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I am lvl 45 and concerned about this game..


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The answer is this. Once you hit 50 you should go through a process of running various dungeons and crafting and whatver else to get good gear to allow you to enter the end game raids. These raids should take all but the most dedicated guilds a few months to conquer. By then there is a new patch (not expansion) offering a few more raids. And so on until the next expansion.


If the game fails in the above then you have to take desperate measures. First you level another character typically something different to your other character. The game has to help here by providing enough depth (zones) to keep you interested. SWTOR of course fails since from level 10 you will be doing the exact same zones again.


You can also cancel your sub and wait until the next patch. I have done this many times during past 8 years with WOW and in the meantime you try other games.

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My Operative is lvl34 and I am already starting to get bored.. I beat act 1 on this character and I am having a hard time caring about act 2.. I would normally pvp to lvl cap but pvp in this game is seriously lacking and the combat animation/delay issues do not help.. I bought the game and a 2 month game card and I dont see myself lasting even that long... The space combat just gets boring and after doing it a few times I dont care to do it anymore.


So the story got boring, pvp is a joke and the space combat is lame.. The rest = (spacebar) (spacebar) (spacebar) kill/gather/destory (number amount) (people, objects)

Edited by Manakar
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Yes...but End Game is my concern here..


And it's a valid concern, but I don't think you can say anything for sure about it at this stage. It's still early days. I think it's usually at the 3 month mark when people in your position get so pisssed off that they leave in droves unless there's a decent-sized injection of new endgame content.


I didn't play WoW at launch, but I've seen people say the endgame content in this game is comparable. Obviously people who rush to 50 and run endgame stuff are only part of the playerbase, and BW have to prioritize what they do to cater to the whole playerbase in proportion.


So it all depends on what BW have in the pipeline now for the next few months.

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You must have been in a very good guild. My guilld with 250 members, could not even get the required 40 , we had tp borrow from other guilds. No LFR those days. And it was tough, very very hard.


Yes, I was in a great guild - we were one of the first guilds in the world to walk into MC and start downing bosses...


But that just goes to show you that if it took guilds that were really really good 1-2 months to complete MC (And after that 1-2 months we still had to keep running it to gear people and then they released BWL that took even longer than MC) then it took guilds not quite as good even longer...


What I am saying is that there was end-game content that took a long time to do - SWTOR does not have this and that is why people at 50 seem to be leaving in droves (At least on my server...)

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OK, while I do understand that it is fun accomplishing a goal which is to get to 50 and then going after the awesome gear. What really comes after that? I can only WZ so much and my server hardly has any republic to make Ilum worth while...



If Ilum could be a potential endgame for you why on earth are you here complaining just a few weeks after launch? It could be months before that zone starts to fill.


It was exactly the same in Lotro's equivalent lvl 40+ pvp zone, the Ettenmoors - this was dead for at least a few months after launch, then started to get very busy for years afterwards.

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Yes, I was in a great guild - we were one of the first guilds in the world to walk into MC and start downing bosses...


But that just goes to show you that if it took guilds that were really really good 1-2 months to complete MC (And after that 1-2 months we still had to keep running it to gear people and then they released BWL that took even longer than MC) then it took guilds not quite as good even longer...


What I am saying is that there was end-game content that took a long time to do - SWTOR does not have this and that is why people at 50 seem to be leaving in droves (At least on my server...)




I think this is what people don't understand. There was a time commitment at launch that kept people busy so they weren't clamoring for new content. I would venture a guess (no data just a guess) that by the time BWL came out most guilds hadn't even finished MC. That keeps people busy and lessens the griping about lack of content.

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From what I gather you can essentially bypass heroic mode flashpoints entirely by PvPing.


Assuming this is correct, let's look at this for a moment.


PvP has a built in queue system that places you in the warzone. This is in contrast to PvE where you are required to "interact" by spamming global channels. This makes PvP a quicker system.


