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Give me healing medals


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I don't get this mentality.


Tanks tank, but tanks also help with DPS. Healers heal, but why shouldn't they be expected to help DPS too?


People are tunnel-visioning their holy-trinity role into absurdity.


because by nature tanks deal damage? tanks dont just stand there and derp while they tank, they hit other players as part of their role


my roles is to cast spells on my teammates, so unless you prefer me to throw rocks on my enemies while you die I can do that...


it is already hard to keep people alive in the game, but to expect a healer to dps as well is absurd

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toss a few more are way would be nice but not realy needed if you learn how to tag players...

i would rather they fix raid window so i can heal everyone with it and not have to try and click on them in the middle of a fight, and remove target marking....this is the bain of a good healer.

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Wait... what giving a kill medal for healing? Might as well call a drought a monsoon or up is down... how special needs does this sound... Next people are going to ask for PvP commendations for selling items on the gallactic auction house.....


:tran_tongue: /facepalm.urface


if i heal someone and prevent their death as they kill someone i should get some credit, without my healing that person never would have died and I comparitvely not rewarded for my contribution

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because by nature tanks deal damage? tanks dont just stand there and derp while they tank, they hit other players as part of their role


my roles is to cast spells on my teammates, so unless you prefer me to throw rocks on my enemies while you die I can do that...


it is already hard to keep people alive in the game, but to expect a healer to dps as well is absurd


I disagree. In PVP your role is to cast heals on teammates. But also to cleanse them. Remove snares. Snare the enemy. DPS the enemy when appropriate. Capture nodes. Perform CC. And a whole bunch of other things.


These are all the attributes of a good PVP "healer" or "support" player... and if you do all these things you'll get more medals/points than just mindlessly spamming heals onto your raid frames.

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none of the things you mentioned, while important, earn medals, so your point is utterly moot...a 2.5k hit is not a snare or stun, neither is it 75k damage and in many situations it isn't even tagging other players. Force lift, for example, does no damage. This is about medals and the relative ease that other classes have in getting them by comparison.


I shouldnt have to time deathblows, "tag" other players, or do an inordinate amount of damage to earn my fair share of the rewards the game provides, my rewards should come from healing

Edited by Welve
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No matter how much you complain this won't happen. If it did, pure dd classes would be even more screwed over since they can only get 6-8 medals realistically, while they will constantly see GOOD healers get 12-15 medals since they know how to properly do damage when heals aren't needed at the time.
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why should i have to "tag" targets? DPS is not my role


people don't have to spot heal to get the heal medal, they just take off their gear and put it on


Support is your role and sometimes that means killing people, you know, to SUPPORT your team.

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Healers always get MVP votes. Stop crying.


This is a flat out lie. I get top healing on my team every game and all the mvp votes go to the guy who button mashes and gets like 11 medals against my 5 medals when I kept the entire team alive.

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No matter how much you complain this won't happen. If it did, pure dd classes would be even more screwed over since they can only get 6-8 medals realistically, while they will constantly see GOOD healers get 12-15 medals since they know how to properly do damage when heals aren't needed at the time.


heals aren't needed at the time


i haven't see many times where heals aren't needed by someone in my area, that said I do try to get some medals, but get few compared to pure DD, I would be happy with earning 6-8 medals where I usually earn 4 or 5 on average, even if the team is owning and I am contributing. It is easy to tell the empire players here, they outnumber republic 50s so much on my server, no wonder you have time to deal damage, 9 times out of 10 my force all goes into healing allies, shielding them, or cleansing them.

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I agree. Give medal per 100k or something. Same with DPS lol. And nerf hybrid somehow, they get 80% of dps heal and tank medals (e.g. commando) are then top on score board and get the MVPs as well because OMG they got 14 medals yey they deserve MVP while healer gets 4 medals (ok some MVPs because healers get some love) and really pro pure dps class get 6-8 medals (no MVP though as MVPs go to hybrids who get too many medals already and some to healers).


Baseline: It's unfair, pure classes (healers and pure dps) get fewer credits, fewer valour, fewer commendations, even when they play substantially better and add more value to their team.

