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Patch 1.1 May make me resub to game(Is it coming this Tuesday?)


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Waste of time/effort.


No point too add group PVE content until they offer a real LFG tool.

15 year old chat spam method is not acceptable.


Its a raid. I can understand a LFG tool, but raiding should be something cherished and held to a higher standard. The LFR tool in wow has been met with fierce opposition and still is

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Waste of time/effort.


No point too add group PVE content until they offer a real LFG tool.

15 year old chat spam method is not acceptable.


They do have a real LFG tool. It's called guild chat. It's worked great for me ever since early access.

Edited by Penguinman
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Wow, patch 1.1 looks amazing and maybe enough to save the game for further work to come. Will it be released this coming Tuesday?



I have cancelled my account but I am willing to resub because of 2 two things.


1) Biowares head tech rep has personally contacted me and gave me his Cell Number now thats outstanding customer service.


2) Patch 1.1



WoW... Very impressed Biowares! Blizzard never had this good of customer service or turn around time of problems!





Kids have no patience.


Your making yourself look like one

Edited by sithlordcip
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Waste of time/effort.


No point too add group PVE content until they offer a real LFG tool.

15 year old chat spam method is not acceptable.


Your opinion is totally fact, how DARE bioware add content and fix bugs, the thing that people have been bringing up for over a week. They should only cater to the WoW kiddies and the fact that they dont wanna be forced to type!


Just click a que and take a nap in town amiright?

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I personally hate WoW's LFG options. Sure you find groups fast but what community is there? 99% of the time you are grouped with people outside your server. Sure you get to play the content but this is not enhancing anyones MMO world experience. It should be restricted to servers alone.
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I personally hate WoW's LFG options. Sure you find groups fast but what community is there? 99% of the time you are grouped with people outside your server. Sure you get to play the content but this is not enhancing anyones MMO world experience. It should be restricted to servers alone.


That's what most people here are wanting, is a server LFG tool not cross-server from what I have seen... just something. To many people will LFG for a hour or so then move on to another zone, but would obviously be willing to go back if a group formed. I get sick of standing around for no reason spamming chat every 5 minutes, and not being able to accomplish anything else if I want to do a specific dungeon. Guilds and friends list helps a little, but the problem is most in guilds are not going to go back in progression to help you out(except for the few, and I don't expect them to either).


IF you play DPS, you wait basically for a very long time normally. And the "Reroll" comments wont help, I should not have to reroll to a healer or tanks to play as that defeats the purpose of choices.

Edited by MaGicBush
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Kids have no patience.


Your making yourself look like one


I'm 41 and because I decided I deserve value & service for my money I'm acting and looking like a child? Nope!


Just standing up for what is right... Been screwed around by too many past companies is all and now my patience is lacking in the trust department!

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I bet the people complaining they cant find a group dont even turn on their LFG toggle and put a comment in it. When I form a group the first thing I do is search for LFG people.


Group making isnt hard. Sitting around waiting for a group to happen isnt the answer.

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There's nothing interesting in 1.1... why are you so impressed?


I bet you wanted a brand new game in just on patch didnt you?


With even a xpac and about 20 new flashpoints, 10 operations, new tier sets, 25 more planets(heh its a damn galaxy not a solar system) and many more.


They do improvements to the game and thats good enough. Fixing a bug can create more bugs on the way its like a domino and each time a bug is fixed they have to make sure they wont create more. So far each week was a more or less improvement of the game and thats good.

Edited by Phenyr
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This must be a priority! Don't fix anything else before we have this feature of utmost importance up and running!


Best way to deal with Gungan is add him to your ignore list, like most folks have. He only drops into threads to bash the game.

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Actually he is right, there was this one time i was on at 5 am and I was spamming for a heroic but noone came to help....


BW needs to fix it or im unsubbing


seriously, if BW doesn't make players get online at 5am to join a group with me. I'm going to quit this game.

Edited by Shaudellx
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Patch 1.1 could contain every fix known to man, and people will still look for something to complain about.


I truly cant wait until the 21st. Funny though, even the non-subscribers will still be in the forum, trolling; trying to find someone to pay attention to them.



Patch 1.1 is a step in the right direction.

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Actually he is right, there was this one time i was on at 5 am and I was spamming for a heroic but noone came to help....


BW needs to fix it or im unsubbing


Most normal people at 5am are either sleeping, or getting ready for work/school.

Edited by MattieP
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Sure I'd be fine with no LFG tool, if servers were populous and we had a central gathering point where everyone went to craft, trade, and store their stuff.


Yes I don't care analogies follow:



WoW had Ironforge and Orgrimar. Places that people went to use the Auction house, the bank, the trade instructors and such. They went there to meet other people, look for groups and que for the battle grounds. They did this before the LFG tool and it was pretty effective. Since there was a decent amount of people on a server and if they weren't actively leveling they usually hung out in those places.



now in TOR, there is no reason to go to the Imperial Republic fleet, no reason to go back to Dormund Kass or Corascant. People hang out in their own instanced ship. They talk to guild folks and ignore everyone else. It's either you run into people while leveling that want to do something or you move on.



There is 0 community in this game. I don't know who the big guilds are, I don't know who the hardcore guilds are, who the warzone elites are. Nobody knows who the scrub guilds are the terrible players. Only the vocal trolls.


There is no server forums to gather and talk with your server. Nowhere to go to find out what guilds are on your server. Nowhere to go look for guilds that even raid, let alone in your preferred time.


There isn't anything in this game. No place to go to see people advertise their guild, no place to go to sell things or meet up. This game is a barren wasteland of an MMO. There is no community and no economy and no nothing that involves other people.



Remind me again why people will keep paying after they're done with the story line?

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So stuff you'll be waiting 3 hours for a group to do... gonna take more than that.


Its a step in the right direction though regardless. Thats a big list of fixs and many of those are complaints in the forums you see daily.


So if you dont think its a good step and that people shouldn't be happy I suggest you just go on about your business in a different game where the first big patch they fix the entire game in one go.


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