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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Deadline


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No. Just voiced for the simpletons who can't/won't read, so they think there's more story.


Oh yes yes, a simple story that obviously to simple for such a superior being, please play WoW for the story I heard it is fabulous.

Edited by aVmuse
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I can't wait.


You wanna know why?


Because then I will not have to wade thru tons of pointless "Hate the game" rage quit threads and Doomsayer "Games gonna fail" BS.


I cannot wait for all of you to be gone. Then maybe we will have a decent community once all the WOW fanboi's and hater's have gone back to WOW or where ever they came from.


While i do agree with you kazz, if no one moans, nothing gets fixed :p


That said, yes there is too many, if it was...more constructive, then it woulden't be so bad.


Most of it is senseless QQ though that just acts as bait.


I love the game but some of it is justified, It's just the sensible ones consisting of constructive feedback get buried by all the useless ones.


Constructive feedback, np to me.


Senseless crying that won't help/effect anything I'll just ignore, since those threads end up in flames sooner or later.

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Except those numbers won't come out for months. Not to mention, not every single person bought the game on the 20th. Some waited a few days and some only bought it a few days ago.


Some will buy it after the "deadline".


Companies don't base numbers off of subs after 1 month. They do it over quarters. Your assumptions are meaningless.



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No lfg system.

No Mod support

No UI changing.




Ya, this game will not meet the numbers they hope for n a few months unless they do some fast changes.


Hey man, could you please take that stick and beat that dead horse with it...



Seriously man, be patient, the pandas are coming.

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Class stories are unique, there you go. But i doubt you could tell the difference, because i guess a Bounty Hunter story and Sith inquistor story are exactly to you. Excuse while a ROFL.


I wanted to play KOTOR I would have loaded up KOTOR on my xbox. I was sold a star wars MMO, not a single player game that you play over and over.


And it would have been a better attack if you had said a smuggler and an inquisitor, since at least they are of opposing factions and don't have all the same non-class quest content. So tell me Captain replay, how many time do you want to Conquer Balmorra, done it 3 times so far myself, and its the same every time.

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....Anyone who has played MMOs for any length of time knows that a mmo will launch with X amount of players than when the free month ends people leave, This happans with every MMO. The point is what does that company do for the first 3-6 months to not only keep its base AND also gain new folks. At this point no one knows whats bioware will do in the next few months. after launch its the war with killing bugs and adding content....what will bioware do. Edited by windzro
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In a week and 5 days.


At that point, we will find out how many are going to stay and who will leave. If enough people dont resub, swtor will suffer. The gaming community will get it's hands on how many canceled their subscriptions and it will become headlines.


I have seen this happend to Warhammer. At launch, warhammer had bugs, imbalance issues, and poor mechanics. As a result it suffered the worst drop in cancellations in MMO history. But some forget, warhammer actually turned out to be a pretty cool game. I had alot of enjoyment out of warhammer and so did those who stayed. Mythic just couldnt keep up with the demands of players and their past failures.


Now, put away your prejustice. Im not canceling my subscription or raging how bad SWTOR is. Im just sharing you with what i have seen and my opinion of the future. Im going to continue to play swtor and enjoy it.




Cool story bro.

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I wanted to play KOTOR I would have loaded up KOTOR on my xbox. I was sold a star wars MMO, not a single player game that you play over and over.


And it would have been a better attack if you had said a smuggler and an inquisitor, since at least they are of opposing factions and don't have all the same non-class quest content. So tell me Captain replay, how many time do you want to Conquer Balmorra, done it 3 times so far myself, and its the same every time.


So...you want a sandbox with other players but they evolve around your actions!??

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I'll be subbing for a while. The way I see, at the very least, there are eight class stories to experience and sixteen ACs to try. If end-game is a disaster in a couple months (which I don't think it will be), there's still more than enough content to justify $15/mo.


Getting to 50 on one character has been as fun as ME/ME2 for me. That's worth the game price right there.

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In a week and 5 days.


At that point, we will find out how many are going to stay and who will leave. If enough people dont resub, swtor will suffer. The gaming community will get it's hands on how many canceled their subscriptions and it will become headlines.


I have seen this happend to Warhammer. At launch, warhammer had bugs, imbalance issues, and poor mechanics. As a result it suffered the worst drop in cancellations in MMO history. But some forget, warhammer actually turned out to be a pretty cool game. I had alot of enjoyment out of warhammer and so did those who stayed. Mythic just couldnt keep up with the demands of players and their past failures.


