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Are high res out of the game because of the PC heat issues?


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I have not been monitoring the temps because I have the system set to alert me if it breaches my 100C threshold, and I know my cooling solution will never let it reach that. The problem is indeed fan noise, and I don't feel like replacing my cooling solution with an even quieter one just because one game pushes the GPU temp up that high, I'd like Bioware to optimise things better.



I'm just tired of seeing you talking down to people so much, someone needs to put you in your place. You probably don't even realise how patronising you're being, makes me feel embarrassed to be a "tech-head" when I see my fellows acting like that (and it's common).


Feels bad to be talked down to the way I talked to you, doesn't it. Take note, because now you know how others feel when you talk to them like they're idiots.



Even if my comp survives playing SWtor because i have good cooling, i EXPECT it to run better, and be better optimized. Who knows how many people with lesser cooling (and there are TONS of them) will react if the high res textures not yet released, makes their PC blow up?


I would be angry if I played angry birds on my PC, and it taxed my PC more then BF 3.

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Running on highest, no v sync, 28 degrees was the max it got last night, with the heater in my room running. Played for 5 hours windowing down only 2-3 times.


Theres something wrong if you're hitting that high >< Fans must be really weak or something.


Oh and thats with my Ultra Kaze unplugged because its so loud.

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I forgot to mention that this is with Vsync turned off. turn it off, and check again. tons of people are reporting swtor heat problems around the net.


They probably don't cap MAX FPS - during cut scenes it gets ultra-high and this causes heat issues. Beefier your rig, higher MAX you get more heat it produces.


My advice - turn off all OC, your system will have enough reserve to handle heat spikes.

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They probably don't cap MAX FPS - during cut scenes it gets ultra-high and this causes heat issues. Beefier your rig, higher MAX you get more heat it produces.


My advice - turn off all OC, your system will have enough reserve to handle heat spikes.


Yep, and its why they should simply add a option for FPS limiter in the game for those who gets issues with vsync.

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I dont have issues with Furmark either, and SWtor doesnt kill my comp, but SWtor heats my comp up much much more then other more graphic intense games or mmos like skyrim, BF 3, Rift, Age of conan, crysis etc. THIS is the problem, its badly optimized.


Well, obviously the engine isn't optimized well. I don't think anyone is disputing that. I still don't see how anyone is drawing the conclusion that they removed the high-res textures due to heating issues. So what if your machine heats up a bit? Unless it was poorly designed, there's no problem. (And again, nobody is using high-res textures for more than a second anyway.)

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......Do you think everyone run on an expensive alienware comp made only for gaming?.. I have a pretty good rig as well, with very good cooling, and my only prob with SWtor is that it makes my comp heat up a lot more compared to other more intense games. but my comp still remains cool enough.


BUT, the problem is this:


The majority play on normal comps with much worse cooling then alienware/special built comps = the majority gets the heat issues.




You are missing the point and taking this out of context. The point being that not everyone shares the issue which means the problem lies in the variable which is our machines. Think of this logically, the game is software and we all have different software on our PC's. Many have similar hardware yet some people with the same hardware don't have the issues others are experiencing which leaves only software as the issue, presuming your hardware is in good shape. Being that the only remaining issue is software and some people run the game just fine you can rule the game out. This means the game isn't interacting well with other software you have. Now you can wait for Bioware to try and optimize the game to be more compatible with the software that a million and a half users have on their PC's or you can work on figuring out what software on your machine is the trouble. Most time it's your drivers and it doesn't have to be your video driver nor do your drivers have to be up to date. Many times new drivers are the issue and legacy drivers may work better.


I'm not saying that Bioware isn't the issue, I'm saying that the game has issues with something on your PC. You will likely solve the problem before Bioware can.


Besides all this what are you considering hot. I called the Nvidia and asked them how hot is too hot for their card and I don't recall the answer but it was pretty high.

Edited by Knellict
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Running on highest, no v sync, 28 degrees was the max it got last night, with the heater in my room running. Played for 5 hours windowing down only 2-3 times.


Theres something wrong if you're hitting that high >< Fans must be really weak or something.


Oh and thats with my Ultra Kaze unplugged because its so loud.


