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PVP is Ridiculous


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So people who show better co-ordination, organisations and strategies are to be considered lame? Personally, I enjoy the challenge of re-oganising a team of PUGs to beat a coordinated team. Sorry, but if you don't like your opponents, you leave and queue again.


So you spend 90% of the time typing commands in chat during a WZ to get everyone on the same page? give me a break


your a group runner and EZ mode is the way you like to play.


If you think it is alright for an organized group (with communication Ts/Vent, knows what the others in his group will do, has a role for each person in that group and has a balanced class group) should go up against a bunch of people who don't know or cant understand what the rest of the PUG will/is doing is fair then you cant understand what fair means or just need to win at all costs.


Grow some hair and advocate Pm's Vs Pm's and pugs Vs pugs.

Edited by GothicSaint
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A lot of people scared they are going to lose their easy mode/only chance at winning here.

If you were any kind of pvper with a pair you would want to be facing other teams as a team. Otherwise what's the point of pvp. People are so good at lying to themselves.



I'd say just leave...

But because people can leave and rejoin it makes things suck for the premade(Sure you don't care). As soon as people see it's a premade people just leave causing the opposing team to never even be full.


If you never face an actual team you didn't really accomplish anything.

I know some people just like to see the word victory whether they actually did anything or not..I am not that good at lying to myself.

It's getting stupid.



And though the people in most premades might like to think they are winning because they are just so awesomely skilled and would win every game even without their group...

There is how you want things to be in your head..and how they actually play out in the world.


Premades win due to a lot of factors...that don't matter.

What matters is they win.

And a random grouping of random players at random levels is never going to have a real chance against one.



What's needs to happen is you need to be able to make a FULL team and queue against other teams in a separate queue.


Pvp has no purpose without even teams anyway.


It's far too random now to be meaningful.

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Stop QQing about something that has nothing to do with the game mechanics. Get good and join a PvP guild... srsly mate?
It has nothing to do with being good, you can be the best and still get pwned by a premade. They should just not allow players to enter warzones as a group.
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Any group above 2 should be matched with its same kind. it does work well in other games, there are even ladders for it - so I think BW should look into it.


If I play with friends I want a match against equal geared and skilled people, thats not possible right now. But also if I queue alone I dont want to run into a pvp guild team - its no fun.

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If premades always played against premades, it would take literally hours to queue on some servers. My server has ONE Empire premade, so it would take my guild basically until primetime to actually get a match.


It should prefer to match premades against other premades, but it shouldn't wait more than 10 minutes. This is how it curently matches players by level. It tries to match you by level, but if it can't then it just matches whoever.


This is how I suggest they handle premades: to queue you need to have 4 players in a group or 8 (4 is the requirement I believe anyway but havent tested this). that way you dont get odd numbers that need to be filled nor will you get leavers because of imbalanced teams. now watch as the level 50s premades struggle as much as solo queued for a win.


btw I CAN NOT BELIEVE they allow premades to match up against non-premades without some form of auto balancing. as there are gear rewards the PvP matches are bound to be filled with turds who play with same for gear, disregarding fair matchups .

Edited by eldrjth
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Stop QQing about something that has nothing to do with the game mechanics. Get good and join a PvP guild... srsly mate?


fmd. what about the casuals who want to try out PvP? those that level up in PvE til 50 and want to mix gear with easily attainable PvP crap? they have non-optimised skill setups and are at a disadv in PvP already but now have to contend with item grabbing group fk'ers.

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I queue solo all the time.. I really enjoy getting sandwiched in a WZ with 2 guild premades going against each other..


I play that X factor, and while the guilds are so busy countering each other I come from behind and tip the scales a bit..


Usually the enemy guild knows me quite well by the end of the game..


Don't let a bunch of the same guild tags scare you.. Just give them a good run and play to win.. Even if it's just you.. Cause enough trouble and it will take all of them to look out for you.. Especially in the Alderran civil war map (turrets).. :-)

Edited by Vyeth
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So people who show better co-ordination, organisations and strategies are to be considered lame? Personally, I enjoy the challenge of re-oganising a team of PUGs to beat a coordinated team. Sorry, but if you don't like your opponents, you leave and queue again.


No sir. These are people who took time off from work/ school and zerged to level 50 and immediately started grinding pvp gear so they could dominate their server/ bracket/ queue/ whatever. It wouldn't be an issue in an older game where things were more balanced out but these min/ maxers are unstoppable/ unbeatable in their current form, by anything else but another premade who did the same thing. The way the current system is: Gear > skill. I could be the most terrible player on the planet and I could not drag down many multiples of teams all day/ night long. Coordinated premades who already have full pvp sets are dominating the system, further widening the gap between the haves and have nots.


It's the equivalent of having the entire enemy team camping your graveyard and teabagging you all match long. Except in this game they cap all objectives and then camp the drop-down point and farm the "noobs" for medals. Noobs being the 50's who have jobs and families and whatnot who don't have a full pvp set yet or a pvp guild.

Edited by Vetorept
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Oh no OP, are you mad that the people who ORGANIZE, and spend TIME, and expend EFFORT, are getting better results than you? Sorry kiddo, I am all AGAINST casualisation of a game, go play barbies or something if you don't like competition. I LOVE beating down noobs, that being said, I have not ever gone as a pre-made, but I have faced off against them. The fact that there can never be a full pre-made (groups of four only) should be enough to appease you. QUIT TRYING TO BRING OTHERS DOWN TO YOUR LEVEL. Edited by DarthMikael
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No sir. These are people who took time off from work/ school and zerged to level 50 and immediately started grinding pvp gear so they could dominate their server/ bracket/ queue/ whatever. It wouldn't be an issue in an older game where things were more balanced out but these min/ maxers are unstoppable/ unbeatable in their current form, by anything else but another premade who did the same thing. The way the current system is: Gear > skill. I could be the most terrible player on the planet and I could not drag down many multiples of teams all day/ night long. Coordinated premades who already have full pvp sets are dominating the system, further widening the gap between the haves and have nots.