Now, put away your prejustice. Im not canceling my subscription or raging how bad SWTOR is. Im just sharing you with what i have seen and my opinion of the future. Im going to continue to play swtor and enjoy it.


Unfortunately it seems the failures of recent MMOs (as virtually every single MMO launched after WoW has failed) has more of the MMO community in general to blame than anything else. There's simply too many people who began playing MMOs in the middle of WoW and had never seen a launched game before yet still think they should be held up to WoW's standard.


MMOs essentially go in failing from the start because of this stupid ideology that if it's not up to WoW's speed it fails.



Well of course WoW is going to be a more stable, more feature filled game than an new MMO, it's had 7 years and multiple expansion packs to get there. Just like ANY new game is going to have less content than WoW it's only logical and nautral. Truth is the vast majority doesn't know their arse from a tree's knothole but they think they do.


I find it very hard to believe that every single MMO made past WoW failed because the developers didn't know what they were doing. One or two yes, all of them? No way.



It's more a matter of stupid unrealistic irrational expectations from ignorant players. That goes for any game, not just this one.



The way this genre is going mark my words; SWTOR will fail, GW2 will fail, the Warhammer 40k MMO will fail, Blizzard's Titan will fail, Blade and Soul will fail, Perfect World will fail, Tera Online will fail, and so on.


None of these will necessarily fail through fault of their design or lack of anything. They'll fail because they don't have everything that should ever be in a game from day one. The only one that might see some success is GW2 and that's ONLY because it'll be absolutely free to play.


Seriously how many failed MMOs is it going to take before people change their concept of how a launched game should be?

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So...you want a sandbox with other players but they evolve around your actions!??


No I want an MMO, not 8 single player games. I like MMOs, it could be a sandbox or a theme park, I don't care. This isn't an MMO It is a bunch of single player games lumped together with dubious replay value. If I want an engaging story I'll read a book or play an RPG on my consloe. If I am going to pay $15 a month for something it needs to offer more than a story that has already gotten old.


I would also like a non-buggy product, but that horse is 7 different kinds of dead, and my stick is covered in horse bits.

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....Anyone who has played MMOs for any length of time knows that a mmo will launch with X amount of players than when the free month ends people leave, This happans with every MMO. The point is what does that company do for the first 3-6 months to not only keep its base AND also gain new folks. At this point no one knows whats bioware will do in the next few months. after launch its the war with killing bugs and adding content....what will bioware do.


Exactly, but just as positive hype building can pull in good numbers, negative side of it can cause a domino effect imo.


Like i said earlier in this thread, seen alot of mmo's launch with great success then die a grisly death, i don't think it'll happen here though. True i won't deny ToR has some problems but it has a decent amount of content, something many of the failed ones did not have.


I don't think anyone can predict what will happen, i think it'll be fine, but does not make mean i am right.


I guess we'll see how it goes, but anyone new to the game should take these forums with a pinch of salt, the ingame community is nothing like these forums, in my experiance.

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Unfortunately it seems the failures of recent MMOs (as virtually every single MMO launched after WoW has failed) has more of the MMO community in general to blame than anything else. There's simply too many people who began playing MMOs in the middle of WoW and had never seen a launched game before yet still think they should be held up to WoW's standard.


MMOs essentially go in failing from the start because of this stupid ideology that if it's not up to WoW's speed it fails.



Well of course WoW is going to be a more stable, more feature filled game than an new MMO, it's had 7 years and multiple expansion packs to get there. Just like ANY new game is going to have less content than WoW it's only logical and nautral. Truth is the vast majority doesn't know their arse from a tree's knothole but they think they do.


I find it very hard to believe that every single MMO made past WoW failed because the developers didn't know what they were doing. One or two yes, all of them? No way.



It's more a matter of stupid unrealistic irrational expectations from ignorant players. That goes for any game, not just this one.



The way this genre is going mark my words; SWTOR will fail, GW2 will fail, the Warhammer 40k MMO will fail, Blizzard's Titan will fail, Blade and Soul will fail, Perfect World will fail, Tera Online will fail, and so on.


None of these will necessarily fail through fault of their design or lack of anything. They'll fail because they don't have everything that should ever be in a game from day one. The only one that might see some success is GW2 and that's ONLY because it'll be absolutely free to play.