If PvP gear outpaces PvE gear in PvE content then ownership of that PvP gear is a gatekeeper for even doing that PvE content or, most likely, moving beyond into more difficult content. Regardless of whether you implement addons or not players will set gear standards, and will enforce them.


Essentially, if what I have read is correct, PvP gear will be required for doing heroic flashpoints that drop lesser gear and will be easier and quicker to acquire then the gear that drops from those heroic flashpoint bosses.


On top of that it's likely that as time goes on players will expect their groupmates to have acquired PvP gear because it is better then anything up to and including heroic flashpoint gear. This will force PvE players, some of whom may not like PvP, to.... PvP to stay competitive.


So, what exactly is the point of the heroic flashpoint then?

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SWTOR is about the JOURNEY between level 1 and level 50, NOT getting to level 50.



I think you are correct there. Even though it's the part I really don't like about this game (I really don't care at all for RPG "just give me the quest and shut your mouth about the reasons"), you do have a point. This game was made mostly because of its storyline amd the adventure that it brings. After all, the number of people who play WoW because of its storyline is probably the size of a dot compared to the number of people who play SWTOR because of its story (a saga that spans 30 years touching many different generations kinda helps).


I think this is just a different mmo. Yeah, you have quests to do, levels to achieve, PVP, Dungeons, (one has to keep a certain standard to be competitive), but there is a lot more RPG going on than some other games (WoW? lol. When was last time you needed to read a quest to accomplish or learn something in WoW.. 2004/05 maybe?).

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The dead end is a symptom of the level based design. The fact is that level based game design have a planned obsolescence. Its why games like Ultima Online and SWG have staying power after years, but people get bored of the endgame gear grind in World of Warcraft and leave.


Why developers think its fun to run the same high end crap over and over again chasing after a piece of ugly gear escapes me...and I played WoW for 7 years. I finally got bored and unsubscribed last year. I have no desire to grind for gear anymore in WoW, or in this game for that matter.


Why do developers think people want to run the same high end crap over and over again chasing after a piece of ugly gear?


I played WoW for 7 years.



Seems like it worked out for them.

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The dead end is a symptom of the level based design. The fact is that level based game design have a planned obsolescence. Its why games like Ultima Online and SWG have staying power after years, but people get bored of the endgame gear grind in World of Warcraft and leave.


Why developers think its fun to run the same high end crap over and over again chasing after a piece of ugly gear escapes me...and I played WoW for 7 years. I finally got bored and unsubscribed last year. I have no desire to grind for gear anymore in WoW, or in this game for that matter.


What he said!


Entertain me for a month or 2 but I'll be looking for something new soon. Just don't have the patience to grind for gear or bring every class up to lvl cap. Especially since the legacy thing is still UNDEFINED!

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Play DC universe and you know what OP mean.


Seriously, this game is almost close to a direct copy of DC universe.


Especially flashpoints can be done in raid of 8 or 4 in various modes.


PVP is the same, it feel like huttball.



so DC universe add themed flashpoint-like dungeon every so often. You expect bioware can add something new?


Nothing innovative so far, i don't expect them to be any innovative in future.


DC universe have voice dialog for story-line too.

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rerolling for a new story,


I'm sorry, but when people say there's a lack of stuff to do right now all I can think about is what a daunting task it would be to complete all of that. Game on, I say.


sorry, but rerolling is definitely not end game content lol

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SWTOR does not have an end game and I don't think it ever will. Remember that Bioware has been working on this for years, if they don't have it now it's by design. It's way too late to change. I think it was a mistake to make SWTOR an mmo.


I only interact with other players to get "heroics" over with. The only interesting part is the story, the rest is a chore. I would love to go through the whole game without doing any "heroics" or side quests but unfortunately you can't level enough to do the storyline without them.


You can roll 1 Imperial and 1 republic character and that's about it because who wants to do all those side quests all over again?


Therefore I think.....


Story is over, game is over.

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