See we know your lying because its not possibly (Just short of submerging your PC in liquid) to have your GPU/CPU run at 28C - I'd be willing to bet your idle temp is around 45-55C...

Edited by Trevalon
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See we know your lying because its not possibly (Just short of submerging your PC in liquid) to have your GPU/CPU run at 28C - thats just a bold face lie.




Is that why I idle at 24..?

My old pos dusty 2004 built comp ran at around 85f so I don't understand how its a stretch.

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Dude, if you have a rig like that it wasn't TOR that blew out anything. There are literally millions of us with rigs that don't have that kind of cooling and it's running in normal ranges for us. I have not seen one substantiated case of anything different. As far as I can tell, this whole rumor of "heat issues" is just that: a completely baseless rumor.


In any case, a game isn't going to blow out your PSU. Ever. You've got no right to call others "un-knowledgable" after spouting that kind of nonsense.


Nothing more annoying than those people rebuking a post for saying something,,,,,,,,,,,,THEY NEVER SAID............I said it seemed a funny coincidance and I couldn't be sure it was ToR that caused it...............Learn to read. Ironic you commented on my statement call people unknowledgable, and yet your reading comprehension is at a public school level...........

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Don't try and argue with this guy. He doesn't have a clue about pc's and that's obvious, and further more won't take a hint.


If your laptop/notebook is overheating get the makers it's their fault. Even if this game is some how managing to stress your system to 100% by all rights you temps should stay in range if they don't you got poor cooling. Laptops are known for this. This is no secret if you're gaming on a laptop then you should've did some research before you bought it and check the cooling on it.


Sure the engine could use some tweaking, but if your'e having issues how about um turning down settings.. That's why their in the game for. Everybody has different hardware/software that could cause potential issues, if you decide you want to play max even though your computer is over heating because of it that is your own fault.

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oh look, someone who has no idea what hes talking about.

the guy was talking about running the game at a high res. if you're running a 3 and a half year old pc, and the only new part you have is a gpu, then there is no way you are running the game at 1920x1080 or higher res that the guy is referring to.


I have a 4 year old machine and I run it in 1920x1080. It runs like crap. PvP is almost unplayable and I run at about 10 FPS or less at the Imperial Fleet, but it runs.

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I have no heat issues, then again my cpu is watercooled, but my GPU runs cool too.


The thing with swtor is if you have a gpu from 2-3 years ago it will max it out mostlikely on a decent amount of places which will ramp up the heat. Any modern game will do that though.

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Heat issues are NOT caused by any game. They are caused by poor cooling.


You can easily use programs like Furmark to max out your GPU's load for extended periods to test your cooling system. This is more than any game could possibly do in a real-world application. If you do this and have acceptable temps, you should be fine since you should have the same or lower temps in SWTOR.


Check your ventilation, thermal compounds/pads, and fan speed.




You should be testing your GPU and CPU under max loads to see what your temperature is at. You can put them underload more than any game will demand. If your temperatures don't remain good with those tests, then you need to underclock or get a better cooling setup.

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I have no heat issues, then again my cpu is watercooled, but my GPU runs cool too.


The thing with swtor is if you have a gpu from 2-3 years ago it will max it out mostlikely on a decent amount of places which will ramp up the heat. Any modern game will do that though.


Even Heroes of Newerth maxed out my old comp upon even opening the program, yet that comp could play swtor at 15ish fps without getting "too" hot. Even raised to like 25 average when I pointed a Ground fan right into an open side of the case.

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My PC specifications are;


CPU: i7 860 @ 2.8 GHZ

RAM: 8GB G.Skill Ripjaw @ 1333 MHZ



This game looks far less demanding to the eye than other games I play.


Battlefield 3

Crysis 2



All look a lot better in quality and all of these games load a lot of environment, utilizing the GRAM.

Able to max out Battlefield 3 and Crysis 2 on max settings without AA, but on 1920x1080 having AA on is not really noticeable in fast paced game-play. Max out all the settings in Skyrim, as well as AA.


But I have never heard my fan so loud as with SWTOR, the 5870 is being pushed to the limit. Only other time it made this much noise is in 3D Mark 11 and AtiTool.

