him by dropping him down a pit, and we never get a chance to see a corpse. No corpse or force ghost= Still living force user.


I've heard somewhere that the new lead writer has decided that Malgus is dead for good.

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I definitely would have preferred Malgus's empire as well.


If Bioware ever expands the story more, I have a feeling the Emperor's Wrath will eventually discover the Emperor's actual plans. That may be a good time to bring Malgus back into the fold.


I also saw on the star wars wiki that it used to say that Malgus was defeated and fled, but now it just says he was defeated. Might mean he is indeed dead, or that the writers didn't want that information coming out yet. Or it was just edited by someone that was hoping Malgus was alive.

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I definitely would have preferred Malgus's empire as well.


If Bioware ever expands the story more, I have a feeling the Emperor's Wrath will eventually discover the Emperor's actual plans. That may be a good time to bring Malgus back into the fold.


I also saw on the star wars wiki that it used to say that Malgus was defeated and fled, but now it just says he was defeated. Might mean he is indeed dead, or that the writers didn't want that information coming out yet. Or it was just edited by someone that was hoping Malgus was alive.


That seems likely to me as well, and I suspect the emperor will be the focus of the warrior story in the next chapters.

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