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SWTOR Deadline


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HMMMMM you know, I had my thoughts about not continuing but the more I played it and the further I got (just hit 50) I like the game much more and see its promise. So, I'm staying. Despite how "complete and polished" other games are out there, they aren't star wars and they aren't as immersive to me as this game has been.


Been calling this for literally YEARS; if this was any other IP the game would've already been tarred and feathered.


It's phenomenal what people are willing to put up with (or pay for) because there's a certain name/badge on it.

Edited by Arkimor
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What's the point of the OP's thread? "Im not quitting but its doomed to fail?" Why even take the time to post this if your going to take a behind the back approach of bashing.


I like the game, and my tin foil hat and crystal ball says that this game will be fine and still fun as hell to play after the 20th :)

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The game will be fine, see these kind of posts in every new game as it gets near the 30 day mark, this game is huge and since Bioware/EA does not release offical numbers of the over all population, not matter what site you may use, there is still a bit of specualtion, plus EA has said 500k subs makes this a VERY profiable game, I don't see them having any problems keeping that number, of course thats just my specualtion. One drop of water in the pond really can not tell how big the pond is..LOL
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1. Appearance Tab

BioWare's orange item / mod system stops working at 50, when tier drops begin to appear with native stats (like set bonuses) and locked mod slots. It also costs way too much to remove purple mods from gear in general.



2. UI

Can't customize it. I'm not even talking about addons, but the ability to add more bars and move / resize the objects of the interface such that you can have more on the screen while occupying a lot less space. The crew skill popups also close your GTN windows and whatnot; inventory and info windows seem to be limited to two at once, which makes multitasking impossible.



3. Same-Server Dungeon Finder

The game needs one. I've run a total of 1 hard mode flashpoint since hitting 50. I log in, do the three or four dailies open to me on Ilum, blow all of my credits crafting and customizing gear, and then log off.



4. Interrupts

These are very prominent in this game for some reason, especially in single player questing as you pass level 30, but they carry penalties on use. Namely that you need to interrupt yourself to use them. Apparently there are many mechanical shortcomings like this one, but this is the one that bothers me the most because it has been deliberately emphasized. Not fun.



Really like this game, but I see myself playing Diablo 3 instead. Will definitely come back if they fix this stuff.

Edited by Laiov
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There are alot of changes that need to happen to keep even the casual players playing...


for example, our guild has tried to do operations, can't even kill the rancor because a bug keeps causing 1-2 people to die instantly on entering the room even after the tank picks it up. We cleared eternity vault but had to constantly reset it in order to stop bosses from bugging and causing wipes.


90% of flash points hard and normal and certainly operations are bugged.


4 of our guild get the disconnect bug on daily basis and keep getting kicked out the game after 30 minutes.


PVP WZ's don't count the wins one half of the time and on our server it can take 6hrs+ to complete the dailies due to premades and match making putting a single level 50 into a level 10-20 group.


Constant game breaking lag even on top spec gaming machines


It has been nearly a month and not one of these issues have been fixed, and in the "big" patch at the end of the month only the match making is being fixed.


So its not only hardcores who are at the end of their tethers....

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Agreed, I play with my brother and RL friends, although they didn't join until a couple of weeks after Xmas (I was in early access) it's been great fun.


The problem is a lot of the "hardcore" players are your typical 1% crowd....dailies and dailies only once they hit max level, forgetting they also have:


Legacy xp to earn

Lots of codex entries unfinished

Datacrons to find

Titles to earn

Raids to run

Crafting to do

7 other stories to complete


Anyone that hits 50 and claims to have completed the game is an out and out liar, not finished by a long way.



I agree 100% I just finished my Sorc and killed Malgus/ it was awesome. People that think this game sucks good luck finding anything better. WOW rofl can go from 1 to max level in 3 days and have almost no fun doing it. EQ2 lol there is a reason it had to go free to play. Rift ???? nope it will be free to play soon and is all but dead. Sorry I am just one man and my opinion is just that my opinion but I love this game. THANK YOU BIOWARE YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!

