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The Secret to Guardian Tanking


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Found the build I was working on going relatively close, just on a 23/18/0 instead of 18/23/0 :D

Sooo frustrated though. I really want Protector...just...need...3 more points...GAH (;@_@)

I started picking up Vigilance tree skills when I tanked @lvl12 and found that the Vanguard was pulling a lot o threat with his attacks. Needed more threat...so decided for a little damage and found wonderful "tanking" adds in Vigilance. :D

Edited by Moondragon
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Found the build I was working on going relatively close, just on a 23/18/0 instead of 18/23/0 :D

Sooo frustrated though. I really want Protector...just...need...3 more points...GAH (;@_@)

I started picking up Vigilance tree skills when I tanked @lvl12 and found that the Vanguard was pulling a lot o threat with his attacks. Needed more threat...so decided for a little damage and found wonderful "tanking" adds in Vigilance. :D


Between Effluence and Swelling Winds you'll find that Vigilance helps with adds tremendously, I'm sure. Which is great because we have a lot of trouble with them if you just go straight up the Defense tree to the top.

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I was just reading the first post (Great guide btw, Huge thanks!), checking the builds and started wondering about Guardian Slash and Sundering Strike.


It seems to work like Sunder Armor - Devastate from the WoW Warrior.


The problem is that there are a lot of talents that upgrade Sundering Strike, so no one even thinks about choosing Guardian Slash.


So whats the point? Even if I want to get Guardian Slash and Drop Sundering Strikes I must go up with the remaining 10 points in Vigilance giving useless points to improving Sundering Strike.


What am I missing? Is there a good build with Guardian Slash? Because I dont see the point in using Sundering Strike AND Guardian Slash in the rotation.

Edited by Lendrogh
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I really hope they buff the Defense tree so builds like this aren't the only option. I like hybrid builds and I think their viability is important for customization, but honestly when your 30 pt skill isn't worth getting, something is wrong. Hilt Strike is lame too. The whole tree needs a workup. I like Vigilance though so I may just try this.


How is soloing with this setup? Doesn't seem like a great levelling build. Shien form is so beast for levelling.

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How is soloing with this setup? Doesn't seem like a great levelling build. Shien form is so beast for levelling.

I'm not that high in level so I haven't gone very deep but it's pretty good. I went up through Defense far enough to make Riposte cost 1 Focus, then maxed out Swelling Winds.


Leveling up as a tank is fantastic. People who have tried leveling as a Guardian tank and Guardian DPS have said that the difference is night and day. You don't sacrifice a lot of DPS and your survivability is so much better.

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I'm not that high in level so I haven't gone very deep but it's pretty good. I went up through Defense far enough to make Riposte cost 1 Focus, then maxed out Swelling Winds.


Leveling up as a tank is fantastic. People who have tried leveling as a Guardian tank and Guardian DPS have said that the difference is night and day. You don't sacrifice a lot of DPS and your survivability is so much better.



Now that I have Force Sweep being free, I can't go back! I may try it once I get to 32 (then I can get free sweep + cheap riposte), at that point I will have tasted overhead slash. We shall see. I am doing fine with this build currently. I actually never use strike anymore because of how much focus I get. I just cycle sweep, bladestorm and sunder. Use stasis and master strike if everything else is on cooldown then sunder will be up etc. Works well I think. I may try the defensive build though, I am pretty squishy.

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