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Maybe try to play the game at maxed settings and turn Vsync off :)


I bet my own *** that your laptop will begin to cpu throttle and heat up A LOT within 10 mins...


Even people with cpu heatsinks are reporting these problems mate, and again, my cooling IS good :) I play Skyrim at absolute maxed graphics with 50-60 celsius tops after a long game session.

Your laptop will prolly hit 100+ celsius when you try what i said.


I play the game at maxed settings and with v-sync off @1920 x 1080 and do not have any heat issues at all. So your assertion goes out the window. Do some people have the issue? Yes. Does everyone have the issue under the same circumstnces you claim cause the issue? No. So it means there is another underlying issue.


So you might want to hold off on betting your own *** on unsure things.


The game is highly unoptimized though.


Edit: And where exactly do you find morons who don't have heatsinks on their cpu? Their comps wouldn't last long enough to post.

Edited by Zorvan
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I have not been monitoring the temps because I have the system set to alert me if it breaches my 100C threshold, and I know my cooling solution will never let it reach that. The problem is indeed fan noise, and I don't feel like replacing my cooling solution with an even quieter one just because one game pushes the GPU temp up that high, I'd like Bioware to optimise things better.



I'm just tired of seeing you talking down to people so much, someone needs to put you in your place. You probably don't even realise how patronising you're being, makes me feel embarrassed to be a "tech-head" when I see my fellows acting like that (and it's common).


Feels bad to be talked down to the way I talked to you, doesn't it. Take note, because now you know how others feel when you talk to them like they're idiots.


You may find it patronising but if you are truly a techhead then you know that hes 100% correct. There is no denying that.


You dont need a masters in computer science to know these things. Its common sense for electronics and computers.


If there is pepole in this thread who truly had no idea how this really works then they are now better off as they have been informed. Whats there to be upset about?

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If your laptop/notebook is overheating get the makers it's their fault. Even if this game is some how managing to stress your system to 100% by all rights you temps should stay in range if they don't you got poor cooling. Laptops are known for this. This is no secret if you're gaming on a laptop then you should've did some research before you bought it and check the cooling on it.


Sure the engine could use some tweaking, but if your'e having issues how about um turning down settings.. That's why their in the game for. Everybody has different hardware/software that could cause potential issues, if you decide you want to play max even though your computer is over heating because of it that is your own fault.


There are tons of people reporting problems with stationary comps, i dont know where you get all the laptop stuff from. But yes, laptops overheat easily, and atm, SWtor has tons of issues on laptops compared to other games (lots of reports on notebookreview.com).


However, the issue that many are having, is how badly optimized the game is, and that it stresses the comp more than other, much better looking games like skyrim, BF 3, Rift, crysis and so on.

And with Vsync turned off, there is nothing that caps the FPS at 60 anymore, so it skyrockets and stress the PC 100%.

The game needs a FPS limiter for those who have issues with Vsync to reduce the gpu load and heat, and it needs to be better optimized.


Me myself do NOT have problems with my pc OVERheating, because i have very good cooling, but the game heats much MORE then OTHER more graphic intense games. The fact that my fans kick in and is more noisy in this game (which doesnt even have high res textures released yet), compared to Rift maxed, skyrim maxed, or BF 3 maxed, is what the real problem is.

But for those without selfbuilt cooling, it WILL be a problem.



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What OP says makes zero sense.


Heat and this game have no unique correlation. To back these claims would be agreeing to witchcraft.


The following is how heat is caused/works.


Heat is related to drain caused by load, minus what isn't dissipated. It is important to know that it is the drain that mainly causes it. Voltage maintains the stability but Amperage causes the heat as both directly affect resistance / loss. Fact is undervolting can cause more heat as well due to the increase in amperage


This means that this game has as much relation to heat as the clock widget on your desktop. To say hi rez textures aren't being allowed is due to heat is the same as saying "I can't run two skyrims due to heat problems"


It is nonsensical and is simply because your machine can't handle it, not that it generates to much heat. Computers have 0-100% load. There is no magical extra heat caused by certain applications above max 100% load(some programs are better at the strain but this is moot as it means they are closer to 100%)


So if your computer can't handle functioning under load, that is your problem not there's.