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You know what we should all do? All meet up at our respective fleets on our respective servers and all make a fraps video of everyone dancing and waving to all the bitter wow fanboys leaving because they can't handle tor, to the music.


Na na na na. Na na na na. Hey hey hey Goodbyeeeeeeee

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You know what we should all do? All meet up at our respective fleets on our respective servers and all make a fraps video of everyone dancing and waving to all the bitter wow fanboys leaving because they can't handle tor, to the music.


Na na na na. Na na na na. Hey hey hey Goodbyeeeeeeee


HAHAHA HELL YEAH. Its funny they log in to troll the game. Or complain in general chat. Just proves my point. 1 Misery loves company 2. They have no other options to use their entertainment time on. As soon as Aion became boring I stopped logging in. I did not continue to log in and say god this game sucks. Same for Rift. Same for EQ2 (after 7 years mind you) EQ2 was epic..... If I ever get to the point to where this game is a drag ill not log in. I don't see though. Bioware is in this for the long haul. I am having a blas with the endgame there is and I am enjoying the time I am spending with my 2 sons and my real life best friend in the game. I have found some great friends in the guild I am in and they all love the game as well. I think as a rule of thumb the unsatisfied tend to speak up more then the satisfied. That is why even though I rarely post on these threads I felt compelled to do so. Bioware desrves credit for creating a great game..

Edited by Pratorean
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And that is the crux of the matter right there. Hating your customers because you think they're stupid ignorant fools and you know best is not the way to go. Go Googlefu Derek Smart.


People also need to stop saying "It's new, give it time" and "Game X launched with X amount of bugs and issues". That was then, this is now. If companies feel that they can release a game with major bugs, and with common features missing, then they, nor their fans have any right to complain when said game chokes.


ANY NEW MMO NEEDS TO COMPETE WITH THE CURRENT CROP OF MMO'S ON THE MARKET TODAY. Not how they launched, but what they have today. That is who you are going to compete with.


You may not like it, but that's how a free market works.


Except the free market world has its categories. Why is it only in MMORPGs, a company can't chose to specialize in a specific aspect? Only in the MMORPG world is it wrong for a game to be PVP driven or story driven.

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A great deal of the people who say they are quitting actually will end up falling into a couple categories.


1) Blowhards who really won't quit (not all the way)

2) People who quit, but will check in and when thigns are to their liking come back

3) People who weren't planning on playing anyway so don't really matter much

4) People who actually DO plan to quit, but peer pressure/guild pressure/friend pressure keeps them hanging on.


So - don't freak out or get worried about the one month resub numbers.


I fall into category #2, but that is not a good thing for Bioware. D3 and GW2 on on my radar and Bioware could easily lose me to them for a significant amount of time. Others are loking forward to TSW or other games.


Bioware can not afford to lose a high percentage of subscribers after the first 30 days.

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Best MMO Launch I've seen hands down.


The Game has launched with more content then any other MMO out there did. It has fewer bugs then any other MMO's. There's more to do, more to see.. the story is better then every other MMO I've played.


I hadn't played an MMO in 2 years before this game came along. WoW, City of Heroes, Warhammer, Champions, EVE, I've played and done all of them. This game shows more potential out the gate then any of them did, and is more fun to play then any of them are.


All of my RL friends and associates are playing this game, and plan to continue to do so. Its just fun when we all get together and talk about the game, and what we plan to do next with it. No other MMO I've seen has done that for me. Gotten all of my friends into it and playing it.


Kudos Bioware, you can count on several subscriptions from my neck of the woods staying and continuing to play.


It was an average launch - with the usual issues; BUT it's also a fact that no other MMO team was given 6 years to develop an MMO game before; or a development budget between 150 - 300 million (depending on whos reports you believe), either.



