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10 Good
  1. im gotten 50 relics of the fallen something and there dark side relics.
  2. I understand that but im not looking for level 35's who says theirs the best i want to hear from people who are already 50 muarder and have operations and hard fp experience and or has at least tired all specs and have there personal favorite for pve and pvp.
  3. I am 48 atm and soon to be 50. At the moment ive been anhilation all the way to 48. Ive been able to beat usally anything 1v1 with this spec but usually always struggle on silver group. Well now to the point. Is there a single better spec for pvp/pve atm if not what spec should i avoid and the best spec for hard mode/nightmare fp and operations.
  4. Is it a bug or a server issue because it gets irritating to have 50 ping and it takes 1-3 secs for your character to react to your attack? Is there gonna be a fix for this?
  5. So far all i know that the muarders are being left out in the dark side gear even though darth magus is a muarder and from what ive seen the vendor is pretty useless other then the level 50 speeder.
  6. I dont really care so much how color customization im just tired of all the greys and of my character hasnt really changed the way he looks half way to 50.
  7. Im a level 25 , and for me graphics have never been so important to me, but the think ive always enjoyed is how gear looks better as the game progresses. But so far through out this game the only color ive seen to the sith is grey and red and what worry's me is i saw a level 44 with almost same looking gear as i and it was all grey and dull. I just want someone to whos 50 or just plain knows do they have the gear that was advertised in the videos. I dont care if its the same gear just some cool looking cloaks for a muarder and the cowboy out fit for a gunslinger ect.
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