Edited by JCVM
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I agree. Give medal per 100k or something. Same with DPS lol. And nerf hybrid somehow, they get 80% of dps heal and tank medals (e.g. commando) are then top on score board and get the MVPs as well because OMG they got 14 medals yey they deserve MVP while healer gets 4 medals (ok some MVPs because healers get some love) and really pro pure dps class get 6-8 medals (no MVP though as MVPs go to hybrids who get too many medals already and some to healers).


Baseline: It's unfair, pure classes (healers and pure dps) get fewer credits, fewer valour, fewer commendations, even when they play substantially better and add more value to their team.


yeah, my friend has a medal spec and gets 9-12 per game, insane! He tells me to do the same, but I enjoy healing far more than the damage role

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A far better idea would be to have multi-role medals.


For example,


In Voidstar

Plant a bomb = 1 medal

Defuse a bomb = 1 medal

Interrupt a bomb planting = 1 medal


In Alderaan,

Capture a Gun = 1 medal

Interrupt a Capture = 1 medal

Interrupt 5 Captures without dying = 1 medal


In Huttball

Score a goal = 1 medal

Pick up the ball = 1 medal

Pass the ball to a friendly player = 1 medal

Intercept the ball = 1 medal


The huttball ones should be easy to implement seeing the game already vocalises when these occur.

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I don't get this mentality.


Tanks tank, but tanks also help with DPS. Healers heal, but why shouldn't they be expected to help DPS too?


People are tunnel-visioning their holy-trinity role into absurdity.


Because healers don't always get a lot of downtime. They can dps when everyone is sitting at full health; but when people are dying then the optimal choice is healing. That means they aren't trying to tag kills, grab a killing blow, sneak off to kill some stupid person solo, or hit the 75k damage, 2.5k damage in a hit, etc. A tank runs out of "tank" abilities really, really fast. They have tons of dps downtime. Healers, for the majority of the time, have someone to heal -or- there are no enemy players around to do anything to in the first place. Factor in preventative healing and hots and that even removes the downtime as a fight begins. It's a poor design.




Though I think the entire system needs a rework. There was a BG where I "prevented" 183k damage. I had a healer with me who put out over 500k healing. The two of us held a base for an extremely long time. Now, that healer didn't have much dps downtime. He was smart and snagged kills. But, he didn't get nearly the medals I did (I got twelve; he got 8). Even then, I got nothing for that extra 123k damage prevention. He got even less for the extreme amount of work he put into that match.


The exponential scale is nonsense and needs to be modified. In addition, you shouldn't run out of "role" medals, there should be a reason to continue going. I stop using guard after 50k unless I am guarding a player carrying a ball -or- have a healer I trust. If I keep "tanking" I just die and can't get the other medals. The first two tank medals are laughable. The healing and dps medals scale horribly. Medpacs can be used to get two of the healing medals (lol!). The kill count medals are flawed because you have to "tag" players. The defense medal is broken on Voidstar. The single heal / hit medals don't count overheal or overkill. (When your hardest hitter is an execute ability, that really sucks when you get the damage but it doesn't count because the player only had 2.3k hp; the same is true when you get a lucky heal crit and the player HP buffer was just short of you actually getting it). There aren't offensive medals. (Seriously!?) The list goes on.


The system needs an overhaul.

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The point is, we shouldn't have to tag players. I know as a bodyguard Merc, my resources are better spent else where (DPSing is expensive, and it builds our heat quickly for little results). And no, it's not because I want to pad meters. In fact, if this were about padding meters and being a medal-whore, I would DPS and try to get killing blows instead of healing my team mates and sucking up my 3 or 4 medals. I only want to be as equally rewarded for what I'm spec'd to do, just like everyone else.



More medal options.

Please & Thank you.


You said it best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just respeced as a healer and I went from getting 5-6 medals per game every game to a maximum of 4 if I am lucky.


I am consistently #1 healing. The number one DPS people usually have 6-7 medals!



These are the only medals I get.

2.5k Heals

75k Healing

10/20 kills


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I'm a 50 sage healer


Sorry, but I stopped reading right here. I see sages and sorcerers near the top damage and healing dealt at the same time.....and not just once in a blue moon. This is something that happens consistently. It's not at all uncommon to see a sorc/sage with 250k damage dealt and 150k healing. How is that balanced?


Have you considered the possibility that it is extremely easy to earn medals with your class compared to others? Why don't you try another healing class and see how it goes, eh?

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