Seriously how many failed MMOs is it going to take before people change their concept of how a launched game should be?




100% argee It hasnt sunk in yet that any time you compare WOW to ANY mmo that the end result is WOW winning each and every time. the simple point be is that wow is too big to be beaten and i have a feeling people will not understand that till titan comes out.

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Seriously how many failed MMOs is it going to take before people change their concept of how a launched game should be?


How many MMOs are going to fail before developers realize they can't release half-finished buggy products when there are polished competitors who charge the same per/month price?

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This game is VERY family-friendly.

I play with my wife, her brother, my daughter, and my son. We are enjoying it more than we ever did World of Warcraft.


Many of the "hardcore players" who have no life beyond sitting in front of their PC 24 hours a day will quit, about a third of them already have. Another third will shortly, I am sure.


This is what comes of having no patience.


We are taking our time, exploring all aspects of the game, re-running heroics and space missions daily, helping each other with crew skills and other heroics we pick up.


The game will be better off without those that complain at the drop of a hat.


But the thing is, you can do those things. While other players, like myself, are stuck with bugs and unable to play the game AT ALL. These things are what will make players cancel their subscriptions.

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How many MMOs are going to fail before developers realize they can't release half-finished buggy products when there are polished competitors who charge the same per/month price?


How many MMOs has been released that has over taken WOW?

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Unfortunately it seems the failures of recent MMOs (as virtually every single MMO launched after WoW has failed) has more of the MMO community in general to blame than anything else. There's simply too many people who began playing MMOs in the middle of WoW and had never seen a launched game before yet still think they should be held up to WoW's standard.


MMOs essentially go in failing from the start because of this stupid ideology that if it's not up to WoW's speed it fails.



Well of course WoW is going to be a more stable, more feature filled game than an new MMO, it's had 7 years and multiple expansion packs to get there. Just like ANY new game is going to have less content than WoW it's only logical and nautral. Truth is the vast majority doesn't know their arse from a tree's knothole but they think they do.


I find it very hard to believe that every single MMO made past WoW failed because the developers didn't know what they were doing. One or two yes, all of them? No way.



It's more a matter of stupid unrealistic irrational expectations from ignorant players. That goes for any game, not just this one.



The way this genre is going mark my words; SWTOR will fail, GW2 will fail, the Warhammer 40k MMO will fail, Blizzard's Titan will fail, Blade and Soul will fail, Perfect World will fail, Tera Online will fail, and so on.


None of these will necessarily fail through fault of their design or lack of anything. They'll fail because they don't have everything that should ever be in a game from day one. The only one that might see some success is GW2 and that's ONLY because it'll be absolutely free to play.


Seriously how many failed MMOs is it going to take before people change their concept of how a launched game should be?


Agree, but would also include other factors.


If you've been playing mmo's for many years then it's not a problem, seen it all before and will probably be willing to sit it out and stick around.


But like you said, many also started halfway through wow's lifespan, when it was more polished, and so expect the same amount of content,polish etc. on a new mmo's launch.


Is it a problem? or should new mmo's really have all that in them from the get go?.


Some would say yes, others would disagree, it would never reach a conclusion though, it all boils down to opinion and preferances at the end of the day.

Edited by TheFugitive
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This game is VERY family-friendly.

I play with my wife, her brother, my daughter, and my son. We are enjoying it more than we ever did World of Warcraft.


Many of the "hardcore players" who have no life beyond sitting in front of their PC 24 hours a day will quit, about a third of them already have. Another third will shortly, I am sure.


This is what comes of having no patience.


We are taking our time, exploring all aspects of the game, re-running heroics and space missions daily, helping each other with crew skills and other heroics we pick up.


The game will be better off without those that complain at the drop of a hat.


:rolleyes: That casual gamer attitude is just as bad as the "hardcore" attitude. Do you honestly believe that it is unreasonable to be level 50 at this point? I'm almost 27 years old, have served in the military, and have been deployed three times. Now, I'm a full-time college student and enjoying my winter break. I have no debt, my college is paid for, I own my RX-8, and have been happily dating my girlfriend since I was 15 years old. I guess I'm just some loser kid that sits around and does nothing useful all day.


Oh... and I didn't skip a single quest.


Get over yourself.