I7-2600k @5ghz 50xmulti 1.4v 1.7pll 53degree's under 8 hours of Prime95 max memory usage. 16gig 2200mhz ddr3. 2x revodrive 3 x2 striped 6gb/s sequential. 3x Gtx580 1100mhz 3gig each, water block cooled.


I have no heat troubles and I am locked at my screens 120hz vsync. Though I wish the game didn't look like crap and can't wait till we bully them into allowing hi rez textures :)






EDIT: What no one has said and is far far more likely, is they where beyond wrong on advertised required and recommendatory settings. Which is really bad for them.

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See we know your lying because its not possibly (Just short of submerging your PC in liquid) to have your GPU/CPU run at 28C - I'd be willing to bet your idle temp is around 45-55C...


My CPU is air cooled (Noctua NH-D14) and can get down to 27C at idle...about 7-8 degrees warmer then room temperature.

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I play the game at maxed settings and with v-sync off @1920 x 1080 and do not have any heat issues at all. So your assertion goes out the window. Do some people have the issue? Yes. Does everyone have the issue under the same circumstnces you claim cause the issue? No. So it means there is another underlying issue.


So you might want to hold off on betting your own *** on unsure things.


The game is highly unoptimized though.


People with cooling sinks reporting problems does not have problems with OVERHEATING, but problems with SWtor causing much more heat then any other game. There's a difference between those two.

I have good cooling as well, and my comp doesnt overheat, but the fans kick in much more then in other more graphic intense games, which = badly optimized.

And with Vsync turned off, the fans kick in the most, because there is no built in FPS limiter, and constantly put 100% GPU stress. Most of the other games HAS a FPS limiter, while SWtor does not, which causes the problem to occur for more people.


That is the problem, along with a lot of people who doesnt spend their salary on cooling for their PC who actually does suffer from overheating in SWtor compared to other games.

And the majority of the casual players who play SWtor does in fact have crappy cooling in their Bestbuy comps.

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My CPU is air cooled (Noctua NH-D14) and can get down to 27C at idle...about 7-8 degrees warmer then room temperature.


Yeah this is definitely possible at idle on a desktop with air cooling. I can vouch for that. It will rise significantly under load. Modern CPU's have a lot of power saving features so that contributes as well as the cooling. They closk down a lot and/or shutoff cores to save power, and less power means less heat.

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My CPU is air cooled (Noctua NH-D14) and can get down to 27C at idle...about 7-8 degrees warmer then room temperature.


Completely reasonable.


My cores are idling at






Using a Silver Arrow 4 which is almost the same as the Noctua cooler and both are the highest end air cooling which beat out low-end water-cooling units. 2600k @ 4.8ghz maxes at 56 Playing Swtor.


My ambient is 20-21 Bouncing around to both when I check.


Keep in mind Skoobie, 98% of the forum are trolls or... well, you know.

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I have a i7-2600k overclocked to 4.5 Ghz. It has a Nocuta NH-D14 cooler on it.


I use a ATI 5870 card that is overclocked to 890/1290 or 900/1300. It is air cooled with the stock fan. I run at all high settings with the v-sync off. I run this with MSI Afterburner.


My case is a Corsair 650D, designed with positive air flow in mind. I have a 200mm front intake fan, 2 120mm top intake fans, and one 120mm exhaust fan.


I'm a temp freak, and run with CPUID Hardware manager on at all times, monitoring my temperatures.


My CPU never gets above 55c, and my GPU maxes out at 70c, but usually stays in the low 60's range.


This is pretty much the same whether I'm playing SWTOR, DA:O, Alice: Madness Returns, or Arkham City (without the DX11 that's bugged).


I have essentially the same set up 2X 120 Top fans 2x 200 Front Intake fans my CPU is being cooled by a Corsair H80 with 2x 120 fans in a push pull configuration and I have 2 intake fans on the side of my case. I have no issues with heat NONE. In fact during game play the air coming out the top of my case is quite cool and it's still very quiet.


Max CPU temp is never over 55 and my GPU temp is never over 70. If your going to play demanding, graphics intensive games for long periods you need to have optimum cooling on ALL your hardware components or you will see hardware failure. It doesn't matter if it SWTOR, Skyrim or what ever. If you play it to the Max you need to cool it to the max. Period.

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