THIS is the real issue. EA has stated in published (by MSNBC) transcripts that the game needs to RETAIN one million subs to have a chance at breaking even - and 1.5 to 2 million retained subs to be profitable in EAs eyes.


Also Lucas Arts shut down SWG NOT because it wasn't profitable (it actually was by most reports - and I'm definitely NOT an SWG fanboy as I beta tested the thing in 2003; and based on the result in that beta, I never subbed) <--- BUT, it was actually profitable; it just wasn't #1, or near #1 (and once Lucas Arts saw WoW success that's WHY they pushed SOE to try and turn SWG into a WoW clone; and when that didn't turn things around - they brought in BioWare and said "Turn SWKToR into an MMO...


And six years and a TON of money spent of development, and here we are.


So, bottom line; make no mistake - if in the first year, this MMO retained sub numbers do not closely approach or surpass WoW's Western regionb numbers - Lucas Arts and EA will probably consider SWToR a 'failure' - and unless sub retention really tanks, they WON'T shut it down per se - but they WILL most likely put in in 'maintenece mode' (IE little to no nrew content whatsoever - and only major bug fixes) as they try to recoup the development costs over the next decade.


But I think both EA and Lucas Aryts exoect SWToR to rival WoW directly. The problem is, I don't think teh situation that propelled WoW to where it is today can be duplicated as the MMO marketplace situation in 2004 was VERY different; the overall economy was better and "Free To Play' was a dirty word for Western MMOs (but since DDO and LoTRO have shown the model can work in the Western market that's no longer the case - and SWToR is indeed competing with these types of MMOs too.)


I honestly do hope TOR does well and 'makes it'; but if they think just because it has thge name 'Star Wars' it's destined for major success ; they may be dissapointed.


Time will tell.

Edited by Armsman
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Legacy that means nothing currently

A codex where 150 or so entries are bugged

75% + of titles are bugged or have been removed

Raids are bugged

Crafting is meaningless because the high end gear doesn't compare to gear available in other ways

and 7 story which are mostly more go to x kill y get gear that you won't wear because you're modding up that orange piece you got 10 levels ago.


So yeah, why would I pay 15 dollars a month to replay a game 7 times?


as opposed to wow, where you could max two toons and see everything, at least with this game I've got 7 more toons that I can level before I've seen every quest in the game


plus you have to go light/dark side on each side as some give you different options based on the selection you went.. extra quests.

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This game is VERY family-friendly.

I play with my wife, her brother, my daughter, and my son. We are enjoying it more than we ever did World of Warcraft.


Many of the "hardcore players" who have no life beyond sitting in front of their PC 24 hours a day will quit, about a third of them already have. Another third will shortly, I am sure.

This is what comes of having no patience.


We are taking our time, exploring all aspects of the game, re-running heroics and space missions daily, helping each other with crew skills and other heroics we pick up.


The game will be better off without those that complain at the drop of a hat.


As a "hardcore" player who is still having fun at endgame, I'd like the source of where you got the information that "about a third of them have already left, and another third will shortly"


After that, continue to tell me all about my life.

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I have a guild of about 20 people at the moment and not a single one have voiced any disappointment with the game. I would wager that half of the doom sayers are just trolls who are bored. The ones who really want to leave are the impatient few who don't seem to realize it takes time to iron out the kinks.


I will be glad when the people who are having fun don't have to deal with the whiners anymore.

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I have a guild of about 20 people at the moment and not a single one have voiced any disappointment with the game. I would wager that half of the doom sayers are just trolls who are bored. The ones who really want to leave are the impatient few who don't seem to realize it takes time to iron out the kinks.


I will be glad when the people who are having fun don't have to deal with the whiners anymore.



Nuf Said!!


Ppl dont think about the man behind the devs.. if the devs had hands free they would give us all we want in a heartbeat. But behind the dev team is a manager with a budget and some goals he needs to fullfill to keep his job. And that is NOT keeping us happy.... The devs listen to us but they have restraints from a manager. So im also gonna be happy when all the impatient trolls are gone. so the rest of us can enjoy the game. Cause i sure do. and i will continue my sub. no matter what the whining doomies say.