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....Anyone who has played MMOs for any length of time knows that a mmo will launch with X amount of players than when the free month ends people leave, This happans with every MMO. The point is what does that company do for the first 3-6 months to not only keep its base AND also gain new folks. At this point no one knows whats bioware will do in the next few months. after launch its the war with killing bugs and adding content....what will bioware do.





2004 I bought two games, I bought Everquest 2 and I bought World of Warcraft.


I tried WoW first for a couple of months, didn't see the appeal really at the time, EQ2 "looked" prettier. Went to EQ2 for a few weeks-a month and saw droves of people come in complaining about how WoW sucked and how it had no end game. How it was all cartoony and for little kids.


Now look at those two games.


What happened was Blizzard worked on their game, they added more endgame, they fixed bugs, they made it appeal to a broader audience. Now it's the idiotic standard that every MMO since has been measured against, and Everquest 2 is a quasi-f2p mess.

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You will not have a good indication as to the state of the future of the game for at least 6 months.



In that time subs will fluctuate and the success will ultimately be based on how they handle the issues, provide updates/fixes/content and present their future plans.


A great deal of the people who say they are quitting actually will end up falling into a couple categories.


1) Blowhards who really won't quit (not all the way)

2) People who quit, but will check in and when thigns are to their liking come back

3) People who weren't planning on playing anyway so don't really matter much

4) People who actually DO plan to quit, but peer pressure/guild pressure/friend pressure keeps them hanging on.


So - don't freak out or get worried about the one month resub numbers.

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How many MMOs are going to fail before developers realize they can't release half-finished buggy products when there are polished competitors who charge the same per/month price?


Ahem (clears throat) I still and will be playing wow for some time However I as lots of other wow players are still unimpressed with the amount of bugs resulting from patch 4.3 ( I refer you to the sticky on wow forums concerning this) so for those who wish feel free to check out the thread on wow forums about issues and bugs related to the release of patch 4.3. Just thought I would add some balance here. bugs were present soon as patch hit

Edited by Aroseby
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This game is VERY family-friendly.

I play with my wife, her brother, my daughter, and my son. We are enjoying it more than we ever did World of Warcraft.


Many of the "hardcore players" who have no life beyond sitting in front of their PC 24 hours a day will quit, about a third of them already have. Another third will shortly, I am sure.


This is what comes of having no patience.


We are taking our time, exploring all aspects of the game, re-running heroics and space missions daily, helping each other with crew skills and other heroics we pick up.


The game will be better off without those that complain at the drop of a hat.


:rolleyes: That casual gamer attitude is just as bad as the "hardcore" attitude. Do you honestly believe that it is unreasonable to be level 50 at this point? I'm almost 27 years old, have served in the military, and have been deployed three times. Now, I'm a full-time college student and enjoying my winter break. I have no debt, my college is paid for, I own my RX-8, and have been happily dating my girlfriend since I was 15 years old. I guess I'm just some loser kid that sits around and does nothing useful all day.


Oh... and I didn't skip a single quest.


Get over yourself.

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:rolleyes: That casual gamer attitude is just as bad as the "hardcore" attitude. Do you honestly believe that it is unreasonable to be level 50 at this point? I'm almost 27 years old, have served in the military, and have been deployed three times. Now, I'm a full-time college student and enjoying my winter break. I have no debt, my college is paid for, I own my RX-8, and have been happily dating my girlfriend since I was 15 years old. I guess I'm just some loser kid that sits around and does nothing useful all day.


Oh... and I didn't skip a single quest.


Get over yourself.


Not all of us have the luxury of not working...

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This game is VERY family-friendly.

I play with my wife, her brother, my daughter, and my son. We are enjoying it more than we ever did World of Warcraft.


Many of the "hardcore players" who have no life beyond sitting in front of their PC 24 hours a day will quit, about a third of them already have. Another third will shortly, I am sure.


This is what comes of having no patience.


We are taking our time, exploring all aspects of the game, re-running heroics and space missions daily, helping each other with crew skills and other heroics we pick up.


The game will be better off without those that complain at the drop of a hat.


my thoughts exactly, yet its a perfect family game i'd yet to see. Me, wife, her brother, our friends, most of us above 28yo, some are late 30, most of us are MMO vets, some are ex hardcore players (yes we were 18yo once).


I find myself logging on and playing a lot only with them, when i am alone i just do couple of dailies/some pvp and go bang some headshots in BF3.


BTW this is a reason i am rather surprised people keep telling that its a single player game, not an MMO. i have no real urge to play it solo.

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