It's the equivalent of having the entire enemy team camping your graveyard and teabagging you all match long. Except in this game they cap all objectives and then camp the drop-down point and farm the "noobs" for medals. Noobs being the 50's who have jobs and families and whatnot who don't have a full pvp set yet or a pvp guild.


So because someone spent all that time, they should be punished by your lack of effort? Sounds like the system is working for me.

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TBH I don't have a big problem with the premade groups where I have an issue is with lv 50 with expertise gear queuing up with lv 10-49. They need their own bracket yesterday not "sometime in the month of January" as BW has stated.


When 4 people can pound on one of theses 50's with expertise gear and accomplish next to nothing there is something seriously BROKEN in the system and it's called EXPERTISE GEAR.


Separate the levels NOW and then we'll talk about further balancing but that is the #1 issue atm.

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..I LOVE beating down noobs, that being said, I have not ever gone as a pre-made, but I have faced off against them. The fact that there can never be a full pre-made (groups of four only) should be enough to appease you. QUIT TRYING TO BRING OTHERS DOWN TO YOUR LEVEL.


its about leveling the playing field so that skill factors into the equation. its frustrating being grouped with players still at levels 10-20 when the opposite team have "spent time" organising 4 level 40-50 players. In fact, I was working under the assumption that there would an auto-balancer considering the likelihood of loopsided encouters if there werent.


you bring the level of pvp 'skill' down not up to my level. :D

Edited by eldrjth
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That is the answer to alot of these "I am madbro" threads ^^


Guess what though?


No one will listen, and say the game is fail, and that Bioware did this to them, and that PvP is broken, and that Pre-mades aka friends or guilds should not be able to team up and go in a PvP match and have fun.


Nope them facts get ignored and people will continue to gripe and gripe and gripe gripe and...







There's not problem with people "playing with friends" ( i.e farming lowbie PUGs). Just make those kinds of people play each other. Fixed.

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What? I have to play against players in and online game that might be better than me?!


As someone who have played semi pro in COD4 turnaments a game that requires

about 100 times more skills then any MMO ever will,i can tell you we had names for players who was going public to show off as as a team. They are called low. Low as in low. To go public as a pre made and beliving one is awesome against random players is only patetic nothing more.


Anyways i'm sure we will get some pre made que soner or later.8vs8 that is

that can only be for privat matches.

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pvp has no matchmaker at all

there is no balance, look carefully at your team if you roflstop other team, are all people like level 50 ? because thats where everything lies.


currently you get a team of 10-15lvl people against 44-50. and those 10-15 are all solo, and those 44-50 are premades. there's just no balance at all >.>

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See, all you people saying "play with premades yourself" really don't realise how much of a server imbalance there is.


It's very difficult to find competent PvP players Republic side as most have been scared off by getting farmed. Even at this time of day on the most populated US server, Imps have 5 full 50, extremely well geared premades running, there's only 12 level 50 Republic online at the moment and only 3 of them PvP.

Edited by Beelzebubs
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The problem with putting you with other solos is that the party size is only 4. If a premade ques and then it matches them with another premade, you still have 4 other spots to fill which could go to 4 solos. Removing premade is the most stupid idea I've ever heard, though. Why are you complaining that you can't beat a 4-man-try-hard premade by yourself? Be better or counter it with your own premade.
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The problem with putting you with other solos is that the party size is only 4. If a premade ques and then it matches them with another premade, you still have 4 other spots to fill which could go to 4 solos. Removing premade is the most stupid idea I've ever heard, though. Why are you complaining that you can't beat a 4-man-try-hard premade by yourself? Be better or counter it with your own premade.


Even with your own premade, it's still 90% of the time going to be 4-5 Republic 50's and 9-10 Imperial 50's all with excellent gear as they have been farming republic lowbies for weeks.


Hell as I said, there are currently 5 Imp premades running, there's now 4 level 50's who PvP online, because of this we've been getting 2 premade groups in most matches the last 2 hours. fighting 10 level 50's with only 1-2 on your side is a bit stupid.

Edited by Beelzebubs
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Oh no OP, are you mad that the people who ORGANIZE, and spend TIME, and expend EFFORT, are getting better results than you? Sorry kiddo, I am all AGAINST casualisation of a game, go play barbies or something if you don't like competition. I LOVE beating down noobs, that being said, I have not ever gone as a pre-made, but I have faced off against them. The fact that there can never be a full pre-made (groups of four only) should be enough to appease you. QUIT TRYING TO BRING OTHERS DOWN TO YOUR LEVEL.


I LOVE beating down noobs and your signature.....i rest my case.

Edited by Alexdaphnis
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A lot of these (legit) complaints will die down once the 50s-only bracket is implemented.


PvE players are allowed to form premade groups to tackle content.


Why so much hate against premade PvP groups?


People want to play with their friends! Why is that such a crime?!

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I realized that SWTOR's end game is not for everyone. It is for those with the best gear, premade groups and of course allot of time. Everyone else is cannon fodder. It was not something you could just log into every now and then and have some fun. In essence, it is not made for the more casual player.


Bioware does not seem to register that this is a problem either, it looks like they expect for everyone to just keep playing and work it out sooner or later.

Edited by scottmana
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