All we want will come in good time.. WOW vanilla was just like swtor is now.. ppl forget cause most of them were in dipers when wow was launched.. so troll **** our forum so we can have a constuktive friendly tone in here.

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I have a guild of about 20 people at the moment and not a single one have voiced any disappointment with the game. I would wager that half of the doom sayers are just trolls who are bored. The ones who really want to leave are the impatient few who don't seem to realize it takes time to iron out the kinks.


I will be glad when the people who are having fun don't have to deal with the whiners anymore.


well get off the forum and keep playing since your having fun :D

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i total agree with tha post.. i am a casual mid age player and i was expecting more from this game..

sorry bioware but i am not spending anymore on swtor..(uninteresting for me)

i am not a hater i just dont enjoy it.. !

in my opinion swtor will totaly fail when the other 3 very well advertized games gone come out this year..all hardcore mmo players knows these games and waiting for them long time.

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Agree, but would also include other factors.


If you've been playing mmo's for many years then it's not a problem, seen it all before and will probably be willing to sit it out and stick around.


But like you said, many also started halfway through wow's lifespan, when it was more polished, and so expect the same amount of content,polish etc. on a new mmo's launch.


Is it a problem? or should new mmo's really have all that in them from the get go?.


Some would say yes, others would disagree, it would never reach a conclusion though, it all boils down to opinion and preferances at the end of the day.


What the neigh-sayers don't understand however is that NOT having those options in the game does not give users the freedom to choose.


If you DO have features such as lfd/maros/meters etc, then you are free to not use them if you wish. Not having them in forces everyone to play one way, and by forces I mean actually forces, not just "well its there and I'm too weak to not use it" forces.

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While I agree they don't, the majority pre-ordered (at least 1 million people), if suddenly 500,000 of those people leave, they'll feel it and EA shareholders will flip balls.


Pre-orders were at 1,5 mil. they have sold atmn over 2 mil.

If 75% leave, they will still be profitable.

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Doom and Gloom are all pure guesswork until several quarters go by and the numbers are in. All anyone can do is post their feelings about the game and hopefully constructive criticism. Pretty much all of the evidence given by either side is anecdotal except for the initial subscription numbers.


I'm staying with SWTOR for at least the next 3-6 months. It has flaws, but overall I'm having fun and that is what playing games is all about. Enough fun that I'm willing to give them time to work on the flaws.


I've been playing MMOs for a bit over 7 years. I started WoW a week or so after release and still play it from time to time. I've also tried a number of other games (Rift, Warhammer, AION, LoTR, etc.) Of all the MMOs I've tried only WoW and now SWTOR have been able to keep my interest past a couple of weeks.


SWTOR, in my opinion, has combined enough of the WoW formula to make the game feel familiar and enough new things to differentiate it and make it seem fresh. I especially like the story driven quests and voice acting. Some of the major issues like ability lag, are being addressed in the next patch.


BTW WoW has, and always has had issues. Some really horrible issues, server failures, instance failures, lag, etc. etc. for at least the first couple of years. It still has issues with every major release including exploits. Whole guilds have been penalized for using exploits.


I still enjoy playing WoW from time to time although I'm not sure about leveling a Panda for the next release.

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What the neigh-sayers don't understand however is that NOT having those options in the game does not give users the freedom to choose.


If you DO have features such as lfd/maros/meters etc, then you are free to not use them if you wish. Not having them in forces everyone to play one way, and by forces I mean actually forces, not just "well its there and I'm too weak to not use it" forces.


Having them also effectively forces you to use them as well. Try spamming for a group in general and see how many responses you get. LFD depeletes the pool of players in your server looking for a group simply because they can log on, que and run the dungeon without any hassle. Look I like LFD and I think swtor will have it at some point. Having said that and this is key convenience always has a price to pay.

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