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Best spec Pvp/ Pve 50?


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I am 48 atm and soon to be 50. At the moment ive been anhilation all the way to 48. Ive been able to beat usally anything 1v1 with this spec but usually always struggle on silver group. Well now to the point.


Is there a single better spec for pvp/pve atm if not what spec should i avoid and the best spec for hard mode/nightmare fp and operations.

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Some will tell you annihilation, others will tell you carnage, some will tell you rage.

I like rage, i hit very hard with rage, i hit very hard very often with rage. Until there's meters everyone's just gonna say their spec is the best.

Edited by Kricys
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Some will tell you annihilation, others will tell you carnage, some will tell you rage.

I like rage, i hit very hard with rage, i hit very hard very often with rage. Until there's meters everyone's just gonna say their spec is the best.


I understand that but im not looking for level 35's who says theirs the best i want to hear from people who are already 50 muarder and have operations and hard fp experience and or has at least tired all specs and have there personal favorite for pve and pvp.

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I understand that but im not looking for level 35's who says theirs the best i want to hear from people who are already 50 muarder and have operations and hard fp experience and or has at least tired all specs and have there personal favorite for pve and pvp.


I'm 50, I have full champion gear and valor rank 57. I've done 5/5 ev and just about every hm fp. I've tried all 3 specs at 50. I prefer rage.

Annihilations bleed mechanics are outdated, no burst, i just don't like it.

Carnage is bursty but doesn't hit as hard as rage does and relies heavily on gore. If you get cc'd, knocked back, boss moves, or experience pain from the spicy wings you ate last night and have to fart you will miss your chance to do any decent damage in the 4.5 seconds you have to make use of it. Ravage roots the target, yaaaay... But anyone who has a clue what they're doing will interrupt your ravage.

Rage has more burst, takes less damage, has more utility.

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Annihilation will eventually deal more damage than Rage when you continuously stack bleeds and has a self-heal that heals 18% health which makes it useful against opponents with large amounts of health such as Elites.


Rage, like Kricys said, is mainly burst damage and as such is more useful in places like Warzones since people there all have around 12-18k health. It'll allow you to deal out a ton of damage in short time, but the massive damage has a somewhat lengthy recharge time.


And as for Carnage, I can't really say anything 'cause I've never really tried it.


Anyways, I'm just giving my opinion on this matter.

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PvE solo content? Probably Annihilation.


PvE raid content? Subjective.


PvP? Also subjective.


People like different play-styles. You can read all about how one is better than the other on the forums but you'll only know which one bests suits you if you try them out. If you spec Rage but can't seem to grasp it try Annihilation or Carnage; you may love it.


If you want to go in depth about Annihilation vs Carnage in PvE check out my guide. I'll be adding Rage eventually as well as PvP tips/tricks for each spec.

Edited by Kibaken
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Honestly recently reached level 30 on my alt Marauder. I am Valor 17 and PvPed quite a bit on it. I have tried Rage and Annihilation out.


Really I think Annihilation offers more utility then Rage, and in these warzones I think that it really shines. You can still do savage damage, even when unable to stick right on a target. The bleed damage and crit heals are very nice.


However I will be trying Rage again when I soon hit 50. I think basically its the choice on a lot more AoE and burst Damage (Rage) or great sustained damage with A heal over time (Annihilation).

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Annihilation will eventually deal more damage than Rage when you continuously stack bleeds and has a self-heal that heals 18% health which makes it useful against opponents with large amounts of health such as Elites.




You sure about that, how does it heal you for 18%?


I thought it heals for 2% not 18.

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Despite the tree build which I've done carnage and annilation, what should I build through mods/armor/weapons?


I've read Willpower and Strength were the way to go but i'm finding that i've geared more towards endurance and strength.


I'm struggling in PVE and PVP with my marauder (at lvl 38 now) and notcied how trendy ranged and heavy CC characters are recently. I should be able to destroy people up close but man, I get smacked around.


More love needed for my guy please bioware.

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You sure about that, how does it heal you for 18%?


I thought it heals for 2% not 18.

He's talking about Berserk(which you can have up A LOT thanks to short fuse).


Juyo Form Berserk grants automatic crits on next six bleed ticks, and heals for 1% on each. Combined with talent that's 18% HP over 6 seconds.

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Been Annihilation since day 1 and loving it.


Been using it in PvP and PvE~ In PvP its just as bursty when used right and the unstopabble bleeds give you that extra edge against your opponent. The self healing is nice too and if you spec to improve your camo you can run in intense fights and take no damage. The auto crit with bleeds is good too plus it provides you with guarantee self healing and burst. I also like the fact I can use my charge as an interrupt if I know my opponent has run out of knockbacks.


For PvE it works wonders too. My current progression as this spec is EV Normal 5/5, CP 1/1 and EV Hard 2/5 (Would be 3 but the puzzle kept bugging even though we are doing it right). The healing you can do to the operation group is extreamly handy and can save thier life at times when things get crazy. The bleeds again are great when you need to move away as you can leave them ticking away on the boss while you make your escape. Plus we never go rage hungry if you use charge as a rage builder too! Once you have your 3 stacks of Annihilate it becomes a crazy threat fight with your tank if you do it right (I need gaurd on me and have to use threat dumps) and we have a fantastic tank~


I've not looked in to the others but I can't say they have any appeal to me. I don't like the whole "passive" feel of Carnage and Rage just seems to focus on more staying alive, with some burst and an extra charge. Good if you want to do PvP though and fancy a different style.


But thats my input~ Speaking from a very good PvPer and Semi-Hardcore (semi because I like some time outside) Operations PvEer.

Edited by Knuckz
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Despite the tree build which I've done carnage and annilation, what should I build through mods/armor/weapons?


I've read Willpower and Strength were the way to go but i'm finding that i've geared more towards endurance and strength.


carnage = str>accu>power>crit


annhi = str>accu>crit>surge


willpower? where did you read this? cause its completely wrong.


on topic:

i dont see rage beating annhi in raids at all. rage is bursty sure, but it is not as consistent as annhi bleeds so...


pve = annhi

pvp = rage

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I really wish my thread would get stickied so people wouldn't ask questions about stat weights.


At this point the above is correct. With the way gear looks though it will be tedious to min/max gear and I feel the balance of stats we get will be more than enough in the long-run. We'll have to see, though.


Without parsing it's hard to tell which one really pulls ahead. It's easy to say that DoT-based specs will out-shine direct damage/burst damage but I feel - since BioWare has already said they don't like theorycrafting and are trying to stress the bringtheplayernottheclass thing - that all 3 specs will be close enough in dps that it won't matter what you go.


I'm able to rip through both PvE and PvP as Carnage and was able to do both with the same efficiency as Rage.

Edited by Kibaken
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